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venerdì 14 dicembre 2012

OVW TV report 12.12 Lousville

Here is the report for Ohio Valley Wrestling episode 695 which was taped 12/12. This episode is available for your viewing pleasure at
To the announce table with Dean Hill, Gilbert Corsey, and Michael Titus! Gilbert tells Dean that there was chaos last week, with OUR OVW Champion Rob Terry and James "Moose" Thomas getting beaten down by Crimson, Jason Wayne, and their associates. Terry is now under medical care with some ligament damage. Titus notes that Moose is in tonight's main event once again taking on Crimson and Wayne but with a new partner Ryan Howe! Dean says the next Saturday Night Special will be 1/5!
To the ring announcer Terry Boddie!
Match #1: Elvis Pridemore & Stephon J Baxter III vs Best Team Ever (Rudy Switchblade & Jesse Godderz)
BTE both wearing the same colored tights tonight, as Dean notes that they get a tag title rematch at Saturday Night Special against OUR OVW Tag Team Champions The Gut Checkers (Sam Shaw & Alex Silva). Baxter looks like a pudgy Steve Urkel although Gilbert points out that he is "Ivy League educated". Apparently Dean didn't watch the show last week because there was a lot of recapping going on during the match. Baxter ends up getting worked over by BTE ever despite briefly hulking up (or is that urkeling up?) but finally gets away to tag in Pridemore who ends up taking the Best Death Drop Ever, losing his ball cap, and getting pinned by Switchblade, who put on the ball cap as the ref counted.
BTE starts to celebrate their hard-fought victory by dragging Baxter back into the ring but The Gut Checkers come out to stop this. Shaw on the mic says has trouble getting "BTE" out (calling them "BET") saying BTE argued about the rematch like a couple of little girls last week then BTE suckered them in and beat them down. Switchblade corrects them on the team name then Silva tells them he respects people, etc. but Switchblade rebukes him for cutting him off while talking while also noting that they embarrassed The Gut Checkers last week. They shout each other down and leave.
In the dressing room, Jason Wayne is conversing with fellow platoon members Joe Coleman and Jack Black when Crimson comes in with The Wildcards (Shiloh Jonze & Raul Lamotta). Crimson tells them he got a text from General Petraeus saying he has their back(!). Wayne reports to "General" Crimson that recon has revealed that Moose is recruiting partners, stating that Howe will be Moose's partner tonight. This brings a round of laughter then Crimson implies that Howe will get the same treatment Rob Terry got last week. 
Ms. Josette Bynum comes out in a tight red dress, which elicits "ho" chants from the crowd. People ask her why she would betray OUR OVW Director of Authority Trailer Park Trash/Frank Miller? (wasn't this covered last week?) She cares about OVW and its fans! TPT has been abusing his power and giving the fans sub-par shows. She says the shows were better when she was running them (and again some cheers come from the crowd) plus she couldn't take doing menial tasks anymore. TPT also prevented Flash Flanagan from returning to OVW, so she called him to come back and do one little favor for her. Flash comes out and gets thanked by Josette for taking TPT out of the picture. Flash tells us that TPT and OVW conspired to keep him away as there is no mention of him as an OVW alumni nor any pictures of him gracing the office hallways. Flash originally thought Nick Dinsmore was OVW's biggest ass-kisser but now knows TPT really is. Flash says one thing he's always done in OVW is steal the show. TPT comes out as Dean recalls some epic matches between the two. TPT says he is running this company and Flash is no longer a part of it then calls security to remove Flash and Josette from the building!
Match #2: OUR OVW Womens Champion Taeler Hendrix vs December in a non-title match
Taeler in a nice mix of sky blue and black tonight while December is dressed in a cheerleading outfit carrying pompoms. Gilbert notes that December scored an upset win over Taeler a few months back, also saying she has to defend the title against Jessie Belle on 1/5. Titus runs through several month names before getting December's name correct. December was able to make some headway here but Taeler spin kicks her in the head for the quick pin. Taeler celebrates by throwing the pompoms at December.
