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sabato 6 aprile 2013


Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of Supercard of Honor VII!
Note: I hit traffic on the way opener and missed the first few minutes of the opener.
ACH & Tadarius Thomas vs QT Marshall & Barrister RD Evans
We join this match in progress, as Marshall and Evans have Thomas in trouble. Marshall hits a side backbreaker and holds Thomas there so Evans can hit a rolling neckbreaker over Marshall's knee. Thomas tries to fire back, and eventually gets away and tags in ACH, who cleans house and gets Evans in a Texas Cloverleaf, but instead of turning it over right away, he uses it to give Evans a giant swing and then turns Evans over. Marshall comes in to break toe hold, Evans charges at ACH and gets hiptossed out to the floor, then ACH clotheslines Marshall over the top of the other side of the ring. ACH baseball slides Evansas he tries to make his way back inside, then wipes Marshall out with a somersault dive. Thomas prepares to hit one of his own, but Evans hits him with a leg lariat and then tries a dive onto ACH that ACH easily evades. Thomas follows that up with a Space Flying Tiger Drop that takes Evans and Marshall out, and the crowd is on their feet with an ROH chant. ACH and Thomas bring Marshall inside and try to double team him, Marshall backdrops Thomas to the floor, then Evans hits an inverted Styles Clash on ACH for 2. Marshall picks ACH over his shoulder as Evans goes to the top rope, but Thomas breaks that up, cartwheel kicks Evans to the floor, then he and ACH hit a series of kicks to Marshall's head before ACH hits a sitout DDT for the win.
Winners: Tadarius Thomas & ACH
Hell of an opener, ACH and Thomas have great chemistry as a team, and Marshall looked a lot better here than I've seen him in any of his previous outings.
Shelton Benjamin comes out to the ring and says that he has good news and bad news. First, Charlie Haas isn't here tonight, and then he has some worse news: on the biggest weekend in wrestling, he doesn't have a match. Shelton calls Cheeseburger, the ROH student Charlie Haas roughed up a few weeks back, and he says that he knows Charlie can be a real asshole sometimes, but he respects Cheeseburger for standing up to Charlie. Mike Bennett's music hits, and out he comes with his new fiance Maria and Brutal Bob. Bennett gets a good reaction, and he says it's typical of the ROH fans that he takes three months off, then comes back and suddenly they love him. He's on the same page as Shelton, because he doesn't have a match tonight either. He has wrestling companies, record labels, and everything else trying to give him a deal because he's the greatest thing ever. Cheeseburger finally gets tired of listening to Bennett and grabs the microphone out of his hands, then makes the mistake of cursing Bennett out. Bennett knocks Cheeseburger into next week, and Benjamin says he guesses he found his match, and he and Bennett start brawling.
Mike Bennett vs Shelton Benjamin
Benjamin beats Bennett up all around ringside, then brings him back in and hits a nasty running kneestrike into the corner and goes for a powerbomb. Bennett sits out of that and they trade forearms in the middle of the ring until Bennett lays Benjamin out with a clothesline. Bennett whips Benjamin to the corner and nails Shelton with a back elbow for 2. He gets Shelton in a rear chinlock, Benjamin fights his way out so Bennett goes for the TKO, but Shelton escapes that as well and snaps Bennett backward into a backbreaker. Now they're on their knees trading right hands, and continue doing so all the way up to their feet. Shelton hits a flying forearm and then kips up, hits an inverted atomic drop and a running forearm. Hmmm, I've seen that combo somewhere before. Shelton hits the Stinger Splash and t-bone suplex, but Bennett is out at 2. Bennett catches Shelton charging in and hits the Box Office Smash, Shelton kicks out at 2, so Bennett hits a running high knee in the corner a la CM Punk (for whom the fans were chanting) and then goes for the Go To sleep. Shelton slips out and gets Bennett in a half crab, but Maria distracts the referee so Brutal Bob can run in and spear Shelton. Bennett staggers over to the corner, climbs up top, and hits a Massachusetts Jam. Instead of going for the cover, he stops to make out with Maria and gives Shelton a chance to recover. Bennett slowly picks Shelton up, falls victim to the spinning leg lariat as Maria gyrates to the crowd, not realizing that Shelton is the man she reaches back and grabs. Bennett tries to superkick Shelton, Shelton moves and Bennett nails Maria, Shelton superkicks Bennett and hits a German suplex for 2. Shelton hits another suplex and goes for the kill, but Bennett rolls him up and holds the ropes for 3.
