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domenica 22 novembre 2009

UFC 106 live coverage from Las Vegas

UFC 106 live coverage from Las Vegas

By Dave Meltzer

Welcome to our live coverage of UFC 106 from the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas.

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George Sotiropolous vs. Jason Dent

GS with a body punch and high kick which was blocked.. Dent back with some body punches and a punch to the head. Traidng some more . Good combination of punches followed by high kick by GS. Good uppercut by GS. Trading and Dent got a good shot in and GS has a cut in his nose. GS back with a body punch. GS ducked low for a takedown. He’s trying to pass and got side control. GS not dong any damage from th etop. Now he’s throwing some punches and an elbow to the ear. He had full mount , now has Dent’s back. . Dent turned in. GS threw punches and Dent turned. GS throwing elbows from the mount and now punches. Dent is defending. He’s thinking arm triangle but with time running out he dropped it to throw more punches. 10-9 GS, almost 10-8.

Dent threw a kick and GS took him down off it. GS with a side mount and dropping elbows. Dent up and GS has his back and took him back down. Throwing punches from the top but Dent defending them. Just dropped an elbow. Now thinking kneebar, now has an armbar set up. 30 seconds left in the round, just a question if Dent can defend for long enough. But GS got the armbar for the submission.

Caol Uno vs. Fabricio Comoes

Vicious high kick attempted by Comoes but blocked. Sounded like a Chris Adams superkick. Comoes with a single leg takedown. Uno back up. Comoes connecting with punches and a second takedown. Uno up again. Comoes took him down and has Uno’s back. He’s working for a choke. Uno escaped and back up. Uno is so calm although he’s getting handled here. Uno started getting offense inn with low kicks, but not damaging. Uno got Comoes down against the fence. Uno throwing some punches from the top. 10-9 Comoes

Low kicks by Uno. Comes got behind him and did a high slam but Uno quickly reversed and is on top. Uno with knees to the butt from the top. Mario Yamasaki warning Uno to do something. Comoes lost a point for kicking Uno in the face from his back while Uno was down. Comoes going for an armbar but Uno punched his way out. Uno dropped an elbow. Comoes back up. Comes hurting Uno with punches and got another takedown and he’s thinking a choke, but Uno reversed him again to be on top in the guard. Uno needs to do something from the to here to win the round because the flurry gives Comoes the edge. Dull fight, by the way. Comoes with some punches and knees right at the buzzer. Fairly close round, I’d go Comoes but with the foul point against him that would make it 19-18 Comoes at this point.

Trading punches. Uno missed a spinning back fist and now grabbed a single. Comoes throwing punches. Now they’re against the cage. Uno with some knees to the thigh. Comoes with an elbow standing. Uno dropped to his back and is kicking at Comoes. Back up. Uno cut near the right eye. Uno with a takedown. But he’s doing nothing with it. Uno with a punch. He’s just controlling Comoes on the ground with 1:00 left. Uno has side control. Thought armbar but gave it up to keep control. If he wins the round, it should be a draw for the fight. Uno seems content to wrestle and maintain a riding position. He tried to isolate the arm, now 15 seconds left and Uno keeps riding him. Not much by Uno but enough to win the round, so I’ve got it 28-28 a draw. I don’t see this fight being shown during the PPV

29-27, 28-28, 28-28 a majority draw. They didn’t announce who was up 29-27 but we’ll get that in a few minutes.

Uno had the 29-27 edge as Patricia Morse Jarman gave Uno the second round.

Brock Larson vs. Brian Foster

Larson trying a single. He took a few punches before he got Foster down. Foster reversed and is on top, but got up, wanting Larson to stand. Foster jumped on him and hammering punches while standing to Larson, on his back. More punches. Wicked punch falling and now Foster has side position and moved to full mount. . He’s throwing more punches. Larson kicked Foster hard in the eye from his back when both were down. Foster is hurt and they’ve called for the doctor. Larson has major swelling under the right eye and left eye. Judge Yves Lavigne called a penalty point against Larson for the kick, which was the right call, because this ws more flagrant than in the last fight. Quick headlock takeover by Foster but Larson back up and heas a font headlock and throwing knees while Foster quickly put his hand on the ground after the first one. Larson is mad and really that was a bad loophole. By putting his hand down you can’t kick or knee but Larson wouldn’t have seen the hand go down. I can see Larson being mad. He was just docked a second point so he’s about to lose this round 10-7. Round over 10-7 Foster.

