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lunedì 11 marzo 2013


Welcome to's live, ongoing TNA Lockdown coverage from San Antonio, Texas!
TNA Lockdown opened with a video package reviewing the top matches on the card and the saga of Aces & Eights, including D'Lo Brown being revealed as the VP.
They went live and noted it was the largest crowd in TNA history.  The crowd looked really nice.  I'd guess about 7000 fans.  There is someone wearing a shirt that reads, "I'm a Vince Russo guy" in the front row.  That was funny.
TNA X-Division champion Kenny King vs. Zema Ion vs. Christian York.
King attacked York but was nailed by Ion.  York clotheslined King down but was nailed by Ion.  King was went to the floor.  Ion went for a rana but York landed on his feet and clotheslined him down.    King returned to the fray but then jumped back to the floor, trying to psych out his opponents.  York nailed him with a suicide dive.  Ion went for one of his own but was nailed with a kick.  King tried to use the back of Ion as a base for an Asai Moonsault but he didn't get the rotation and drilled himself into the railed back of the head and shoulders first.  OUCH.  Ion went to the top and hit a twisting dive off the top onto King and York.
Back in the ring, York caught Ion during a rana attempt and held him up but King to nailed a rolling neckbreaker of the ropes for a two count.   King is lucky he is even standing, much less wrestling.  York nailed a float over suplex but was nailed a knee to gut.  King covered him for a near fall and worked over York in the corner.   King chopped York in the chest but York responded in kind.  King cut him off and slammed York down.  He went to the top but was nailed by Ion with an axehandle to the head.  Ion nailed a rana on King, sending him down and crashing on York for a two count at the same time.
Ion hit a springboard moonsault for a two count.  He was grabbed from the outside by King and nailed.  King and York battled on the apron.  York hung him out to dry and hit a guillotine legdrop off the ropes for a two count.  King broke the pinfall by grabbing the ropes.  Ion nailed a kick to York's head and dropkicked King to the floor.  He nailed a kick to the head and a DDT for a two count on York.
King slammed Ion on the rampway leading to the ring and then nailed a springboard legdrop onto it.  He began selling his lower back.  York pulled Ion in for a two count but King broke it up.  King and York battled in the ring.  York got the worst of it.  King went for a Fall Away Slam off the top on Ion but York slipped under and powerbombed him at the same time.  York began putting together a series of hot offensive maneuvers and a series of near falls.  York nailed a back suplex on King and then on Ion, scoring a two count.
York and King exchange kicks.  Ion raked his back but York absorbed it.  He and King doubled up on Ion but Ion nailed both with a dropkick for pinfall attempts on each.  York kicked Ion hard in the corner and went to the top.  He nailed the top rope double stomp and then hit a running cannonball in the corner on King.  York grabbed Ion for a move but was drilled by King with a pair of charging knees.  King went for a move but York turned it into a small package for a two count.  York was caught with a TKO and pinned by King.
Your winner and still X-Division champion, Kenny King!
Decent X-Division match where they tried lots of crazy spots and worked a hard, frenetic pace.  The crowd was into the big spots but as a match designed to be a kickass athletic bout, it was just OK.
Jeremy Borash was interviewing Joseph Park when Bad Influence showed up and told him that Dixie Carter was looking for him. They took over the interview and said they were tired of being disrespected by the fans, by Carter and by Hernandez and Guerrero. He said they were going to get the belts back and prove they were the best tag team. The usual awesome interview from Kazarian and Daniels.
Joey Ryan vs. Joseph Parks
Park was disgusted by Ryan oiling up his body.  Ryan took the mic and said that Park "was a big mark" like everyone in the building and didn't belong in the ring with him.  Ryan said that he had the size advantage where it counts (down below) and was about to find out that "size matters."  Park cut a promo putting over San Antonio after Ryan had knocked them but Ryan attacked him from behind.  When Park had the chance to make a comeback, Ryan went to the floor.  Park tried to grab him by the hair but Ryan snapped him over the ropes.
Ryan went for a flying bodypress but he bounced off Park.  Ryan took him off his feet and nailed a series of right hands.   Ryan continued to work over Park, scoring several two counts.  Ryan kept rubbing his oiled body in Park's face, blinding him.  Park finally grabbed him by the hairy chest and ripped at it.  He gave Ryan a wedgie and nailed him with a shoulderblock and an inverted atomic drop.
Park nailed a running charge in the corner and Park teased going to the ropes.   He tried to hit a splash off the ropes but Ryan rolled out of the ring.   Ryan nailed a sunset flip off the ropes but Park was able to stop himself and jumped down with an Earthquake splash for the pin.