BTE is walking to the dressing room with some stolen sunglasses. They run into Jessie Belle, Eddie Diamond, Timmy Danger, and the Get Down Girls, who are all Christmased up. BTE puts on the sunglasses but Jessie tells them she likes seeing their eyes so they remove them. The glasses had eye black smeared on the inside as BTE now have black circles around their eyes, which gets a good laugh from everyone. The Gut Checkers walk in and pile on with the laughter.
James "Moose" Thomas and "Diamond Steel" Ryan Howe are in the back getting all fired up for their tag match later.
Match #3: OUR OVW TV Champion Jamin Olivencia vs "VIP" Joe Rosa (w/Jose Del Barrio)
Titus calls Jamin a phony champion and that "real" champ Cliff Compton will be here tonight! Jamin fires up on Rosa until he receives an eyepoke of doom. Jamin recovers and hits the Standing O for the pin.
Compton comes and and hits Jamin from behind with his belt then takes Jamin's belt and poses with them.
Back from break, Gilbert says in Elizabethtown, KY on 12/15 there will be a "chain on a pole" match with Compton vs Silva. (Saw a poster on Facebook that also says it must happen or Compton gets fired. Hmmmm....)
Randy Royal comes out to the ring. He recaps the interview from 2 weeks ago where he talked about his health scare. Royal says he had another doctor appointment last week that would determine whether or not he could return to wrestling. He holds up a paper that clears him to return to wrestling but he says he's got to get back in shape and it's not going to be a cakewalk. He says his first match back will be at Saturday Night Special on 1/5 and failure can't be an option. He says if he can't be what he once was, remember him as he was, not as he is.
THE MIX TAPE!!! with Timmy Danger and Eddie Diamond!!! My favorite part of the show!! They're having an awards show and you can vote for "Suckah of the Year" via Twitter @TimmyDanger or @DuardoDiamond #Suckahoftheyear (and I don't have Twitter, boo!). First award is for "Shawty of the Year" which Danger says is a lady of class, integrity, and "she gotta be a diamond"! The winner gets a scented candle from Diamond's mom's garage!! The nominees are: Josette Bynum, Taeler Hendrix, Josette (again!), Heidi Lovelace, Epiphany, and Jessie Belle. Diamond opens the envelope and Danger yells out "Epiphany" but Diamond announces Heidi, which disappoints Danger. Diamond, who says Epiphany had the best year ever, lets Heidi thank her mom then kind of shoos her away.
Match #4: Allied Forces ("General" Crimson & "He-Man of Homeland Security" Jason Wayne) vs James "Moose" Thomas & "Diamond Steel" Ryan Howe
Titus salutes when Wayne comes out. Wayne has the steel rod he used on Rob Terry last week. Howe does a guitar solo with what Dean calls a "74/75 Stratocaster with a whammy bar". Moose drop toeholds Wayne into a Howe legdrop where Dean says he does a "Chuck Berry" step before dropping the leg. Howe gets cut off then Wayne pulls the top rope down and Howe tumbles out as they go to break:( They return with Howe getting beat on. Titus claims Rob Terry is a "martyr" since he's always claiming to be hurt then suggests Dean went to high school with Betty White! Howe fights back on Wayne and escapes to make the hot tag as the commentary is chock full of military references. Everybody in the pool until Moose chucks Crimson out and moosekicks Wayne for the pin.
Out runs Lamotta, Jonze, Coleman, and Black to make it six-on-two! Wayne hits Moose with the rod then they chain him to the corner. Crimson grabs Howe's guitar and hits him in the ribs with it. Black hits Howe twice with the rod then the Allied Forces pose over the fallen Howe as the show goes off.
Thoughts: At least there was a Mix Tape this week. Also saw on Facebook where they were taping 2 episodes on this night. If Moose gets three more partners that get beaten down they could have a six on six match down the road, sure looks like they're heading in that direction. I wonder if Royal's intention is really just to do one final match. The eye black prank was pretty funny, made me think of an episode of MASH where that was done. At least we also got to hear from Flash this week. As far as a rating, I'll have to go with a thumbs in the middle.

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