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giovedì 20 dicembre 2012

WWE Main Event TV report - Team Hell No vs. Team Rhodes Scholars for the belts

WWE Main Event on Ion Television
Airdate: December 19, 2012
by Chris Aiken | | @lariatrope
WWE Main Event opened with an announcement that the featured match, which was supposed to be a singles match between Kane and Cody Rhodes, would now be a tag team title match since Rhodes and tag team partner, Damien Sandow, have become the number one contenders. A replay of Rhodes getting injured several weeks ago aired before a recycled video package was shown highlighting the feud between Team Rhodes Scholars and Team Hell No. The video package that aired was the same one that aired several weeks ago before the match between the two teams that featured Rhodes getting injured.
Match: Kane & Daniel Bryan defeated Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes to retain the tag team titles
Bryan (with the beard) and Rhodes (with the mustache) looked to start the match for their respective teams but Rhodes wanted Kane to tag in so he could gain his revenge for the injury. Fans chanted for the mustache and Rhodes quickly tagged in Sandow after being knocked down several times. Kane held Sandow’s arm after tagging in Bryan, who delivered an ax handle to the arm off the top rope. Team Hell No made some quick tags and kept Sandow grounded but Kane missed an elbow drop allowing Rhodes to tag in. Kane followed Rhodes after he rolled out of the ring and Rhodes shoved him into the steps before a commercial break.
Team Rhodes Scholars got heat on Kane for a short time utilizing quick tags and they also used a double suplex. Sandow jumped off the second rope and Kane caught him with a chop to the throat and tagged Bryan, who was super over with the crowd as they chanted “Yes” and he yelled “No”. Bryan back dropped Sandow over the top rope to the floor and Sandow clutched his right knee. Bryan teased a tope but used the flying knee off the apron to the floor instead and threw Sandow back in the ring. Rhodes distracted Bryan which allowed Sandow to shove him off the apron before another commercial break.
Sandow and Rhodes got heat on Bryan and Rhodes showed a lot of fire on offense. After getting the boot up to the face when Sandow charged in the corner, Bryan made the somewhat hot tag to Kane who ran wild on the heel challengers. Kane went to the top rope yet got crotched and the challengers tried to use a double suplex. Kane shoved them both off the top rope and hit his flying clothesline on Rhodes but Sandow used a neckbreaker on Kane for a nearfall that was broken up by Bryan. Rhodes used the Cross Rhodes on Bryan and then a disaster (springboard) kick on Kane for a nearfall. Rhodes missed a moonsault from the top rope and Bryan made a blind tag and climbed to the top turnbuckle. Kane then choke slammed Rhodes to set up Bryan using a diving headbutt and he covered Rhodes for the pin to retain the tag team titles.
Following the match, a “sneak peek” was shown of Miz flying a jet airplane from Tribute to the Troops, which would air after Main Event on another network. Plus, a skit with Miss Piggy (of Muppets fame) and Flo Rida aired hyping the Troops special as well as a plug for the next match on Main Event. Before the match, the “Raw Rebound” featured Sheamus attacking Big Show and John Cena attacking Dolph Ziggler when he tried to cash in the Money in the Bank briefcase from Monday night. Also, highlights of Big E Langston’s Raw debut attacking Cena were shown.
Match: Titus O'Neil & Darren Young beat Santino Marella &  Zack Ryder
Marella taunted the Prime Time Players early on but O’Neil kept overpowering him and Ryder tagged in though he did not fare much better until Young tagged in. Ryder held Young for Marella and Santino teased going to the top rope ever so slowly but settled on the bottom rope instead and delivered an ax handle to Young. While not as good as a Ricky Steamboat version, Marella can do a great looking arm drag takeover. After a commercial break, O’Neil suplexed Young onto Marella and the heels worked him over but he fought back and tagged Ryder. Young tried to break up the momentum after Ryder used a Broski Boot on O’Neil but Santino caught Young with the cobra. However, O’Neil blocked the Rough Ryder and used the Curse of the Titus powerbomb for the pin. The Prime Time Players danced and celebrated as the show came to a close.
Final Thoughts: While better than last week’s episode (that aired in an earlier time slot before a benefit concert), Main Event seems to now be just another WWE show, especially during a crowded week of WWE programming on the USA Network. Although it has yet to be at the level of Superstars in lack of importance, it is slowly becoming a throwaway show. The featured matches continue to loss that feeling of being important and are far from main event caliber matches on a show titled “Main Event”. The featured match this week was changed from a singles match to a tag team titles match with no storyline reason other than Rhodes Scholars became number one contenders recently. The tag team match was probably far better than a singles match would have been but the story of Rhodes seeking revenge on Kane was overshadowed by the tag bout. Likewise, the video package hyping the match was the same one that aired previously when the teams met weeks ago on the same show. Also, no matches were announced for next week which shows WWE may be losing interest in the show much like fans seem to have already lost interest. Still, this remains a straight wrestling program for the most part which does set it apart from other shows like Raw or Smackdown that can be more angle driven. At least the show is carried by matches and not soap opera drama.

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