Winner: Mike Bennett
This was good, Bennett has improved a lot and Shelton worked really hard given that this looks like the last time we're going to see him for now. The crowd gives him a nice reaction on his way out, and he actually stops and bows to the fans to thank them for the support before he leaves.
#1 Contender Match: Jay Lethal vs Michael Elgin
The winner of this one gets a future shot at the ROH World Title, and the crowd seems pretty split over who they want to win. They have a fast paced, back and forth sequence as they trade pinfall attempts, both men also go for their finishing moves but each manage to escape the other's grasp. Elgin tries to lift Lethal into a suplex, but Lethal evades his grasp and catches Elgin with a leg lariat off the ropes for 2. Lethal is in firm control, hiptossing Elgin and cartwheeling into a dropkick for 2. The crowd is split 50-50 as Lethal fights his way out of Elgin's grasp, Lethal boots Elgin in the face as he charges, Lethal goes out to the apron and tries a springboard move, but Elgin catches him coming back in and powerslams him for 2. Elgin lifts Lethal up in a vertical suplex and holds him there for 30 seconds, even as Lethal tried punching his way out, before dropping him and covering for 2. The crowd chants "that's impressive" at Elgin as he picks Lethal up and goes for the powerbomb, Lethal slips out the back but Elgin takes him right back down and catches him in a Crippler Crossface. The crowd actually starts a Chris Benoit chant as Lethal makes it to the ropes to force the break and then rolls out to the ring apron. Elgin goes out after Lethal and tries to German suplex him, Lethal tumbles into the ring and knocks Elgin to the floor with a leaping enziguiri, then nails Elgin with two consecutive dives through the ropes, Elgin tries to get onto the apron to block a third, but Lethal sees him and changes to a springboard dropkick to knock Elgin back to the floor, then hits the third dive. Lethal rolls Elgin back into the ring and connects with a springboard dropkick, he picks Elgin up and plants him with a Death Valley Driver and then goes to the top rope for Hail To The King. The crowd chants for Randy Savage and Lethal stops to soak it in, but gives Elgin too much time to recover and Elgin climbs up to try and superplex Lethal. Lethal uppercuts Elgin repeatedly in the ribs and knocks him to the mat, but Elgin pops right back up and hits a leaping boot that knocks Lethal to the apron. Elgin climbs to the second rope and superplexes Lethal off the apron and into the ring for 2. They're both back to their feet and face to face now, exchanging right hands because they both want the title shot so bad. Both men look like they should be going down, but refuse to give up and keep going until Elgin overwhelms Lethal with a quick flurry of right hands. Elgin blocks a suplex, whips Lethal to the corner, no-sells a boot to the face and drills Lethal with a pair of corner clotheslines and a Black Hole Slam for 2. Elgin dodges a charge, hits a roaring forearm to the back of Lethal's head, then German suplexes him into the corner. Elgin goes to the top rope for the twisting senton, but Lethal gets the knees up, then pops Elgin up in a back suplex into a neckbreaker for 2. Lethal goes to the top again, Elgin is up and tries to charge him, but Lethal dodges Elgin, hits a flatliner, and gets him in the Koji Clutch. Elgin easily drags himself to the ropes, so Lethal goes for the Lethal Injection, Elgin catches him and goes for Chaos Theory, Lethal blocks it twice, reverses the second attempt to a victory roll for 2, and gets drilled with a spinning backfist frm Elgin. Elgin hits the bucklle bomb, Lethal superkicks Elgin twice, Elgin superkicks Lethal, gives him a bicycle kick, and turns him inside out with a short clothesline. The crowd is on their feet as Elgin covers for 2, then he gives Lethal another buckle bomb, but Lethal reverses the sitout powerbomb to an inverted Frankensteiner and htis the Lethal Injection, but Elgin pops right up. Lethal hits the Combination and Hail To The King, Elgin kicks out at 2, Lethal puts Elgin up top and chops him, and sets up for a top rope Ace Crusher. Instead, Elgin picks Lethal up and hits a sitout powerbomb off the top rope, drills him with another spinning backfist, powerbombs Lethal into the corner again, and hits another sitout powerbomb to finally pick up the win.
Winner: Michael Elgin
The crowd is chanting "that was awesome" and I find it hard to disagree. This is far and away the match of the weekend so far, but SCUM runs in and attacks both men before they can enjoy it too much. Steve Corino says that they just fought their hearts out for nothing, then says that it's time for ROH to meet their doom and come face SCUM, because they're here to kill this company.
