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domenica 15 novembre 2009

UFC 105 live coverage from Manchester

Welcome to our coverage of UFC 105 from the Manchester Evening News Arena. We’re looking for your thoughts on the show so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to dave@wrestlingobserver.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Sorry for the delay in getting this up but the arena had no wireless service.

Roli Delgado vs. Andre Winner

Delgado has a height edge. Trading kicks. Big overhand right by Winner for a knockdown but Delgado back up and swinging. Delgado recovered quickly. Winner, from Leicester, is the of course the big favorite. Winner caught him with a solid left, Delgado back with a right without much power. Winner with more solid shots. Nobody trying for a takedown. Winner again hit a solid shot. Winner knocked him out cold with an overhand right and it’s over. Delgado took two more on the ground after being out. Delgado is hurt.

He’s sitting up but has a totally glazed look in his eyes.

Alexander Gustafsson vs. Jared Hamman

Gustaffson is 22, 8-0 from Sweden. Hamman was with the Elite XC promotion and comes in with an 11-1 record. Big trade. Hamann thought he was going to run him over, but Gustaffson firing back just as hard. Hamann poked i the right eye during an exchange. Gustaffson knocked Hamann down with a straight rright to the jaw and after a few punches on the ground it was over. Wild short fight. Only 41 seconds. Gustaffson may be something. Both of these matches could win best knockout on many shows.

Dennis Siver vs. Paul Kelly

Siver is a veteran from Germany while Kelly is from Liverpool, which isn’t far from Manchester. Kelly got a real big reaction. This is a good crowd, probably 70% full at this point, and they are up for the prelims, but it’s not a Montreal level crowd. Kelly did a real big reaction. They booed Siver, first guy to be get booed.

Silver connecting with punches and kicks. Had punches by Siver. Kelly has gotten hurt and going for a takedown. He has him pinned against the fence and the crowd is screaming "knee" really loud and they he throws knees and everyone chants. Ref Miragliotta separated them. Big trade with Siver coming out the better and Kelly was down to a knee for a second. Kelly with a superman punch as a takedown set-up. Kelly got the takedown but Siver was right back up. . Trading low kicks. Trading again, Siver landing more. Kelly scored better in a late exchange and got a takedown with 16 seconds left. 10-9 Siver

Back trading. Spinning back kick by Siver. Kelly trying to get inside but got hit. Flying knee attempt by Kelly. He tried a takedown but it was blocked. Another spinning back kick to the stomach put Kelly down and Kelly is hurt. Kelly tried something from the bottom. Kelly wouldn’t get up but ref Dan Miragliotta ordered him to get up. That kick went right through his body and knocked the holy shit out of him. Kelly ordered to stand and he could barely got up. Siver unloading and Kelly took a knee to the head and a ton of punches and it’s over. Crowd booing Siver like crazy. Crowd gave Kelly a big ovation as he was helped out of the cage. That’s three straight matches up for best knockout bonus.

Nick Osipczak vs. Matt Riddle

Riddle came out to Hulk Hogan’s American Made theme song and doing the RVD thumbs. The crowd popped for the song. Riddle has so much charisma it’s not even funny. Riddle booed, not as heavy as you’d think. Osipczak got the expected big reaction, tho not as big as Kelly. Osipczak whacked him with a low kick. Riddle back with one. Riddle unloaded with punches, and going for a takedown against the cage. Osipczak blocking it. Riddle better be careful not to burn himself out with how hard he’s trying this takedown. Loud Nick chant. Riddle finally went low for a single leg and got Osipzak down. Osipczak actually doing more damage from the bottom. Now Riddle hit some elbows. Osipsczak trying an armbar but not close. Riddle having trouble getting anything going from the top. Riddle used a head-butt to the chest and ref Dan Goddard said it was lllegal and ordered a standup. Riddle with a hard takedown with 53 seconds left. Osipczak tried an amrbar, transitioned on top, Riddle reversed and got his back and then Osipczak reversed and got on top with 12 seconds left. Great finish of the round. I’d say Osipczak wins it at the buzzer 10-9 but could go either way.

