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lunedì 17 dicembre 2012

ROH TV report Jay Briscoe vs. Corino, Great Promo to end show

12/15/2012 ROH TV Report
Kevin Kelly introduces the show from the Rostraver Ice Garden from Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania with Caleb Seltzer. They preview tonight’s main event of Jay Briscoe vs Steve Corino in a streetfight.
Vinny Marseglia comes to the ring for the opening match followed by his opponent Davey Richards. The “Tale Of The Tape” shows that Marseglia is 26 and Richards is 28. They shake hands to start and then circle each other until Richards grabs a wristlock. They trade wristlock reversals until Richards backdrops Marseglia who follows up with a dropkick. Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish are shown watching from the entrance and it is noted that we will learn at Final Battle if Eddie Edwards will join his former partner Richards to face Fish and O’Reilly. Marseglia hits a hurracanrana to send Richards to the floor and follows up with a pescado. Marseglia rolls Richards back in and hits a back elbow in the corner. Marseglia spins into a Russian Leg Sweep and then applies a submission hold on Richards who reverses into a horse-collar. Richards puts Marseglia into an Indian Deathlock but Marseglia makes the ropes to break the hold. Richards takes Marseglia to the corner and kicks him but gets distracted by Fish and O’Reilly at the entrance. Marseglia fights back with a kick and a forearm but Richards takes him down with kicks and a knee to the head. Richards ties up Marseglia’s arm and puts a Texas Cloverleaf on his legs. Marseglia gets out but Richards continues to lay into him with kicks. Richards follows Marseglia into the corner but Marseglia sunset flips him for a pin attempt. Richards throws Marseglia in the air and kicks him in the ribs and then does a running kick to the head to score the pin and win the match. Richards taunts O’Reilly and Fish after the match.
After a commercial break Kevin Kelly is in the ring and introduces his guest “No Fear” Mike Mondo who comes out on crutches with a cast on his fractured left ankle. Footage was shown of Mondo breaking his ankle at Glory By Honor XI in Toronto as well as his subsequent dive from the top of the entranceway onto Mike Bennett. Mondo says that he was in the back wondering what he would say and that he didn’t really know how to start. Mondo says he is just going to speak right from the heart. Mondo says it goes back to the dream from day one and that he is sure everybody has had a dream since they were a kid.  He points out fans in the audience who must have had a dream and says that ever since he was a little kid all he ever wanted to do was step in a professional wrestling ring and perform in front of “you people.”  Mondo says there is nothing like it and that professional wrestling is the best sport in the world and Ring Of Honor is the best company in the world. The fans chant “Mondo”. Mondo says a lot of people have misinterpreted some information and that a few years ago when he went “elsewhere” that he was living his dream and had made it to the pinnacle and made it in the wrestling industry.  Mondo says that wasn’t the top of the industry and that they tried to make him be someone he wasn’t. Mondo says he never wanted to be in a green jumpsuit and wanted to light it on fire and burn it in the middle of the ring since day one. Mondo throws one of his crutches. Mondo says he didn’t let it stop him and he kept going because Mike Mondo is anything but a quitter. Mondo says that he will never die, he will never quit and he will keep fighting for what he believes in and that is to be the best in the sport. Mondo says that everyone in the back are the best professional wrestlers in the world and that is why he is here, to compete with the best. Mondo says he is making a promise and that if he didn’t prove it at Glory By Honor on pay-per-view that when the cast comes off he will be jacked and tanned, he will have an eight-pack or a ten-pack and it will be on like Donkey Kong. Mondo says that he will be the best that ROH has ever seen that ROH will be the Ring Of Mondo. Roderick Strong comes to the ring and takes the microphone to say that was awesome and he almost cried (Strong was laughing). Strong says that the problem is that noone cares about Mondo and that t.v. time should be focused on someone like Strong, someone who has helped build this company. Strong says that it shouldn’t be someone like Mondo who comes out and tries to pump people up, kind of like a cheerleader. Roderick says he is just playing and that he appreciates what Mondo said but unfortunately for Mondo he is just a weak little man. Roderick kicks Mondo’s leg out from under him and pushes him down. Roderick tells Mondo to sit there says that a lot of things have changed in ROH and the biggest thing that changed is that he left the House of Truth. Strong says that one thing that hasn’t changed is that at Final Battle he will break the unbreakable…Michael Elgin comes to the ring and Roderick says that if Elgin comes closer he will break Mondo’s leg. Elgin confronts Strong and Truth and gets between them. Strong says that he will break Elgin’s leg while Elgin says they don’t have to wait for Final Battle, he’ll kill him right now. Strong says that Elgin isn’t going to kill him. Strong says he has carried Elgin for too long, that Elgin had one good match in his career and thinks he is a superstar but Strong has carried this company. Strong then attacks Elgin with a crutch and leaves the ring as the show goes to commercials.