Your winner, Joseph Park!
A nice spotlight for the Park character and for some comedy.  OK and exactly what you would expect. Felt like a TV bout.
They showed footage of Jeff Hardy arriving earlier today.
Backstage, Brooke Hogan said that Bully Ray worked his whole life for this. She said that she's proud of him and her dad is behind him. Ray said that he knows she's proud but he's nervous. He is so happy with her and happy her dad is behind him, but for the first time, he's proud of himself and wants to make her proud too. Hulk Hogan, on crutches showed up and asked to speak to Ray personally. Hogan said that it's time for someone to carry the company to the next level. He said that Jeff Hardy was great for now and can even carry the company forward but there's something he sees in Bully Ray and believes he can carry the company going forward. He tells Bully that he made Brooke happy after all the hurt Hogan put his daughter through with the divorce and the family problems. He told Ray he loves him and wants to see his family have the title. Hogan said that he can live through Ray and told a story of how Andre the Giant pulled him aside before he won his first World title and told him to make sure the fans remember him as long as he lives. He asked Ray to do the same. Ray said that's an awesome story and said he promises the fans will remember him tonight. Good segment. They pretty much spelled out there would a title change and based on whether they turn Ray or not, his comments about being remembered could be foreshadowing. That does seem to be where the story is going, so we'll see soon enough. Crazy to see Hogan crap all over Hardy like that, even for storyline. Why should he ever defend TNA again?
TNA Knockouts champion Velvet Sky vs. Gail Kim
Sky and Kim went back and forth.  Kim nailed a back elbow but was caught with a swinging neckbreaker by Sky for a two count.   Sky dropkicked Kim off the apron to the floor.  Sky then hit a Thesz Press-esque maneuver off the apron to the floor on Kim.  She grabbed Kim but was slammed backwards into the ringpost.
Kim tossed Sky into the ring and peppered her with kicks to the legs.  Kin nailed her sideways splash in the corner on Kim.     Sky fired back with several forearms but was nailed with a high round kick.  Kim picked her up for a Fireman's Carry and dumped her down.  She covered Sky and grabbed the ropes for leverage but referee Taryn Terrell caught her.   Kim choked Sky against the ropes.
Kim dropped Sky with an over the knee backbreaker for a two count.  Sky whipped Kim into the corner.  Kim went for a head scissors out of the corner but Sky dropped down, smashing Kim face-first to the mat.     Sky nailed her with a series of clotheslines.  Sky nailed a running bulldog for a two count and drilled her to the mat for another two count.
Sky tried to whip Kim who grabbed the referee.  Terrell pulled herself free but that allowed Kim to nail the Eat Defeat for a two count.   Kim began arguing with Terrell and shoved her several times into the corner.  She slapped Terrell.  Kim told her to DQ her because she didn't care and would just get another rematch.  Terrell finally exploded with a spear and began beating Kim with right hands.   Kim went to face her but Sky kicked Kim and nailed her with the In Your Face for the pin.
Your winner and still Knockouts champion, Velvet Sky!
The Terrell thing finally paid off after months of Kim having an issue with her.  The match wasn't much. Just a backdrop to pay off the angle.
Jeremy Borash interviewed Robbie E. He said that he got Rob Terry on the list and got him girls and had his back and Terry turned his back on him. He talked slow so Texas could understand.
Robbie E. vs. Rob Terry
My God is Terry a frightening looking man.   Robbie E. tried to hide behind So Cal Val at ringside.   E stalled early.  E then tried to hug it out with Terry.  Wrong company!  Terry wanted nothing to do with it and smashed him down to the mat.   E then started "warming up."
E. grabbed a side headlock but Terry easily broke it and shoved E down.  E ran for the ropes to stop him.  E then went for a single leg takedown but was grabbed and tossed into the air with a Gut Wrench suplex.  He tried to scamper out but was pancaked into the air.  Terry missed a charge in the corner, allow E to beat him with a series of shots to the back.  E played to the crowd, allowing Terry to recover.  He grabbed E.  E nailed several chops but they didn't faze Terry.  E nailed a chop block and a dropkick to Terry for a one count.
E jumped on his back for a sleeper.  Terry marched around the ring trying to escape but  finally sunk to one knee.    E tried to come off the ropes but was caught and slammed.  Terry nailed a clothesline and a press slam.  Terry nailed a spinebuster for a three count.
Your winner, Rob Terry!
Exactly what you would expect from this match.  Some comedy stuff from E and some stalling before Terry made a comeback and killed him for the pin. The show is at the point they need a kickass second half to make it memorable.
