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lunedì 19 maggio 2014


Welcome to’s ongoing coverage of ROH War of the Worlds. You can order the show right now at
They aired videos previewing the main events.
ROH announcers Steve Corino and Kevin Kelly came out to a big reaction.
Silas Young vs. Caprice Coleman
Young took the mic and said that if Coleman was the best ROH has to offer him, he doesn’t want this. He will take his opportunities. Coleman the mic as Young worked out and said if he doesn’t respect what he’s given, he’s not a real man. Coleman then turned his attention to Jimmy Jacobs and dared him to come out for what he did to Cedric Alexander.
Jimmy Jacobs ran out and said if he wants to fight…and Adam Page attacked Coleman.
Caprice Coleman vs. Adam Page
Page worked him over but Coleman wiped him out with a leg sweet. Page was sent to the floor and Coleman hit a springboard moonsault off the ropes to the floor, glancingly nailing him.
Page took control when they returned to the ring. Page nailed a belly to back suplex for a two count. He cinched in a rear chinlock. Coleman fought his way out. He nailed a nice series of suplexes for a two count. Page cut off Coleman and scored a two count with a standing moonsault press.
Page went to the top but was cut off and nailed with a top rope rana. Coleman came off the top with a big leg lariat for the pin.
Your winner, Caprice Coleman!
Fun opener!
Jacobs was pissed at Page and kicked him when he was down, then slapped him. He ripped on Page and forced him to holds the ropes open for him as Jacobs exited.
War of the Worlds!
The show began and the fans chanted Ring of Honor and New Japan.
The Bullet Club – AJ Styles, The Young Bucks, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson – came to the ring. The crowd popped huge. They introduced Styles as the IWGP champion. The crowd chanted, “F*** TNA.” Styles said that people believe he is the leader but in the Club, they all lead.
Kazuchida Okada came out. He entered the ring and got in Styles’ face. Styles didn’t know what he was saying so Anderson translated. He said that Okada claims he can beat Styles. Styles said he proved that Okada can’t beat him. He said that he has his hands full against Michael Elgin tonight, so that’s that.
Out came Michael Elgin. He said that he is ready to fight Styles, but what they should do is make it a Three-Way with Okada. He called out ROH Matchmaker Nigel McGuinness. Nigel says that ROH and New Japan are fine with it but all three have to agree. Elgin and Okada agree. Styles confers with the Bullet Club and then says, “The Bullet Club is game.” We have a BIG three-way as the main event tonight!
Matt Taven & ACH & Tommaso Ciampa vs. The Forever Hooligans and Takaaki Watanabe
Ciampa and Kozlov started out and went back and forth. Kozlov backed off and tagged in Rocky Romero. Taven tagged in and Rocky took him down. Taven came back with a missile dropkick. Taven nailed him with a superkick and worked over his arm. ACH tagged in and cleaned house. He teased a dive but Watanabe tripped him.
Team New Japan worked over ACH. The Hooligans tagged in and out and worked him over. Kozlov put on his hat and nailed the Bolshevik kicks. He covered ACH but Ciampa broke up the pin. Watanabe tagged in and slammed ACH for a two count. ACH finally tagged out to Ciampa who nailed several big knees on Koslov. Romero nailed him but Ciampa fight him off.
Taven tagged in but missed a spinkick. He was drilled with a kick to the head. The Hooligans and Watanabe worked over Taven with triple-teams. Watanabe missed a charge and ACH nailed him with a double stomp. ACH charged and hit a springboard flip dive onto the Hooligans on the floor. The place exploded for that!
Back in the ring, Taven nailed a Famouser variation and scored the pin.
Your winners, Tommaso Ciampa & Matt Taven & ACH!
Really good opener with some fun back and forth tag team action and some cool highspots. ACH’s dive was something to see.

The Decade's BJ Whitmer & Roderick Strong vs. Gedo and Jado
The Decade attacked them before the bell but Gedo and Jado made a comeback and ran them out of the ring. Gedo worked over Strong. Whitmer tried to mail him from behind but Gedo nailed Whitmer. Strong worked over Gedo and locked in an abdominal stretch. Gedo broke free but before he could tag out, Strong nailed Jado.
Whitmer continued working over Gedo and scored several two counts. The Decade tagged in and out, beating down Gedo. Whitmer missed a move off the ropes and Jado finally got the tag, working over Strong with a series of clotheslines and a belly to back suplex. Jado locked on a crossface on Strong but Whitmer broke it up. Jado gave him the finger and tossed him over the top.
They went back and forth with some good sequences. Strong finally got the win with a wicked leg lariat.
