Visualizzazioni totali

martedì 13 maggio 2014


by Richard Trionfo @ 8:05 PM on 5/12/2014

The show starts off with a recap of last week and what happened to the members of the Shield, including Dean Ambrose losing the United States Title after almost a year as champion.We are in Greenville, South Carolina and your announcers are Michael ‘The Preshow panel is the true darkest timeline’ Cole, John ‘Land of the Cackalacky’ Layfield, and Jerry ‘Are there any matches for Payback’ Lawler.
The Shield are in the ring and they have something to say.
Dean Ambrose says last week you saw something you don’t see very often and will not see very often in the future. All three members of the Shield were laid out on their backs. They got the crap kicked out of them. That is alright. They may go down, but they don’t stay down. They are standing tall in this ring and he wants to make himself very clear. THEY WANT EVOLUTION
Seth says that they are not running from Evolution, they are running to Evolution. If they have any guts and are half the men they think they are, they will accept their challenge for a rematch and they will run through Evolution. When they show up tonight, they will hunt Evolution down. Seth says that Evolution is good. They are former World Champions and they main evented Wrestlemanias. They were good.
They are not the Evolution they once were because they cannot evolve into what it takes to beat the Shield.
Seth asks Roman if he is okay because he is pacing.
Roman takes the mic and says a week ago, you victimized his brothers and then you bloodied him, RKOed him, Pedigreed him, and triple power bombed him. Is that all you got? They can serve their type of justice cold or slow. They will teach them about the concept of payback. They will teach you to believe in the Shield and to believe in him.
Evolution pulls into the arena in a limo and Hunter comes out first.
The Shield run to the back and they go after Evolution.
Meanwhile, in the back, Hunter is looking over some paperwork to sign while Orton and Batista stand behind him. They walk into the arena and the Shield ambush them.
Officials separate the Shield and Evolution.
Zeb Colter is talking as we come back from commercial. Zeb wants everyone to sit there and shut up. A Real American would sit and listen to him. Last week, he was unveiling one of the most important document in US history since the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. He unveiled his Deportation List. He was interrupted by his newest addition to the list. He calls Adam Rose’s people a bunch of hippies and Rocky Horror Picture Show rejects. Anyone who hangs around with a giant bunny does not have much to add. He tells Adam to stay away.

Match Number One: Rob Van Dam versus Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter)

As soon as the bell rings, Adam Rose’s music plays and the Exotic Express makes its way to the stage. Rose gets on the ropes and Swagger tries to punch him, but Rose does a dive into the Exotic Express.
Swagger finally turns around and Van Dam with a thrust kick and Five Star Frog Splash for the three count.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

After the match, the party continues in the aisle and then they go up the ramp and to the stage. It looks like Van Dam wants to join the celebration.
We go to a video package for Paige and then we go to commercial.
We are back and it is time to BOLIEVE.
Before the match, Alicia gets on the mic and she says that Paige has been on the roster for six weeks and she has been able to alienate everyone. There is something about her that doesn’t fit so she tells Paige to get out. Alicia punches and kicks Paige before the match starts. Alicia with knees to Paige and she wants to know if she is ready.

Match Number Two: Paige versus Alicia Fox in a Non Title Match

Alicia with knees in the corner followed by a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and then she throws Paige through the ropes to the floor. Alicia runs Paige into the apron and then back into the ring. Alicia gets a near fall. Alicia with elbows to Paige followed by a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall.
Alicia with a reverse chin lock. Alicia sends Paige to the mat by her hair. Alicia with another tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and she sends Paige to the mat. Alicia gets a near fall. Alicia stretches Paige and elevates her over her head in a modified surfboard. Alicia sends Paige face first into the mat. Alicia slams Paige’s face into the mat.
Alicia with a reverse chin lock. Paige hits the Paige Turner for the three count.

