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domenica 10 febbraio 2013

ROH TV report - Taven vs. ACH, Briscoes vs. Coleman & Alexander

2/9/2013 ROH TV Report
Kevin Kelly and Caleb Seltzer introduce the show from the Du Burns Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. Kelly previews tonight’s show with a women’s match of MsChif vs Athena as well as a main event of Jay and Mark Briscoe and Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander vs S.C.U.M. of Kevin Steen, Steve Corino, Jimmy Jacobs and Rhino.
The show starts with the final first-round match in the Top Prospect tournament. Matt Taven comes to the ring followed by his opponent ACH. The “Tale Of The Tape” shows that Taven is 26 and ACH is 24. They tie up to start and trade wristlocks. ACH hits an armdrag. Taven attempts a back suplex but ACH floats over and rolls him up. They have a stand-off and Taven kicks ACH in the stomach. ACH hits Taven with a clothesline in the ropes and then goes to the apron. ACH charges Taven who jumps on the second rope and hits ACH with a flying knee to the head. ACH is outside and Taven hits a tope over the top rope. Taven goes to the top rope and attempts a cross-body but hits the mat when ACH gets out of the way. ACH hits a kick to the head and charges to the corner but Taven moves. ACH goes to the opposite corner and attempts a clothesline but misses and Taven climbs to the top rope and hits a moonsault onto a standing ACH. Taven whips ACH into the ropes and then backdrops him to the apron. ACH lands on his feet and hits an axe-kick on Taven followed by a baseball slide followed by Air Jordan (a tope con giro in which ACH steps off the second rope. ACH rolls Taven back inside and gets a pin attempt. ACH hits Taven with forearms but Taven hits a back kick. ACH takes Taven down with a kick to the knee and then attempts a pin after a kick to the head. ACH lays in forearms on Taven and then a spinning elbow. Taven attempts a savate kick that is blocked by ACH but Taven connects with a boot to the face and attempts a pin. Taven goes to the top rope but is stopped by ACH who hits a kick to the face. ACH attempts a suplex but Taven counters it and hits a hangman’s neckbreaker followed by a frog splash for the pinfall and the win.
After a commercial break ROH Match-Maker Nigel McGuinness is in the ring and he calls ROH TV Champ Adam Cole to come out followed by Matt Hardy. Nigel says he brought them both out because Hardy and Cole had both come to him and asked for the same match together for different reasons. Nigel says that Hardy wants the match because he believes he beat Cole at Final Battle and has earned a title shot. Nigel says Cole wants the match because he wants retribution for the way that Hardy won at Final Battle. Nigel says he is not going to give Hardy a title match because yes, he beat Cole but he had to kick him in the nuts to do it. Nigel says that is not how they do things in ROH and that Hardy is better than that. Nigel says he will give them the match but it will not be for the ROH TV Title and if Hardy wants a shot at the title he will have to earn it by beating Cole clean in the middle of the ring. Hardy says that with all due respect he will have to decline the offer because he has nothing else to prove to Adam Cole. Hardy says he beat Cole clean in the middle of the ring with a textbook small package and that he should be awarded the TV title. Hardy says that unless they put the title on the line and he has nothing else to prove. Cole takes the microphone and says he wants to make something clear to “Mr. Washed Up” and says that any time and any place he has no problem putting the belt on the line against Hardy. Cole tells Nigel that not only is he asking, he insists that their next match is for the TV title. Nigel asks if when Cole signed his contract it said “match-maker” and Cole says no. Nigel says he is the match-maker and he decides who wrestles who and for what so when he says this match will not be for the ROH TV title it will not be for the title. Nigel tells Hardy that if he wants that match he needs to prove it to Nigel. Hardy asks what he has to prove to Nigel and says that he is a former ECW Champion, an eight-time WWE Tag Team Champion, he was the U.S. Champion and the Cruiserweight Champion and the Hardcore title. Hardy says that every promotion he has gone to he has won a title and deserves a match for the TV title and he doesn’t understand Nigel’s prejudice toward him. Hardy says he sees why Nigel will not give him a title shot because Nigel is jealous of him. Hardy says that Nigel has some power and is flexing it but he is envious because he never had the career that Hardy had. Hardy says that while he was on top wrestling in Madison Square Garden Nigel was wrestling in flea markets and high school gyms and Hardy was on top. Hardy says Nigel is jealous of his popularity, his life, his bank account and everything he has and that Nigel is envious of the career that Hardy had and continues to have. Cole shoves Hardy and says “Don’t you dare!” Cole says he knows that Nigel doesn’t need him to speak up for him but Nigel has put more into this company than anybody else and he has earned the respect of the fans by putting his blood, his sweat, his tears and his years into the company. Cole says that Nigel has earned the respect of everyone in the locker room and asks if Hardy can say the same. Cole says the answer is a big fat no. Cole says that Hardy feels he needs a reason to face Cole without the title on the line and he will give him a reason. Cole punches Hardy in the face and they get into a pull-apart brawl.