Your winners, The Decade!
Cedrick Alexander hit the ring and attacked the Decade with his shoulder all taped up. He tried to get at Jimmy Jacobs but was held back and told to return to the back. It turned into a big pull apart.
Another good tag match. The angle was good.
ROH TV champ Jay Lethal vs. Kushida
Kushida controlled Lethal early and Lethal bailed out of the ring. The crowd chanted for Kushida. They locked up when Lethal returned to the ring. Lethal backed him into the corner, teased a clean break and worked him over. Lethal nailed a springboard dropkick, sending Kushida to the floor.
Back in the ring, Kushida, dropkicked Lethal, sending him to the floor. He teased a dive but instead bounced of the ropes Kushida went after Truth Martini, allowing Lethal to nail a pair of dives on him and a sliding kick. They battled on the floor. When they returned to the ring, Lethal crotched him on the top and nailed Kushida, who fell backwards and was hung up by his knee. Lethal attacked the knee and dragged him back into the ring. He snapmared Kushida over and locked in a rear chinlock.
Kushida fought back with a series of elbows and nailed a kick to the face. He kicked Lethal as he charged and then nailed another kick to the head. He came in with a springboard Mongolian Chop and nailed a standing moonsault for a two count. Kushida came off the top with a moonsault but Lethal pulled his knees up.
Lethal went to the floor and Kushida nailed an awesome dive over the ringpost to the floor. Kushida followed up with an awesome twisting DDT for a near fall that the crowd thought was the end. Kushida nailed a Tiger suplex for a two count and went to the top, naiing a double axe handle for another near fall.
Lethal and Kushida battled back and forth. Lethal nailed a DDT for a two count and ascended to the top. He called for the flying elbow but Kushida nailed him. They battled on the top. Kushida was sent off but came back with a rolling kick to the head. Kushida nailed an amazing leaping top rope rana for two count. The crowd went nuts an chanted, “This is awesome.”
Kushida nailed a series of strikes but Lethal nailed him back. Kushida went for a springboard move but was nailed and hit with a superkick. Lethal nailed a leaping cutter for the pin.
Your winner and still ROH TV champion, Jay Lethal!
Excellent back and forth match. Really great stuff here.
IWGP Tag Team champions Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. The Briscoes
They began brawling, There was some really great back and forth stuff on the floor.
Gallows kicked Mark in the face as he came off with a springboard move. Gallows dropped a big elbow and worked him over although Mark kept kicking up. Anderson tagged in and went for a DDT but was backdropped off Gallows nailed Jay before he could tag in. Mark and Anderson battled on the ropes. Anderson was nailed and went off. Mark dove off the ropes…to tag Jay.
Jay hit the ring and nailed a series of rights. Mark nailed a Blockbuster off the apron to the floor on Gallows. Jay and Anderson brawled back and forth in the ring. Jay nailed a big boot rebounding off the ropes. Gallows hit the ring and nailed Jay. Anderson and Gallows cleaned house on Jay with some awesome double team thrashing.
All four brawled and went back and forth. Jay was nailed with the Baldo Bomb. The Bullet Club nailed their finisher on Mark and scored the pin.
Your winners and still IWGP Tag Team champions, The Bullet Club!
Another really good match. The brawl made a nice change of pace from the rest of the show. This was a really good, physical match.
So far, really good show! 

Kevin Steen vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
They went nose to nose and began brawling. They exchanged punches and forearms. Nakamura choked him with a boot in the corner. Steen caught the boot and nailed a big chop. They battled back and forth with hard shots.
They battled back and forth with some great brawling. Steen did a dive to the floor. Nakamura nailed him with a series of hard knees. They returned to the ring and continued battling back and forth. Steen caught a kick but was nailed with an enziguiri.
Nakamura sent him into the corner but Steen blocked a kick and nailed a DDT off the ropes for a two count. Steen missed a cannonball into the corner. Nakamura missed a charge in the corner and Steen nailed a clothesline, then hit the cannonball.
Nakamura worked over Steen and locked in a sleeper. Nakamura nailed a backcracker and nailed several sick suplexes. He charged at Steen but was caught with a sitdown powerbomb.
Steen went for another but was driven into the buckles. He was nailed and Nakamura went for a superplex. Steen fought him off and nailed an F5 off the ropes for a two count. The crowd, which has been chanting for both men, began to chant, “This is awesome.”
Steen went for a powerbomb but Nakamura landed on his feet and drilled Steen with a kick. Nakamura DDT’d him but Steen kicked out at one. Nakamura nailed a leaping knee to the head and scored the pin.