Foster in with some punches. Larson backing up. Good superman punch by Foster. Good right by Foster knocked Larson’s head back. Low kick by Foster. Great spin kick to the chin by Foster. He tried a spinning back fist but Larson ducked it. Larson tried a takedown , but Foster got the takedown and is pounding Larson bad with punches from the top. Foster is hitting hard and Larson can take the punches. Foster let Larson up. Larson went for a takedown. Foster blocked it and nailed him with a Lou Thesz style Greco-Roman backdrop. Larson up and Foster caught him with a punch on the shot, and Larson was hurt. Four more punches on the ground and just as Lavigne was stopping it Larson tapped.

Spike show starts in about 7 minutes

They showed an Ultimate Fighter commercial that has just started running non Spike soon with Marcus Jones. What an incredible promo. One of the best this year.

Jake Rosholt vs. Kendall Grove

Rosholt booed. Grove got the first star reaction so far. Rosholt picked Grove up high inthe air and gave him almost an Oklahoma Stampede. Second takedown by Rhosholt as Grove got up. Rosholt has his back. Knee to the butt by Rosholt. Grove back up and now has Rosholt pinned against the fence and took Rosholt down. I didn’t expect that. Rosholt back up threw a knee and cracked Grove with a punch, threw a knee, and going low or a takedown. Grove tried to block it but Rosholt is just too good of a wrestler and got Grove on his back. Full mount by Rosholt. Now has Grove’s back. Back to the top and Grove surprised Rosholt with a triangle and Rosholt tapped.

Grove had to win, as he dedicated the fight to his grandmother who just died two weeks ago from cancer.

Ben Saunders vs. Marcus Davis

In a clinch and Saunders throwing knees. Davis thinking takedown. Now they are against the cage. Davis with some punches in the clinch and Saunders with knees. Lots more knees by Saunders. Davis is bleeding. Saunders threw himn downh and Davis back up. Davis bleeding from the right eye. A lot of blood. More knees by Saunders. Davis broke out of the clinch. Trading punches but Saunders has the better reach. Now in a clinch and he rocked him with two hard knees to the chin and Davis went down and one more punch and the ref Josh Rosenthal stepped in. First time Davis has been knocked out in MMA.

They showed Ortiz and Griffin coming out. Both looked like they were just coming out of a fight, not just going into one. Ortiz's right eye all black from a head-butt in training two weeks ago.

About 20 minutes until next fight

Amir Sadollah vs. Phil Baroni

Baroni got a big pop for his entrance. The last time I heard this song for an entrance it was for Bullet Bob Armstrong in Continental Championship Wrestling. Hopefully Baroni doesn’t fight like he’s he’s nearly 70. If he could fight up to the level of his charisma, he’d be challenging St. Pierre.

Baroni out swinginh. He knocked Sadollah down. Sadollah back in a clinch with knees. I think Baroni may burn himself out fast. Baroni throwing lots of punches. Sadollah back with knees. Sadollah with knees from the clinch. Baroni is fading but did get a takedown. Sadollah trying to set up an armbar. Broni got up and throwing punches. Sadollah back with kicks. Baroni with more punches. Sadollah back with a hard punch. They are up against the cage. Hard knees by Sadollah. Baroni trying for a second takedown and not getting it. More knees by Sadollah. Great round. Close too. Baroni’s face is a mess. Sadollah 10-9 but it could go either way. But I don’t see Baroni going three without trouble.

Baroni bleeding under left eye and forehead. He’s so gassed. But he threw a shot back. High kick to face by Saollah. Baroni bulled him into the cage. Sadollah turned him around. Good right by Baroni. Sadollah bulled himinto the fence. Good elbows by Sadollah. Sadollah with punches and knees. Sadollah with good kicks including a front kick to the body. Sadollah bleeding from the ear. Another front kick and flying knee by Sadollah. Back in a clinch. Sadollah needs to get out of there and try tofinish. Good elbow standing by Sadollah. Now he broke free. Baroni punched and Sadollah slipped on a kick. Baroni back with some punches. Baroni is totally gassed now but looks like he’ll last the round. 20-18 Sadollah.

Sadollah landed a punch and front kick. Baroni caught him with a few punches now. Low kick by Sadollah. Sadollah in with punches and knees. Baroni firing back but missing haymakers badly. Sadollah with a low kick. Sadollah in with a superman punch. Elbow by Sadollah. More elbows by Sadollah. Front kick by Sadollah. Flying knee by Sadollah but didn’t land hard. Baroni covered in blood at this point. Blood coming from his mouth as well. 2:00 left. More blood coming from Baroni’s mouth. Sodalloh with punches and knees. Baroni still up. He nailed a right another right while Baron missed wild. Baroni took another punch to the face. High kick by Sadollah. Baroni rocked him with a punch. Front kick and hard knee . Sadollah with a body kick. Baroni tried takedown. Didn’t get it . Sadollah with a knee and elbows at the horn. Best fight of the show so far. I have this as a 10-8 round but I’m guessing judges won’t. Sadollah 30-26.