Jeremy Borash interviewed TNA Tag Team champion Austin Aries.  Borash asked him where Bobby Roode is.  Aries said that people have been asking him that for weeks.  He asked if they all forgot who he was because he's proven he doesn't need Roode to get the job done and retain the Tag Team titles.  He said he could defeat all four by himself, but it's not necessary.  Out walked Roode, who asked Borash, "Did you miss me?"

TNA Tag Team champions Austin Aries & Bobby Roode vs. Hernandez & Chavo Guerrero vs. Bad Influence
Hernandez and Chavo didn't get the big reaction you'd expect, despite each being Texas born.   Roode and Guerrero started off but Roode tagged off to Daniels.  Guerrero shoulderblocked Daniels down but Daniels nailed one of his own as well.  Guerrero nailed a series of forearms and backdropped Daniels over.  Daniels was sent into Hernandez in the corner where he was nailed with a pair of chops.  Hernandez and Guerrero cleaned house of all four.
Hernandez used the ropes to sling Daniels back in the ring so Guerrero could hit a twisting splash on him.  Hernandez locked in a bearhug, then hit a tossing suplex.  Guerrero covered Daniels but Kazarian kicked him to break up the pin.   Guerrero slammed Kazarian and then was slammed atop of him by Hernandez.  Hernandez splashed him but missed a charge in the corner.  Kazarian nailed a missile dropkick off the ropes and peppered him with a series of right hands.
Bad Influence double teamed on Hernandez with a series of moves.  They tried to suplex Hernandez but were instead nailed with a suplex on both.  Guerrero tagged in and nailed the Three Amigos, starting on Daniels, then turning it to Kazarian, then Roode and finally Aries as they all tried to interfere.  That was entertaining!
The villains all started putting the boots to Guerrero.  Bad Influence tagged in and out working him over.   Roode and Aries tagged in as well, continuing to control Guerrero.  They nailed a catapult into the ropes.  Guerrero landed on Roode's knees, allowing Aries to splash him.  Roode stomped away on Guerrero in the corner, then drilled him with a series of shoulderblocks.    Guerrero finally came back with a big punch on Roode as he was sent into the corner.  Guerrero backflipped out of the corner.  He and Aries caught each other with clotheslines.
Aries nailed everyone on the outside of the ring, which led to a faceoff between Bad Influence, Aries and Roode.  All four brawled.  Kazarian and Aries crashed mid-air going for high cross bodyblocks at the same time.  Guerrero came off the top with a flying bodypress.  Hernandez began cleaning house, including a leaping double clothesline on Bad Influence.
Hernandez nailed a double over the shoulder backbreaker on both Aries and Roode but only got a two count as Influence was distracting referee Earl Hebner.  Hernandez called for the Border Toss but Aries nailed him.  Hernandez wiped him out with a clothesline.  This led to a sequence where everyone hit their signature moves.  Kazarian drilled Roode with a DDT and went for the Fade to Black but Guerrero returned.  Aries returned and went to the top but was crotched by Daniels.  Daniels and Aries  battled back and forth but Hernandez charged down the ramp and dove over the top with a big double shoulderblock.  They missed the charge on camera.
They went into another series of hot spots, ending with Guerrero nailing Daniels off the top and sending to the mat.  Guerrerro hit a top rope frog splash but Roode tagged in as Guerrero was in the ring.  Guerrero was confused and nailed by Aries as Roode covered Daniels for the win.
Your winners and still TNA Tag Team champions, Bobby Roode and Austin Aries!
Real good three way tag that they booked to have each team shine. Some of this was really good and well put together.  Easily the best thing on the show. I enjoyed this one.
So far, an OK show but nothing you need to go out of your way to see.  It's just there.
They pushed that tickets for the 6/2 Slammiversary PPV will go on sale 3/29.
Backstage, Aces & Eights said the entire plan has come together.  He praised Devon for allowing them to have access into TNA.  D'Lo praised Wes Brisco and Garett Bischoff for allowing them to trap Kurt Angle and told Brisco to take him out tonight.  He praised Anderson for being the smartest guy in TNA for accepting their invitation.  Brown asked them to review their strategy for the Lethal Lockdown.   He asked who wanted into the cage first and they all wanted in.
Kurt Angle was interviewed by Jeremy Borash.  He said that tonight he was going to make Wes Brisco famous.  He warned D'Lo Brown that he hasn't forgotten about him either and warned Brown he was next.  Angle said Wes isn't like his father or his uncle and that he's a snot-nosed punk.  He told Brisco that tonight he was going to kick his ass.
