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martedì 25 dicembre 2012

WWE Vintage Collection TV report - Savage vs. Flair plus Rock

'WWE Vintage Collection’ TV Report #238 – December 23rd, 2012

Shown on Sky Sports in the U.K.

By Stephen Lyon.

This week's theme: Christmas-themed show! Main event of today's show was Macho Man Randy Savage vs Ric Flair for the WCW title, from WCW Monday Nitro, Christmas Day 1995. Other matches on today's show included: Mankind vs 'Santa Claus' in a Boiler Room Brawl match (WWF Raw Is War, December 1999); The Rock vs Test (WWF Smackdown, December 2001); 'Santa' Tajiri vs 'Santa' Bubba Ray Dudley (WWF Raw Is War, December 2001); Stacey Keibler & Trish Stratus & Lita vs Victoria & Molly Holly & Miss Jackie in a 'Santa's Little Helpers' match (WWE Raw, December 2003); and Doink the Clown vs Sid Garrison (WWF Superstars, November 1993).

Show was hosted by Gene Okerlund and Renee Young~! Yes, after two weeks presenting this show under her real name, Rene Paquette, her name was changed to Renee Young (catching up with her already being called that name on other WWE recap tv shows). Nothing at all was made of her having a new name, not even a quick joke or aside.

The set was decorated with Christmas decorations, and Okerlund wore a Santa hat (and new glasses). 

The Show:

1) 'Santa Claus' defeated Mankind in a Boiler Room Brawl match. This match aired on the December 20th, 1999 live edition of 'WWF Raw Is War', held in Houston, Texas. Announcers for this match were Jim Ross & Michael Hayes. Mankind had fallen foul of the new 'McMahon-Helmsley' regime, headed up Triple H & Stephanie, whose alliance had been revealed at the previous week's Armageddon ppv. The heelish powerbrokers had booked Mankind in a Boiler Room Brawl match against 'Santa Claus'. Mankind approached Santa Claus in the boiler room and said out of respect, he would let Santa leave the boiler room  first to win the match. As Mankind turned his back, he was attacked by the Mean Street Posse, all dressed in Santa outfits. They tried to use weapons, but Mankind soon cleaned house on them. Next up came two more Santas, only this time it was the New Age Outlaws in Santa outfits. They attacked Mankind, with Billy Gunn backdropping Mankind through a table. Mankind made another comeback on both Outlaws and chased them away, only for another Santa to nail him with a large glass frame over the head. This Santa was Triple H, in full Santa costume. 'Santa' Triple H then walked out of the boiler room to win the match, where referee Teddy Long was waiting to raise his hand in victory.

Next came a clip from the November 21st, 1993 edition of 'WWF Wrestling Challenge', where Raymond Rougeau interviewed Doink the Clown mid-ring, accompanied by Santa Claus. Santa said Doink had been good, so gave him an early Christmas present, opening up his sack to reveal a midget dressed up as Doink, whom Doink promptly named Dink. Doink was ecstatic with his new little friend.

2) Doink the Clown (w/Dink the Clown in his corner) defeated Sid Garrison. This match aired on the November 27th, 1993 edition of 'WWF Superstars', taped in Dehli, New York on November 10th, 1993. Announcers for this match were Vince McMahon & Stan Lane. This was a squash match to get over the new Doink & Dink pairing. Doink brought Dink to the ring on a little trailer. Doink & Dink played pranks on jobber Sid Garrison, which Vince thought was absolutely hysterical. This wasn't just 'the Vince laugh', this was Vince doing the 'Michael Cole forced laugh', desperately trying to get this new gimmick over. I'll cut Vince some slack as he clearly had a lot more important things on his mind at the time. Doink won quickly with a sit down splash off the top rope.