30-27, 30-27, 29-28 for Sadollah

Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs. Luiz Cane

Antonio Rodrigo is in the corner as expected. Good lefts by Nogueira. Right jab by Nogueira. Hard lefts by Noguera. Cane running away. Never seen him like this. Trading and Nogueira rocked Cane with another left. Cane is down and out. It was like Cane didn’t know how to fight a lefty because he looked lost out there.

Paulo Thiago vs. Jacob Volkmann

Volkmann is from White Bear Lake, Minnesota. He’s like the second person in history from that city in sports, the other being Jumping Jim Brunzell. Both of these guys are strong grapplers. Volkmann seems very rudimentary at stand-up which isn’t going to do him well here. Thiago nailed him with a high kick right away. They are in a clinch and Volkmann is punching off the clinch. Thiago got the takedown. Volkmmann back up. Second take down by Thiago. These All-American wrestlers keep getting taken down. Volkmann shot in but couldn’t get the takedown. Thiago with some punches while both are standing and knocked him down right at the end of the round. That probably would have finished it if they had a few more seconds. 10-9 Thiago.

Thiago swept him down with a kick. Volkmann now got the takedown. Volkmann throwing punches and went for a half nelson like move which Thiago slipped out of and got to his feet. Crowd booing the lack of action against the cage. Thiago tried a takedown but Volkmann on top. Volkmann had his back and went for a choke and got reversed. Now Thiago is on top. Thiago has a bloody nose. Thiago nailed him hard with a falling punch that sounded like shotgun went off. Closer round but that last punch gave it to Thiago so he should be up 20-18.

Thiago knocked Volkmann down. Thiago went to the ground and moved into side control. Volkmannn now off the ground and throwing some body punches. Volkmann in for a takedown and didn’t get it and is on his back. People are booing. Thiago went to the ground with him And Volkmann used an ankle pick to get him down and is now punching the side of his head. Volkmann on top in side onctrol. And throwing punches to the had. Thiago back up while Volkmann dropped to the ground. Thiago dropped down into a side mount. He was throwing punches from the top in the waning seconds. I’ve got it 30-27 but the last two rounds were relatively close.

29-28, 30-27, 30-27 for Thiago

Josh Koscheck vs. Anthony Johnson

Both guys from San Jose. Koscheck booed heavy. Johnson looks twice Koscheck’s size. Koscheck hurt him with a punch. Low kick by Koscheck. High kick by Johnson. Overhand right by Koscheck didn’t land solid. Low kick by Koshceck. Trade and Koschek got the best punch in. Koscheck thought takedown but held up. Johnson has so much reach on him. Low kicks by Johnson and Koscheck missed on a low kick. Koscheck chant. Johnson hurt him with a punch. Koscheck tried a throw and didn’t get it. Johnson with a front headlock. Crowd quick to boo here. Johnson with a knee to the head while Koscheck was down. That should be it and a DQ. Koscheck is acting like he wants to continue. Penalty point on Johnson. Koscheck is still bent over. People are booing because they don’t think Koscheck was hit hard enough. Doctor is checking. Koscheck came back out with 2:00 left in the round. Koscheck threw some quick punches but they didn’t land. Koscheck was looking at the clock. Koscheck in for a takedown but Johnson defending well. Johnson looks to be 200 pounds but Koscheck did get him down and has his back. Knee to the body by Koscheck. He’s working for a choke with 13 seconds left but Johnson out. Johnson trying to get up and time runs out. I have it as Johnson’s round so with the penalty point 9-9.

Now Johnson looks like he got poked in the eye. Koscheck missed a haymaker and landed a body kick. Trading punches and Johnson went down holding his eye. Koscheck nailed him with a punch as he was holding his eye. Johnson had eye surgery last year so his eyes are sensitive to this stuff. High kick by Johnson blocked. Johnson landing short. Crazy exchange with both missing huge punches and Johnson missing a high kick. Koscheck with a takedown. Forearm to the face, hard elbow shots by Koscheck on the ground. Koscheck throwing punches from the top. There’s blood. Koscheck with more punches. Johnson is the one bleeding and probably a decent amount. Koscheck pounding the ribs with 1:00 left in the round. Koscheck going for the choke with 15 seconds left and Johnson tapped. Big win.

