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lunedì 21 gennaio 2013

WWE Saturday Morning Slam TV report

WWE Saturday Morning Slam Report

By: David Parker


Date: 1/19/2013

The Big News:  Saturday Morning Slam has its first ever Divas match and the Celtic Warrior defeats Michael McGillicutty.
Show Analysis:
At the beginning of the show, the host said that today’s show has a “one-two punch,” as Sheamus will be in action and Natalya will take on Alicia Fox.

Natalya defeated Alicia Fox. Josh Matthews and Booker T did commentary for the match. Based on what Matthews said, Booker is the permanent color commentator. In the first part of the match, neither woman was able to control the match. At one point, Alicia Fox managed to land on her feet when Natalya did a monkey flip, which was neat. Natalya was eventually able to gain the momentum, but Fox was able to recover after escaping a sharpshooter attempt. Fox eventually applied a body scissors; Natalya tried to escape by lifting her up, but she was unable to keep her balance, and Fox was able to apply it again. Natalya lifted her again, and while Fox tried to get behind her and do a pin attempt, Natalya managed to escape and locked in the sharpshooter for the submission victory.
After the commercial break, a replay of the Divas match was shown before the host turned his attention to Sheamus. He said Sheamus has been on fire as of late since he lost the World Heavyweight Championship, and he vows to regain the title. A highlight video of him was then shown on this week’s “Saturday Morning Spotlight.” The video was similar to the one shown last week, though it included a couple clips of Sheamus and Jerry Lawler talking about how the Celtic Warrior will have a big 2013.
Sheamus cut a promo before his match. He said he watched WWE Superstars with his grandmother while he was a kid in Ireland, watching wrestlers like Randy Savage, Bret Hart, and Shawn Michaels. He said he wants to reclaim the World Title. He claimed he wanted to test himself today and go up against the biggest, fastest, strongest Superstar in the WWE, but he’s not available, so he’s going to face Michael McGillicutty.

Sheamus defeated Michael McGillicutty. Sheamus quickly took control of the match. McGillicutty eventually left the ring to try to recover. When he returned, he was able to slap on a headlock and gave Sheamus an Irish whip. This led to a spot where both men ran the ropes until Sheamus left the ring and sat down at the announcer’s table to get a water bottle while McGillicutty continued to run the ropes as the show went to the break.
After the break, an old “Do Not Try This at Home” promo featuring Sheamus (with the World Title in the background) was shown. When the match came back, McGillicutty was still running the ropes. He eventually ran out of breath and had to stop. While he was leaning on the ropes, Sheamus got into the ring and gave him a water bottle. When McGillicutty realized who gave it to him, he yelled at Sheamus, claiming he’s a serious wrestler and this is a joke. He then left the ring and crouched at one of the corners, hoping to surprise Sheamus. He quickly figured out his plan, went around the ring the other way, and kick McGillicutty in the buttocks. After Sheamus threw him in the ring, McGillicutty was able to gain control of the match when he attacked Sheamus while he tried to enter the ring, but the Celtic Warrior quickly recovered.
Sheamus then did an airplane spin. McGillicutty was so dizzy, he pinned the referee. Sheamus counted the pin and raised his hand. After the referee angrily explained that he’s the actual official, Sheamus hit the While Noise and got the pin. The camera was show the move without showing the bump, so the camera didn’t have to cut away.
After replays were shown, the show went backstage to Natalya, who was interviewing the Miz. She informed him of his match against Darren Young on next week’s show. As the Miz started to compare Young to a younger version of himself, the Prime Time Players appeared. Titus O’Neil called a personal foul for making the comparison and claimed that when they speak, you can take it to the bank. As they were about to do “Millions of dollars,” Miz interrupted them and claimed they should take their money to Vegas and bet on the Miz, since he’s going to take out both of them. He told O’Neil that he can stick that in his whistle and blow it.
The host confirmed the match before he signed off.
Final Thoughts:
This episode was much more kid-friendly than usual. I don’t know if adults would enjoy the Sheamus match, though I imagine there are plenty of kids who would get a kick out of it. As for the divas match, it was fine, though Alicia Fox’s flexibility is pretty impressive.

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