On “Inside Ring Of Honor” Kevin Kelly previews Final Battle 2012. Kelly reviews recent events with Jay Lethal as he was told he had to get killer instinct. Footage is shown of Lethal attacking Kevin Steen and Jim Cornette in Lethal’s hometown of Elizabeth, New Jersey after Steen spit on Lethal’s parents. Kelly notes that ROH made an agreement with Steen including that he would not have to wrestle Lethal again. Lethal is shown announcing last week that he is wrestling Rhino at Final Battle while Steen defends against El Generico. Lethal guarantees that he will fight the world champion at Final Battle.
Kelly previews other matches including ROH TV Champion Adam Cole vs Matt Hardy. Cole is interviewed and says that Hardy has done so much talking lately that it seems like he is trying to convince ROH and its fanbase that he is still indeed a wrestling icon. Cole says that he can see right through that and can tell that Hardy is trying to convince himself that he still has what it takes. Cole says Hardy will have to convince him that he still has what it takes. Cole says that he will give everything he has in New York City like he does every time and that at the end of the night Hardy will respect Adam Cole. This interview is interspersed with an interview with Hardy in which he says that it doesn’t make a difference how much potential Cole has. Hardy says that he does not have anything to prove and that he has proven himself over his glorious wrestling career. Hardy says that Cole has to prove himself and that Cole is the one with something to lose here. Hardy says that Cole might think he has a date with destiny but he may very well end up facing a very unfortunate twist of fate.
Kelly also previews the match between Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin vs Rhett Titus and BJ Whitmer. Footage is show of Titus and Whitmer attacking Haas and Benjamin recently, allowing Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander to defeat Haas and Benjamin who are then interviewed. Benjamin says that Whitmer and Titus decided that they would be comedians in allowing the C and C Wrestling Factory, the singing idiots, get a win over Haas and Benjamin. Shelton asks how funny it was later in the night when they put BJ in traction, how was funny was the doctor’s visit and how funny were the x-rays. Haas that they beat Titus and Whitmer in Toronto with rules and in New York City they will be facing them in an anything-goes streetfight which means that they are going to kick the living (censored) out of them.  Benjamin says that if they beat Titus and Whitmer with rules, what do they think they will do without any?
Kelly previews Jerry Lynn facing Mike Bennett in his final ROH match before his retirement early next year. Footage is shown of Lynn defeating Nigel McGuinness for the ROH title in 2009. Kelly also previews the scheduled match with Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly vs Davey Richards and possibly Eddie Edwards. An e-mail from Eddie Edwards to match-maker Nigel McGuinness is shown with this text: “Received your request from two weeks ago. Will definitely be at Final Battle…will talk to you there about match.”
After a commercial break Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander are interviewed by Veda Scott who says that tonight’s main event of Steve Corino vs Jay Briscoe is a preview for the three-way match at Final Battle. Coleman says that they are taking this match very seriously because both of these teams will be in the three-way at Final Battle. Coleman says that something might happen in the match that will give them an advantage at Final Battle and that they hope it happens to Corino and Jacobs. Coleman says (and sings) to Alexander that if he ever comes to the ring looking like Steve Corino that he hopes Alexander will shoot him. Alexander asks Coleman that if he ever goes to the ring looking like Jimmy Jacobs that he wants Coleman to cut his head off.  Alexander says that there will be new tag team champions at Final Battle but until then they will keep a really close eye on this match and that they really hope Steve Corino gets his head ripped off. Coleman sings “I always feel like somebody’s watching me.”
