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venerdì 14 dicembre 2012

WWE Smackdown TV report

By James Shannon:
The go home episode to TLC started with Sheamus and Cesaro sitting in on commentary, as the first match was Big Show facing R-Truth. The whole stage, ramp and ringside was covered in ladders.
Match Number One: The Big Show (C) Vs. R-Truth, Non-Title Match.
Show man handled Truth, pausing only to shoot Sheamus a stare. He stood on Truth's chest while holding the ropes and facing Sheamus. He left the ring at one point and offered his chin to Sheamus, which would cost Sheamus his title shot given their no contact clause.
Cesaro wasn't worried about not touching Truth, so he got up and stood over Truth with bad intentions when the action spilled outside. Sheamus also got up and pushed Cesaro back over his chair. Sheamus went back to commentating afterward, but Cesaro left his headset off and fumed.
Truth's opening came when Show missed an elbow drop, but he was lucky to get a single piece of offence in before Show hit him with the WMD for the pinfall.
Winner: The Big Show, Pinfall.
Show again goaded Sheamus, who got out of his chair and approached Show. Cesaro pushed Sheamus into Show and Show started laughing in his face. He left up the ramp yelling that the match was off as Sheamus stood with a creased brow.
Show found Booker in the back. He said Sheamus clearly violated the non contact law but Booker told him not to come to him with that weak stuff. He said if he was scared, just say he's scared. Show said he wasn't scared of Sheamus but he clearly violated the clause. Booker said the match was still on and left.
Damien Sandow said trying to find someone to be his apprentice was like finding a needle in a haystack. He was therefore happy to reintroduce his partner and best friend Cody Rhodes. “Cody's moustache” chant as Cody said it was an honour to be back in the ring with Sandow, who can now stop looking for an apprentice because he has an equal and a partner. He was about to address Miz, for having tried to drive a wedge between them when The Usos' music cut him off.
Match Number Two: Rhodes Scholars Vs. The Usos.
The Usos actually controlled the whole match. One of the Usos pulled Cody, the non-legal man into the ring and that was their downfall. The non-legal Uso came in and clotheslined Cody outside, but followed him out. Sandow then rolled up the legal Uso and held the tights for the victory.
Winners: Rhodes Scholars, Pinfall.
Backstage, Otunga was looking over Show's contract. He said it was in there in black and white that the match should be called off. Show told him to put his degree to work, so Otunga said they should do it publicly and led Show to the ring.
After an ad Show said they all clearly saw Sheamus put his hands on him and this was his fault. He said if Booker wouldn't listen to him, he might listen to his legal council. Otunga said this decision shouldn't be left to an obviously biased GM. He said they were taking it to the WWE board of directors, who were only 20 miles away. He said not only would they argue for the match to be called off, but the removal of Booker as GM.
Booker said Otunga's degree wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. He said laws weren't done by the letter, but the spirit of their intent. He said Otunga can go ahead to the board, but the match was still on. Otunga said just because Booker had been to prison, that didn't make him a legal expert. He said once he convinced the board to fire Booker, he'd convince them to fire Sheamus. Sheamus came out with a chair and walked straight passed Booker who was still on the ramp. He had if they get what they want there was nothing stopping him from kicking Show's arse right now. Show took a while to think and stuttered out that in his opinion the contract was still valid. Show walked out so Sheamus Brogue kicked Otunga.
Striker was preparing for an interview with Orton before the commercial. Then when we returned The Shield were booting the boot to Orton who was lying in a broken table.
Match Number Three: Aksana Vs. Kaitlyn.
No entrance for either girl. Match started with a long headlock from Aksana. A really, really long headlock. Kaitlyn then made her comeback, sloppily throwing Aksana around by her hair before getting the pinfall with a fireman's carry into a gutbuster.
Winner: Kaitlyn, Pinfall.
They cut back to Striker who was in front of the trainer's room. They had confirmed to him that he had separated his shoulder and may have a concussion.
Miz had Team Hell No on MizTv. Bryan said he and Kane had been in anger management for months to talk about their feelings, but now it was time for actions. He said they would let out their anger on The Shield with table, ladders and chairs. And when they beg for mercy, he will say “No, no, no”. Kane said that now Daniel had discovered his inner monster they were unstoppable. The Shield interrupted on the titantron. Ambrose spoke most, saying they had listened to their empty threats. He said justice will be served on Sunday.
Kane asked why wait till Sunday. They said they finally agreed on something and the transmission ended. They appeared in the crowd and started to make their way to the ring. When they were half way, RyBack's music played and he stormed to the ring. The Shield stopped and watched as RyBack chanted “feed me more”. They then backed back up through the crowd.
Match Number Four: The Great Khali, Hornsowggle, Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabrield w/ Natalya Vs. The Prime Time Players, Primo & Epico w/ Rosa.
Khali and Hornswoggle came out with Natalya, and that was the only entrance we saw.
Natalya took out Rosa at ringside after Rosa slapped Kidd during the heat. Kidd then got a super creative rollup reversal pinfall to win the match. It was not the usual fun big tv tag match.
Winners: Kidd, Gabriel, Khali & Hornswoggle, Pinfall.
Primo and Epico immediately attacked Kidd. Kidd and Gabriel cleared house and helped Hornswoggle complete a cross body on Titus outside.
Match Number Five: Alberto Del Rio Vs. Kofi Kingston (c), Non-Title Match.
Kofi hit a slingshot cross body to the outside. But as they were getting back in the ring, Del Rio pushed his back into the steel post on the apron.
Del Rio started getting frustrated that he couldn't put Kofi away. Kofi then made his comeback but was cut off, but still managed to kick out which again had Del Rio upset. Kofi then got the flash pinfall with a rollup.
Winner: Kofi Kingston, Pinfall.
Kofi walked up the ramp as Del Rio was furious in the ring. Kofi ducked a running clothesline from Wade Barrett who ran out and hit Trouble in Paradise, before picking up his title and continuing his move up the ramp.
They played a long video recap of the build to Cena and Dolph's match Sunday.
Regal was joking and palling with Sheamus in the back, telling him not to let Show get to him, it was only two more days. Sheamus said Regal had nothing to worry about, that the only man who should be concerned is Big Show. They shook hands and Sheamus left for the main event.
Match Number Six: Sheamus (C) Vs. Antonio Cesaro (c), Non-Title Match.
This had a good fresh feel to it. Cesaro got in a surprising amount of offence too, and was allowed to dead lift and carry Sheamus around. As Sheamus started his comeback, Big Show appeared on the stage with Regal. He had a chair in his hand and Sheamus immediately left the ring.
Regal walked towards Sheamus, telling him not to let Show get to him. He kept saying it as Show pulled back and swung, hitting Regal in the back and into Sheamus' arms. Show gave a big smile, slowly turned and walked away. Sheamus was left with nothing to do as he was counted out.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro, Count Out. 

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