Rhett Titus, Rhino, Jimmy Jacobs, Jimmy Rave & Cliff Compton vs BJ Whitmer, Mark Briscoe, Mike Mondo, Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander
This is just a mess, as all ten men brawl around ringside before Mondo winds up back in the ring and trapped in the wrong corner. Rave and Jacobs double sweep his legs and clubber him, then yell stuff at the ROH team to draw Whitmer into the ring so they can hit some illegal offense behind the ref's back. Jacobs rams a series of kneestrikes into Mondo's skull, but Mondo blocks a suplex and reverses to one of his won. Titus comes in and nails Mondo with a sliding kick, then tags Compton in and he turns Mondo inside out with a hard clothesline for 2. Compton drags Mondo to the corner so Rave and Jacobs can clubber him some more, but Mondo dodges a charge from Rave and makes the tag to Whitmer, who comes in and immediately starts tearing through the SCUM team. Coleman and Alexander wipe some of the SCUM members out with a dive to the floor, then Mark Briscoe takes out Rhino and Jacobs with a top rope crossbody before wiping more SCUM members out with a dive over the ropes. Titus is unloading on Whitmer now, Compton flattens Coleman with a Michinoku Driver, Alexander comes in and gives Comption a pop up backbreaker, Jacobs gouges Alexander's eyes and gives him a Pedigree, Mondo hits a Silver Slice on Jacobs, Rhino clotheslines Mondo, Briscoe shotgun dropkicks Rhino, Rave hits Ghanarhea on Briscoe, Whitmer puts Rave in the corner and unloads with several chops, Rave slides out to the floor and Whitmer nearly breaks him in half with a dive through the ropes. Steve Corino, who was apparently at ringside doing commentary, suddenly decides to beat up Kevin Kelly's color commentator (whose name escapes me), BJ Whitmer goes after him, and this leads to a series of spots where Mondo gets powder thrown in his eyes, Alexander gets laid out with a chain from Jacobs, and then Rhino gores Coleman into next week and covers him for the win.
Winners: SCUM
That was a HELL of a brawl, and exactly what they needed to give them some much-needed heat. Steve Corino gets a microphone after the match and says that the fans are cheering the wrong team, and not only will Matt Hardy win the TV Title tonight, but SCUM will ensure that Kevin Steen walks out of New York City still the ROH World Champion. SCUM attacks Whitmer (who I just noticed was handcuffed to the bottom rope) on their way out as Kevin Kelly runs to the back to check on his broadcast partner.
Roderick Strong vs Karl "Machine Gun" Anderson
I've really been looking forward to this because, to put it lightly, they're gonna beat the ever loving crap out of each other. Feeling out process to start, but it doesn't last long before Anderson bowls over Strong with a double axhandle and takes him down with a side headlock. Strong gets back to his feet and sends Anderson to the ropes, barely clears him on a leapfrog, and drills him with a dropkick. Strong with some hard chops in the corner (and an extra at the request of the crowd), but hecharges right into a boot from Anderson, who dropkicks Strong's leg out from under him and then starts putting the boots to his knee. Anderson rams Strong's knee into the ring apron and then wraps his leg around the middle rope so he can dropkick it, then they head out to the floor where Strong gives Anderson a butbuster onto the barricade, then they come back inside where Strong continues dishing out the punishment. Strong straddles Anderson in the corner Shattered Dreams style and nails him with a running kneelift. Anderson dodges a second and goes for a high knee of his own, but Strong dodges and nails him with a leaping enziguiri for 2. They trade chops in the middle of the ring, Strong hits Anderson with a leaping enziguiri, but charges right into a spinebuster that Anderson uses to get 2. Strong drills Anderson with a running boot for 2, he goes for the Stronghold but Anderson kicks him off, so they go out to the apron and trade forearms until Anderson drills Strong with a bicycle kick. Strong rolls inside where Anderson nails him with a top rope neckbreaker for 2, then hits a sitout powerbomb for a very close 2. Strong nails Anderson with the Sick Kick, but Anderson is out at 2 so Strong hits the gutbuster and Sick Kick for another 2. Strong with another series of chops and forearms, Anderson with a bicycle kick, Strong with a kneelift, Anderson with a sitout Tombstone for 2. My goodness. Strong blocks the Ace Crusher, hammers Anderson with a series of elbowstrikes, but Anderson catches him with the Ace Crusher for the win.
Winner: Karl "Machine Gun" Anderson
Yep, I was right about that one! These guys DESTROYED each other, great stuff and a great re-debut for Anderson. Strong even follows the Code of Honor out of respect for his opponent. 
