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giovedì 21 febbraio 2013

WWE Attitude Era vs WWE PG Era Ratings Confrontation!!

An interesting note when people talk about how today’s WWE is geared toward kids with the PG rating and how it only draws kids. Currently the television makeup of the WWE’s U.S. audience is 21% under the age of 18. During the Attitude era, with a significantly larger number of viewers for Raw and Smackdown, that figure ranged from 37-40%. If you’re wondering what that means in sheer numbers, during the Attitude era, between Raw and Smackdown, there were 4.5 million kids under 18 watching the shows every week. Today that number would be closer to 1.5 million. In other words, whenever someone talks about today’s shows and how they appeal more to kids and families and how they have replaced Males 18-49 as the viewers, that’s a joke. In fact, on a percentage basis, those 18-49 are watching more by percentage (less in total numbers because the business overall is less popular). This version of the product does appeal more to sponsors and the reality is they’ve made too many deals to where they couldn’t get away with the old product.

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