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sabato 21 febbraio 2009


by Dave in Georgia @ 12:27 AM on 2/21/2009

TNA in Macon, Georgia Live Report:

Jeremy Borash came out first and told us that Thursday's Impact was the highest rated show in the company's history. He also announced that people in the loudest sections would receive backstage passes.

The first match was between Jimmy Rave and Consequences Creed. It was a fun match, but of course with Rave no longer being a contracted wrestler the finish was never in any doubt. Creed never got to do his punch and split move during the match, but he did do the twirl and split afterwards.

The second match was Sheik Abdul Bashir vs. Eric Young. Bashir came out and saw a sign that claimed "My Dad can beat the Sheik", so Bashir told the person holding the sign "I hope your dad has good life insurance!" Young won the match.

The third match was Awesome Kong defending the Knockouts title against Taylor Wilde. Taylor actually came out with a middle-aged woman; JB announces who she was but I didn't really hear. The person who was setting next to me said she won a contest on a local FOX station. With the title on the line, there was no doubt who was going to win. Taylor came close with a rollup at one point, but Kong eventually hit the Impact buster for the win. The ref helped Taylor to the back. She could have been injured, but I think she was just selling the beating she took. This was one of only two matches in which there were dueling cheers as half wanted Taylor to win, and the other half wanted Kong to win.

The fourth match was Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles. Steiner came out and said it's been a long time since he's been in Macon; WCW used to come to Macon all the time. He said he hates rednecks and white trash. After AJ got knocked out of the ring, he grabbed the mic and said that Steiner calling the crowd rednecks was actually a complement to us. Styles attempted the Styles Clash, but Steiner countered with a backdrop. Steiner hit what I think is called the Steiner Flatliner. He prepared to put AJ in the Steiner Recliner, but AJ fought out of it. AJ won the match with the Pele.

JB announced that it was now intermission and everyone who had received backstage passes could go to the back and meet some TNA stars. He also announced that tonight was the first time TNA came to Macon and promised it wouldn't be the last time. He also announced that after the intermission a cameraman would be filming the audience and that the footage would appear on a future episode of Impact. After the filming he said it would also appear on the TNA website. I was at ringside, so I'm going to have to look to see if I can find myself on Impact (though he didn't address WHICH Impact it would actually appear on).

After the break Beer Money defended the Tag Titles against LAX. Storm got on the microphone and insulted the crowd. He then turned his attention to a guy in the front row who was apparently calling him a "f***t." James said "you're the one who paid money to see grown men roll around in their underwear, so who are you calling a f*****?" A minor "f*****" chant started, but thankfully it didn't catch on. When James kept stalling at the beginning my yelling at people in the audience, LAX went outside to try to get him in the ring. At one hilarious point Roode went up to him and tapped him from behind. Thinking it was Homicide or Hernandez, Storm turned around and punched Roode in the mouth. I couldn't see what happened next because the people in front of me were standing up, but the lady next to me said that Storm then claimed it was actually a fan who hit Roode. Storm and Roode then hugged and made up.

Storm started the match against Homicide. When Homicide tagged in Hernandez, Storm ran to the corner and tagged in Roode, who was less than pleased to have to come in. There were a number of near falls in which people thought the titles actually changed hands, but it wasn't meant to be. Storm spit beer into either Homicide or Hernandez's face (I don't remember whose), which allowed Roode to get the pin.

The main event was Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett. This was the other match with dueling chants. My section wanted Jeff to win (though I didn't) while the people across from us wanted Angle to win. Both men applied their signature submission moves during the course of the match. Jarrett hit the Stroke, but Kurt kicked out. Eventually Steiner came out, which allowed Angle to hit a low blow and Angle Slam. Angle covered Jarrett, but he kicked out. AJ came out and went after Steiner, which distracted the ref. Angle grabbed the guitar and tried to use it on Jeff, but Jeff managed to take it from him. Jeff hit Angle with the guitar, but it didn't break and Kurt didn't go down, so Jeff hit him with it again. Once again it didn't break, but this time Kurt went down and Jeff got the three count.

After the show JB, Jeff, and AJ celebrated in the ring. JB mentioned that since this was TNA's first time in Macon, TNA should do something special. Jeff and AJ suggested a handicap match with them taking on JB, but JB understandably wasn't interested in giving us something THAT special. He then suggested that instead of giving out backstage passes, they could bring the backstage to the fans. All the clean wrestlers (including Taylor, so if she did get hurt it was something minor) then came out and started giving autographs while in the ring, AJ and Jarrett would pose for pictures. It cost $20 to have the picture taken, but the pics were printed right away. AJ told me he liked my shirt; he should, seeing as it's his! I wasn't able to get any autographs because by the time I actually got to take a picture with AJ and Jeff, the others had already left. I tried to get AJ to sign the back of my picture, but he got called away.

All in all it was an entertaining show. Next time I'm going to have to try to get tickets early so I can get the front row. After Angle hit Jarrett with three German suplexes, he began taunting to the crowd. I tried to take a picture, but just as my digital took the picture someone in the front row stood up to yell at Angle, completely blocking the shot. Dude, you're in the front row. Sit down!

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