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lunedì 21 gennaio 2013

ROH TV report 1/19 - Briscoes vs. Alexander & Coleman

1/19/2013 ROH TV Report       
The show has a new opening with highlights from ROH matches. Kevin Kelly and Caleb Seltzer introduce this week’s show from the Du Burns Arena in Baltimore, Maryland.
The team of Corey Hollis and Mike Posey, known as “Alabama Attitude” come to the ring followed by their opponents of Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly. Hollis and O’Reilly exchange holds to start and then Fish and Posey tag in. Fish takes him down and eventually elbows him in the head. O’Reilly knees Posey in the back and Fish hits him with a dropkick. O’Reilly tags in and starts with kicks and a kneedrop. Fish tags in and they double-team with Fish hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker followed by O’Reilly flying off the ropes with a knee-drop. Fish hits a senton from the apron followed by a snap suplex from O’Reilly. Posey fights out and tags in Hollis who comes in with a double missile dropkick on both Fish and O’Reilly. Hollis hits a twisting neckbreaker and a suplex. Fish and O’Reilly start to double-team but Posey makes a blind tag. Hollis and Posey set up Fish and O’Reilly with Fish having O’Reilly in a DDT position. Posey then gets flipped into a Sliced Bread # 2 on Fish and O’Reilly gets a DDT in the process. Hollis hits a guillotine legdrop on O’Reilly. Fish throws Posey outside where O’Reilly hits him with a German Suplex on the floor. Fish gives Hollis a German Suplex and he and O’Reilly both hit kicks. O’Reilly picks up Hollis in a brain-buster and Fish kicks Hollis just as O’Reilly drops him. Fish then pins Hollis for the win.
After a commercial break Nigel McGuinness is in the ring and talks about what happened when he had to kick Jay Lethal out of the building at Final Battle. He calls Lethal out so he can explain his position. Lethal comes to the ring. Nigel says that when Lethal spit in his face he tested him and Nigel had to kick him out. Nigel says he could fine him or suspend him but he understands so he is going to give him a warning. He says it will be the last warning and if he steps out of line again he will regret it. Lethal says the last few weeks have been the most frustrating of his life and it came to a boiling point at Final Battle. He says he respects Nigel’s position but that doesn’t help his situation with Kevin teen. He asked what he has to do to get his ROH World title shot against Kevin Steen and says he won’t wait until Steen loses the belt. Nigel says his hands are tied as Steen had it written in stone that Lethal couldn’t get a title shot against him. Nigel says the only person who can change that is Steen and that Lethal has to change Steen’s mind. Lethal says he knows what he has to do. Nigel says he will only give Lethal one warning and he won’t get a second. Lethal says he was going to say the same thing to Nigel.
On “Inside Ring Of Honor” Kevin Kelly reviews the Adam Cole vs Matt Hardy match from Final Battle with Hardy winning the match after a low blow. Kelly says that BJ Whitmer will challenge Adam Cole for the ROH TV Title next week because Nigel was disgusted with the way the way the Hardy vs Cole match ended. Hardy is interviewed and says he beat Cole at Final Battle with a small package and says he should be getting the title shot instead of Whitmer who got carted out at Final Battle. Hardy says he will not stand this.
Kelly says that Charlies Haas is upset that Whitmer is getting the title shot as Haas defeated him in a tag team match at Final Battle. Whitmer is interviewed and says he has worked with injuries his entire career. He says he will make the most of this opportunity and that Cole has a bright future but he taking the TV title.
Kelly says a source in ROH has said that Kevin Steen not been the same since Final Battle, that he has not contacted ROH and that he has not asked who his next opponent is. Steve Corino is interviewed and says Nigel is probably the one starting rumors. Corino says Steen is fine.
Kelly previews the Top Prospect Tournament as well as the March 2 11th Anniversary IPPV.
Truth Martini joins commentary for the first match in the “Top Prospect Tournament”. Mike Sydal comes to the ring followed by his opponent QT Marshall with RD Evans. Marshall takes Sydal down to start. Sydal hits armdrags on Marshall. They trade control until Sydal gets thrown outside and Evans interferes. Marshall brings Sydal in with a back suplex. Marshall drops elbows. Sydal fights back but get hit with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Marshall attempts a powerslam but Sydal counters with a DDT. They get to their feet and Sydal hits a dropkicks and a neckbreaker. Sydal comes off the turnbuckles with a hurracanrana throwing Marshall outside. Sydal then climbs to the top rope and hits a moonsault on Marshall and Evans on the floor. Back inside Sydal attempts a standing moonsault but Marshall gets his knees up. Marshall picks him up and hits a running dominator (reverse over-the-shoulder powerslam) for the pinfall and the win.
Veda Scott interviews Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander regarding tonight’s ROH World Tag Team Title match against Jay and Mark Briscoe. Alexander says the Briscoes are men of their words as they promised them the first title shot. Coleman sings that they’re moving on up. He says it’s a new year, they respect the Briscoes, but that ends when they step in the ring.
After a commercial break the Briscoes are interviewed. Jay says they respect Coleman and Alexander and might even call them friends but when the bell rings they have no friends. Mark says they are eight-time tag team champions. Mark says that it is a new ball game and that they’ll hold the belts from now until kingdom come.
Coleman and Alexander come to the ring followed by the Briscoes. Mark and Alexander start and Mark applies a headscissors. Alexander hits roll-ups and then misses a dropkick. Jay and Coleman tag in and they struggle for control and criss-cross until Coleman hits a dropkick. Alexander tags in and leg-trips Jay while Coleman hits a legdrop. Mark comes in but he gets caught in a bearhug allowing Coleman to hit him with a leg lariat. He and Jay end up outside and Coleman and Alexander stereo suicide dives. Mark gets tolled back in as the show goes to commercial. After the break Jay takes control of Alexander and tags in Mark who hits a vertical suplex followed by a big boot from Jay in the corner. Mark hits a release back suplex and the Briscoes continue to double-team until Coleman tags in. Coleman hits two float-over Northern Lights Suplexes and is stopped from doing a third. Alexander saves Coleman who then hits a double Northern Lights Suplex on both Briscoes. Coleman picks up Mark on his shoulders and Alexander hits Mark with a kneedrop from the top rope followed by a Death Valley Driver from Coleman. Jay makes the save and hits a spinning forearm on Coleman. The Briscoes go for the Doomsday Device but Alexander dropkicks Mark on the top turnbuckle. Coleman then hits his no-hands top-rope hurracanrana on Mark followed by a top rope splash from Alexander for a two-count. They attempt another double-team but are stopped. Mark uses his Redneck Kung Fu and hits a powerbomb combined with a neckbreaker from Jay. Mark hits a Death Valley Driver on Alexander. Jay delivers a falcon arrow followed by a frog splash from Mark for a two-count. The Briscoes then hit the Doomsday Device and score the pinfall and the win. Both teams shake hands but are attacked by Steve Corino, Jimmy Jacobs and Rhino who is wearing a SCUM t-shirt. Rhino hits a gore as the show goes off the air.
This was a great show this week to start off the new footage. The whole show felt fresh with the new opening and overall presentation. I would critique saying that Steen hasn’t been in contact with ROH considering he wrestled twice on house shows this weekend. But otherwise it was a good combination of matches. Hopefully with the new taping schedule this type of show will be the norm.
Dave Musgrave
Oshawa, Ontario

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