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domenica 3 febbraio 2013

WWE NXT TV report - Tag team tournament

January 31, 2013
LIVE! From Full Sail University

by Emerson “New jobs rule!” Witner

Any questions, comments concerns or emotional outbursts? Contact me:

Twitter: @TheReallyRealEW

NXT Tag Team Championship Tournament: 

Round 1

The Family defeated Percy Watson & Yoshi Tatsu

Bo Dallas & Michael McGillicutty vs Primo & Epico (1/31)

Alex Riley & Derrick Bateman vs Leo Kruger & Kassius Ohno (1/31)

Oliver Grey & Adrian Neville defeated 3MB

Here's what you need to know about NXT:

-They have a champion, it's Big E. Langston, who defeated Seth Rollins for the title on January 10. The show was taped after The Shield debuted at Survivor Series, but before Big debuted on Raw. Big originally refused to go to Raw when Vickie Guerrero offered him a spot, but did go to Raw once AJ lost power. Go figure.

-Dusty Rhodes is the Authority Figure, but his job title seems to change from week to week.

-The insanely popular Paige, Emma, Audrey Marie and Sasha Banks are the only four NXT Diva's and depending on the week Paige and Audrey are either trying to team up to prove they are better than the WWE Diva's or attacking each other.

-Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper and Rowan (Husky Harris, Brodie Lee and Erick Rowan) have formed a weird family, called simply The Wyatt Family.

-Kassius Ohno and Leo Kruger have formed an alliance and seemed determined to get William Regal to drop the headset and get in the ring.

-Camacho desperately needs $5,000 to break Hunico out of Mexico. Are plane tickets really that expensive?

And that's everything you need to know about NXT. (Now we know!) (And knowing is half the battle) (G.I. Joe!)

1.) Kassius Ohno & Leo Kruger defeated Derrick Bateman & Alex Riley in 10:52. Both Riley and Bateman are returning from injuries and Ohno wishes to send them both back to the injured list. Ohno and Kruger can be given credit for Tyson Kidd's injuries and for ending the WWE career of Trent Baretta. I don't believe Kruger and Ohno have officially teamed on NXT despite being in an alliance for about 2 months now. The only thing to be said about this match is all four men belong on the main roster. Well as long as Riley never ever again wrestles Heath Slater. Kruger and Ohno have a very interesting chemistry together. You wouldn't expect them to mesh, but somehow they do very well. The heels beat on Bateman forever until he made the hot tag to Riley. A-Ry did a-job to Ohno after the Mafia Kick and a twisting headlock.

-After the match Corey Graves hit the ring and slapped The 13th Step on Riley. Graves, who doesn't have a tag team partner, is mad that he isn't in the tag team tournament.

-Big E. Langston talked about something backstage. Sadly every video I have seen of the show doesn't include it, but he has a match with Conor O'Brien next week.

2.) Mason Ryan defeated Sakamoto in 2:16. I am not sure what is worse, Tensai dancing in lingerie or Sakamoto being destroyed by Mason in developmental. Dear God, when the hell was the last time Mason got tested under the Wellness Policy? He is bigger now than he ever was in WWE. It was to the point that the announcers had to make comment on it. Mason won with the Jackhammer.

-Earlier today Briley Pierce interviewed Xavier Woods about his match next week with El Local. Xavier basically said he lives with his parents and listens to Poison. Xavier, who is stuck in the 90's, also has a beeper. This is really better than Consequences Creed.

3.) Paige submitted Aksana in 3:01. Tony Dawson says Aksana refers to herself as “smart, sexy and powerful”. Aren't all the Diva's referred to as this? Paige remains the most popular Diva on NXT because she is so different than the others. It is one of the reasons Lita became so popular early on. Paige technically tapped out to an abdominal stretch, but the referee didn't acknowledge it as such. Anyhoo Paige fought back and submitted Goldust's former bride with a Texas Clover Leaf. 

-After the match Paige fell backwards into ring announcer Summer Rain, so Summer attacked Paige from behind, which left everyone befuddled.

-To the back where Renee Young is with the incredibly perky Sasha Banks who is oh so happy to win a match in NXT, which was last week. Up walked some guy with an envelope for Sasha, which was a love letter from her secret admirer. I thought I mailed that to Paige...

4.) In a first round NXT Tag Team Title Tournament Match, Bo Dallas and Michael McGillicutty defeated The Colon's (w/Rosa Mendes) in 10:22. Epico let his dreads out and it worked early as the cousins Colon got the heat on Bo Dallas, who is going to be challenging for the most prestigious of all the Intercontinental Titles soon. Epico looks more like Carlito now. Obviously his afro isn't as epic(o), but still. Bo got tired of being beaten on, so he quickly tagged out and Primo and Epico turned their attentions to Mr. Average. Michael was told by John Cena to wear a sweatsuit when he trained. If Cena told him to jump off the roof, would he have jumped off the roof? MMG does not like people getting heat on him, so he took 70% of his segment, allowing the heels very little time to actually build heat. Finally Michael managed to make the tag after like a minute of being beaten on. Bo ran wild and finished off Primo with a Powerslam-type maneuver. The highlight was Primo dropping Bo on top of his fricking head with a DDT. 

-So that is it for this week, I am sorry for the delay, but I have started a new job. As much as I enjoy doing this, I don't know how much longer I will be able to continue since I have been working pretty much every day for three weeks now. But hey, I have done this before (usually at the same time each year), just gotta get through the next few weeks. Take care and hope everyone has a good week.

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