Winner: Paige

After the match, Alicia freaks out and rearranges the announce table and she sprays a drink into the crowd complaining that she is championship material. She takes JBL’s hat and walks away while John is in shock.
It is time to see the latest horror feature from WWE Films: Kane and Stephanie torment Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella into fits of screaming and acts of automobile violence.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring. Noticeably absent is Daniel’s wife Brie.
Daniel thanks everyone in the arena and at home. It has been a long road to get here. Daniel says that from the moment he won the WWE Title at SummerSlam before Randy Orton cashed in the Money in the Bank contract, he knew it would be an uphill battle. The hill is just a little steeper than he thought.
Daniel laughs and says that this is how it feels to be John Cena.
The Authority has thrown everybody at him, but due to everyone in the crowd and at home, they beat the odds and he walked out as the WWE World Champion.
Daniel says that when you are the WWE World Champion, that puts a huge target on your back. As soon as he came back from his honeymoon, he got the worst beating of his life. He got tombstoned three times. Because of that, Daniel says that he was in a neck brace. He was determined to come back and beat Kane. He did that at Extreme Rules.
That comes with a price. Daniel says that his entire style comes with a price. The reason why a lot of people cheer him and chant for him is because he has paid this price with his body. Unfortunately, Daniel says that he has to pay the price this week. Daniel says that he has to undergo neck surgery. He will be doing it on Thursday and he says that this has been his dream since being a little kid.
There are some people who are happy about this. Triple H, Stephanie, and Kane seem excited about this and to them, his career is done. There is a chance it could be, but it won’t be.
Daniel says that he does not know when he will come back, but he will come back.
Michael Cole talks about the six man tag match that is coming up and we see the John Cena/Wyatt Family video package.

Match Number Three: Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan versus John Cena, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso

Harper and Jey start things off and Harper backs Jey into the corner and then he sends Jey into the turnbuckles. Harper with an Irish whip but Jey with a boot and rollup for a near fall. Jey with an uppercut or two. Jey with a punch to Harper followed by a flying clothesline for a near fall. Harper with a drop kick to Jey and it sends Jey into the turnbuckles.
Harper with a European uppercut and Rowan tags in. Rowan with a slam and he punches Jey. Wyatt tags in and he kicks Jey in the corner. Harper tags in and he punches Jey and Bray with a head butt. Harper with elbows in the corner. Harper with a kick followed by an Irish whip.
Harper with a chop followed by an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Jimmy tags in and he connects with clotheslines and a savate kick and uppercut. Harper misses a clothesline and Jimmy with a Samoan drop and then he pushes Harper into the corner and he punches Harper. Jimmy goes up top for a corkscrew senton for a near fall. Jimmy sets for the running butt splash but Rowan distracts Jimmy and Harper with a boot to the head for a near fall.
Wyatt tags in and he punches Jimmy. Wyatt with knees to Jimmy and a clothesline before tagging in Harper who connects with a knee drop and he gets a near fall. Harper with a Gator Roll into a side head lock. Harper with a back elbow to Jimmy. Rowan tags back in and he drops a knee to the ribs. Rowan with a back breaker and he tags in Wyatt.
Wyatt kicks Jimmy in the ribs but Jimmy with a punch. Bray punches back and then they go back and forth with punches. Wyatt with a kick and punch. Wyatt with a splash into the corner and then he looks around and he runs into a leg lariat and both men are down.
Cena and Rowan tag in and Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb and it is time for the five knuckle shuffle but Harper gets in the way. Cena punches Harper and then he gets Rowan on his shoulders but Rowan gets to the ropes. Harper with a front driver out of a belly-to-back set up.
Jey with a cross body to Harper but Wyatt with an uranage. Jimmy with an enzuigiri. Rowan with a body block to Jimmy. Cena applies an STF but Wyatt with a back senton to force Cena to release the hold. Wyatt sets for Sister Abigail but The Usos with super kicks to Wyatt and then to Harper. Jimmy and Jey with stereo planchas onto Wyatt and Harper.
Cena with an Attitude Adjustment to Rowan for the three count.

