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sabato 6 aprile 2013


Welcome to's live, ongoing Pro Wrestling Syndicate Supercard 2013 Night Two at Sportsplex in Metuchen, NJ. The show is be available via iPPV through for $9.99.
HOT NEWS: Jess McGrath is in the house and will providing comments from time to time.  Yes, the legend has returned!!
Sonjay Dutt vs. Lance Anoia.
They went back and forth.  Dutt backdropped him.  They went to the floor, where Dutt slammed Lance.  They battled on the floor but due to the vantage point, I couldn't see it.  The lights went off but they were fixed.
Lance made a comeback and nailed a series of armdrags.  Lance whipped Dutt into the corner but Dutt moved and nailed a springboard kick.  They battled back and forth with strikes and kicks. 
Lance went for a Rock Bottom but Dutt escaped.  Lance nailed another one and scored the pin.
Your winner, Lance Anoia!
Good back and forth match.
Jess says that was a fine opener.
HOT NEWS: Jess McGrath is in the house and will providing comments from time to time.  Yes, the legend has returned!!
Sonjay Dutt vs. Lance Anoia.
They went back and forth.  Dutt backdropped him.  They went to the floor, where Dutt slammed Lance.  They battled on the floor but due to the vantage point, I couldn't see it.  The lights went off but they were fixed.
Lance made a comeback and nailed a series of armdrags.  Lance whipped Dutt into the corner but Dutt moved and nailed a springboard kick.  They battled back and forth with strikes and kicks. 
Lance went for a Rock Bottom but Dutt escaped.  Lance nailed another one and scored the pin.
Your winner, Lance Anoia!
Good back and forth match.
Jess says that was a fine opener.
A young wrestler named AJ Gamble came out and began talking on the mic.  Vader, who is Commissioner, came out and offered to fight him right now.
Vader vs. AJ Gamble
Gamble tried to back off but was pummeled in the corner with stiff forearms and shots.  Vader whipped him into the ropes and nailed a clothesline and pinned him.
Your winner, Vader!
Vader did the Vader Bomb off the ropes after the bell and pinned him again.
It was short but fun as a way to get Vader out in front of everyone.  I popped because he came out to the Empire's theme from Star Wars.  Fun.
Jess says Vader had some amazing sweatpants on.
The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff came out.    Nikolai Volkoff thanked everyone for coming tonight and said that they were one of the best tag teams of all time.  Sheiky Baby put over New Jersey.  Nikolai did the Russian National Anthem.  Sheik had a trainee with him and the trainee attacked Volkoff and put him in The Camel Clutch as Sheik called him a "cheap jew" and "a son of a b**tch."  Sheik's rant got over huge.  Sheik said the trainee was his nephew and will be the new Iron Sheik.
Yes, in 2013, The Sheik turned on Nikolai.
That was very weird and awesome.
Jess says I just watched Iron Sheik turn on Nikolai Volkoff in 2013.  I am very concerned.

Nova & Chris Chetti vs. Star Man & Hurricane
Nova and Helms started out and went back and forth.  Helms did his Hurricane stance to stop a charge.  Star Man tagged in with an axehandle.  Chetti tagged in and they went back and forth.  Star Man was paused and felt no pain as Chetti nailed him again and again.  Chetti was puzzled when he kicked him in the groin and it didn't register.
Nova tagged in and was cut off.  Hurricane and Star Man worked over him.  Star Man hit a standing moonsault press for a two count.   Nova came back with a powerbomb/elbowdrop combination.
Chetti nailed Star Man with a big kick but was cut off during the pin by Helms.  Helms went for a Tomakaze but Nova grabbed him and hit the Kryptonite Krunch.  Star Man took out Chetti.  He and Nova went back and forth and Nova hit him with some insane drilling DDT.  Chetti covered him and scored the pin.
Your winners, Nova and Chris Chetti!
Nova pulled out some cool moves and the match had a nice pace to it.  This was Chetti's first match in years and he brought his kids to see him.  Everyone raised each other's arms and shook hands. 
Nova took the mic and said Chris Chetti is his best friend in the world and never got to have the career he should have.  He pointed out Chetti's family.  They got an ECW chant.  Chetti thanked everyone in PWS for letting him come out and pointed out his kids.
Fun match.  Some cool old school Nova moves.
Jess said it was a fun match  Star Man is a great gimmick.  He wants to know what higher power is pausing Star Man.  He thinks it's Vince McMahon.
Tommy Dreamer vs. Pat Buck.
Tommy took the mic and thanked PWS for packing the house.  He said that there are a lot of guys who appeared on Wrestlemania who are here tonight to help pave the way for those who will one day be on Wrestlemania.   He said since they have so many fans from all over the world here, he challenged Buck to go old school and Extreme.  The fans chanted, "ECW."
