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giovedì 4 aprile 2013


Welcome to PWInsider's live, ongoing Wrestlemania 29 press conference at Radio City Music Hall.
Michael Cole welcomed everyone to the kickoff of Wrestlemania weekend. He noted that Sean Combs and Living Colour will be playing.
Michael Cole also noted that Mike Tyson, Charlie Sheen, Jimmy Fallon and Snooki would also be at Wrestlemania and would be "involved in this event."
They announced at the end of the conference, they will have the WWE talents on top of the Radio City marquee for a group photo op.
Fandango's music began to play and he came out dancing with a hot blonde before walking through the press corp. Fandango came on stage and continued his dance routine. Cole handed him a mic. Fandango introduced himself and danced off.
Michael Cole quipped that he would be competing in his first match at Wrestlemania.
Cole introduced John Saboor, WWE's Senior Vice President of Special Events. Saboor said that the entire WWE family is excited over being in the Northeast region for their biggest event of the year. He thanked everyone for their help in organizing the Wrestlemania events, specifically the local governments, NYC & Co, Madison Square Garden and the New York Giants and Jets organizations. He asked everyone to give the local organizing committee a round of applause.
Saboor said 125,000 people will take part over the course of Wrestlemania week and promoted AXXESS, saying it has something for everyone in the family. He talked about the Hall of Fame and Monday's Raw, where the road to Wrestlemania 30 will begin.
Saboor noted that over the last five years, Wrestlemania has created $300 million in local income through local tourism business, creation of jobs and more. They want to leave more for the community than they take out.
Saboor introduced Vince McMahon.
McMahon said this is a dream come true for himself and his family. He said that at the first Wrestlemania, they coined the phrase sports-entertainment because they had the world's greatest athletes and entertainers under one roof. He said that Wrestlemania is a hybrid of sports and entertainment under one roof and that nothing can compare to the thrill ride that "you will take watching Wrestlemania on PPV".
Ricardo Rodriguez came out and did his introduction for Alberto Del Rio. He thanked the Latin media for being here. He said that Sunday is the most important night in his life because for the first time, a Mexican born and raised athlete will defend the World championship. He said his family and friends are here and all the Latinos are going to support him. He promised there was no way he was losing his World title to Jack Swagger. He said that Swagger has done a lot of damage to him and his best friend, but Alberto will break his pride and if he gets the chance, his arm. He closed out speaking in Spanish to the Latin media specifically.
A representative from Mayor Bloomberg's office thanked everyone for being here and said it was a such a pleasure to welcome WWE and Wrestlemania.
Michael Cole noted there were several members of the New York Giants in attendance.
Michael Cole introduced Triple H as Paul "Triple H" Levesque, noting that should he lose to Brock Lesnar, he will be forced to retire. He said that they may have noticed they do things a little different and asked the press if they were ready. Pin drop. They didn't know the spot. He then got them to pop for it.
Triple H said he was going to teach Brock Lesnar a lesson at Mania 29. Stephanie McMahon came out and interrupted him, saying they are here to do business stuff and asked if he wanted to go slap around Fandango and blow off some steam. Triple H said he was OK.
Stephanie recounted the history of the McMahon family in the pro wrestling world and how they have grown the wrestling business into sports-entertainment. They said that Vince McMahon pioneered PPV with the first Wrestlemania and they will have 75,000 fans this Sunday at Metlife Stadium.
Stephanie McMahon noted they have over 20 social media ambassadors this Sunday, so that's where all these celebs will be popping up.
Stephanie promoted all the different outlets where the PPV will be able to be ordered, pushing it as WWE always evolving and growing. Triple H was making quips to promote the company's huge numbers.
They promoted the Stars for Sandy party and auction tonight, the Reading Challenge and noted John Cena will host a party with over 40 Make-A-Wish Kids. She promoted the company's community campaigns and their huge social media followers, noting they have 148 million followers. McMahon said they use social media platforms to help them connect with fans whenever, wherever they want to follow the product.
Stephanie promoted the new WM pre-game streaming and noted they are offering their promotional partners material that will allow them to post real-time results and photos from the event. Stephanie said at the end of the day, they are all going to have a good time because they are all about putting smiles on people's faces.
Michael Cole introduced Mark Henry. He was happy and smiling. he said that as easily as they see this smile, it can leave in a heartbeat.
Henry said that Ryback tried to break his record, but he's going to be the one that is broken.
Henry said that he's proud to be born in Texas but is equally proud to be living in Harlem, New York. He said he respects the fans and appreciates their respect.
Henry said being with WWE has been the best 17 years of his life and he's excited about being on the biggest stage of his career and if anyone thinks he's going to lose on that stage, well, Ryback's in for a bad night.
Wayne Halsenberg from the New Jersey events organization came out and said how thankful they were to have Wrestlemania this year. He said that the experience of pitching to Vince McMahon to bring the event to the NYC/NJ area and was shocked when Vince said he was in.
He praised WWE for their work in giving to the community and for all the work they have done to raise money to help in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. He said WWE has done more than they can imagine in terms of helping and said others should strive to follow their model.
He said there is a buzz at the Meadowlands and he promised everyone the show will be rocking this Sunday.
Michael Cole introduced CM Punk, noting that he had the sixth longest WWE title reign in history and that if he beatds The Undertaker, his WWE Hall of Fame ticket will be punched.
Punk said he wasn't going to talk about seals or pyramids (as Vince McMahon did earlier) and he's different from the other legends that they will see on this stage. He said Undertaker and his streak are legendary but streaks are meant to be broken. He said that come Monday, everyone will be talking about him. He is going to break the streak and break The Undertaker.

