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mercoledì 13 febbraio 2013

WWE Smackdown spoilers from Little Rock!

Big Show came out complaining.  Del Rio later came out.  Show said Del Rio never pinned him to win the title and could never pin him.  Jericho then came out and said that he's known Show for 16 years.  Jericho said he knows what Show is thinking at all times.  Show said if that was the case he would know to stay away from him.  Jericho was out promoting Robot Wars on Syfy.  He then talked about when he and Show were tag team champions and that if Show beat Del Rio, it would be Show defending against him at WrestleMania.  Booker T came out and announced Show vs. Jericho as the main event tonight.
Mark Henry b Randy Orton via DQ for a chair shot.  Even after laying out Henry with several chair shots, Henry made his own back and hit the World's Strongest Slam on Orton.
Tamina Snuka b Layla with the splash off the top
Brodus Clay & Tensai b 3MB.  After the match, The Shield attacked Clay & Tensai and laid them out.  The Shield did a promo saying they were going to do the same thing to Cena & Ryback & Sheamus on Sunday.
Jack Swagger b Zack Ryder with the ankle lock.  Zeb Colter said that Ryder wasn't a real American either.
The Rock did a promo talking about C.M. Punk stealing the belt.  Punk & Heyman were on the screen.  Punk and Heyman said nobody stole anything, the only theft was at the Ryoal Rumble when Rock stole the title.  Punk said that Rock was going to beat himself on Sunday.
Damien Sandow came out (this may not be on TV) and went back-and-forth with Rock until Rock gave him a rock bottom and people's elbow. 
Big Show b Chris Jericho with the knockout punch.  Show and Del Rio had a staredown when it was over.

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