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venerdì 18 gennaio 2013

WWE SmackdownTV report - Sheamus & Del Rio vs. Show & Ziggler

By James Shannon:

SmackDown opened with a “Fiesta del Rio” to celebrate Alberto's Heavyweight Championship victory last week. Ricardo had a Mexican flag bow tie. Alberto came out and said he and the fans hadn't always seen eye to eye, but they can all celebrate The Big Show no longer being champion.

Dolph cut him off and came out with AJ and Big E. Dolph said that Del Rio didn't have a championship, he had a target. He warned Alberto that he'd be saying “adios” to the championship as soon as Dolph wanted to cash in his briefcase. He then introduced Big E. to Del Rio and Ricardo. Big gave some attention to Ricardo. Alberto told them to leave, but Dolph suggested Big E. could take Del Rio out and he could cash in his briefcase right now. Ziggler started taking off his jumper when Big Show came out. Show said nothing but stood in line with Dolph, who told Alberto he was outnumbered.

Sheamus then came out and offered to help with the numbers situation. Alberto didn't trust Sheamus until he brought up their history, including stealing Del Rio's car, then congratulating him on his victory last week. He said Alberto deserved to be champion and offered his hand. They shook and Sheamus offered to be acting as bouncer for the fiesta tonight. Del Rio said this was a party and didn't want any fighting. Sheamus asked “really?” and Alberto gave a good coy smile and replied “maybe just a little”. He then set himself for a fight but Booker came out.

Booker told Show that if he ever put his hands on him again he'd ruin his day. He then booked the four in a tag match for the main event. He told the bad guys to leave because they weren't invited to this party. The party started back up and Del Rio demanded a Spinaroonie. Booker obliged. Alberto then asked for a little participation from Sheamus, who eventually danced with the lady in the ring.

Match Number One: Antonio Cesaro (c) Vs. Kofi Kingston, Non-Title Match.

These two had a fun opener. Kofi is the kind of high paced guy that Cesaro shines against. Miz was shown watching from the back. They had a great series near the end that ended with Cesaro catching Kofi as he tried for a rana off the top rope, then turning it into the Neutraliser. I feel bad for Kofi, who was meant to have unleashed the wildcat during the Barrett run, but has been fodder since.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro, Pinfall.

Miz was disappointed watching the monitor, then laughed at by Primo, Epico and Rosa for being Flair's sidekick. They said that Flair was a wrestling hero and Miz relied on catch phrases. Miz called Epico Primo, then said no one cared when he was corrected. Just to make sure everyone seemed like a geek in the segment Miz took a shot at Rosa before walking off.

Match Number Two: The Great Khali w/ Natalya Vs. Tensai.

No Hornswoggle after Big E.'s attack last week. No entrance Tensai, who got no offence. He was pushed into the corner then hit with a chop a minute later for the pinfall.

Winner: The Great Khali, Pinfall.

Bryan didn't get why Shelby thought bringing Rhodes Scholars to therapy was a good idea. Kane didn't get Cody thought his moustache was good idea. Bryan couldn't stand people who don't understand when their facial hair is getting out of hand, and picked up on Kane's “tell me about it”. He got cranky with Kane who wouldn't explain. Orton broke up the Yes/No. He wanted to know if they were ready for their match later. Kane left and Bryan explained they weren't being childish, they were working through their anger issues, something Orton knows something about. Bryan asked if Orton wanted to be champion again, in which case he would have to take one match at a time. And tonight, after they win, they would group hug. Orton said he wasn't much of a hugger, to which replied “not yet”.

Match Number Three: Team Rhodes Scholars & Wade Barrett (c) Vs. Team Hell No (C) & Randy Orton.

Lots of entrances being cut tonight as Rhodes Scholars and Barrett were already in the ring, and Cesaro didn't get on in the opener.

