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mercoledì 20 febbraio 2013

WWE Smackdown spoilers from Biloxi

From tonight's tapings:
Sin Cara b Drew McIntyre
Naomi & Cameron b Natalya & Alicia Fox
Main Event (for tomorrow)
It started with Big Show complaining about them showing photos of him tapping against Alberto Del Rio.  He challenged anyone in the locker room.  The Usos accepted.
Big Show b Usos in a 1 on 2 handicap match choke slamming both guys
Big Show b Brodus Clay with a knockout punch
Big Show b Great Khali via count out with the knockout punch, only Khali rolled out of the ring and couldn't get back in.
Miz ran in and attacked Show and knocked him out of the ring.
Brad Maddox was interviewed.  Maddox claimed the idea of Vince McMahon fighting Paul Heyman was something he came up with.
Justin Gabriel b Titus O'Neil
Alberto Del Rio did an interview talking about Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter.  Del Rio said how it was hard-workers from all over the world who came to the U.S. and built this country.  Del Rio called out Swagger, but instead Randy Orton came out.  Orton said that Swagger was responsible for his not getting the title shot at WrestleMania and he wanted Swagger.  Booker T came out and announced Del Rio vs. Wade Barrett as world champion vs. IC champion and Swagger vs. Orton.
Sheamus b Damien Sandow
Layla & Kaitlyn b Tamina Snuka & Aksana
Jack Swagger b Randy Orton.  Fans cheered Zeb Colter in Biloxi so they are going to have to do some editing.  Swagger won with a schoolboy when Colter distracted Orton.
The Miz b Cody Rhodes with the figure four leglock
Alberto Del Rio b Wade Barrett.  Swagger and Colter were watching the match from the ramp.  Del Rio won clean with the armbar.  The show ended with Del Rio and Swagger arguing.

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