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mercoledì 12 dicembre 2012

The future of the WWE Divas division

As we reported last week in the Elite section of, there has been a lot of talk within WWE about what direction to take the Divas division in going further.
WWE has started polling fans in focus groups online about what they like and don't like about the Divas division and what roles they would like to see the Divas in going forward. Some of the discussed roles beyond wrestling were love interests for the Superstars, General Managers, ringside managers, hosts for WWE programming, reality programming and dancers.
As we noted last week, with the revolving door of female talent, especially those who are strong in the ring, there's been talk about what the company can do to change and evolve the division.
The company was also looking for feedback on how Divas can be used outside of the company in crossover roles.
Come riportato la scorsa settimana nella sezione Elite di, ci sono state tante discussione all'interno della WWE riguardo la direzione da prendere ora in avanti con la Divas division.
La WWE sta già effettuando sondaggionline chiedendo a gruppi selezionati cosa loro piaccia o meno della categoria femminile,
Come fatto notare la scorsa settimana, con la "porta girevole" in cui passano le wresters femmine, specialmente coloro brave sul ring, ci sono state molteplici discussioni su cosa fare per cambiare e fare evolvere la divisione.
La WWE sta consultando i feedback su come utilizzare le Divas al di fuori degli show di wrestling.

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