ROH TV Title Match: Matt Taven vs Adam Cole vs Matt Hardy
Hardy has an ENORMOUS amount of heel heat in this town, and it only gets louder when Corino tells him not to worry about the fans because he has over 800,000 Twitter followers, and he's slept with so many Divas that he would make their hero CM Punk jealous. Corino then does a prematch introduction for Matt Hardy of which Apollo Creed himself would be jealous. Matt tries to throw his t-shirt out to the crowd like a good babyface, but the crowd keeps throwing it back at him and then chants "Reby swallows" at poor Matt as Cole wipes him out with a dive to the floor. Taven tries one of his own, but Cole nails him with a leaping enziguiri, stops to ram Matt into the barricades a couple of times for good measure, then gets kicked in the head by Taven, who then takes him out with the dive he was trying for before. Taven brings Cole back inside and covers for 2, then hits a side backbreaker for another 2. Taven tries a dropkick through the ropes, but Hardy catches his feet and yhanks him down to the floor before coming in and laying Cole out with a clothesline and hitting the howling legdrop for 2. Cole fires back on Matt Hardy, knocks Taven off the apron, then gets Hardy in the figure four. Taven gets a top rope splash on Cole to break up the hold and gets 2, Hardy clotheslines Taven in the corner and tries to bulldog him, but runs into a superkick from Cole. Taven covers Matt for 2, then Cole gets him up and hits a brainbuster onto his knee for 2. Cole puts Matt on the top rope for a superplex, Hardy fights him off into the Tree of Woe, and Taven superplexes Hardy into the ring. Cole goes for a figure four on Taven, but Taven kicks him off into a Side Effect from Hardy that gets 2. Hardy rams Cole into the ringpost, then hits Taven with the Twist of Fate, but Truth Martini is distracting the referee, so he comes back face-to-face with Cole, who kicks Hardy low and small packages him for 3.
It's down to Cole and Taven, and the crowd really went nuts for that one, no pun intended. Cole goes to knock Corino out, but he winds up tangling with Taven. He gets an O'Connor Roll on Taven, but Taven kicks him off into Corino and then hits something I don't catch and pins Cole to retain.
Winner: Matt Taven
Good match and I liked Cole playing off the finish of the Final Battle match to pin Hardy here, but I really wish one of these elimination matches wouldn't have both eliminations happen within a minute or so of each other.
ROH World Tag Team Title Match: reDRagon vs American Wolves
Davey and O'Reilly start us off, Davey bowls O'Reilly over with a shoulderblock and they do a quick mat wrestling sequence before Edwards and Fish tag in. Edwards gets Fish back in the Woves' corner, Davey kicks O'Reilly off the apron, then they hit a double boot to Fish for 2. O'Reilly tags in and he starts hammering Eddie with kicks, but Eddie catches his foot and takes him back to the Wolves' corner so Davey can tag in and put O'Reilly in the Texas Sunrise. Fish comes in to try and help, but then Eddie comes in to give Davey an assist when the ref turns his back to get Fish out of the ring. O'Reilly makes the tag and Fish lays Davey out, then nails him with a slingshot senton for 2. O'Reilly comes in and catches Davey in a bodyscissors, but Davey easily reverses to a seated surfboard until Fish comes in and kicks Davey in the back, then O'Reilly drags Davey back to the reDRagon corner but can't hold him for long before he makes the tag to Eddie, who boots O'Reilly off the apron and starts a flurry of offense that puts Fish on the defensive. Eddie ducks a charge and both members of reDRagon sail over the top rope where the Wolves take them out with stereo kicks and then stereo suplexes and stereo dives to the floor. The Wolves don't retain the advantage for long before reDRagon leave them both in a heap on the floor after wiping them out with stereo dives, including a dive over the ringpost by Fish. Now the champions are in control and hammer Edwards with stereo kicks, but that only gets 2. They keep up the punishment, but Edwards trips O'Reilly and then suplexes Fish on top of him, and he makes the tag to Davey, who comes in with a double missiledropkick and then hammers both champions with machine guns martial arts kicks in the corner. Davey hammers O'Reilly with a charging forearm, gives fish a running boot, then hits a knockout kick and a German suplex on O'Reilly for 2. Eddie gets a second rope Codebreaker on O'Reilly and then Davey rolls him up for 2, O'Reilly gets a flurry of open hand strikes to both Wolves and double legdrags both of them. O'Reilly goes for a running punt, Davey catches the leg and gets him in an anklelock, Fish tries kicking Davey off of his partner but Davey won't drop the hold, so Fish tries a running kick and Davey trips him and gets him in an anklelock as well. Wolves hit a double team Alarm Clockbut Eddie accidentally superkicks Davey, and then all hell breaks loose as both sides destroy each other with martial arts stuff. Eddie and Fish fight out on the floor and Fish sends Eddie into the barricade, Fish goes up top to stop Davey from superplexing O'Reilly, but Eddie gets up and gives him a flying headscissors, then Davey superplexes O'Reilly and the Wolves give him a brainbsuter with a knockout kick. Davey punts fish to the floor, then they hit top rope double stomps to O'Reilly, but only get 2. Davey goes for an O'Connor roll on O'Reilly, but Fish pops up and kicks him in the face, then O'Reilly gets the rollup and pulls the tights for the win.
