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sabato 9 marzo 2013

Final Card for Sunday's TNA Lockdown Pay-Per-View - 8 Matches Announced

Below is the final card for Sunday's TNA Lockdown pay-per-view:

Steel Cage Match for the World Title
Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy

Lethal Lockdown
Sting, James Storm, Magnus, Eric Young and Samoa Joe vs. Devon, Doc, Mr. Anderson, Mike Knox and Garett Bischoff

TNA Tag Team Title Match
Hernandez & Chavo Guerrero vs. Daniels & Kazarian vs. Bobby Roode & Austin Aries

TNA Knockouts Title Match
Gail Kim vs. Velvet Sky

TNA X Division Title Match
Christian York vs. Zema Ion vs. Kenny King

Steel Cage Match
Wes Brisco vs. Kurt Angle

Robbie E. vs. Rob Terry

Joey Ryan vs. Joseph Park

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