Winners: John Cena, Jey Uso, and Jimmy Uso

After the match, Bray gets on the mic and he says Thank You John Cena for making him realize what he must do. He says to Follow the Buzzards.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Evolution makes their way to the ring and Batista and Orton are dressed to wrestle while Hunter is still in his suit.
Orton says that he has had enough and it is time to take the gloves off and time to start treating the Shield the way they should. He knows that the Shield were Hunter’s boys in the past, but it is time to put the hounds to sleep.
Batista says that he has had enough. He says that he is done with this.
Hunter says that maybe it is time to take the gloves off and finish this thing with The Shield. At Extreme Rules, they proved how good they are. That is why he brought them, coddled them, and protected them. It was to make them into something. They got too big and he thought he could salvage something out of them.
That little ‘so called’ attempt at an ambush was the last straw. The Shield is undisciplined and they are like little kids waving a stick around.
Does the Shield want a rematch at Payback for a match they already won. They have their rematch and this one will be different. They will take them apart one by one.
First, Dean Amborse will be humbled. After they are done, they will move on to the architect, Seth Rollins. He will pull the wings off the hummingbird himself. Then they will move on to the big dog, Roman Reigns. Do you want us to believe in you? Hunter says that they will take their time with Roman and they will make an example out of Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns will be the member of the Shield that does not come back from Payback. Roman Reigns will fail to adapt. At Payback, you will per. . .
Seth Rollins takes Hunter down and then Reigns and Ambrose come into the ring and they attack Evolution. Hunter is sent out of the ring and so is Orton. Batista is sent out of the ring as well.
Batista says that he has had enough. He has had enough of all of you. Batista says that Reigns is the big dog. He wants to face him tonight.
We go to commercial.

e are back and Eva Marie, Cameron, Naomi, and Brie Bella are at ringside.
Match Number Four: Nikki Bella versus Natalya

Natalya sulks after seeing the footage from Total Divas. They lock up and Natalya with a hip lock take down and she gets a near fall. They lock up again and Nikki with a monkey flip and she floats over for a near fall. Natalya with a kick that is blocked and Natalya slaps Nikki and Natalya with a take down into a leg lock. Nikki with a side head lock but Natalya rolls through to escape.
Nikki with forearms but Natalya with knees in the corner. Nikki with an elbow followed by a cross body for a near fall. Natalya slaps Nikki and Nikki slaps back. Natalya with a slap and Natalya with an abdominal stretch and she pulls the leg to add more pressure. Nikki with a reversal but Natalya with a hip toss into the ropes to escape. Natalya with forearms and the referee warns her.
Nikki with a drop toe hold into the ropes and Nikki with punches and she slams Natalya’s head into the mat. Nikki with a push and Natalya pushes back. Nikki with a rollup for a near fall. Natalya with a double leg take down and jackknife cover for a near fall. Nikki with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Nikki Bella

After the match, Brie comes into the ring to celebrate with Nikki and Nikki pats Natalya on the head as she goes out of the ring. Natalya goes after the women at ringside.
We go to commercial.
We are back with the Slam of the Week: Sheamus winning the United States Title in a battle royal.
Ryback and Sheamus cannot decide on who faces Sheamus so they decide on a coin flip.

Match Number Five: Sheamus versus Curtis Axel (with Ryback) in a Non Title Match

They lock up and go around the ring but Sheamus with a side head lock take down. Axel with a knee and forearm but Sheamus with a punch and forearm followed by a back elbow. Sheamus with a knee drop for a near fall. Sheamus with a European uppercut but Axel with a kick.
Axel with a running knee to the head and Axel gets a near fall. Axel with kicks and punches to Sheamus against the ropes. Sheamus with punches but Axel with a drop kick. Axel kicks Sheamus but Sheamus pushes him away and then Sheamus with a Finlay Slam. Sheamus with a running knee into the corner and then he goes up top but Axel crotches Sheamus and then he connects with a forearm to the back and then he hits a hangman’s neck breaker.
Axel gets a near fall. Axel goes for the fisherman’s suplex but Sheamus blocks it. Axel avoids White Noise. Sheamus with a Cloverleaf and Axel taps out.

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, Ryback attacks Sheamus and we go to commercial.

Match Number Six: Sheamus versus Ryback (with Curtis Axel) in a Non Title Match

The match is joined in progress and Ryback with a side head lock. Sheamus with punches but Ryback with a knee and then he hits a power slam for a near fall. Sheamus with punches to Ryback but Ryback with a boot and slam. Ryback goes for a splash but Sheamus gets his knees up.
Sheamus punches Ryback but Ryback sets for a power bomb but Sheamus gets to his feet. Sheamus with two running double sledges followed by a shoulder in the corner and a knee lift. Sheamus goes to the apron and he sets for the ten forearms and he connects. Sheamus goes for the slingshot shoulder but Ryback catches him and he hits a backpack stunner for a near fall.
Ryback pounds his chest and he sets for the lariat but Sheamus ducks and hits White Noise for a near fall. Sheamus with boots to the midsection but Ryback kicks Sheamus away. Sheamus misses a Brogue Kick and Ryback with a spinebuster for a near fall. Ryback with forearms to Sheamus while Axel tells Sheamus to stay down. Ryback sends Sheamus into the corner but Sheamus with an elbow followed by a boot. Sheamus with a power slam for a near fall.
Sheamus pounds his chest, signaling the Brogue Kick is near but Axel distracts Sheamus and Ryback with a clothesline and he sets for the marching musclebuster but Sheamus gets to his feet and Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick for the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

We are back and Sheamus will be facing Cesaro on Main Event.

Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring.
She says that earlier tonight, Daniel Bryan came out and told his story about overcoming the odds to win the WWE World Championship at Wrestlemania. Then he beat the Demon Kane at Extreme Rules. Daniel did do all of that, but at the end of the day, Daniel Bryan has to undergo neck surgery on Thursday. It proves one thing, but Daniel Bryan is not an A+ player. It is what she has been trying to tell him all along.
Daniel’s body could not keep up with his heart. His heart is in it, but unfortunately, he just can pull through. Daniel knows that she has been trying to protect him, but he wouldn’t listen. Now they have to do what is best for business.
Since we don’t know what the outcome of this surgery is, she wants Daniel to come to the ring so she can say something to him face to face.
Kane’s pyro goes off instead and he is dragging Daniel Bryan to the stage and Daniel is not moving.
The medical staff checks on Daniel. Brie comes out along with officials. Stephanie comes up to check on Daniel. They put Daniel onto a stretcher and they take him to the back.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Stephanie apologizes to Daniel for what happened.
Brie looks at Stephanie and then she pushes Stephanie and tells her to stay away. She gets into the ambulance with her husband.
We take a look at Summer’s attempt to romance Fandango on Total Divas. Then we see what happens when Fandango gets into his work.

Match Number Seven: Dolph Ziggler versus Fandango (with Layla El)

They lock up and Fandango with a waist lock and Ziggler with a standing switch into a side head lock. Ziggler with a shoulder tackle. Fandango with arm drags and he does some gyrating to counter Ziggler’s earlier moves. Ziggler with a drop kick but Fandango with a back body drop that sends Ziggler over the top rope to the floor.
Layla gazes lovingly at Fandango before Fandango goes to the floor to bring Ziggler back into the ring to get a near fall. Fandango with elbows to the upper chest. Fandango with a European uppercut and then he chokes Ziggler in the ropes. Ziggler with punches but Fandango with a knee and suplex for a near fall. Fandango with a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a jaw breaker and elbow to Fandango. Fandango misses a splash into the corner and Ziggler leaps into the corner and he punches Fandango followed by a neck breaker and both men are down.
Ziggler misses a Famesasser and Fandango hits a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Fandango goes up top for the FandangoBama Jam but Ziggler gets up and Fandango jumps over Ziggler. Ziggler with a Fameasser and he gets a near fall. Layla gets on the apron and she complains about what Ziggler is doing.
Fandango with a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Layla gets caught in the apron and she is a bit frustrated. Ziggler with a Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Layla comes back into the ring and Fandango has a mic. He tells Layla that he might have lost, but he knows that he is a winner because no woman has made him feel the way that she makes him feel. When she is in his arms, it is like the world disappears and reappears. Dolph may have won, but you have won something much more valuable. His heart. Fandango says that he loves Layla.
Fandango and Layla kiss.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Hacksaw Jim Duggan makes his way to the ring. He gets the crowd to chant USA. Jim throws out a hooooooooo. He wants to know how all of the Tough Guys are. He says that it is great to be around the WWE Universe after living in Legends House.
Lana interrupts Duggan and she makes her way to the stage to pose before telling Jim Duggan that he symbolizes America. Once a great nation, but just like England, his empire crumbles and you are the laughing stock of the world. Did you not know that China has passed you and has the biggest economy in the world. This is why Rusev is proud to represent Mother Russia and the greatest leader in the world, Vladimir Putin.
Duggan says that there is something she should hear. Duggan gets everyone to chant ‘USA’.
Lana says that Duggan continues to prove his country’s inferiority. Witness the rise of the Super Athlete, Rusev.
Duggan has a confused look on his face as he tries to figure out if he should leave the ring or fight. Duggan gets ready to swing the 2x4.
Lana tells Mr. Duggan that she gives him one chance to beg for mercy. Rusev takes the 2x4 and he breaks it over his knee. Lana says that was his one chance. She tells Rusev to CRUSH.
Big E makes his way to the ring and Rusev with a knee into the corner and a savate kick.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Damien Sandow tells people to watch the Raw Pre Show. He says that he had to sneak out this talking stick to be heard. He says that people are afraid to hear what he has to say. He could come out here on live television and say what he is feeling, but it is a lot better . . .
Sandow is interrupted by Cody Rhodes and Goldust.

