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martedì 6 agosto 2013


We are in Green Bay, Wisconsin and your announcers are Jerry ‘Lambeau Leap’ Lawler, Michael ‘Is Brett Favre running for Mayor of Green Bay’ Cole, and John ‘I will climb a mountain of cheese’ Layfield.
Stephanie McMahon is in the ring and she welcomes everyone to Raw. She tells us that her father, Vince McMahon does not believe that Daniel Bryan is championship material. She knows that many, including her husband, Triple H, disagree. She says that she has come up with a compromise to be more palatable.
Daniel agreed to a makeover and we see footage.
Stephanie brings out Daniel Bryan and he is wearing a suit. Stephanie says that Daniel looks sharp.
Daniel asks the people if they like his new look or not. Daniel says that he wants to thank Stephanie for all of the time and effort to do all of this. It is funny because he does not think that this is what the company actually wants. What the company actually wants is someone who is jacked up, wears cargo shorts, and a bright yellow t-shirt. They want someone who sells merchandise that nobody wants to buy.
He says that they want somebody like John Cena. He respects John Cena because John picked him to be his opponent at SummerSlam because John thought that he was the best contender. John does not think Daniel can win.
John is a superstar. He is in movies. He is on boxes of cereal.
Daniel says that he is 5’8”, he has a scraggly beard. He is from the middle of nowhere in the Pacific Northwest. How can someone as lowly has him beat the king of the mountain?
Daniel says that John Cena is an entertainer and Daniel Bryan is a wrestler. While John has been up here for the last ten years, he hasn’t seen the holes that he has dragged himself out of or the mud he has climbed out of because Daniel is a wrestler.
If John Cena gets fired tomorrow, he goes back to his home, his twenty cars, his multi-million dollar lifestyle and he will never have to wrestle again.
If Daniel gets fired, he will be in every armory and gymnasium in front of thirty people because he loves wrestling.
Daniel says that it seems like the people love wrestling too.
Daniel says that he will dress up in this suit . . . for now. He will comb his hair back . . . for now. He will do what they want . . . for now. Because at SummerSlam, he will do what everyone wants him to do. He will make John Cena tap out.
Vince McMahon’s music plays and he sports entertainmently walks to the ring.
Vince appreciates what his daughter Stephanie did to reconcile things. He says that Daniel has given the old college try. He says that Daniel’s pants are too short and his shoes don’t match the suit. He tells Daniel that he needs a bow in his hair.
While he doesn’t want John Cena to be champion, he wants Daniel to be champion even less. Vince says that he is warming up to Daniel. If Daniel is the WWE Champion? The WWE has never had a dwarf as WWE Champion. No one with the muscularity of a toothpick has been champion. They have never had someone with the face of a gargoyle as champion. He says that Daniel looks like a miniature Mick Foley.
Vince says that he has influence on Daniel becoming WWE Champion. There is only one thing left and it has to do with Daniel’s face. He looks at Daniel’s beard and asks him if he has a bird’s nest in there. If Daniel really wants to be WWE Champion and have Vince’s support, there is only one thing that needs to be done. That is shave the beard off.
Vince calls for the chair.
Vince says that he knows what Daniel wants. The people want Daniel to go all the way and sit in the chair. He says that if Daniel wants to be champion, Daniel will do what he says. Daniel said that he could get fired, and he tells Daniel not to get his wish tonight.
The people don’t want Daniel to be champion.
Vince calls for a barber and he brings out Wade Barrett.
Daniel tells Wade to wait a second and he requests for Wade to leave something. Daniel with a head butt and then he attacks Wade and he shaves Wade’s beard. Wade charges after Daniel and Daniel sends him over the ringside barrier into the crowd.
Daniel tells Vince that says NO to changing for Vince. He will be who he has always been. He will be WWE Champion.
Daniel removes his jacket and shirt and he has a shirt that says The Beard is Here with an arrow pointing to the beard.
