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giovedì 20 dicembre 2012

WWE Vintage Collection TV report - Luger vs. Michaels

'WWE Vintage Collection’ TV Report #237 – December 19th, 2012

Shown on Sky Sports in the U.K.

By Stephen Lyon.

This week's theme: Week 2 of 'New Beginnings'. Main event of today's show was Rob Van Dam vs Eddie Guerrero for the WWF Intercontinental title, from WWF Backlash ppv, April 2002. Other matches on today's show included Lex Luger vs Shawn Michaels (August 1993); Lex Luger vs P.J. Walker (WWF Monday Night Raw, March 1993); and King Haku vs Sam Houston (WWF Prime Time Wrestling, August 1988).

Show was hosted by Gene Okerlund and Rene Paquette (still being billed by that name).

The Show:

1) Lex Luger defeated P.J. Walker. This match aired on the March 1st, 1993 live edition of 'WWF Monday Night Raw', held in the Manhattan Center, New York. Announcers for this match were Vince McMahon & Macho Man Randy Savage & Rob Bartlett. Bartlett was inexplicably dressed as Elvis Presley, and pretended to be Elvis throughout this match. During this squash match, Vince interviewed Bobby Heenan by telephone, with Heenan putting over Luger, and plugging himself & Gene Okerlund hosting this coming weekend's 'WWF All-American Wrestling' tv show on location in Philadelphia. Luger K.O.d Walker (who Rene Paquette had revealed before the match would later become known as Justin Credible), then pinned him with his pinky finger whilst doing a single biceps pose. After the match, Luger dragged Walker to a full length mirror outside the ring and taunted him, before engaging in his 'Narcissist' posing routine.

A short video aired recapping Luger's transformation from heel Narcissist to babyface All-American Hero, featuring footage of him slamming Yokozuna on July 4th, 1993 on-board the U.S.S. Intrepid naval ship.

2) Lex Luger defeated WWF Intercontinental Champion, Shawn Michaels (w/Diesel in his corner) via count out. This match was taped at the WWF Superstars tv tapings in Grand Rapids, Michigan on August 31st, 1993. It never aired on tv, but was featured on the 'Inside the WWF' Coliseum Video release. Announcers for this match were Stan Lane & Ted DiBiase. Luger was in control in the early going, but after Diesel distracted him, Shawn gained the upper hand. After a commercial break, Shawn scored a nearfall with a sidekick, but his piledriver attempt was thwarted when Luger backdropped him. Luger threw Shawn into the ring post, and scored a nearfall of his own after a powerslam. Shawn lay prone across the top turnbuckles in the corner, and Luger kicked him three time before Shawn fell to the outside. Shawn then grabbed his belt and bailed to the back for the cheap count out loss. In the ring, Diesel attempted to attack Luger from behind, only for Luger to lay him out with a forearm smash. This was a surprisingly average match. Shawn, as we now know, was very 'distracted' at the time that this was taped. In fact, this was his penultimate match at a tv taping before he was suspended by the WWF a few weeks later for failing a drugs test.

Next a segment aired from the July 9th, 1988 edition of 'WWF Superstars of Wrestling', where Bobby Heenan hosted a coronation ceremony to crown a new King of the WWF. The previous King, Harley Race, had sustained an injury, and whilst he was out of action, Heenan took it upon himself to appoint a new king. A throne was in the ring, surrounded by every heel in the promotion at that time - the likes of Andre the Giant, Ted DiBiase, Ravishing Rick Rude, Demolition, amongst many others. Haku came out, accompanied by a midget carrying a crown and sceptre. Once he was in the ring and sat on his throne, Heenan read a proclamation from a scroll, before handing King Haku a crown, a sceptre and draping royal robes around his shoulders. This was all so campy, but a very fun segment too.

3) King Haku defeated Sam Houston. This match aired on the August 22nd, 1988 edition of 'WWF Prime Time Wrestling', taped during a big outdoors baseball stadium show at the Milwaukee County Stadium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 31st, 1988. Announcers for this match were Sean Mooney & Lord Alfred Hayes. Even though the ring was only situated in the corner of the stadium, there were some impressive shots of the 25,000+ live crowd in attendance, for a show headlined by a Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant cage match, and taped for the WWF Wrestlefest 1988 Coliseum Home Video. This was largely a squash match for King Haku, who dominated Sam Houston, the real life brother of both Jake Roberts and Rockin' Robin, and who was married to NWA valet, Baby Doll at the time of this match (the two divorced in 1995). Haku scored the pinfall win after a sidekick and a jumping headbutt.

4) Eddie Guerrero defeated Rob Van Dam to win the WWF Intercontinental title. This match took place at the 'WWF Backlash 2002' pay-per-view event, held in Kansas City, Missouri on April 21st, 2002. Announcers for this match were Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler. Eddie had only recently returned to the WWF after nearly a full year out, after a lengthy spell in rehab, followed by a firing for a DUI arrest. Match was wrestled at a fast pace, with RVD utilising kicks. Eddie tried for a superplex off the top, but RVD dropped down instead, and Eddie bounced off the top rope throat first. RVD used a spinning kick to the back of Eddie on the apron, and later tried for Rolling Thunder, only for Eddie to bring his knees up. After a commercial break, Eddie used several suplexes in succession and worked over RVD's lower back. Eddie scored a nearfall after a sunset flip off the top rope. Eddie brought RVD's IC belt into the ring to use. RVD snatched it back, but inadvertently knocked down the referee. Whilst referee Tim White was down, Eddie gave RVD a neckbreaker on the title belt in the ring, then delivered a top rope frog splash for the pinfall victory, claiming his second IC title. This was an entertaining match. 

Closing thoughts: RVD vs Eddie Guerrero was a really good match. No other good wrestling action on today's show, although the campy King Haku coronation segment was fun to watch.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Match Results:

1) Lex Luger defeated P.J. Walker ('WWF Monday Night Raw' live: Manhattan Center, New York - 01/03/93).

2) Lex Luger defeated WWF Intercontinental Champion, Shawn Michaels (w/Diesel in his corner) via count out (WWF Superstars tv tapings: Grand Rapids, Michigan - 31/08/93).

3) King Haku defeated Sam Houston ('WWF Prime Time Wrestling': Milwaukee, Wisconsin - taped on 31/07/88, aired on 22/08/88).

4) Eddie Guerrero defeated Rob Van Dam to win the WWF Intercontinental title ('WWF Backlash 2002' pay-per-view event: Kansas City, Missouri: 21/04/02).

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