Steve Corino is shown coming to the ring in a suit wearing his ROH tag team title belt. Kelly notes that last week Corino said he only had a suit to wear. Jay Briscoe then comes to the ring to face Corino in what is announced as a “Steel City Street Fight” with no rules and anything-goes. Corino rolls up his sleeves and has his fists taped. Corino take off his tie and they start trading punches. Jay throws Corino outside and follows him. They brawl with Corino initially throwing Jay into the ring barricade but then Jay doing the same to Corino twice. Corino smashes Jay’s head on a chair and throws another chair into the ring. Briscoe fights back with punches and hits Corino in the head with a bottle of water. Briscoe chokes Corino with his bandana. Fans hold up chairs for Briscoe to whip Corino into but Corino reverses and Briscoe hits the chairs. Corino punches Jay in the heart and then scratches at his eyes.  Corino grabs a table from under the ring but Jay knocks him down and then sets up the table on his own. Corino punches Jay in the face sever times but Briscoe knocks him down with a punch. Briscoe sets up Corino on the table. Jay gets up on the apron and then runs and does  a double-stomp on Corino, breaking the table in the process. The show goes to commercials and on return Briscoe is walking around the ring holding up a shoe that he then hits Corino in the head with. Briscoe puts the ringbell on Corino’s head and rings it. Briscoe then sets up a chair in the corner before stomping on Corino who is on the mat. Briscoe sets up chairs in all four corners of the ring. Jimmy Jacobs then jumps on the apron and distracts Briscoe allowing Corino to get up and punch Jay in the face with a roll of quarters for a two-count. Jacobs comes into the ring and taunts Jay who is held by Corino. Mark Briscoe comes to the ring and throws Jacobs. Jay gets out of Corino’s grabs and gives him a big boot to the head. Jay whips Corino into three corners with chairs in them and then smashes his head into the remaining chair. Mark knocks down Jacobs and goes to the back but comes back out with a wheelbarrow full of chairs. Mark throws a number of chairs into the ring and then dumps chairs onto Jacobs on the floor. Corino runs Jay’s head into a chair and then bodyslams him on a stack of chairs. Corino sets up a chair and then hits Jay with a headbutt, chops and a punch.  Corino sits Jay on the chair and then kicks him in the face, knocking him into the pile of chairs. Corino gets a table out from under the ring and then comes in the ring and throws a chair into Jay’s head. Corino sets up the table in the corner,  kicks a chair into Jay’s face and then starts stomping him in the groin. Corino gives Jay a vertical suplex on top of the chair but Jay kicks out of a pin attempt. Corino sets up another chair side-by-side with the other one and hits the ropes but as he charges Briscoe picks him up on his shoulders and gives him a Death Valley Driver onto the chairs. Mark Briscoe then comes out from the back with a steel guardrail and hits Jacobs with it on his way into the ring. As Mark is throwing the guardrail into the ring he gets attacked by Jacobs who then gets in the ring and grabs Jay’s leg. This allows Corino to give Jay a back suplex through the table in the corner. Corino and Jacobs then set up the guardrail on four chairs while Jacobs fights Briscoe. Jay knocks Jacobs down and goes after Corino on the top rope. Jacobs attempts to powerbomb Jay but gets stopped by Mark. Jay then gives Corino a crazy superplex  onto the guardrail. Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander run into the ring and dive from the top turnbuckles on to Jacobs and Mark on the floor as Jay pins Corino to win the match. Kevin Steen then comes to the ring with his ROH World Title belt as the show goes to a final commercial break. Upon return Steen is sitting on a chair in the ring holding El Generico’s match. Steen says that on December 18, 2010 at Final Battle he stood in the ring totally prepared to end El Generico’s career. Steen says that is not what happened and that night El Generico beat him and he will never forget the feeling he had when he woke up the next morning and realized that Generico had ended his career. Steen says that he refused to let that happen and he took over this company and won the championship. Steen says you would think that would be enough to make that feeling go away but the truth is nothing has made him feel better about what happened two years ago. Steen says that he thought Final Battle 2010 really was the end for he and Generico and their last fight but he has since realized that they are destined to do this forever. Steen says that on December 16, 2012 they stand again in the ring at New York City and the ROH World Title will be hung high in the air and there will be a ladder between them. Steen says people want to think that that scares him but he doesn’t scare that easily. Steen says people want to know what he will do and what he expects from that night. Steen says the truth is he doesn’t know what he is going to do because he has never been in the place he is in now and he has never felt the way he feels now. Steen addresses Kevin Kelly and says that leading up to Final Battle 2010 Kelly was doing radio interviews and when people would ask him his thoughts on Steen vs Generico he would say something that stuck with Steen to this day. Steen yells at him asking what it was and gets him to stand up and say what he said. Kelly says that he had said that he was very afraid for what was going to happen to the two of them. Steen says he appreciates that sentiment and appreciates the worry and the concern but if Kelly was scared then, then right now he should be terrified (Steen is screaming at this point) because this is a ladder war for the ROH World Title. Steen says that a lot of people are worried that the end of the world is coming on December 21. Steen says he is not afraid of the end of the world, what he is afraid of is waking up on December 17 with El Generico as ROH World Champion. Steen says that cannot happen because Steen will leave New York City one of two ways: either as ROH World Champion or as a goddamn corpse.
Kevin Kelly did note that next week’s ROH Christmas show will run down great pay-per-view matches from this year.
This show was amazing this week. The first half was nothing special with the Richards match or the Mondo promo. But the Corino-Briscoe match was one of my favorite ROH television matches in a very long time. And this was followed by a tremendous promo from Steen to build up the match with Generico at Final Battle. His yelling at Kelly was just awesome. I haven’t yet watched Final Battle as of writing this but I did order it and after that promo cannot wait to watch it tomorrow. People should go out of their way to watch this show for the sake of the main event match and this promo.
Dave Musgrave
Oshawa, Ontario

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