After a commercial break Kevin Kelly is on “Inside Ring Of Honor”. Kelly reviews the Top Prospect tournament with QT Marshall, Tadarius Thomas, Silas Young and Matt Taven advancing to the semi-finals. Truth Martini joins Kelly to discuss the four men. Martini says that he has never seen moves like Tadarius Thomas has. Martini says that Young is very quiet but very dangerous. Martini pretends that Kelly “cut the cheese” and says that Young is like this, silent but deadly. Martini says that Marshall is God’s Gift to Professional Wrestling. Martini says that Marshall might have something there but his management might be a little wrong. Martini says that Taven is a very controversial guy and he kind of likes that. Martini says that Taven is the kind of guy who can go all the way but he might be missing a little something. Martini then says it is time to give all his hoopla hotties what they want and he takes his pants off.
Kelly previews the February 16 show in Cincinnati with the ROH All-Stars of Davey Richards, Adam Cole and Michael Elgin facing S.C.U.M. of Steve Corino, Jimmy Jacobs and Kevin Steen in a six-man elimination match. Cole, Elgin and Richards are interviewed and Richards says that when they call them the ROH All-Stars and when you look back at 2012 and the matches he had with Elgin and Cole, the stars keep adding up. Cole says that in Cincinnati it will be first time the three of them have teamed up and some people might think they have a disadvantage and won’t be on the same page. Cole says that is not true as they all want to rid ROH of S.C.U.M. Elgin says that in the last year he hasn’t played so well with others but if he is going against S.C.U.M. with anybody he wants these two by his side. Richards says that it is their first time teaming and let’s face it, it is their last time teaming so let’s go out with a bang.
Kelly previews that with last week’s win in the tag team gauntlet match Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly will face ROH Tag Team Champions Jay and Mark Briscoe for the titles on March 2 in Chicago on the 11th Anniversary IPPV. Fish and O’Reilly are interviewed and Fish asks what they have managed to accomplish here in their short time together. Fish says they won the tag team gauntlet by beating none other than the American Wolves and they move on to Chicago to take on Dem Boys. Fish asks to be shown a dictionary that lists “Dem” as an acceptable use of the English language. O’Reilly says that all joking outside eight title reigns is very impressive but come Chicago it will be eight losses and they will send them back to the chicken farm broken, defeated and retired. Fish and O’Reilly were wearing sweaters with O’Reilly was wearing a scarf and Fish wearing glasses in this interview.
Kelly previews that ROH World Champion Kevin Steen will be defending against Jay Lethal on March 2, Roderick Strong will face Michael Elgin in a 2/3 Falls tournament and the winner of the Top Prospect tournament will face ROH TV Champion Adam Cole for the title.