Match Number Eight Cody Rhodes (with Goldust) versus Damien Sandow

Sandow with a waist lock and Cody with a back heel trip followed by a fireman’s carry. Sandow swings and misses but Cody with a hammer lock. Sandow with an elbow. Cody with a sunset flip for a near fall. Cody with a punch. Cody with a punch but Sandow with a kick and leg sweep followed by punches.
Sandow with a knee drop and then he slams Cody into the mat. Sandow with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Sandow with a reverse chin lock. Cody with an elbow and arm drag followed by a jackknife cover for a near fall. Cody with an inside cradle for a near fall. Sandow sends Rhodes into the ropes with a drop toe hold. Sandow with punches and a running hip to the back.
Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep into the Elbow of Disdain, but Rhodes moves. Sandow with a forearm and he pulls Rhodes to the apron where he connects with forearms and an Elbow of Disdain to Rhodes on the apron and Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow with a reverse chin lock. Rhodes with punches followed by a clothesline and a drop down uppercut.
Rhodes with a springboard drop kick and then he hits the kick to the solar plexus and he sets for Cross Rhodes but Sandow with a snap mare and shoulder in the corner. The referee warns Sandow and Sandow punches Cody. Cody with a rake of the eyes when Goldust took the referee’s attention from the match and Cody hits Beautiful Disaster for the three count.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

We go to commercial.
We are back and you need to BOLIEVE.
Bray Wyatt says that your actions don’t surprise him anymore John. All humans are flawed. It is their ignorance and their greed and their lust for power that prevents you from thriving in this paradise. It turns you into a parasite. You are no different John. You are all the same. Your boundless narcissism brings him back to Bray. Where does this end?
Will John bring the head of the beast home with him so he can brag about how he slayed him? The beast is waiting. John says that he would never give up and he would be the last one standing. He likes that very much. Bray says that he would like to put that theory to the test at Payback. When Mountains crumble, he will stand. How far will you go to take this devil down?
Bray starts to sing.

Match Number Nine: Batista (with Randy Orton and Triple H) versus Roman Reigns (with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose)

Batista goes for a take down but Reigns sends him into the corner. They lock up and Batista with a knee and he sends Reigns into the corner. Batista with shoulders and the referee warns him. Reigns with punches and shoulders of his own. Reigns with a hard Irish whip and they go to the floor. Batista and Reigns fight by the ringside barrier and Reigns sends Batista’s head into the ring steps. Reigns sends Batista back into the ring.
Reigns misses a splash into the corner and Reigns hits the ring post. Batista with a punch and Irish whip followed by a clothesline into the corner. Batista sends Reigns shoulder first into the ring post and he gets a near fall. Batista with a boot to the chest. Reigns with a forearm across the eyes.
Batista with a kick followed by an Irish whip but Reigns with a clothesline out of the corner. Reigns blocks a punch and he punches Batista while the other four men return to the floor. Reigns with a boot and clothesline in the corner. Reigns with a punch and then he goes to the floor for the broad jump crop kick but Hunter and Orton get in the way. Rollins and Ambrose with suicide dives to Hunter and Orton and Reigns with the broad jump drop kick.
Reigns sets for the Superman punch but Hunter pulls him out of the ring for a Pedigree but Rollins with a splash onto Hunter. The referee calls for the bell.

No Contest

After the match, Hunter is Irish whipped into the ring steps and Hunter is brought back into the ring and the Shield surround them. Rollins kicks hUnter.
Stephanie sends wrestlers to the ring to go after The Shield. Ambrose is sent to the floor while everyone in the ring works over Reigns.
Hunter grabs a chair while Clay and Titus hold Reigns. Reigns gets free and hits a spear on Hunter. Rollins and Ambrose have chairs and they swing for the fences. Ambrose with the Dean Driver to Fandango on the chair. Rollins with Black Out to Axel on the chair. Reigns with a Superman punch to Slater. Ryback is the only one left in the ring and Reigns with a spear. Ryback falls victim to the Cerberus Bomb.
We go to Credit.

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