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sabato 19 gennaio 2013

WWE NXT TV report - Big E Langston defends and deciphering the twisted storylines

January 17, 2013
LIVE! From Full Sail University

by Emerson “Sometimes it is hard to believe that I have written like 120 reviews of this show” Witner

Any questions, comments concerns of emotional outbursts? Contact me:

Twitter: @TheReallyRealEW

Here's what you need to know about NXT:

-They have a champion, it's Big E. Langston, who defeated Seth Rollins for the title on January 10. The show was taped after The Shield debuted at Survivor Series, but before Big debuted on Raw. Big originally refused to go to Raw when Vickie Guerrero offered him a spot, but did go to Raw once AJ lost power. Go figure.

-Dusty Rhodes is the Authority Figure, but his job title seems to change from week to week.

-They have a seemingly always rotating announce table, but the most consistent thing is Jim Ross in the main event.

-NXT has this fun habit of editing matches from different tapings together and not bothering to try to hide it. That's why you will sometimes have a pink middle rope for one match and it won't be there for the next match

-The insanely popular Paige, Emma, Audrey Marie and Sasha Banks are the only four NXT Diva's and depending on the week Paige and Audrey are either trying to team up to prove they are better than the WWE Diva's or attacking each other.

-Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Rowan (Husky Harris, Brodie Lee and Erick Rowan) have formed a weird family.

-Kassius Ohno and Leo Kruger have formed an alliance and seemed determined to get William Regal to drop the headset and get in the ring.

-Camacho desperately needs $5,000 to break Hunico out of Mexico. Are plane tickets really that expensive?

And that's everything you need to know about NXT. (Now we know!) (And knowing is half the battle) (G.I. Joe!)

1.) Adrian Neville defeated Sakamoto in. Well I guess he got tired of being beaten up by Tensai, but Sakamoto kicks off this week's in ring action going one on one with the former PAC. Before the match really gets started William Regal said Neville had high flying moves that made Rey Mysterio jealous. Well he is the man who defies gravity. Sakamoto gets the heat early with a thrust to the throat as Tony Dawson makes a Taka Michinoku reference.  Neville is quite agile and knocked down his foe with a beautiful step up inzigiri that would make Alberto Del Rio jealous. Neville picked up the win with what I called the “What the fuck was that?!?!”, which was a twisting shooting star press off the top rope, with about 6 flips thrown in for good measure.

-Want further proof about how far ahead this show is taped? Tonight's show will feature matches with Trent Baretta and Tyson Kidd wrestling in the main event.

2.) Trent Baretta defeated Leo Kruger by reverse decision DQ in 9:49. Leo's partner in crime, Kassius Ohno, joined the broadcast table. William did his best to ignore Ohno. Now that he is gone, I finally learned how to spell Trent's last name. Well over a month ago Trent was getting ready for a match with Ohno, but Kruger viciously attacked him backstage, leaving him with hurt ribs. Trent, though, claims to be back at almost tip top shape. William says that Trent has “more heart” than anyone. That sounds like a horrible medical condition that Trent should have a doctor look at so he doesn't become the next wrestling tragedy. The match was pretty dull with the highlight being Mr. Regal and Mr. Ohno going back and forth in the booth. As expected Leo worked over Trent's ribs for the bulk of the match. Trent battled back, getting a two off of a Missile Dropkick. Leo blocked a Tornado DDT and slapped on a Half Crab, which Trent fought and fought until he got to the ropes. The finish saw Trent hit a big dive over the top rope, which caused Ohno to sneak away and strike Trent. Back in the ring, Kruger picked up the win with The Kruger End. However a second referee ran down and talked to the original referee who reversed the decision.

After the match Ohno stared a hole into William Regal.

-After commercial we are joined by the new NXT Champion, Big E. Langston. Big grabs a mic and tells us we are about to see a reign we have never seen before. Well we have only seen one reign before. This brings out Camacho, who still needs $5,000 for Hunico.

Camacho says it's not about the money, homes. What a prick. Well now he wants the title belt, which I guess could be sold for a decent sum.

3.) NXT Champion Big E. Langston defeated Camacho in 1:15. Let it be known that Big's first title defense had 20 seconds of build. Big did his running body attack and finished Camacho off with His Move.

After the match Big gives Camacho His Move twice more. I wrote that, mind you, before he actually did it.

4.) In an epic main event, which could be a main event in any arena of 1,000 or less in Orlando, Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel defeated Damien Sandow & Antonio Cesaro in 7:58. I would like to point out that my great prognostication of Tyson Kidd receiving a serious push this year will not be happening. Sandow slapped a hammerlock on Kidd and Kidd somehow maneuvered his body around and got Sandow in a hammerlock around the ropes. That was interesting. The experienced tandom of Kidd and Gabriel were having no problems with Cesaro and Sandow, who have never teamed before, until Sandow hit Gabriel with a closed fist to get the heat. Sandow got no reaction when he dropped the Elbow of Disdain, so he let Cesaro come in and go to work. The finish saw Gabriel make the hot tag to Kidd, who ran wild on both men. Finally Gabriel hit an Asai Moonsault and Kidd hit the Springboard Elbow Drop to Sandow for the surprise victory.

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