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martedì 19 marzo 2013


Ric Flair's appearance on Wrestlemania Sunday 4/7 at Wrestlecon has been canceled. Flair was booked to appear at the event, signing with his former WCW partner Fifi the Maid for Sal Corrente and WrestleReunion.
Flair issued a statement via Facebook that he was never booked for the event, writing, "I haven't talked to those guys about this event and neither have my managers. Sorry kids but I will NOT be attending. If something changes I'll let you all know."
Flair had not spoken to Corrente personally, but his statement is not truthful, either. The booking was made through Fifi, who negotiated the appearance for herself and Flair at Flair's request.  So, Flair's management had not spoken to WrestleReunion - because the deal was made independent of them.
In an email to Fifi released by Corrente (and reprinted below), the deal was that Flair would receive a cashier's check for half of his money up front when he arrived and the remainder in cash at the end of his signing.
According to Corrente, he had made it clear he was not interested in putting down an advance on Flair when Fifi approached him about an appearance, due to past issues others have had with advances given to Flair. Fifi stated Flair had agreed to the terms last week, which is when WrestleReunion announced Flair was coming.
Earlier today, Corrente was contacted and told Flair would not come without a deposit. Corrente noted that she had already signed off on the deal and they were not going to change the parameters - and if that was an issue, the appearance should be canceled.  Corrente then canceled the appearance.
Corrente will now have to refund several thousand dollars in signing and photo pre-sales.
The complete forwarded email from Corrente to Fifi, dated the morning of 3/16 is reprinted below:
This email is to confirm our phone/text conversation regarding "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair appearing for WrestleReunion at Wrestlecon on April 7th 2013.
The appearance will begin at 10:00 am in the morning for no less than 2 hours. You have committed Ric to be there until the line is done or 4:00 pm as we agreed to. The line being done is defined as no customers for 5 minutes.
We also discussed Ric signing some additonal items for an additional fee which you said that he was interested in doing we can discuss in more detail at a later time.
We agree to have a certified or bank check for [deleted by PWInsider] upon Ric's arrival and [deleted by PWInsider] in cash upon completion of the event.
We look very forward to this appearance and hope that it is successful for both parties so that we can continue to do business together in the future. Please respond with your acknowledgement that you agree that this is what was discussed and that you have the right to commit Mr. Flair to this appearance these conditions.
Thank You
Sal Corrente
WrestleReunion Founder
Update: Wendy Barstow aka Fifi contacted shortly after this story was posted, noting that our account is correct.

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