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venerdì 14 dicembre 2012

WWE NXT TV report - Rollins vs. Mahal for NXT Title

December 13, 2012
LIVE! From Full Sail University
by Emerson “Gangrel Style” Witner
Any questions, comments concerns of emotional outbursts? Contact me:
Twitter: @TheReallyRealEW
Here's what you need to know about NXT:
-They have a champion, it's Seth Rollins, aka the former Tyler Black. His top challenger is Jinder Mahal.
-Dusty Rhodes is the Authority Figure, but his job title seems to change from week to week.
-They have a seemingly always rotating announce table, but the most consistent thing is Jim Ross in the main event.
-NXT is an alternate universe from WWE where Mahal and Drew McIntyre are not in a band and Seth Rollins is not trying to Shield us from injustice.
-NXT has this fun habit of editing matches from different tapings together and not bothering to try to hide it. That's why you will sometimes have a pink middle rope for one match and it won't be there for the next match
-Big E. Langston refused to go to Raw with Vickie Guerrero, so she put a $5,000 bounty on his head.
-The insanely popular Paige, Emma and Audrey Marie are the only three NXT Diva's and depending on the week Paige and Audrey are either trying to team up to prove they are better than the WWE Diva's or attacking each other.
-Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper (Husky Harris and Brodie Lee) have formed a weird family.
And that's everything you need to know about NXT. (Now we know!) (And knowing is half the battle) (G.I. Joe!)
It is the night four months in the making! Jinder Mahal gets his first chance at Seth Rollins' NXT Championship since losing the tournament final back on August 30.
1.) Paige defeated Sasha Banks in 4:03. Sasha used to wrestle as Mercedes KV and has lived all over the US. Paige didn't quite get her normal reaction coming out, but the fans were still solidly behind the pale girl. Paige looked greener than she ever has in this one. Not that she was bad, per se, just green. There are four Diva's on this show and the only one who is kind of a heel is Audrey Marie. Sasha got the heat with a victory roll. That is a sentence you have never read before. Sasha got a pair of two counts, before being pinned with the Paige Turner.
-To the back where Tony Luftman is with Roman Reigns, who in Alternate Universe WWE is not in The Shield, told off Tony for waiting so long to interview him. Before Tony could actually ask him a question, Roman got a call on his cell phone (he uses a generic ring tone) and walked off.
-Video of last week's angle with Tyson Kidd, Leo Kruger, Kassius Ohno and William Regal aired, which gives us a pre-taped promo with Kruger and Ohno. Ohno says that they have taken out Richie Steamboat, Trent Baretta and Tyson Kidd and they will not be the last.
Leo said that they are three trophies and Ohno warned William Regal to not stick his nose into their business anymore or he will end up in the ICU.
2.) Bray Wyatt's Second Son/Follower destroyed Oliver Grey in1:56. Bray Wyatt did his promo before the match, which the fans were into. This is an awesome gimmick and I hope he gets called back up soon, preferably with his family. The mystery family member is not Luke Harper. Bray introduces his newest family member, who is unnamed. He is a tall, bald man with the NXT trademarked long shaggy beard. This man booted Oliver in the first 4 seconds of the match and I thought it would be the end, but it was not. A bear hug, corner splash and sidewalk slam was all that he needed to pick up the win.
-After the match Bray referred to his new find as “Rowan”. According to some research he was known in FCW as Erick Rowan. According to Wikipedia, Eric Rowan was a cricket player in South Africa who lived from 1909-1993. I think that is a different person.
The wrestler used to use the name Thoruf Marius. Now that is a name.
-After commercial break Token NXT Authority Figure Dusty Rhodes came out. Where is Jack Tunney when you need him? Sadly he has passed on.
Dusty is actually looking good, he got a haircut and looks younger somehow. Dusty is here to talk about Raw Managing Supervisor Vickie Guerrero. Dusty said Vickie is always welcome here, but to keep her nose out of NXT business. Dusty then rescinded the $5,000 bounty on Big E. Langston's head. Well when you have people like Camacho trying to claim it...
Speaking of Camacho (another sentence never said before), Camacho came out and said there is still a bounty, homes.
Camacho says he needs the money because Hunico is stuck in Mexico. The life of a big time WWE wrestler. Why can Hunico not get out of Mexico? How does Camacho need exactly $5,000 to get Hunico out? How do these two WWE Superstars, who have sorta been on the main roster for a year not have 5 grand between them? 
When did NXT become a 70's sitcom where if you need a certain amount of money there will always be some sort of contest where you can conveniently win the exact amount of money you need? My bad movie idea was for someone to need a weird amount like $4,196.27 and then find a contest where you could win exactly that. Seriously I would mark out if there was a lottery for $5,000 and all the NXT guys had to buy tickets. You could have Camacho there with 50 or 60 tickets and then someone like Oliver Grey buys one ticket and wins the lottery. 
Anyway Camacho threatens to put a $5,000 bounty on Dusty's head. Not sure how that would help since he would then owe whomever took Dusty out $5,000 and then still need $5,000 to get Hunico out of Mexico.
Before I could continue to make up shit, out comes Big E. Langston and this gives Dusty the brilliant idea to make a Handicap Match for next week with Big vs Camacho and a partner of his choice. Dusty never said how many partners Camacho could have, so I think he should have 4 partners, this way Big could beat 5 men with a 5 count.
-Earlier today the World Heavyweight Champion, the Big Show threatened a blonde haired geek who thought he could challenge any WWE Superstar. Without mentioning who the hell it is, he did say he would knock someone the hell out.
Turns out he was talking about Bo Dallas, so next week Bo gets to wrestle Big Show.
-ALTERNATE UNIVERSE IS DEAD! JINDER MAHAL IS IN A BAND! This really does make me sad that Jinder is now in a band on NXT. Seth is.....still not in The Shield.
3.) NXT Champion Seth Rollins pinned Jinder Mahal in 16:18. this match started with over 18 minutes of internet time left. The first time these two wrestled, it was actually pretty good. Mahal's strategy early on was to frustrate the champion, which he succeeded in doing. Jinder rolled to the outside at the bell and would step outside the ropes, forcing the referee to back Seth off when Seth was trying to get in some offense. JR and Mr. Regal put over that Seth will always be remembered as the first NXT Champion. I used to love this show (right now I like the show), but for Rollins' sake I really hope he is remembered for more. Mahal got the heat when Seth went for a springboard dive and Jinder shoved him off, which sent Seth crashing onto the ramp. I wonder if that is safer than RVD always crashing into the dasher boards. This match was not as good as last time, but it was fine. The first time had Howard Finkel announcing and the entire roster standing on the ramp and watching, which added to the atmosphere. This match went through two commercial breaks, with Mahal on offense from the first segment to the third segment. Rollins hit a beautiful springboard flying knee to the side of the head of Mahal. Rollins hit a Frankensteiner from the top rope, but Mahal rolled through and almost won the championship. The finish saw Jinder go for the 10 punches of doom, but slapped Seth. Rollins grabbed him and threw him into the corner with a power bomb. Mahal tried to lock on the Camel Clutch, but Rollins got to the ropes and picked up the win with a super kick and Ultimo Dragon's back flip DDT, called the Skywalker. 
-As Seth went to leave, he walked by Corey Graves who sarcastically clapped his hands, theoretically setting up a program with them. Spoiler alert: they will not be having a program together.
-That is it for this week. To reiterate, Seth Rollins is STILL the NXT Champion and I am actually looking forward to next week.

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