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mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

WWE Smackdown spoilers from Sacramento

For Main Event tomorrow night
Ryback b Antonio Cesaro via count out.  Cesaro tried to leave once and was thrown back in by Miz.  Finish was the heel walking out of the ring.
Big Show did an interview vowing to regain the World title at the Rumble.
Damien Sandow & Cody Rhodes b Usos
Saturday Morning Slam
Brodus Clay & Kofi Kingston b Prime Time Players.  Mostly a showcase for Clay & Kingston to build them dancing with kids.
Justin Gabriel b Curt Hawkins
Daniel Bryan & Kane came out.  They vowed to beat Rhodes & Sandow and argued with each other.  Big Show came out and told Kane and Bryan to get out of the ring.  Rhodes & Sandow came out and Sandow asked Show to join them to kicking Kane and Bryan out.  Alberto Del Rio came out.  The Booker T came out and he announced it would be a six-man elimination match as the main event.
Sheamus b Wade Barrett with the Brogue kick
Natalya b Rosa Mendes with the sharpshooter.  Khali, Hornswoggle, Primo and Epico were all at ringside.
C.M. Punk came out for an interview.  He talked about how great his title reign was going to be after beating Rock.  Heyman brought up that if The Shield interferes, Punk loses the title.  Punk asked The Shield to come out.  They came out and didn't attack him.  Then Rock came out and laid Punk out with a rock bottom.
Randy Orton b Drew McIntyre via DQ when the other members interfered.  Orton laid all three out after the match with RKO's and draping DDTs.
The Miz b Darren Young with the figure four.  Antonio Cesaro was on commentary.
Del Rio & Kane & Bryan beat Show & Sandow & Rhodes.  Kane first pinned Sandow.  Show threw Kane into the ringpost and Kane was counted out of the ring.  Bryan came off the top rope onto Show, who met him with a punch.  Bryan rolled out of the ring and was also counted out.  This left Del Rio vs. Rhodes & Show.  Del Rio used a superkick on Show, who fell out of the ring and was, you guessed it, counted out.  This left Del Rio vs. Rhodes with Del Rio winning with an enzuigiri.  Show then attacked Del Rio after the match and buried him under the announcers table..
They also taped a backstage angle where somebody attacked and injured Brad Maddox.

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