 Steel Cage: Wes Brisco vs. Kurt Angle
They locked up and Angle drove him to the mat with a double leg takedown.  The crowd chanted "USA", which was by far the largest chant thus far on the broadcast.   Briscoe gained control and tried to climb over the top, as you can win by escaping.  Angle dumped him backwards off the cage with a suplex.     Something happened in the crowd as everyone was looking to the left side of the Arena.
Angle continued working over Brisco who came back with several kicks and right hands.  He ripped off Angle's shirt and choked him with it.   Brisco cinched in a side chinlock.  Angle was sent into the ropes and flapjacked down to the mat.   Brisco sent Angle into the corner but was kicked off.  Angle made a comeback with a series of suplexes.  Angle threw Brisco into the cage and nailed a series of German suplexes.
Briscoe nailed a low blow to cut off Angle.   Brisco tried to crawl out the door onto the ramp but Angle locked in an anklelock.  Briscoe rolled through, sending Angle into the cage head-first.   Brisco tried to climb up but Angle grabbed him and pulled him down.  They battled back and forth while standing on the ropes.  Angle drilled his head into the cage over and over, then stepped behind him on the top and nailed a German suplex into the ring.
Angle went for the Angle Slam but Brisco slipped out.  Angle went for a clothesline but Brisco ducked and the referee got killed.  Angle locked on the anklelock and Brisco tapped but there was no referee.  Angle nailed another Angleslam,.    He walked out of the cage but the referee didn't see it.  D'Lo Brown attacked Angle, drilling him into the cage and tossed him back into the ring.  Brown pulled Brisco out and the referee saw him on the ramp.
Your winner, Wes Brisco!
Far and away the worst Kurt Angle PPV match I can ever remember.  Awful stuff. You got no feeling Brisco was really a threat at all and if this was meant to put Brisco on the map with a great match, well, they were nowhere near that, either. He just isn't ready to be spotlighted in this sort of match. He was just there to be the dummy for what felt like a Angle greatest hits package but at no point was there any real drama to it. The suplex off the ropes was a cool spot. This was nowhere near memorable overall. 

Lethal Lockdown: Aces & Eights vs. Team TNA
Mr. Anderson is in first for Aces & Eights.   Of course, they send an Anderson in first.  Magnus was in first for TNA.  After three minutes, they start the Wargames style entrances.  Once everyone is in, they can win.   Anderson was controlled early by Magnus.  Magnus nailed a flying knee and clotheslined Anderson.    Anderson cut him off and worked over Magnus in the corner.
Knox was out second.  They worked over Magnus.  Samoa Joe came out to even things up.  The crowd loved that and loved all his offense as he nailed strikes and leg lariats.    Joe and Magnus teamed up with a series of double team moves, playing off their old team.  Joe and Magnus worked over Knox and Anderson.  Team TNA cleaned house on Aces and Eights.
Garett Bischoff was number three, so the tide turned again for the Aces & Eights.    Out came Eric Young.  He hit the ring with a big dropkick and cleaned house on everyone.  He had a hell of a promo on Impact but it's so weird to see the guy who does silly suddenly kicking the badasses asses. 
Devon was fourth out for Aces & Eights.  He missed a charge in the corner and was nailed by a Young forearm but Barrett immediately attacked him.  Joe and Anderson battled in the corner.  Everyone battled back and forth with no real story.  It was just guys battling.   James Storm was fourth out for TNA.  He nailed a ton of offense on the Aces.  You could hear a small "Cowboy" chant.  He drilled Knox with the Last Call superkick.
TNA gained control of the ring as the crowd chanted for TNA.  The last man out was D.O.C.   Aces & Eights regained control of the ring and worked over TNA.  Last man out was Sting, who brought two trash cans full of weapons down with him.   The crowd was really into Sting when he came out.  Sting began using his baseball bat.  Apparently, TNA forgot the roof of the cage in Nashville or something, so no chance of crazy spots off and on the roof.
The TNA team used the weapons to beat the hell out of Aces & Eights.   Storm used a cane to the trash can on Devon's groin.  The crowd chanted for Sting.   Joe drilled Garett with a trash can.   The crowd live was into the carnage.   Sting nailed a Stinger splash in the corner into a trash can on Bischoff.  TNA continued to assault Aces & Eights.  Sting nailed another Stinger Splash on Anderson, who had a trash can over his head. 
Young went to use the bat on Anderson who moved and Sting was almost hit by accident.  This allowed Aces & Eights to gain control of the weapons and beat down Team TNA.  Doc chokeslammed Young.  Storm made a comeback with a series of shots.  Bischoff tried to escape and went to the top and that led to a triple decker Tower of Doom that saw Bischoff take a superplex off the top of the cage, sort of.  That was a cool visual.  Joe went for a choke on Anderson but it was broken up.  Sting nailed the Scorpion Death Drop on Knox.  