After a commercial break the Briscoes and Coleman and Alexander are shown hyping each other up for the main event. “The Wrestling Goddess” Athena is then shown coming to the ring and Veda Scott joins the commentary table to discuss the women of honor. MsChif then comes to the ring and the “Tale Of The Tape” shows that Athena is 24 and MsChif’s age is unknown. They circle each other and tie up and Athena hits a flying leg-scissors. They criss-cross and Athena hits a cross-body. MsChif applies a combination leglock-headlock to a standing Athena. Veda talks about MsChif going to Japan and says she was with her on the last trip. MsChif drops Athena across her knee and then trips her up and rolls her into a bridging O’Connor Roll. Kelly notes that Athena is one of the last graduates of Skandor Akbar’s training camp.   Athena hits MsChif with kicks but gets taken down and MsChif hits a standing moonsault. Scott says on commentary that ROH officials are scouting the world for top level opponents for MsChif. Athena does back handsprings into a kick to MsChif in the corner. MsChif whips Athena into the corner and starts stomping on her. Kelly congratulates Veda on being voted Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rookie Of The Year noting the work she does behind the scenes in ROH and being a top-flight competitor. Athena gets whipped into the corner but gets out of the way of MsChif and kicks her. Athena climbs to the top rope and jumps at MsChif catching her in an Ace Crusher. Athena attempts a pin but MsChif gets her foot on the ropes. They are on the apron and MsChif his hitting Athena with forearms but Athena fights back with a kick knocking MsChif into the ring. Athena goes to the top rope again but MsChif knocks her down and hits her with strikes. MsChif then climbs to the second turnbuckle and hits Obliteration which is like a pedigree off the ropes. MsChif pins Athena and wins the match.
After a commercial break Kevin Steen, Steve Corino, Jimmy Jacobs and Rhino come to the ring. They are followed by Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander and then ROH Tag Team Champions Jay and Mark Briscoe. Jay Lethal joins the commentary table. Mark drags his foot across the mat to draw the battle lines. All eight men start brawling in the ring and they spill to the outside. Mark and Rhino end up in the ring with Mark hitting Redneck Kung Fu. A fan has a Canadian flag over the ringside barrier and Steen sings Oh Canada as he runs Jay into it. Mark jumping off the ring apron onto Jacobs. And all eight men are outside again. Coleman and Jacobs face off in the ring while Rhino headbutts Mark at ringside. Jay throws Corino inside and Corino offers to shake hands. Jay accepts but stops Corino from kicking him in the stomach. They go outside again where Jay chokes out Corino with the confederate flag. Rhino whips Mark into the ringside barrier outside and Jay and Corino are back inside where Jay hits Corino with a series of punches followed by a boot to the face. Jay whips Corino into the corner and charges but gets kicked in the face. Rhino then hits Jay with a TKO. Steen, Rhino and Jacobs are now in their corner and all four men work over Jay as the show goes to commercials. After the break Rhino is beating on Jay in the ring and tags in Corino who kicks Jay and slaps Jay as he and Coleman and Alexander are now in their corner. Jay continues to get worked over by S.C.U.M. and his partners try to save him but are held off by the referee. Steen is punching Jay in the corner and whips him to the opposite corner, slapping Mark on the way. Jay starts coming back and drives Steen’s head into the corner. Mark tags in and starts hitting Corino and Jacobs with overhand chops. Rhino makes a blind tag and attacks Mark from behind. Coleman tags in and starts hitting punches and hits a double dropkick to Corino and Jacobs but gets hit from behind by Steen. Mark is in and hits Steen with a suplex. Alexander enters and he and Coleman hit Total Elimination on Steen. Everyone is now outside except Steen and Jay but Steen throws Jay outside. Steen climbs to the top rope and hits a flipping plancha onto everyone else. Steen and Alexander and Cedric hits a tornado DDT off the ropes. Jacobs breaks up a pin attempt. The Briscoes are then in the ring with Jacobs and go for a Doomsday device but Corino knocks Mark off the top rope. Jacobs hits Sliced Bread # 2 on Jay and Corino follows up with a lariat. Rhino hits a gore on Coleman and Alexander springs off the ropes toward Rhino but gets knocked to the mat. Steen then hits a package piledriver on Alexander and gets the pinfall to win the match. Steen passes on the celebration with S.C.U.M. and just walks to the back on his own.
This was yet another really good show this week. Taven and ACH are two of the better young talents out there right now and it was great to see them face off in a good match. Athena was very impressive in her match and MsChif was good as usual. The segment with Cole, Nigel and Hardy was good and it seemed to be leading toward heat between Hardy and Nigel at first but Cole ended up getting quite a bit out of it. And the main event was a crazy brawl that I think most people would enjoy. The 11th Anniversary Show is shaping up really well and the announcement of the tag title match is exciting for me as I would really like to see Fish and O’Reilly with the belts. And knowing who wins the Top Prospect tournament, the TV Title match should be great as well.
Dave Musgrave
Oshawa, Ontario

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