Osipczak connected and Rioddle again going for a takedown. Went low for the single again but Osipczak defending well. Riddle powered him down and is on top in the guard. Little happened. Osipczak taking him apart standing. Riddle went for a takedown but Osipczak on top. Now he’s moved to side position. Every time Osipczak does anything the crowd explodes. Osipczak having toruble getting anything in as well but doing more on top than Riddle did. Body and head punches by Osipczak who clearly won the round. Place exploded at the end of the round. 20-18 Osipczak

Riddle got a takedown to start the round. Ref already telling him to get something going. Riddle needs to try something because just holding him down and taking the round may not be enough. Ref stood them up. Riddle very unhappy and he’s exhausted. Osipczak with knees to the body. Riddle with a hard punch, tried a takedown but easily stuffed as he’s tired. Riddle got his back and worked for a choke but Osipczak rolled out of trouble. Osipczak reversed him and got has a full mount and is punching. Riddle doing a good job of defending but now OsipczakJ is connecting with hard punches. Riddle in lots of trouble. Elbows by Osipczak, now more punches. Riddle wants out. And the ref stops it.

Terry Etim vs. Shannon Gugerty

Etim from Liverpool the big favorite here. Both in a clinch against the cage. Ref separated them. Gugerty moving forward. Nothing much happening here. Gugerty looked like he was poked in the eye but didn’t ask for a time out. Etim’s missed punches lookmore professional than Gugerty’s, but this isn’t a style contest. Good takedown by Gugerty with 20 seconds left. Short slam by Gugerty and time is up. Close round but I can’t see giving it to Etim, so could be 10-10 easily or 10-9 Gugerty.

Good high kick followed by a high and low kick by Etim. Gugerty went for a takedown and Etim has a guillotine squeezing for all he’s worth. Gugerty tapped out after trying to hold on, it took about 30 seconds to get him to tap.

That’s three British wins in four fights..

Paul "Rooster" Taylor vs. John Hathaway

Hathaway with an immediate takedown. Ref ordered a stand-up. Hathaway was doing short punches but didn’t do much damage. Taylor landed a high kick. Hathaway with a punch going in. Hathaway with a slam to get Taylor down again. Another takedown by Hathaway. Hathaway with some punches from the top but not much damage, but definitely his round 10-9.

Hathaway with a takedown, He’s throwing some punchyes and elbows from the top. Keeping busy and definitely annoying Taylor. Taylor tried an ankle lock, in the scramble, Hathaway got his back but Taylor rolled and is taking punches. More punches and elbows by Hathaway. Body and head punches. Taylor is in trouble pinned against the cage. He’s bleeding as well. More elbows. Hathaway breaking through with hard punches in the last few seconds of thre round. Easy 10-9, could be 10-8, so 20-17

Hathaway took him down again and moved Taylor to the cage. Hathaway just grinding him down wth punches , elbows mostly to the body, a few to the head. Totally dominated the round. I’d go 10-8 again so 30-25 would be my score.

Scores were 30-27, 30-27 and 30-26 for Hathaway.

Aaron Riley vs. Ross Pearson

Riley booed of course, not heavy. Pearson got a huge reaction. Biggest so far. Hard low kick by Pearson. Good high kick by Pearson in an exchange. Clinch and a knee and another knee by Pearson. Pearson with punches and knees while having Riley against the cage. Another knee by Pearson bringing on Ross chants. Knees and punches by Pearson. They moved away from the cage. Pearson with an elbow and knee standing. Good body kick by Parson. Riley bleeding from the nose. Pearson with kicks and punches in a flurry. More punches as he moved forward. Riley tried a takedown and failed. Good body punch by Pearson. Body kick by Pearson. Perason really looking good here. Knees in a clinch and more punches. 10-9 Pearson.

Pearson going in for the kill. Riley tried a throw. Riley with hard elbows and Pearson moved away. Both mostly blocking the others’ punches. Low kick by Pearson. Pearson connected with a punch. Good body kick by Pearson. Body kick by Pearson. Slower round. Pearson winning it but not like the first. He busted Riley up bad with a flying knee. Riley looked at the screen to see how bad his face looked. They stopped it to have the doctor look at it and called the fight off. Good night for the home town.

Matt Brown vs. James Wilks

Wilks not as popular as Pearson, probably since he left the U.K. years ago for Laguna Hills. Wilks got behind Brown and jumped on his back but couldn’t get the choke. Wilks pinned Brown against the fence. Brown firing back with good punches and Wilkes trying a takedown. Wilks in with punches bulled Brown into the cage. Slow round, maybe first boring round of the night. Brown tried a guillotine but Wilks finally got the takedown with 30 seconds left. Wilks’ face is a little marked up. I’d go 10-9 Wilks.

