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mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013

WWE house show report 1-12 Laredo, TX

By Ric Solis
CM Punk comes out with a doctors note saying he cannot compete in a singles match.  Dolph Ziggler, with Big E and AJ, comes out wearing a doctor's mask saying he also has a doctors note as he is sick with the flu and cannot compete in a singles match as well.  Vickie comes out and makes the tag match for the main event.

1.Brodus Clay beat Jack Swagger.  Kids danced afterward

2. Leo Kruger comes out and cuts a generic, "I'm from South Africa and better than you promo".  Zack Ryder beats Leo Kruger with the Rough Ryder.

3. Jamie Noble beats Tensai.

4. Team Hell No beats the Shield by DQ.  Shield came through the crowd.  Ambrose and Reigns worked.  It became 3 on 2 for the DQ when Ryback makes the save.


5.  Kaitlyn beats Tamina

6.  Antonio Cesaro beats the Miz.  Announced as a street fight.  Very good long match.  Crowd chanted for tables, but Cesaro keeps putting them away for good heat.  Cesaro wins with the Neutralizer.

7.  John Cena and Ryback beat CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler.  Good match.  Cena pinned Ziggler with the AA.  Punk and Ziggler worked well as a tag team.  Big E and AJ got involved.  Big E hit his finisher on Ryback.  Very impressive spot.  Ref threw them out and they went to the finish.

Good show overall.

Have a good one,
Ric Solis

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