Next, a Rock interview from the December 20th, 2001 edition of WWF Smackdown. Rock made fun of Test, doing a pretty funny impersonation of Test giving his wishlist to Santa. Rock then sang his own version of the 12 Days of Christmas to Test, which consisted of:

On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

12 sharpshooters stinging

11 eyebrows raising

10 spines-a-busting

9 noggins-knocking

8 kicks-a-kicking

7 punchers' punching

6 suplex smashing

5 seconds of the people chanting the Rock's name.....

4 Rock Bottoms

3 Peoples elbows on your

2 Buck teeth

And an ass-kicking all over New Orleans!

3) The Rock defeated Test. This match aired on the December 20th, 2001 edition of 'WWF Smackdown', taped in New Orleans, Louisiana on December 18th, 2001. Announcers for this match were Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler. Match was joined in progress, with Test locking Rock in a bearhug. Rock managed to break free with punches. Test tried to pin Rock with his feet on the second rope, but the referee saw it. Rock nipped up and gave Test a DDT for a nearfall. Test charged at Rock, but Rock sidestepped him and sent him crashing to the outside. Whilst Test tried to grab a chair outside the ring and distracted the referee, Lance Storm ran down the aisle used a superkick on Rock. Test then went for the pin, but Rock kicked out. Test shoved referee Tim White, who shoved Test back. Test tried for a pumphandle slam, but Rock blocked it and instead gave him a spinebuster. Finish saw Test try to big boot Rock, but miss and instead connect with Storm on the apron, before Rock gave him a Rock Bottom for the pinfall win. This was a good match.

4) Stacey Keibler & Trish Stratus & Lita defeated Victoria & Molly Holly & Miss Jackie in a Santa's Little Helper match. This match aired on the December 29th, 2003 live edition of 'WWE Raw', taped in San Antonio, Texas. Announcers for this match were Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler. All six Divas were dressed in skimpy Santa outfits, apart from Molly Holly, who wore a long red skirt and was wearing frumpy, large baggy panties under her skirt. This was a short match which ended when Trish pinned Molly after Stratusfaction off the ropes.

Next came a backstage skit from the Christmas Eve 2001 WWF Raw Is War, from Ric Flair's Christmas party in the locker room. Flair was with all the babyfaces, having a great time. Tajiri was dressed as Santa, giving everyone gifts. Kane and Albert were there, wearing decorations about their body. Tazz came in, and told everyone that Vince McMahon (who was hosting a separate Christmas party elsewhere in the building with all the heels) said he had a bigger, tougher Santa than Flair had. Steve Austin (accompanied by Debra) told off Tazz for stirring, then told Tazz to tell Vince that 'our Santa can beat up your Santa'. Austin then started playing the guitar and singing 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer', with everyone joining in, with Kane helping him play the guitar, all of which was pretty damn funny.

5) 'Santa' Tajiri defeated 'Santa' Bubba Ray Dudley (w/D-Von Dudley in his corner). This match aired on the December 24th, 2001 edition of 'WWF Raw Is War', taped in Miami, Florida on December 21st, 2001. Announcers for this match were Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler. Both Tajiri and Bubba Ray wrestled in full Santa Claus costumes. At various time in the match, both Flair & co. and Vince & co. were shown watching the match backstage at their parties. Vince's party looked particularly goofy, as Steve Lombardi was there, dressed in a ridiculous yellow turtle neck sweater that Archibald Peck would have been proud of. Although the Dudleys were heels at this point, the crowd still wanted them to be faces, chanting 'We want tables!' at various points during this match. D-Von interfered several times. Bubba took off his Santa belt and used it as a weapon on Tajiri. Bubba missed with a back splash off the top, which allowed Tajiri to catch him with a springboard elbow off the ropes. Tajiri went for a top rope move, but D-Von crotched him on the ropes, and instead Bubba suplexed him off the top. Bubba then called for the 'Whatsup', but before D-Von could come off the top with a headbutt, Tazz ran out and pushed D-Von off the ropes. Tajiri then sprayed Bubba in the face with red mist, before pinning him for the win after a spinning kick. 