Really good fight. Best so far tonight.

Mixed reaction to the win. A lot of booing. Koscheck cutting a promo on Dan Hardy. I’m the No. 1 contender. Challenged Hardy to a fight in the States. People booed Koscheck heavy in his promo.

Tito Ortiz vs. Forrest Griffin ends the show

Griffin has swelling under both eyes coming out and we know Ortiz has the nasty black eye. It appears Griffin is going to be the crowd favorite. Josh Rosenthal referee.

Griffin got a superstar reaction. People booing Ortiz like crazy. Even more than I expected. Dueling chants. Tito missing his punches badly. Louder chants for Griffin by far. High kick by Oritz blocked. Body kick by Griffin. Ortiz back with a body kick. Low kick by Griffin. Good right by Oritz. Oritz took Griffin down and threw an elbow. He’s getting some good shots in front the top. Body and head shots by Ortiz. Griffin thinking Kimura. Griffin scrambling to his feet. Loud crowd. Whether they sold tickets, both personalities are over. Griffin tried a takedown but didn’t get it. Now Oritz tried and he didn’t get it. Both are going to box again. Low kick by Griffin. Ortiz looks tired. Griffin got a few shots in. Trading punches and Griffin got shots in. Hick kick byu Griffin. Ortiz tried a takedown and Griffin scrambling away. Forrest chant. High kick by Ortiz blocked. Tito chant pretty loud now. Griffin connected with puches and a front kick. Sloppy punching and Griffin moved Oritz into the cage. End of round. Close round, could go either way, I’d go slightly for Ortiz 10-9, but a lot of people at press row have Forrest.

Both swinging. Ortiz’s standup doesn’t look pretty. Griffin went for a kick and Ortiz took him down from it. Oritz with forearms and elbows but Griffin not taking much damage this time. Ortiz moving him to the cage, or at least trying. Griffin back to his feet. Both trading and not landing. Ortiz blocked a takedown and nailed Ortiz with a front kick that knocked his mouthpiece out. Griffin connecting more with punches and kicks as Ortiz is tiring. Ortiz back with a punch and got a takedown. Griffin tried to get out but Ortiz kept position. Griffin bleeding form the left eye. Ortiz not doing damage. Griffin looks like he’s now bleeding from both eyes and just reversed Ortiz with 32 seconds left. He’s throwing elbows and punches. Crowd loves this fight. I have it for Griffin, but again close. Crowd may help Griffin because they react so much more when he does something. 19-19

Griffin moving forward. Grffin with several punches in. Good kick to the shoulder by Grffin. Griffin connecting with lots of punches. Another combination of punches and kicks by Griffin. Low kick by Griffin. Ortiz is really tired. More punches and a high kick by Griffin. Another combination by Griffin who is taking him apart now. More punches by Griffin. Griffin hurting him now. Low kick, Oritz tried a bodylock takedown and Griffin shoved him off. Another combination by Griffin. Low kick by Griffin. Another low kick by Griffin. Ortiz moving slow. Body punches by Griffin. Griffin with another series of punches landing on the giant head. He stunned Ortiz with a punch. More punches by Griffin. Griffin taking him apart. Another punch rocked Ortiz. Griffin with a low kick and body kick and more punches to the head. Oritz with a big welt under his left eye. Griffin really landing almost at will now. Another series by Griffin. Body kick by Griffin. Crowd going nuts . I think 10-8 round for Griffin but they’ll probably go 10-9, so I’ve got it 29-27 for Griffin. There will be a riot if Ortiz wins 29-28. Once again points out possible flaws because Griffin won the fight and solidly, but it could be judged for Ortiz because of two close rounds, because of lack of using 10-8 for a round like this. .

Glenn Trobich 29-28 Ortiz Griffith 30-27 Griffin Rosales 29-28 for the winner by split Griffin

Ortiz thanked everyone. Griffin wanted a third fight because they were 1-1. He noted Ortiz was getting ready for Mark Coleman and coming off back surgery. Griffin very magnanimous in the win.

Ortiz said he couldn’t spar at all. Bulging disc in his neck and a cracked skull. Griffin noted he had a broken foot (broke it in training for the fight). Ortiz asked if he people were satisifed with the show. Since it was a hell of a show, they cheered and it turned the crowd from booing him. Ortiz dedicated the fight to Frank Fertitta Jr. (Lorenzo & Frank’s father who passed away recently).

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