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lunedì 18 febbraio 2013

WWE Elimination Chamber 2013 PPV live coverage from New Orleans

Welcome to our live coverage of the Elimination Chamber PPV show from the New Orleans Arena. 

We're looking for your thoughts on tonight's show, so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to

BRODUS CLAY & TENSAI VS. CODY RHODES & DAMIEN SANDOWRhodes & Sandow came out and said that due to all the demands by people in social media, they are doing a reunion tour.  Evidently this is short-lived given that they were just the foils for, as Matt Striker called them, The Dancing Bears.  Short match, about what you'd expect, ending when Clay & Tensai used a sandwich on Sandow, then, Rhodes, and then did a double splash on Rhodes for the pin.

ALBERTO DEL RIO VS. BIG SHOW FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLEDel Rio won clean with the armbar by submission.  The finish saw Big Show kick Ricardo Rodriguez off the apron and and grabbed his bucket.  Del Rio was supposed to do an enzuigiri into the bucket into Show's head.  He totally blew the move the first time, went right back to it the second time, and then did a second enzuigiri before the armbar.  Earlier in the match, Del Rio had the armbar on but Show did a Gotch-lift and back suplex to break it.  This wasn't as good as their previous matches but certainly nothing wrong with it.

ANTONIO CESARO VS. THE MIZ FOR THE U.S. TITLELooks like this feud is continuing.  Cesaro worked on Miz's injured shoulder most of the way.  Miz came back working on Cesaro's left knee, to set up the figure four.  He went for it, but Cesaro tripped him and in falling, Miz's knee landed right on Cesaro's groin and ref Charles Robinson called for the DQ on Miz.  A DQ for an accidental move.  After the match, Miz gave Cesaro a blatant low blow. Work was fine but for a PPV, the finish was beyond bad.

CHRIS JERICHO VS. RANDY ORTON VS. MARK HENRY VS. DANIEL BRYAN VS. KANE VS. JACK SWAGGER IN THE ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCHBefore the match we got a Jack Swagger & Zeb Colter interview.  Apparently the story is that Colter and Swagger's father were in Vietnam together.  Colter said he thinks Thomas Jefferson would be ashamed of the Louisiana Purchase because of what this has turned into.  It really didn't get much heat, tho Colter's promo work was very good.

Chris Jericho vs. Daniel Bryan start.  Jack Swagger in next.  Kane in next.  Orton in next.  So Henry in last.

Henry pinned Bryan with world's strongest slam.  Henry threw Orton through the plexiglass.

Henry pinned Kane with the world's strongest slam.

Swagger gave Henry a high kick, Jericho used a codebreaker on Henry and Orton pinned Henry after the RKO.

So it's Orton, Jericho and Swagger as the final three.  Henry went back in the cage and gave all three the world's strongest slam until Booker T, Teddy Long and about five refs got Henry to leave the cage.

The last eight minutes were great with tons of near falls.  Really strong performance by both Orton and Jericho.  Orton blocked the lionsault and hit the RKO to pin Jericho.  Swagger then immediately schoolboyed Orton and got the three count in a match that went more than 30:00. 

So in theory, we've got Del Rio vs. Swagger as the world title match at Mania.

JOHN CENA & SHEAMUS & RYBACK VS. SETH ROLLINS & DEAN AMBROSE & ROMAN REIGNSThe Shield won.  The ending saw Reigns first take out Sheamus with a spear through the barricade.  Ryback was cleaning house.  Cena gave Ambrose the Attitude Adjustment.  Ryback had Rollins up for Shellshock when Reigns speared the hell out of Ryback and Rollins pinned Ryback to win the match.  Very good match.  All action.  Ambrose is a hell of a talent.  Ryback walked out on Sheamus and Cena after so something is up with him.

Dolph Ziggler (in his gear) came out for a promo saying he was the most gifted athlete in the history of wrestling.  Booker T cameout and set up a match with Kofi Kingston


Ziggler won with the Zig Zag after dropping Kingston gut first on the top rope.  After the match, Big E Langston beat down Kingston and gave him his move.  There was a "One more time" chant when Langston laid out Kingston which I doubt is what they wree expecting.  This had a lot of action in 4:00 with Kingston doing a lot of dives, twice with Dolph Ziggler moving and and him nailing Langston both times.  At another point Kingston hit the Trouble in Paradise on Ziggler but Langston saved.  Good given the limited time they were given.

KAITLYN VS. TAMINA SNUKA FOR THE DIVAS TITLESnuka missed a splash off the top rope and Kaitlyn pinned her with a spear.  Quick match.  Nothing wrong with it, but crowd not into it, nor would you expect them to be positioned in this spot.

THE ROCK VS. C.M. PUNK FOR THE WWE TITLERock retained the title in a good match.  Rock gave Punk most of the offense.  The only tease of the title changing hands via DQ or count out stip was Punk giving Rock the Rock bottom on the Spanish announcers table, which didn't break.  Rock beat the ten count to get in.  Punk during the match kicked out of both the first rock bottom and a people's elbow.  Punk also used the GTS but ref Mike Chioda had been knocked out of the ring so there was no ref to count.  Punk also used a high kick and a second ref came in but that ref "hurt his ankle" so couldn't count.  The finish saw Paul Heyman hold Rock and Punk went for a belt shot, Rock moved and Punk nailed Heyman.  Rock then used the Rock bottom and Chioda came back in for the pin. 

They pretty much all but said it was Rock vs. Cena at Mania.

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