6) WCW World Champion, Randy Savage defeated Ric Flair (w/Jimmy Hart in his corner) via D.Q. This match aired on a rare taped edition of 'WCW Monday Nitro', the Christmas Day 1995 edition, taped in Augusta, Georgia on December 18th, 1995. Announcers for this match were Eric Bischoff, Bobby Heenan & Steve McMichael. This match aired just two days before these two would face each other in another title match at the Starrcade ppv, which shows just how much Bischoff cared about tv ratings at this point, at the expense of saving anything at all for ppv buys. This was the standard Savage vs Flair match. Flair begged off, before low-blowing Savage. Flair gave Savage a suplex, threw chops and exchanged blows with Savage. Macho Man tried to give Flair a double axe handle off the top rope, outside the ring, but missed. After a commercial break, Flair had Savage locked in a figure four, holding on to the top rope for leverage. Flair released the hold, went to the top and... yeah, Savage slammed him off the top. Poor Flair never learned did he? The two exchanged nearfalls before the finish. Savage knocked Jimmy Hart off the apron, after he tried to interfere. Suddenly Lex Luger ran in and attacked Savage, with the referee calling for the bell. Sting then ran in, with the announcers speculating whether he would save fellow babyface Savage, or help his friend, the 'tweener' Luger. Before Sting could do anything, Flair cut him off and the two exchanged blows. Sting splashed Flair in the corner and slammed him, with both Savage and Sting clearing the ring. Savage and Sting then squared up to each other, with Sting slapping Savage across the face as the show went off the air. This was a good match with an interesting ending. 

Closing thoughts: Fun show. Savage vs Flair, Rock vs Test and Tajiri vs Bubba Ray were all enjoyable matches.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Quick plug: If you enjoy my weekly 'WWE Vintage Collection' tv columns such as this, then you may like to check out the latest issue of 'Fighting Spirit Magazine' (Issue 87, with Dolph Ziggler on the cover. The magazine has been completely revamped, with a critically-acclaimed totally new format and layout, and features all new columns from FSM columnists, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Magnus and Jim Cornette. Plus my 'Wrestling Round Up' TV Lounge column, recapping this past months' WWE & TNA tv shows, as well as WWE & TNA ppv reviews, plus much more. Available now, in all good newsagents in the U.K. & Ireland, and for fans worldwide, subscriptions are available here at:!

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Match Results:

1) 'Santa Claus' defeated Mankind in a Boiler Room Brawl match ('WWF Raw Is War' live: Houston, Texas - 20/12/99).

2) Doink the Clown (w/Dink the Clown in his corner) defeated Sid Garrison ('WWF Superstars': Dehli, New York - taped on 10/11/93, aired on 27/11/93).

3) The Rock defeated Test ('WWF Smackdown': New Orleans, Louisiana - taped on 18/12/01, aired on 20/12/01).

4) Stacey Keibler & Trish Stratus & Lita defeated Victoria & Molly Holly & Miss Jackie in a Santa's Little Helper match ('WWE Raw' live: San Antonio, Texas - 29/12/03).

5) 'Santa' Tajiri defeated 'Santa' Bubba Ray Dudley (w/D-Von Dudley in his corner) ('WWF Raw Is War': Miami, Florida - taped on 21/12/01, aired on 24/12/01).

6) WCW World Champion, Randy Savage defeated Ric Flair (w/Jimmy Hart in his corner) via D.Q. ('WCW Monday Nitro': Augusta, Georgia - taped on 18/12/95, aired on 25/12/95).

Please note: I DO NOT sell DVDs or tapes of any of these shows. Sorry!

I hope you enjoyed this week’s report. For other reports like this one, be sure to check it out my website archive at .

It’s no longer updated, but this website carries all of my previous WWE Classics tv reports that have been featured on the old website.

As always your questions, comments and thoughts are always welcomed, and you can contact me at

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