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domenica 15 novembre 2009

TNA in Scranton, PA house show results 11/14

TNA in Scranton, PA house show results 11/14

Hey guys, just got back from the TNA house show at "The Ice Box" in Scranton and I have a few live notes for you.

Arena was as small as can be and was borderline empty. There were 500 people at the absolute most, 350 more likely. I work at an area radio station and if what was given to our station was any indication of what the rest of them got then the show was VERY heavily papered. In all honesty, I'd be shocked if over 100 people paid to attend. (Example: The "arena" is a youth hockey rink inside of a shopping complex. I got a parking space in the first row of cars next to the front door, roughly 20 feet away. I arrived ten minutes before showtime.)

The good news for TNA is that pretty much everyone who did bother to show up was very into the show. Sure there were some who didn't really know who the faces and heels were and there were some people by me who were cheering for Angelina Love during the Beautiful People's match, thinking she was out there, but by and large the vast majority of people in attendance were TNA fans and seemed to have a great time.

The show itself was almost a carbon copy of last night in New Jersey.

Sabin def. Suicide in an average opener. Sabin was over pretty well. Hamada def. Daffney in a sub par (for TNA) women's match. Daffney was far more over even though the crowd reacted to Hamada's attempts to play face. Generally, as my friend put it, this crowd is basing their reactions on the "who would I rather have sex with" scale. Eric Young cut a heel promo on the crowd making fun of the Phillies. Good in theory but Scranton is a huge Yankees market so it didn't totally work. THE POPE def. Eric Young. Young has a great early Owen Hart vibe going on that I'm down with. The Amazing Red def. Homicide to retain the X Division Championship. After intermission, Wilde & Sarita def. The Beautiful People to retain the Knockouts Tag Team Championships. In the main event, AJ Styles retained the TNA World Championship over Daniels and Samoa Joe in the best match of the night, though a criminally short one.

After the show they did the same bit as last night, bringing everyone out from the back to pose and charging 20 bucks for pictures in the ring with AJ Styles.

Overall it was a fun show and well worth the $0 I spent to attend. It certainly wasn't the blow away show that I've read other house shows of there's to be but that's to be expected in a very small venue with a limited roster on the night before a pay per view. I think everyone there would be willing to attend another TNA show if they came back to the area...and all things considered that has to be a plus for the company.

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