Brown in with a low kick. Brown connected with punches and a high kick. Wilks left eye swelling shut. Brown with a flying knee knocked Wilks down and pounding him on the ground. Wilks hooked a leg but doesn’t have anything. Tried an ankle lock. Brown punching him and grabbed a front headlock. Wilks trying a takedown but blocked. Brown in with knees and an elbow. Slowing down midway through the round. Now Brown trying for a takedown and not getting it. Now Wilks trying and also not getting it. Ref separated them by the cage. Trading and Brown getting the better of it. Wilkes down for a takedown and Brown sprawled and hammer punching him. Wilks with a cool reverse with 45 seconds left, a pro wrestling roll through. Wilks on top but he’s tired throwing arm punches. Brown got a triangle right at the horn. Wilks was lucky there. Brown’s round so 19-19.

Brown out throwing front kicks that are missing. Brown threw a flurry and connected with a left. Wilks back with a jab and low kick. Wilks bulled Brown agaisnt the cage. Wilks got his back. Wilks tried a standing Kimura and went to the ground but doesn’t have it. Now he he’s close. Brown escaped. Brown got full mount and is pounding on Wilkes who is in a lot of trouble and it’s stopped by the ref.

Michael Bisping vs. Denis Kang

Bisping of course got a superstar reaction. Kang booed of course. Bisping pacing like he can’t wait. This was an ears ringing reaction for Bisping for his intro, loudest at a UFC in a few months. Loud Bisping chants. Body punch by Bisping off a kick attempt. Kang dropped him with a right. The crowd was about to do the Ricky Hatton song for Bisping just as he got dropped. Kang on top with body punches. Kang has side control but Bisping regained guard. Kang got full mount but Bisping regained guard. Crowd booing wanting a standup but no reason. Kang got full mount again. Bisping defending well and regained guard. Bisping thinking a sub but not coming close. Bisping actually threatened an armbar late. Bisping’s inability to get off his back wasn’t a good sign although he defended well. Crowd cheering him like crazy 10-9 Kang.

Loud Bisping chant. Kang threw a big punch but connected to the chest. Bisping threw a high kick that threatened and hit a jab but Kang moving better on his feet. Bisping ducked for a takedown and brought Kang to the ground. Place exploded. He’s doing some effective ground and pound. Kang is hurt but got to his feet. Second takedown by Bispoing. More hard ground and pound. Kang’s face is bloody. Kang bleeding all over the place,must have 5-6 cuts over the eyes, under left eye, nose. Bisping with punches as Kang backs off. Bisping landed punches, got a third takedown and more ground and pound. Kang is in trouble here. Knees to the body and punches. Kang took a knee . It’s over. Place came unglued. A hell of a second round performance by Bisping. This win was a real big deal here.

Bisping borught his son into the cage. The kid started throwing kicks and practicing subs in the ring.

Mike Swick vs. Dan Hardy. GSP at ringside.

They want Hardy to win, but he’s definitely not the star Bisping is. Crowd into the match, though. Swick immediately moved in for the takedown. Hardy blocked it, threw knees and stomped on Swick’s foot. Swick kneed Hardy low and a time out has been called. Swick again moved in for a takedown and Hardy is blocking it. Knee to the body by Swick. Both trading knees while in a clinch. Hardy with a knee. Fans started to boo the lack of action. Both are throwing knees from the clinch against the cage. Swick is busier. Now trading and separated at the end of hte ground. Really should be a 10-10 but Swick was slightly busier so may get the benefit of the doubt.

Hardy hurt Swick with punches in the first exchange. Now they’re back against the fence. Elbow off the clinch by Hardy. Now body punches by hardy. Another trade on a quick break. Hardy did better. Hardy punching the thigh and actually trying a takedown but didn’t get it. Body shots by Hardy. Another body punch from in tight by Hardy. Swick with a knee tot he body and Hardy back with a knee and two hard elbows. Hardy with a bunch in the clinch and Swick shook his head, which mens it probably hurt him. Now a knee by Swick. Slow fight but people are into it because they just want Hardy to win. Ref separated the two. High kick by Swick didn’t hurt Hardy. Low kick by Hardy. Hardy connected with a counter left. Low kick by hardy. Swick landed a good punch. Trade and Swick got the better of it. Another trade snd Swick got the better punch in. Body kick by Hardy. Back into a clinch with 25 seconds left. Trade late. Hardy won the round but Swick made it close at the end, so I’ve got 20-19 for Hardy going into the third.

