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venerdì 5 aprile 2013


Previously . . . on Impact . . . Bully Ray made Brooke Hogan hate him after betraying his new family. Hulk Hogan takes out his frustrations on Sting. Will Matt Morgan continue to criticize Hulk Hogan? What is next for AJ Styles? What will happen when Jeff Hardy faces Bully Ray next week for the World Title?
We are in Jonesboro, Arkansas and your announcers are Mike Tenay, Taz, and Todd Keneley.
Aces and Eights make their way to the ring. D’Lo is joined by Ken Anderson and Devon in the ring. Ken Anderson says that he has a special package and he tells AJ when he needed this company the most, what did they do to him? They turned their backs on him. Ken says that this cut is for him. He tells AJ that he hopes he makes the right decision.
Devon tells Bubba that the envelope he has is for Brooke. It will give a new meaning to changed relationship.
D’Lo says that he has his present, but that gift is not something that he gave. It was something he received. D’Lo shows us a letter he got from TNA World Headquarters. The letter contained his notice of termination from TNA. He says that with all of his years of hard work, he deserved more than a plain envelope. He did not get a phone call or meeting. He does not want anyone to text him or tweet him. He wants someone to tell him why he deserves to be fired. Who will confront him?
Kurt Angle’s music plays and he comes out and he tells D’Lo that he has something to say. He will say it to D’Lo’s face. He won’t do it by Twitter, Facebook, Social Media, or cell phone. He is going to get into the ring, look D’Lo in the eye and tell him what he has to say.
Angle takes D’Lo down and the members of Aces and Eights attack Angle. Members of the locker room make their way to the ring and we have a brawl.
Aces and Eight leave the ring and Angle stands tall with Eric Young, Samoa Joe, Joseph Park, and Magnus.
Joey Ryan sees Brooke in the locker room and he offers her a favor. Brooke says that she is still married.
Joey says that she has a need and he can fill it. She needs a referee for the Knockouts Match.
Brooke thinks it over and she tells him that he can take a lot of weight off her shoulders. Brooke tells Joey that he cannot touch the girls.
We go to commercial.
We are back and we see footage from last week when Taryn Terrell attacked Gail Kim in the back.
Match Number One: Gail Kim and Tara ( with Jessie Godderz) versus Taryn Terrell and Velvet Sky
Before the match, referee Joey Ryan checks the ladies and he gives Velvet a tap on the rear end. Tara attacks Velvet before the bell and Tara with a chop but Velvet with clotheslines. Velvet with a side head lock and Joey gives Velvet a massage. Gail tags in and Taryn wants to be tagged in.
Gail puts Joey between them and she tags in Tara. Taryn with a back slide and rollup but Joey does not make the count. Taryn with a double leg take down and jackknife cover but no count. Taryn with an arm bar.
Velvet tags in and they hit a double shoulder tackle and then they blow a kiss to Tara and hit a double elbow drop. Velvet makes the cover and Joey looks at the pigeons. Gail attacks Velvet from behind and Tara kicks Velvet and sends her into Gail’s boot. Gail tags in and she connects with a forearm and she gets Velvet on her shoulders and then she drops Velvet on the mat.
Gail with the cover and Joey only watches. Tara tags back in and she sends Velvet into the corner and connects with shoulders and chokes Velvet. Joey pulls Tara out of the corner and that pisses off Jessie and he takes off his shirt.
Tara hugs Jessie and then Velvet with a rollup but Joey does not make the count. Tara with a clothesline and then she goes for the shimmy moonsault but Joey distracts her and Tara misses.
Gail and Taryn tag in and Taryn with clotheslines and a back elbow. Taryn with a suplex and she goes up top and hits a cross body and she slams Gail’s head into the mat. Tara hits Taryn from behind and then Velvet with a drop kick that sends Tara to the floor.
Gail hits Velvet from behind and Gail starts to flirt with Joey. Gail pushes Joey and Joey likes what she is doing. Joey takes off his shirt and Taryn with an O’Connor Roll while Joey oils up. Gail reverses and rolls through and Joey makes a quick three count.
Winners: Gail Kim and Tara
After the match, Joey realizes that Gail toyed with his emotions. He returns to the ring and he tries to plead his case to Taryn and Velvet. Velvet flirts with Joey while Taryn connects with the low blow to Joey.
Bobby Roode and Austin Aries walk in the back as we go to commercial.