Winners: reDRagon
Awesome, awesome match and now the champions have scored wins over both the Wolves and the Briscoes, two of the top teams in company history.
It's main event time!
ROH World Title Match: Kevin Steen vs Jay Briscoe
They do an extended feeling out process to start, Jay tries a shoulderblock and gets nowhere, Steen goes right after the bad arm but Jay drills him in the face with a big boot. Jay charges Steen in the corner and runs right into Jay's boot, Jay charges and Steen ducks down and Jay sails out to the floor. Steen goes for a piledriver but gets backdropped, then Jay brings Steen back inside and bowls him over with a charging double axhandle that gets 2. Steen goes back to the bad shoulder and DDTs Jay for 2. Steen gets Jay in the corner and unloads on him as the crowd chants Steen's name. Jay gets a big boot and a roaring forearm that puts Steen flat on his back, then picks him up and gives him a big bodyslam. Jay keeps the pressure up, but Steen hammers Jay's shoulder with elbow smashes and rams the shoulder into the post before wrapping Jay's arm around the ropes and cranking on it. Steen gets a hammerlock suplex for 2, and the crowd is torn chanting for both men as Steen hits a pump handle neckbreaker for 2. Steen gets a cross armbreaker, but Jay is too close to the ropes and forces the break. Jay catches Steen coming into the corner and hits a Blockbuster-style neckbreaker, Jimmy Jacobs runs out ot interfere but Mark comes out to fight him off and herds him to the back so Jay can get back to his feet and go toe to toe with Steen before hitting a DVD for 2. Jay goes to the top but Steen yanks his arm down onto the top rope and hits a cannonball in the corner for 2. They go to the apron and Jay tries for a Jay Driller on the apron, but Steen drops down and powerbombs Jay onto the ring apron. Steen rolls Jay in and goes for a swanton, but Jay gets the knees up and hits a neckbreaker. More members of SCUM run out, but more members of the ROH roster fight them off and we're back to Jay and Steen. They go toe to toe, Steen goes for the F5, Jay slips out and they wipe each other out with a double clothesline. The ROH roster comes out and surrounds the ring, Jay escapes a package piledriver attempt, but Steen hits a sleeper suplex and a package piledriver on the second try, Jay kicks out at 2. SCUM tries to run out and interfere, ROH fights them off, but Matt Hardy sneaks in through the crowd and goes for the Twist of Fate on Jay, but Steen kicks him in the gut and tosses him out of the ring, then Jay hits him with the Jay Driller for 2. The crowd is going nuts as Jay goes for another Jay Driller, but Steen counters to the Crippler Crossface. He has Jay right in the middle of the ring, but Jay rolls Steen to his back for 2, German suplexes him, turns him inside out with a clothesline, and hits another Jay Driller, and we have a new champion!
Winner and new ROH World Champion: Jay Briscoe
Wow, I thought it would be a good idea, but I wasn't sure I expected them to actually do it! The crowd is off their gourds cheering for Jay, and the Briscoe family, including Papa and Mama Briscoe, Jay and Mark's wives and kids, and Uncle Jethro come into the ring to celebrate. Steen gets a microphone and goes face to face with Jay, and the crowd chants "thank you Steen" as the former champion drops the microphone and shakes Jay's hand, then hugs his family and leaves as the fans chant ROH and then chant "you deserve it" at Jay. Jay gets a microphone and says that he's been saying all along to make SCUM die, all you needed to do was chop the head off. He tells the music guy that he knows they have the new music, but just this one time to do it old school and play some Skynyrd, and the sounds of Gimme Back My Bullets start playing as Jay holds the belt high.
This was a blowaway show, and the title change in the main event was the perfect ending to a terrific show top to bottom. There was nothing bad on here, and I highly, highly recommend you buy the replay at because this is a must-see show.
Thanks for following's live coverage of ROH Supercard of Honor VII! We'll be back tomorrow with plenty more coverage of the weekend's festivities!

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