This should decide it. Trading each got good punches in. Another trade and I think Swick landed better blows. Swick swarming on him. Another trade and both guys were rocked, Swick may have been rocked more. Another trade and Hardy got the better of that. Hardy moving in with punches and knees in a clinch against the cage. Hardy trying a takedown. Swick with guillotine but Hardy powered out. Hardy with ground and pound. Hardy with an elbow and another elbows on the ground. Swick tried a triangle and didn’t get it. Hardy with more punches. Hardy with body punches. Lots of body punches by Hardy. . Ref called a standup, what was that??: Swick bleeding from the side of the head and the nose. Hardy cupped his ear as the crowd chanted his name. Low kick by Hardy. Swick back with a good punch. One minute left. Swick moving in and landed a good punch and a knee. Hardy with knee and foot stomp. Hardy’s round. I’ve got 30-28.

Scores 30-27, 30-27, 29-28 for Hardy. Place popped big.

GSP brought into the cage against his will. Place went nuts for GSP coming into the ring.

This has been the best show in a while.

Randy Couture vs. Brandon Vera

Supposed to be a one inch height difference but Vera towered over Couture. Vera is all over him with a kicks, punches and knees. Couture grabbed the clinch. Vera with a knee. Couture turned himn around into the cage. Randy chants. He’s the only guy who can hold a guy against the cage and have them go nuts. He went low for a single but Vera blocked. Ref thinking to separate but he’s letting it go. Another trade of knees. Vera turned Couture into cage but Couture back. Basic Greco clinch. Ref separated them. Couture tried to go low, then punched off the takedown and put Vera back against the cage. Takedown by Couture. Vera up. Coutrue with front headlock and two knees. Couture bulling him into the fence. Couture going low and trying another takedown. Vera defending well. Crowd now booing. Ref separate d them with 20 seconds, left. Couture ducked and bulled him back into the cage. Trading knees. Hard to score, Vera did damage early but Couture controlled 90%. 10-9 Couture.

Couture seems more tired, but not significantly. Good low kick by Vera. Couture poked in the eye. Bad pokke. Couture moved in going for a single and Vera defending. Couture gave up on it. Threw a knee to the body. Back against the cage. Couture tried a throw and Vera blocked. Vera turned Couture into the cage. Couture with a body shot while Vera threw knees. Now Couture turned into Vera and tried a throw but Vera still standing. Couture with a punch. Ref separated them again. Vera threw a kick that was blocked and a kick that landed. Hard knee and Couture went down with Vera on top. Couture holding on the bottom with 2:00 left. Ref ordered a standup. Low kick by Vera. Trading. Randy chant. Randy got the clinch and bulled him into the cage. He can’t get the takedown. Randy using dirty boxing off the clinch. Vera turned him but Randy turned back. Buzzer sounded. Vera ‘s round 19-19. Fans don’t like the fight.

I see it as even into the third although Vera has done more damage and looks fresher. Good body kick by Vera. Trading punches and Couture unloading and beating Vera. He went for a takedown but can’t get it. Couture with knee to thigh. Loud Randy chant. Couture with another few punches off the clinch. He went for another takedown and couldn’t get it. Another punch by Couture. Knee to the body and punch by Couture. Couture is fighting his fight and right now winning. Uppercut by Couture. Some fans booing. Now a lot of fans booing. Ref separated them. Body kick by Vera hurt. Another body kick and another Couture back wth a punch. Back in the clinch. Knee and punches by Couture. Vera backwith a punch and Couture grabbed a clinch. Vera going for a takedown but not getting it. Vera took Couture down with 43 seconds left and this may win him the fight. Couture back up. Both throwing with seconds left. Both landing. Good finish. I think Vera 29-28 but this can go either way.

I don't think this helped Couture get a title shot and the problem is for Couture to win it has to be this slowdown Greco-match which isn't entertaining. But he did control more of the fight and fought the fight he wanted 85% of the match. Joe Rogan outright said it was a bad decision. Vera seemed really shocked. Rogan made a point that Vera landed the more damaging shots. "Thanks judges" said Vera. Rogan said we've had a lot of problems with judging in recent fights and need to fix that. Problem is going off to that level on a fight that's close.

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