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lunedì 11 febbraio 2013

WWE Superstars TV report

WWE Superstars Report

Match 1 Zack Ryder vs Heath Slater

Woo woo, you know it! I Tunes chart buster Ryder makes his way to the ring to open up this weeks edition of Superstars. Slater is accompanied by 3 MB stable mates Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre. The Chosen one is wearing jeans and cowboy boots, to which Striker compares him to Dusty Rhodes entering a Texas death match. Even match up between the two until Ryder takes over and heads for the trademark Broski boot, only for Slater to head to the outside and consult the band. Ryder goes for a pescado but misses, however he lands on his feet and takes out Mahal with a clothesline. Zack gets back in the ring, where Drew throws Heath back in. Ayr's finest gets up on the apron, however it backfires as Ryder dropkicks Slater into him, followed by a Rough Ryder leg drop for the one two three. Ryder by the way has new tights with the Internet championship all the way round it.

After commercial we have a recap of Punks promo from Raw, followed by another commercial then Miz TV recap. Interestingly on the morning showing of Superstars, the chair throwing was edited out, which is a wise thing, it was scary to watch live, Miz could have been seriously hurt. Bar that, it was an awesome segment.

Match 2 Justin Gabriel vs Damien Sandow

The vastly underrated and underutilised Gabriel enters the arena first, followed by Sandow who addresses the unfortunate break up of Team Rhodes Scholars. Sandow brings up the reasoning behind it, being both men want to achieve singles accomplishments and that his path of a achievement will start tonight, to which Gabriel feigns yawning. Sandow dominates the early action hitting the Elbow of Distain for a two count. Gabriel fires back with a spin kick and a springboard crossbody for a near fall. He then attempts a top rope springboard moonsault, Sandow moves, but Gabriel lands on his feet, however The Cape Town warewolf begins limping. Eventually Sandow kicks Gabriel in the injured knee and then hits the Terminousse (sp?) for the win.

The show then finishes with the ending of Raw with the Shield running from Cena, Ryback and Sheamus, to build up the six man tag at Elimination Chamber.

Final Thoughts

An decent show this week with two solid fresh match ups. Great to see Sandow on here, however he should be a main player on the bigger shows, I think the character is brilliant. Hopefully Gabriel will be making more appearances, he always has entertaining matches.

Till next week, take care everybody

Matt Barker

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