Typical fun SmackDown six man. They worked over Kane to let Orton get a hot tag. Rhodes snuck in behind Orton after he ran wild though and hit the Cross Rhodes for Sandow to make the cover. Kane broke up the pin and but was sent outside but Sandow. This let Orton be the one to attack from behind, RKO'ing Sandow and getting the pin.

Winners: Randy Orton & Team Hell No, Pinfall.

Orton celebrated on the top rope, then dropped down to see Kane and Bryan. Bryan opened his arms but Orton resisted, he turned around to be face to face with Kane... who slowly raised his arms for a hug. Orton tried to explain but Kane clamped on the hug and Bryan sealed it from behind. Orton was still throughout, then when they let go just let out a little “ok”. After collecting himself he went to the top rope, but instead of posing, gave a big full armed shrug. That was awesome.

They played the Rock concert form Raw. They also had the Punk confrontation afterward.

Match Number Four: The Miz Vs. Primo w/ Epico & Rosa.

Primo did Flair's strut took control of the beginning and it felt like a showcase for him. Miz as a battling babyface doesn't work, at least not against someone smaller than him. He did finally come back but a distraction from Epico on the apron stopped the momentum after a top rope axe handle smash.

Epico on the apron backfired a moment later after Miz sent Primo into him as Primo tried for the figure four. Miz then locked it on to some WOO!'s and the submission.

Winner: The Miz, Submission.

Fox and Layla were admiring Kaitlyn's title in the back. Layla admired it a little too long when Kaitlyn wanted to leave for her match. Booker and Teddy came up and congratulated her, Long was especially happy.

Match Number Five: Kaitlyn (C) Vs. Aksana, Non-Title Match.

Aksana offered to shake her hand actually slapped her face. Aksana worked the neck for a moment and kept aggressive. She put Kaitlyn in the corner and tried to attack, but the ref gave a five count. After having to physically pull off Aksana, Kaitlyn explosded from the corner with a spear for the pinfall.

Winner: Kaitlyn, Pinfall.

They showed the HOF announced for Foley. They showed the Shield attempting to get to Foley from Raw, before RyBack, Orton and Sheamus made the save. This went into a promo tape from the Shield. They said they attacked Foley on behalf of all the broken bodies and names he left behind during his HOF career. They hold him accountable for all the bodies and dreams lost to the name of hardcore. They then threatened Orton and Sheamus.

Orton was shown in the back and Sheamus walked up. Sheamus said it was funny how the Shield acted so tough when they are in their hiding spot. Orton said he didn't find much funny about the Shield. Sheamus apologised for not helping Orton Wednesday, but Orton reminded him he didn't need help. Sheamus said Orton was doing a great job fighting off his back Monday. Orton said he likes how Sheamus always has an answer for everything, but come Rumble, Sheamus won't have an answer for him. They've really pushed Orton looking forward to the Rumble and feeling like he needs to win it. So maybe Sheamus eliminates Orton after Orton does well, which is Orton's tipping point?

Match Number Six: Alberto Del Rio (C) & Sheamus Vs. The Big Show & Dolph Ziggler w/ AJ & Big E.

Big E. put his hands on Sheamus at ringside early on and the ref threw him out. AJ lost it and started smashing the briefcase into the apron over and over again. She then got in the ring to yell at the ref and she was banished too.

After an adbreak Show got his team back on top by pushing Sheamus off the top rope when Dolph was the legal man. Show and Dolph then worked over Sheamus. Show got a nearfall with a Vader bomb, but he missed a second attempt. This let Sheamus get the tag to Alberto, who ran wild on Ziggler.

Alberto called for the armbreaker and locked it on, but Show came in after getting a blind tag and legdropped Del Rio while he was lying back. Sheamus slid in and hit the White Noise on Show who quickly left the ring. Show was about to get back in when Del Rio picked up his confetti bucket, which was this time filled with water. He dumped it over Show who was so angry he turned around and walked out on the match for a count out.

Winners: Alberto Del Rio & Sheamus, Count Out.

Red, white and green balloons fell from the ceiling and Del Rio celebrated as the show went off the air.

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