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mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012

Raw Christmas Eve spoilers from Pittsburgh

By Joe Kazmer

The show opened with the announcement that Santa was the guest host. He was standing by the entrance when Alberto Del Rio accidentally hit him with his BMW. Ricardo and Alberto looked on while Santa was stretchered out.
Kane defeated Cody Rhodes with the chokeslam.
Natalya/Layla/Kaitlyn/Alicia Fox vs. Eve/Tamina/Aksana/Rosa - Kaitlyn pinned Eve with a gutbuster.
Lumberjack match - Big Show vs. Sheamus - Sheamus won with a Brogue Kick in a long, plodding match. There was a brief brawl between all of the lumberjacks after the match.
Zack Ryder pinned David Otunga after the Rough Ryder.
Wade Barrett/Antonio Cesaro vs. Miz/Kofi Kingston - Miz pinned Barrett after the Skull Crushing Finale.
Great Khali (with Hornswaggle) pinned Brad Maddox after the tree slam.
CM Punk and Paul Heyman came out and cut their standard promo. Ryback interrupted and said that his title match with Punk will be a TLC match.
Daniel Bryan tapped out Damien Sandow with the No Lock.
Primetime Players/3 Man Band/Tensai vs. Clay/Usos/Kidd/Gabriel/Santino - An Uso pinned Slater with The Superfly Splash.
Cena vs. Del Rio in a street
fight - They had a Christmas themed street fight played for comedy. Eventually, Santa (Foley) came out, gave Del Rio the Socko claw, and Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment for the win.

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