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giovedì 11 dicembre 2014

AAA Guerra De Titanes PPV Report !

As has been expected, Alberto El Patron (Rodriguez/Del Rio) captured the AAA Mega heavyweight title from El Texano Jr. in the main event of the company’s final show of the year, Guerra de Titanes, held at Auditorio Benito Juarez in Zapopan, a suburb of Guadalajara.
The show aired live on PPV in Mexico which forced them to start on time and fit the show into a three-hour window.
Alberto had lost a couple of times to low blows to Texano Jr., and also bled (which he’s virtually never done in his career), and it was expected his putting Texano Jr. over like that was a prelude to his getting the belt from him. It’s been pretty clear since Alberto’s arrival is that the money program is with Perro Aguayo Jr., and the two battling over the heavyweight title made the most sense.
The match saw Alberto bleed, and Aguayo Jr., was interfering, but Alberto overcame that to win clean in the middle with an armbar.
In doing so, Alberto Rodriguez became the first man in history to win the world heavyweight title in WWE, CMLL and AAA, and did so under three different names (Alberto Del Rio, Dos Caras Jr. and Alberto El Patron).
As AAA champion, he is going to be the most international champion in the history of the promotion. He is starting with ROH for several shows in January. ROH was supposed to announce it on the PPV, but a video he was supposed to cut to air that night never arrived. He’s also supposed to start with Lucha Underground, although at press time had not signed a contract with the promotion. Bellator also approached him on 12/8, after they lost out on getting C.M. Punk.
The show stealer was Aero Star beating Super Fly in their long-awaited mask vs. mask match, said to be a match of the year contender, with heavy blood, mask ripping and crazy dives. Super Fly was unmasked, and revealed his name as Erick Aguilar Munoz, 27, from Puebla, with ten years experience.
A second title change on the show saw Joe Lider & Pentagon Jr. win the AAA tag team titles in a three-way over Jack Evans & Angelico, the defending champions, and Myzteziz & Fenix. It was notable that Myzteziz was put in the third match on the show.
The negatives were said to be too much with heel referee stuff, since that played a part in four of the six matches.
Ratings are by Robert Bihari.
1. Dinasita retained the AAA Minis title pinning Mini Charly Manson after a Spanish fly off the top rope. Mascarita Sagrada and Mini Psycho Clown were freely interfering including Sagrada taking Psycho out with a running somersault plancha into an armdrag. ***1/4
2. Sexy Star & Taya Valkyrie beat Fabi Apache & Ivelisse Velez in a match which ended with both teams having a pull-apart brawl. El Hijo del Tirantes played heel ref here. Valkyrie did a slingshot on Fabi and Sexy caught her with a sitting splash off the top rope. *
3. Joe Lider & Pentagon Jr. won the AAA tag titles over Jack Evans & Angelico in a three-way that also included Myzteziz & Fenix. The match was a wild brawl that included thumb tacks, and both Myzteziz and Fenix being put through tables. This was a hurricane match so no tags were needed. Evans used La Mistica on Myzteziz. Myzteziz gave Lider a Frankensteiner off the top rope. Myzteziz and Fenix went for a double dive and both ended up crashing through a table, which was insane because if one hit the table first, the second guy would be toast and they timed it perfect. That took both of them out. Evans went for a 630 and Pentagon hit him with a chair shot to the knee. Pentagon Jr. used a package piledriver on Evans and Lider hit Evans with a brainbuster and pinned him. ***3/4
4. The Psycho Circus retained the AAA trios titles beating The Hell Brothers, of sorts. This was actually more of a story than a match. Before the match, Chessman & Averno attacked and took out Murder Clown. Then it was announced that Cibernetico wasn’t there. So they had a tag team match for the trios titles. Murder Clown came back out and hit a splash off the top to pin Chessman in a fast match. Cibernetico then showed up after the match was over and wanted to get in the match, and then found out it was over. This was never explained on the show. *1/2
5. Aero Star beat Super Fly in the mask vs. mask match. Before the match, Aero Star asked for a new referee because El Hijo del Tirantes was out. So Joaquin Roldan threw out El Hijo del Tirantes and replaced him with Piero. This was a battle of brawling, mask ripping, tons of blood and crazy high spots. Aero Star wore a half Abismo Negro mask because this was the biggest match of his career and Abismo Negro was his trainer. He was bleeding early after multiple chair shots to the head. Aero Star came back and ripped up Super Fly’s mask and bloodied him up. There were all kinds of crazy dives, which also included seconds Nino Hamburguesa and El Hijo del Fantasma (King Cuerno in Lucha Underground). They were both fighting on the top of a lighting grid and Aero Star kicked Super Fly off and he flew into Fantasma. Aero Star then climbed to the top of the lighting grid and did a plancha onto all
three from what was reported to be 25 to 30 feet in the air. Aero Star finally won with a huracanrana. ****½
6. Alberto El Patron won the AAA Mega heavyweight title from El Texano Jr., with the armbar submission. Alberto, who made a habit of never bleeding, bled again here. El Hijo del Tirantes was the referee and was biased, ignoring the constant interference of Perro Aguayo Jr., and even tripped Alberto at one point. Mesias then attacked Aguayo Jr., and took him out with a tope. Alberto superkicked Tirantes. Texano then hit Alberto with a foreign object, and ref Piero ran in to count the pin, but Alberto kicked out. Texano Jr. did a power bomb off the middle ropes putting Alberto through a table in the ring, but Alberto kicked out again. They went through a few tables. Alberto went for the armbar, but Texano escaped and went for a low blow, the spot he’s done that pinned Alberto twice of late. Alberto blocked it and got the armbar. Good match. ***

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