Young went to the top rope but Sting told him to go to the top of the cage.  He's not going to catch any fish there.  Young nailed an elbow off the top of the cage for the pin.
Your winners, Team TNA!
The crowd was big-time into this once Sting came out but the story of the match was pretty much you beat me up, I beat you up.  There were a few cool spots towards the end and they did their job with those and the weapons popping the crowd but it felt like something was missing here especially during the segment with the entrances, which should have been designed for building drama and it didn't feel like there was any heightened sense of danger or twists and turns.  Watching this, you'd get the idea TNA had won a major battle here and the announcers treated it like that tonight, so obviously a big angle and likely a title change is coming next. Those involved took a lot of physical punishment, especially Bischoff and I respect the hell out of that. It was good (how can I not enjoy the plunder) but this wasn't one of those wars of attrition that when they are over you are thinking, "Wow, I gotta see that again."
TNA champion Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray
Jeremy Borash was the ring announcer.  Taz was ripping on Ray hard when he came out.  They were treating this like it was a bigtime match, which is how it should be presented.
They locked up and Ray shoulderblocked him down.  They locked up again and Ray grabbed a side headlock.  Ray controlled early and slammed Hardy for a two count.  Hardy made a comeback and nailed a sprinboard splash for a two count.   Hardy climbed up the cage but Ray followed him and smashed his knee into the cage several times.  Hardy was crotched on the top rope after a boot to the face, then fell into the ring. 
Ray returned to the ring and worked over Hardy.  Ray slammed Hardy for a two count.   Hardy tried to escape the cage but was pulled back in and drilled with shot after shot across the back.  Ray tossed Hardy into the ropes and nailed a clothesline.  Ray began working over Hardy's back, picking his shots and measuring his shots.  Hardy was locked in a bear hug.  Ray missed a splash off the corner.  Hardy avoided an attempted Bubba Bomb and nailed a Twist of Fate.
Aces & Eight's Wes Briscoe and Garett Bischoff showed up and climbed the cage.   Hardy began battling them.  Ray clotheslined them both and teamed with Hardy to lay them out.  They opened the door and tossed Bischoff, who took a hell of a flip bump onto the rail.  They then tossed Brisco who nearly killed himself being tossed out.  They closed the door and Ray said "right now" meaning they were going to go.  The crowd got into that.
They battled back and forth with punches in the center of the ring.   Hardy nailed a series of rights but Ray sent him into the ropes.  Hardy nailed a forearm off the ropes and the cruncher legdrop on Ray.   Hardy covered him for a two count.   Hardy tried to climb out but again, Ray pulled him down, just like the first time.  They battled in the corner with chops.   Ray grabbed a leg so Hardy kicked him with another, crashing into the ring.  Ray, dazed, then fell atop of Hardy for a two count.  It appeared they were going to do the sitdown Bubba Bomb off the top but went with something else.  Hardy drilled Ray and climbed up but again Ray pursued him.  Ray slipped under and now they hit the sitdown Bully Bomb, which looked awesome.  The crowd chanted, "Holy sh**"  Ray covered him for a two count.
As both men recovered, Hulk and Brooke Hogan came to the ringside area.  Hogan was cheering Ray on, telling him to get up.  Aces & Eights hit the scene and surrounded the ring.  Ray handed Hardy a chain and they stood back to back to defend themselves.  Devon climbed over the top and pulled out a hammer.  He tossed it to Ray.  Ray slowly turned and nailed Hardy in the back of the head with it.  He and Devon hugged.  Ray covered Hardy for the title.  Hogan and Brooke were shocked.  Ray told Brooke she meant nothing to him.  Hogan told Ray he was a dead man and Ray told him to do something "you old bastard."
Ray got a mic and said, "Let that stupid bitch cry."  Ray told Hogan that he used him and screwed Brooke.   You could see some real heat as fans were throwing lots of bottles and garbage into the cage.  Ray said that he fooled every single one of the fans.  He declared he was the President of Aces & Eights and was the TNA champion.  Lots of stuff being thrown at the cage. Looks like Atlas Security has their work cut out for them.
Well, there's the big angle TNA was building to all this time. I liked the turn. The match was OK but the turn was fun. If they go full blown ECW Bubba Ray Dudley with this (minus all the XXX mic work) they can really turn him into a big-time heel. Looking at their roster, there isn't anyone else who has the ability to cut promos and try and get people so pissed they want to pay to see him get his ass kicked, so it was the best choice in that regard. 

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