We are back and the two teams that will be wrestling for the Tag Titles next week are in the ring with Jeremy Borash.
Austin Aries says that they are not the World Tag Team Champions, they are a team of World Champions. Bobby Roode asks Chavo and Hernandez a series question. Have they been World Champions. The answer is no. Neither one of them can hold a candle to the in ring ability of Bobby Roode or Austin Aries.
Chavo wants to know what color the sky is in their world because he is a Guerrero. Hernandez is strong as a son of a gun. Chavo tells Hernandez to flex.
Jeremy wants them to sign the contract, but Aries stops him. He asks Chavo and Hernandez if they are bored with being beaten up. Those contracts are not iron clad.
Chavo wants to know if they are scared to sign.
Aries suggests some perks for the winners. Aries says that they are doing this for a fruit basket, green M&Ms and more money for the winners.
Chavo and Hernandez have a stipulation. Chavo tells them that the match is two out of three falls.
Bobby and Austin discuss another stipulation and it is if Chavo and Hernandez lose, they are done as a team.
Adam Pearce is in the back getting ready for his Gutcheck match. We have a video package. He says that he has been wrestling for 17 ½ years. He is not afraid of saying what he has to. He has accomplished so much. He says that people want to put people his age out to pasture. Now is the right place and the right time. You have your Jeff Hardys, Kurt Angles, and Samoa Joes and he has been in the ring with them. He is willing to do anything. He wants them to open the door a little so he can get a chance.
We go to commercial.
We are back and we see Magno in the back and we take a look at him. He says that he is seen as a mysterious character but his mask is who he is. He has been wrestling for 15 years. He talks about the tradition of the mask in Lucha Libre. He says that he has a message for the fans. He says that he is here to make an impact.
Match Number Two: Adam Pearce versus Magno in a Gutcheck Match
Magno flips around and they lock up and Pearce takes Magno to the mat but Magno escapes and he applies a wrist lock. Pearce with a reversal. Magno with an arm drag. They lock up and Pearce with a take down and he works on the knee but Magno with a head scissors take down.
Pearce works on the wrist and he connects with a forearm and then he kicks Magno in the chest. Pearce with a punch to Magno. Pearce with an Irish whip and he runs into a boot. Pearce with a back body drop and he gets a near fall. Pearce with a forearm to the back of the head. Pearce with an Irish whip and Magno with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker after falling to the mat. Magno with a springboard splash for a near fall.
Magno with a cross body but Pearce catches him and hits a spinebuster for a near fall. Pearce punches Magno and then he connects with a forearm. Magno goes to the apron and he connects with a shoulder and a head scissors back into the ring followed by clotheslines. Magno with an enzuigiri and then he clotheslines Pearce over the top rope to the floor.
Magno goes up top and hits a moonsault onto Pearce. Magno sends Pearce back into the ring and then Pearce with a take down and his hands on the ropes for the three count.
Winner: Adam Pearce
We are back and AJ Styles is walking in the back and Ken Anderson and other members of Aces and Eights stop him. Ken says that they see a future for AJ in their organization. They give AJ some Aces and Eights clothing to try out.
Hulk Hogan is in the back and he is asked about Sting. Hogan says that Sting is not here. He needs warriors, not politicians. Hogan says that he is going to call out a warrior but he is not sure about their position right now.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Joseph Park enters Kurt Angle’s locker room and he says that he is here for a fight. Joseph says that he watched Kurt win the Gold Medal in 1996. Aces and Eights did him wrong so he will be by Kurt’s side.
Kurt tells Joseph to follow his lead. He tells Joseph to take an opportunity if it presents itself to him.
Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring. He wants to cut to the chase. He says that he has talked a lot about past mistakes but that won’t happen again. He is going to lead with his gut and he is going to make decisions with his gut. The way that TNA is being held hostage, his gut tells him to call this man out.
Hogan wants AJ Styles to come to the ring.
AJ still has the Aces and Eights jacket.
Hogan wants to know if AJ has chosen Aces and Eights because if he has, they are way off the page. All of the personal crap that AJ has gone through, he understands. With the accusations last year, Hogan says that he gets that. Hogan understands the pressure that AJ was under. AJ became a different person and he turned into a different type of AJ. Hogan tells AJ that TNA is his family. He has never strayed from his family at TNA.