They went back and forth in the ring and then brawled to the floor.  Dreamer nailed him with a drink and they battled around ringside.  Dreamer teased a suplex out of the ring but Buck pulled away and dropkicked Dreamer.
Buck worked over Dreamer and scored several two counts.    Buck locked in an armbar and clotheslined Dreamer down.  He went to the top but was crotched.  Dreamer nailed a superplex.   Dreamer nailed a series of elbows.
Dreamer nailed him in the corner with a series of right hands.  Buck escaped and whipped Dreamer into the corner.  Dreamer kicked him off and tied Buck to the tree of woe.  He nailed the runngin dropkick in the corner. 
Dreamer set up a chair in between the two turnbuckles and whipped Buck hard into it face-first.    Dreamer hit an elbow off the ropes but Buck moved, so Dreamer destroyed a chair.    Buck nailed a back cracker for a two count.
Dreamer came back and grabed a Singapore Cane.  Buck nailed him with an enziguiri and hit a legdrop off the ropes for the pin.
Your winner, Tommy Dreamer!
A good brawl.  Pretty surprising to see Dreamer lose here...OK, maybe not.
Jess says Dreamer fought the good fight, brother.
Suicidal Seven Way: The Drunken Swashbuckler vs.  Devon Moore vs. Cassidy Riley vs. Micah Taylor vs. Bonesaw vs. No Idea vs. No Idea.
 They did a sequence where the the Swashbuckler drunkenly stumbled out of the way, causing Riley and Taylor to collide.  Everyone battled over a big multiple suplex spot.  That built into a double decker superplex spot.  Bonesaw hit a TKO for  two count on Taylor.  He nailed a top rope elbow for the pin.
Your winner, Bonesaw!
This was a chaotic match with a lot of frenzied spots and some sick dives. 
Jess says Cassidy Riley's hair is awesome and he's happy everyone is OK after that double decker spot.
Suicidal Seven Way: The Drunken Swashbuckler vs.  Devon Moore vs. Cassidy Riley vs. Micah Taylor vs. Bonesaw vs. No Idea vs. No Idea.
 They did a sequence where the the Swashbuckler drunkenly stumbled out of the way, causing Riley and Taylor to collide.  Everyone battled over a big multiple suplex spot.  That built into a double decker superplex spot.  Bonesaw hit a TKO for  two count on Taylor.  He nailed a top rope elbow for the pin.
Your winner, Bonesaw!
This was a chaotic match with a lot of frenzied spots and some sick dives. 
Jess says Cassidy Riley's hair is awesome and he's happy everyone is OK after that double decker spot.
Tom Prichard came out and said he was one half of one of the greatest tag teams of all time, the Heavenly Bodies and is here because there is a new team of great athletes that want to carry on the tradition - Gigolo Justin and Don of Desire Dustin.  They came out and Prichard issued an open challenge.
Out came the Big O.O said that he had someone who knew the Bodies better than anyone.  Our came the Rock N' Roll Express.  Prichard said they would face them in a six man tag with O putting the Texas title he lost several months back.
Rock N' Roll Express & Big O vs. Heavenly Bodies & Tom Prichard
They worked a slow pace but it was all the old comedy spots from the MX -RNR feud.  One of the Bodies nailed O with the Texas title and Prichard covered him and won the belt back.
Your winners, The Heavenly Bodies & Tom Prichard.
Short and well, you knew what you were getting here.  Prichard is the Texas champ again.
Jess says he popped for the Texas belt.  Rock and Roll is here to stay.
PWS champion Kevin Matthews vs. Tony Nese.
Nese revealed an Impact shirt and said everyone should be watching him on the TNA X-Travaganza PPV and not this lowly iPPV.  Kevin Matthews came out and said everyone is in agreement with him when he says, "F*** TNA."
Nese attacked him and ran Matthews from the ring, then hit a crazy dive over the top to the floor.  Nese drilled Matthews with a suplex, hit a kip up and then counted his abs.  That was awesome.
They battled back and forth with strikes.  Matthews caught him a suplex into the buckles for a two count.   Matthews set up for a superplex but Nese shoved him off.  Nese went for a 450 splash but Matthews moved.  Nese rolled through and attacked Matthews.
Nese nailed a series of hot offensive maneuvers.    He hit a springboard moonsault.  Matthews ducked a kick and caught him with a nasty looking powerbomb for the pin.
Your winner and still PWS champion, Kevin Matthews!
Nese looked really good here, as always.  Matthews ripping TNA got a big pop.  Shorter than I expected.  OK.