Your winner, Shinsuke Nakamura!
Another hard-hitting back and forth match. Real good stuff.
The crowd chanted, “Thank you Kevin” after the match. Steen took the mic and said he’s been in ROH a long time. He said that he thinks people believe he’s a genuine guy. He said that he won’t claim that he was happy here all the time and no one is happy all the time with anything. He said he does genuinely love this place. Some fan yelled, “F*** you.” Steen challenged him to come out of the balcony and say it to his face, so the whole building chanted, “a***hole” at the fan. Steen said that he hasn’t felt like he’s belonged here for a year and now he’s lost two big matches in a row. A fan yelled that he loves Steen. Steen said that was a “nice moment.” Steen said that due to the losses and the beautiful family he has to take care of, it’s time for him to “step away for a little bit.” The crowd hated that and chanted, “No!” He said that he wanted to thank NYC….and out came Silas Young.
Young began running down everyone but then said Steen was the only other man in the locker room beyond him. He said that he can understand putting his family before himself, but he’s going to thank these fans and act like he appreciates them. He said that Steen will just be replaced by the next flavor of the month and told him to go just quit and knocked him. Steen and Silas brawled and were held apart. I’m guessing we will see this at Best in the World on 6/22.
Everyone pulled Young to the floor so Steen hit a flip dive over the ringpost onto everyone. The crowd loved that.
An authority no less than Strictly ECW’s Tony Lewis said that this may be the best crowd he’s seen since the first ECW One Night Stand.
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Michael Bennett (with Maria Kanellis)
Bennett attacked Tanahashi but was fought off and nailed with a dropkick. Bennett was nailed with shots to the gut and slammed down, Tanahashi went to the ropes but was knocked off and sent to the outside. Bennett worked over Tanahashi and whipped him into the guard rails. They battled on the floor for some time.
They returned to the ring, where Bennett kicked him and flung him across the ring by his hair. He locked in a waistlock from behind and squeezed, trying to wear Hiroshi down. He drilled Tanahashi with an over the knee tiltowhirl backbreaker. The crowd tried to rally Tanahashi.
Tanahashi made a comeback and went for a Texas Cloverleaf. Maria got on the apron. He approached her but saw Bennett coming from behind and moved. Bennett almost nailed Maria but stopped short. Tanahashi nailed him with a neckbreaker for a two count and tried to turn him over in the Cloverleaf. Maria hit the ring and tried to slap him so he stopped her and turned her into one.
Bennett nailed Tanahashi and drilled him with a spinebuster. They battled to the top. Tanahashi drilled Bennett and nailed him with a forearm. He came off with a frog splash but Bennett moved. Bennett speared him for a two count. Maria distracted Todd Sinclair and kissed him as Bennett nailed a piledriver on Tanahashi for a close two count.
They battled to the apron where Tanahashi nailed a belly to back suplex on the apron. That is freaking nuts. Tanahashi ascended to the top and nailed an awesome dive to the floor. Bennett was rolled into the ring and nailed with a top rope frog splash for the pin.
Your winner, Hiroshi Tanahashi!
Good back and forth wrestling match. Bennett looked really good here. Tanahashi as always, is awesome/
The crowd chanted, “Please come back” at Tanahashi.
ROH Tag Team champions The Young Bucks vs. ReDragon
UFC fighter Tom Lawlor is cornering ReDragon. He had a banner for them like a UFC entourage would have for them. As he left the ring, the Bucks kicked the ropes and he got crotched.
The Bucks were in control early and they nailed a series of dives. Lawlor tossed a bag in the ring to distract the referee and shook the ropes, crotching Matt Jackson. ReDragon worked over Matt, including Bobby Fish nailing a double team flying knee off the ropes as Kyle O’Reilly held him
Fish nailed a slingshot splash into the ring for a two count. O’Reilly began nailing some sick suplex combinations. Matt finally came back with a twisting neckbreaker off the ropes for a two count. Nick Jackson tagged in and drilled O’Reilly off the apron with a springboard dropkick and went back and forth with Fish in some fun sequences. He nailed a X-Factor as he leapt into the ring for a two count.
Jackson ducked as Fish charged and sent him to the floor, and nailed a moonsault to the floor. O’Reilly nailed a running leaping knee off the apron on Matt Jackson. Nick returned to the ring, working over Fish and scored a two count. They powerbombed Fish in the corner as Matt kicked him in the back of the head. They set up for the tombtone double team but O’Reilly took out Nick.