Hogan says that he is looking at a different AJ Styles and he is hoping that AJ is not going down that path. He wants the AJ Styles that is dangerous. Hogan says that they need help and they need someone who is dangerous. Hogan wants AJ to help him but they want the Dangerous AJ Styles.
AJ asks Hogan if he wants him to help them.
James Storm’s music plays and he comes to the ring. He says that he remembers the stipulation when AJ lost and cannot have a title match until Bound for Glory 2013. James says that we all lose big matches. What bothers him was last week when AJ stood there and watched when Aces and Eights jumped him. James is someone who has also been here since day one. Their backs built this company.
Every show that AJ has been on and every mile that AJ has driven, James has been there too. Storm says that every time they come down the ramp and get in the ring, they perform for the people because that is what they love to do. From the Asylum to Europe to San Antonio to Jonesboro, they did this. Now AJ wants to join them.
James tells AJ to go ahead and join Aces and Eight because he is not the same guy he remembers at the Fairgrounds. This is not the same guy they cheered day in and day out. He tells AJ to clock out before he gets knocked out.
AJ leaves the ring and we go to commercial.
We are back and Jason Hervey asks Hogan about AJ. Hogan says that AJ has one week to make his decision.
We are reminded that One Night Only will debut on Pay Per View tomorrow night and it is the X Division show.
Match Number Three: Sonjay Dutt versus Petey Williams versus Mason Andrews in an X Division Qualifying Match
Mason has something to say to Petey and Sonjay. Mason with a forearm to Petey and Sonjay with a side head lock on Andrews. Sonjay with a shoulder tackle to Williams. Williams with a near fall on Andrews. Sonjay with a near fall on Williams. Andrews goes to the apron and Dutt tries for a rollup on Williams. Dutt with a drop kick to Williams. Williasm with a drop toe hold to Sonjay followed by a drop kick to Dutt and a suicide dive onto Andrews.
Dutt tries for a pescado but Williams and Andrews move. Andrews with a forearm and he gets a near fall on Williams. Andrews with a kick to Williams. Andrews with a back breaker to Williams and then he knocks Dutt off the apron with a forearm. Williams with chops but Andrews with a chop and he connects with shoulders in the corner. The referee warns Andrews.
Andrews with a snap mare and he goes ot the turnbuckles and hits an elbow to the back of the neck and gets a near fall. Dutt with a kick to Andrews from the apron and Dutt with an abdominal stretch to Williams. Andrews sends Dutt to the apron. Andrews gets Williams on his shoulders but Dutt with a missile drop kick to both men. Andrews with an Irish whip but Dutt with a pendulum kick.
Dutt with a springboard dive onto Andrews for a near fall. Dutt tries for the Asai DDT on Andrews but Williams gets involved. Williams with a side Russian leg sweep and then he gets a near fall. Williams drops Dutt on the mat and then he sets for the Canadian Destroyer. Dutt with a kick to the thigh of Williams. Andrews with a leaping rana to Williams. Dutt with an Asai DDT and then he goes up top for the Phoenix stomp. Williams with the Canadian Destroyer to Andrews for the three count.
Winner: Petey Williams
We go to the Aces and Eights meeting room and Bully Ray is not in a good mood. It is Kurt Angle’s fault. He knows they will get the job done in the ten man tag match. They will represent.
Devon asks Bully if he is ready to deal with Brooke.
Bully says that he misses his wife. He says that he is going to look his wife in the eyes and hand her the envelope. They will all be able to move forward.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a video package about next week’s Full Metal Mayhem match for the Impact Wrestling World Title.
In addition to the two title matches, Gail Kim will face Taryn Terrell and we will find out what AJ Styles’ decision will be.
Match Number Four: Aces and Eights (Devon, Wes Brisco, Garett Bischoff, DOC, and Knux) versus Team TNA (Kurt Angle, Joseph Park, Magnus, Samoa Joe, and Eric Young)
Angle starts off for Team TNA but no one wants to start for Aces and Eights. Angle brings Brisco into the ring and Angle with clotheslines. Angle punches Brisco and chokes him in the corner. Angle with a suplex for a near fall. Brisco with a rake of the eyes and Bischoff tags in and Angle with a hip toss.
Angle with punches and kicks to Bischoff. Angle chokes Bischoff in the corner and Magnus tags in. Magnus tags in and he catches Bischoff and hits a suplex. Joe tags in and Joe with a reverse atomic drop and Magnus with a boot and Joe with a back senton splash.