Jess says that powerbomb looked insane.   There was a fan going nuts for Kevin Matthews to the point that if Matthews lost, I was concerned this fan would lose his mind.  Thankfully, all is well.
We are now at intermission! 

John Silver vs.  The Big Deal
I only saw a bit of this but Silver had some awesome bumps and was really funny.  Big Deal hit a stiff clothesline and won with a top rope splash.
Your winner, The Big Deal!
Trent Baretta vs. Alex Reynolds
They had a big back and forth series of moves.  Baretta sent Reynolds to the floor and hit a crazy dive.   They had some great back and forth near falls and some great wrestling.  They hit some really stiff chops on each other.
Reynolds went for a move but was superkicked by Baretta.  Reynold came back and caught him with the Canadian Destroyer for a two count.    He charged Baretta but was kicked down in the corner.  Baretta caught him with an inverted sitdown piledriver for a two count.
They went back and forth until Reynolds hooked the tights on a rollup for the pin.
Your winner and still PWS Tri-State champion, Alex Reynolds!
Good bath and forth athletic match.
Jess says some of those bumps were crazy.
The crowd gave them a standing ovation after.
Jushin Liger vs. John Morrison
Sabu came out and shook both of their hands then watched from ringside.
Liger and Morrison went back and forth on the mat with some awesome wrestling.   Morrison did a headspin into a splash on Liger.   He nailed a Side Russian Legsweep.  Morrison locked in a side chinlock.
Morrison drilled him with a series of elbows and a leg lariat.  Morrison hit a spinning splash for a two count.   Morrison went to the top but Liger shoved him off the top to the floor and hit a flip dive off the apron to the floor.
Liger suplexed Morrison into the ring but Morrison came back with a big kick to the chest.  Liger nailed him with a forward slam and went for a top rope splash.  Morrison pulled his knees up.
Liger and Morrison went back and forth with strikes.  Liger hit a springboard kick.   They battled on the top and Liger hit a superplex for a two count.
Morrison hit a spinning moonsault for the pin.
Your winner, John Morrison!
Good match but not a classic. A good showing from both.  Morrison is a hell of an athlete and Liger can still go.
Jess says it was fun.  Good match.  Enioyable.
Huge chant for Liger after the match.
New Jack vs. Necro Butcher
This is Jack's retirement match.  They immediately began brawling.  Jack spiked him in the head with a fork as Necro charged, busting him open.  Jack carved him up in the corner.
Jack put on Wolverne claws and ripped at Necro's head.   Necro nailed him and stapled Jack's head with a staplegun.  Jack ripped the staple out of his head and give Necro the finger.  Necro drilled him with a big right hand, knocking him down.
Necro hit him with a trash can.  They battled around ringside.  Jack's music ended and when it started again, there was a huge pop.   Jack drilled Necro with a chair.   Necro suplexed Jack onto a chair.
They battled back in the ring.  Jack killed Necro with a chair.  Necro made a comeback and set up several chairs in the ring.  He gave Jack a backbreaker over two chairs for a two count.   Necro went to the ropes but Jack slammed him down onto the chairs.
Jack then came off the top with a chair that had several light tubes attached, destroying them and Necro for the pin.
Your winner, in what was billed as his retirement match, New Jack!
Absolutely insane brawl.  Nutty and bloody.
Jess says that was pretty crazy.  Lou Thesz was looking down from above, undoubtedly proud.
After the match, Jack told Necro to get up.  Someone yelled for them to "Hug it out."  Jack said, "F*** you."  Jack said that after all that, he was two things to say - thank you.
Jack said that 21 years ago, he was sitting in a movie theater trying to come up with an idea to be a pro wrestler.  He saw New Jack City and said that if he took the name, he wondered how it would sound if 2000 fans chanted it. 
Jack praised the Rock N' Roll Express and told a story about chasing a white man out of a SMW show for using the "N" and explained to him how it was a good thing that they hated him.  Morton told him that if he could survive the first few years, he could be a household name.  "I don't know what kind of household name, but you would have one."
Jack then told a story about Marty Jannetty, who was there, flirting with a girl in a bar with a flat a**, saying she must be a party animal because she danced her a** off.
Jack said he doesn't want to be like a lot of people who need to come back to wrestling and look old and broken down.  He said he wanted to let it go and walk away so the younger breed can take over the business.  He made allusions to "Hollywood calling" so maybe he's going to finally be Denzel's friend.  Two points if you get that reference.
Jack thanked the fans for showing him love.  He said he wanted to come back to a company that shows him love and respect and he didn't want to have this match anywhere else but right here. 
He asked the music guy to play a song that Bootsy Collins wrote for New Jack as he left the ring.
Great passionate speech.
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