Fish turned it into a forward roll for a two count. The Bucks made a comeback with a superkick party and a tombstone for a two count. Everyone went back and forth with insane spots. O’Reilly locked in a forward choke on Matt but Nick came off with a 450 splash on him while Matt was trapped for a two count. They went for More Bang for Your Buck but Kyle caught Matt in a triangle choke. Matt turned it into a forward roll for a two count. This match is sick.
ReDragon nailed brainbuster for another two count. They locked Matt Jackson in a submission and finally got him to tap.
Your winner and new ROH Tag Team champions, ReDragon!
Holy hell, this was awesome. Way too much going on to recap, just watch the show!!! 

ROH champion Adam Cole vs. Jushin Liger
The crowd was super into Liger. They went back and forth early. Liger locked Cole in a Bow and Arrow. Liger controlled Cole on the mat until Cole got to the ropes. Liger worked over Cole’s back and began focusing on his legs. There was some really good mat wrestling here.
Liger missed a sliding kick to the outside and was nailed with a superkick. Cole worked over Liger and locked in a rear chinlock. Liger fought his way out of it but Cole grabbed him by the hair and snapped him down to the mat. Cole whipped Liger hard into the buckles.
Liger makes a comeback but is killed with a big dropkick to the head. Cole was caught with a clothesline and turned inside out. Liger came off the top with a splash for a two count. Liger fought Cole on the ropes. Cole nailed a sunset flip powerbomb and locked in a figure four leglock.
Liger made a comeback and went for a powerbomb but landed on his feet and superkicked Ligfer. He went back to the figure four. Liger tapped.
Your winner and still ROH champion, Adam Cole!
A good match but the finish really seemed to shock people, not that it happened but when it did. I thought they did a nice job but it was way too short for a ROH title bout.
Cole and Liger faced off after the match. The crowd chanted, “Thank you Liger.” Cole teased showing respect and then blew Liger off. 

IWGP champion AJ Styles vs. Kazuchida Okada vs. Michael Elgin
Tiger Hatori is the referee.
Styles was sent to the floor early. Elgin and Okada went back and forth with some great wrestling. Okada tried to shoulderblock Elgin down to no effect. Elgin caught him on a leapfrog but was nailed with an elbow. Elgin suplexed and held Okada. Styles nailed him several times to no effect and then finally nailed a chop block. That did the trick.
Styles began focusing his attack on Elgin’s knee and legs. Elgin made a comeback and grabbed Styles for a superplex but Okada attacked him from behind. Styles went for a dive but Elgin nailed him as he came through the ropes. Okada returned to the ring and went after Styles, slamming him and nailing a slingshot senton into the ring.
Okada worked over Styles with a series of shots and strikes, then a big backdrop. He cinched in a leg submission. He nailed a flapjack for a two count. Elgin returned to the fray and went for a powerbomb on Okada but was nailed with the Pele Kick. He came back to nail a double Fall Away Slam on both at the same time. That was crazy, The crowd chanted Elgin’s name.
Elgin drilled both of his opponents. He used an Airplane Spin to slam Styles into Okada. Okada came back to nail the Kryptonite Krunch on Elgin for a two count. Elgin caught him charging in the corner and nailed a Uranage. Styles attacked Elgin but was caught and slammed down with a Facebuster.
Okada went for a tombstone but Elgin reversed it and spiked him. Styles attacked him with the CalfKiller. Okada began stomping away to break the hold. He nailed Styles and covered him for a two count. Okada came off the top with an awesome flying elbow and teased the Rainmaker but Elgin grabbed him in a backslide for a two count. He nailed a series of ten clubbing clotheslines across the chest and then ducked a clothesline and nailed a big lariat on Okada,
Elgin went to the ropes and pulled Okada up into a superplex then nailed it. Styles nailed a springboard 450 splash for a two count. That was great. Okada and Styles hammered each other with forearms and strikes. Styles nailed the Pele Kick and went for the Styles Clash but was kicked in the head. Okada nailed a tombstone and went for the Rainmaker but Elgin drilled him with a roaring elbow for a two count.
Elgin nailed a buckle bomb but Okada came back with a crazy lariat. Styles nailed a springboard forearm on Okada, sending him to the floor. Styles nailed the Styles Clash on Elgin and scored the pin.
Your winner and still IWGP champion, AJ Styles!
A hard worked and fun main event.
Adam Cole hit the ring and drilled everyone with the ROH title belt. He said he was “The Best in the World.” Tanahashi and Jushin Liger cleared the ring. The crowd chanted, “New Japan” and “Please come back.”
Tanahashi took the mic and said "New Japan. Come back again." The crowd popped. He thanked everyone. Liger and Tanahashi saluted the crowd.
That’s all from NYC! 

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