Bischoff with a rake of the eyes and he tags in Devon. Joe with punches and then he Irish whips Devon and then hits a running splash and enzuigiri in the corner followed by a chop, kick, and knee drop. Knux tags in and he connects with a forearm to Joe’s back but Joe with a leg lariat.
Young tags in and he goes up top for a double sledge to the arm. Young with punches in the corner but Knux with a knee and clothesline. Knux with a forearm and Young goes down. Knux sends Young into the turnbuckles. Knux with a kick but Young sends him over the top rope to the floor. Young with a pescado onto Knux and both men are down.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Young gets a near fall on Knux. Knux with an elbow to Young and he sends Eric into the turnbuckles. Knux sends Young over the top rope to the floor. Knux punches Young on the floor and Devon sends Young back into the ring. Knux with a leg drop and he tags in DOC. DOC with an elbow drop and he sends Young into the corner and he punches Young. Devon chokes Young in the ropes while DOC deals with the referee.
DOC with a short arm clothesline followed by a splash for a near fall. Devon tags in and he punches Young and pushes him into the corner. Devon with punches to Young followed by a snap mare and a nerve hold. Young with elbows but Devon with a spinning back elbow to Young.
DOC tags in and he punches Young and tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Young lands on his feet and hits a jaw breaker. Knux and DOC take care of the members of Team TNA on the apron. DOC misses a charge into the corner and Young with an enzuigiri and both men are down.
Park is tagged in and he punches DOC and sends him over the top rope to the floor. Brisco charges at Park and bounces off Park. Park knocks everyone off the apron. Park with a slam and a splash for a near fall.
Everyone gets in the ring and we have lost control of things. Bischoff sends Young to the floor. Magnus sends Brisco over the top rope to the floor but Knux takes care of business. Joe clotheslines Knux over the top rope to the floor and then Devon comes behind Joe and Devon punches Joe. Joe with a suicide dive onto Knux. Devon with a spinebuster to Park and then he goes up top but misses a diving head butt.
Park goes to the turnbuckles and he takes care of Bischoff and Brisco instead. KOC with a low blow and he gets the three count on Park.
Winners: Aces and Eights
The Hogans are in the locker room and Hulk says that he doesn’t trust the situation. Brooke wants to finish the drama. She says that she will get Ronnie from Atlas Security. She figures that Bully will give her the divorce papers and end this. There will be no more drama.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Bully Ray makes his way to the ring. Ray says in seven days the biggest World Heavyweight Championship rematch in wrestling history. He faces Jeff Hardy in Corpus Christi, Texas in Full Metal Mayhem. Jeff has to be the stupidest person he has ever met. Why would he challenge Bully to a match that would involve tables, ladders, and chairs.
Tonight, Bully wants to take care of some personal business. Bully wants his wife Brooke to come to the ring.
Bully asks Brooke how she is doing and he wants to know why she doesn’t have her wedding ring on. He is wearing his and it is a sign of his love and devotion to her. He gives Brooke a pass for this week. He tells her to do what she is told and to wear her wedding ring.
Bully wants to know why Brooke has security. He says that they should be there to protect him. He says that Brooke was a crazed woman after Lockdown. She was yelling and screaming. He says that she was insane. She should have been happy that night because her husband became the World Champion.
She should have been hugging, kissing, and loving him and doing everything a good wife should have been doing. Bully says that she is insane but he forgives her.
Bully asks Brooke if she knows what is in the envelope. Bully tells Brooke he loves her. She is the wind beneath his wings and he couldn’t have done this without her. She is the woman behind him who makes him so great. He couldn’t have done this without Brooke.
Bully gives Brooke the envelope. It is a front row ticket for Corpus Christi. He wants her to be in the front row to watch him beat Jeff Hardy for the second time. He wants her by his side to cheer him on. He wants Brooke to look as beautiful as she possibly can. Lately, she has let herself go.
Brooke rips up the ticket and she slaps Bully. Bully laughs and he tells Brooke that he cannot help but laugh at her. She is pathetic. She just smacked him in the face and he is laughing at her. He is in her head so bad it is not funny. He has been in her since day one. What is Brooke going to do? Will she smack him again?
Jeff Hardy’s music plays and he interrupts the family discussion.
Jeff punches Bully but Bully punches back. Ray with a punch to the head and then he kicks Jeff in the thigh. Hardy punches Ray and then hits a forearm. We go to credits.

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