Michael Cole introduced WWE champion The Rock, saying he left as champion and returned as champion. He said that he just landed and when he saw the huge Wrestlemania marquee above Radio City Music Hall, it was one of the coolest things he's ever seen.
Rock said that when he debuted for WWE, it was in Madison Square Garden. He said usually you have your debut in some small gym or a barn, but he was lucky to have it in MSG. He said that he's been really fortunate over the last 15 years and to have the chance to come back to MSG, it means a lot.
Rock said that his grandfather wrestled for Vince's father and his father wrestled for Vince and then Rock came along and screwed everything up. He said that to come back and be WWE champion and to give back to WWE and the business that gave him everything he has in life with an event like Wrestlemania - he knows what it means to the McMahon family and Vince's father and his own grandfather watching from heaven, who never had the chance to perform in a stadium like they will this weekend - and he thanks the fans, the media, WWE and everyone else for allowing him to have the opportunity he has this weekend.
Rock said he can chase Vin Diesel in Rio or fight Cobra in G.I. Joe but nothing compares to kicking John Cena's candy ass at Wrestlemania.
Rock said to do that and to electrify, you need a partner, an opponent. He said there is no one better than Cena to do that and no one comes close. He said they did it in his hometown of Miami and now in his home away from home, New York. He thanked everyone and warned John Cena to be ready.

John Cena was introduced and began making jokes, then said that if you are involved with WWE, you always get more than you bargained for. Cena said he watched last year's show yesterday and feels the show they have the show that will indeed eclipse that.
Cena began speaking in French and Chinese to give specific messages to those markets.
Cena said they were truly excited to be in the center of the world and surrounded by all this attention. He said they have the best show that everyone can enjoy.
Cena said that he's been asked for predictions. He predicted surprises, magic moments and for all to be entertained.
They brought Rock back out for a photo opportunity face to face with Cena.
They then brought out all the WWE talents on stage for photos. Big Show, Miz, The Bellas and others joined the talents that spoke.
The conference closed with Vince McMahon raising the arms of Rock and John Cena.
Thanks for logging in and following our coverage! 

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