Rob Van Dam and Alberto Del Rio walk in the back.
The Miz has joined Jerry, John, and Michael and Miz reminds us that SummerSlam is coming.
Match Number One: Rob Van Dam versus Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez and the Official Spit Bucket of Destiny)
Del Rio with a kick and punches to Van Dam followed by shoulders in the corner. Van Dam with an Irish whip and a monkey flip. Van Dam with a spinning round kick and a springboard side kick. Van Dam with a standing moonsault after reminding everyone who he is. Christian watches in the back.
Del Rio with a kick to Van Dam but Del Rio misses a splash in the ropes and Van Dam kicks Del Rio to the floor. Van Dam goes to the apron and he hits a moonsault on Del Rio and we go to commercial.
We are back and Del Rio chokes Van Dam and the referee warns him. Del Rio tries to send Van Dam into the turnbuckles and Van Dam blocks it and he kicks Del Rio. Van Dam with a few clotheslines and then he hits a round kick but he misses Rolling Thunder. Del Rio with a super kick for a near fall.
Del Rio misses the step up enzuigiri and Rob goes up top for a side kick. Van Dam with Rolling Thunder and he gets a near fall. Van Dam pulls Del Rio into the corner and Van Dam with a split legged moonsault but Van dam holds his midsection. Ricardo puts the bucket into the turnbuckles and Del Rio tries to send Van Dam into it but Van Dam reverses and Van Dam with a body scissors rollup for the three count.
Winner: Rob Van Dam
After the match, Del Rio attacks Ricardo. Alberto hits Ricardo with the bucket. Del Rio sends Ricardo through the ropes to the floor. Del Rio puts Ricardo between the ring steps and the ring and Del Rio with a drop kick and Ricardo is not moving.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Cody Rhodes is in the ring with a box. Cody says that Oscar Wilde said that true friends stab you in the front so Damien wasn’t a true friend. Cody says that it is all water under the bridge because he has a gift for Damien. We take a look at why Cody might have a gift for Damien.
Cody says that he knows how much it has affected Damien to have the briefcase sink into the Gulf of Mexico. He says that he has spared no expense and he reveals the briefcase. He tells Damien if he wants the briefcase, come and get it.
Damien comes out and he tells Cody to put the case down and leave. He will not fall for this. Cody puts the case down and he leaves the ring. Damien goes after the case and Cody attacks Sandow and he kicks him and forces him to the floor.
Cody opens the briefcase and he holds what is left of the contract. Cody throws the case to the floor.
We go to commercial.
We are back with the Slam of the Week: Ryback shoving food in the faces of innocent people in catering last week.
Match Number Two: Mark Henry versus Ryback
They lock up and Ryback with a side head lock but Henry with a shoulder tackle and Ryback goes down. Ryback kicks Henry and then he clips Henry. Ryback with forearms to the back and chest. Ryback with punches and kicks to Henry. Ryback with head butts. Henry with a shoulder tackle.
Henry gets Ryback up but Ryback escapes. Henry tries for a back fist and Ryback goes to the floor. Henry wants Ryback to get back in the ring and Ryback lets the referee make the ten count.
Winner: Mark Henry
We are back and the Bellas are doing their make up and then Nikki talks about how hot she looked on Total Divas. Nikki calls Brie’s look warm. They both take credit for the ratings.
Eva Marie doesn’t dance into the area and she congratulates Brie on her victory and she made Nattie look silly.
Natalya enter and Brie says that it is a slap in their face that Natalya is allowed on their show. Natalya shows Brie what a slap in the face is and then she leaves.
John Cena makes his way to the ring in his cargo shorts and bright t-shirt that nobody wants to buy.
John says that it is that time again. All this is a familiar position to him. He is used to being a target. Most of the people chasing the title are bad people. Some times he has to stand in the ring against a fan favorite. That brings him to Daniel Bryan. It forces the WWE Universe to choose and a lot of people choose Daniel Bryan.
John says that WWE brass might not have liked his choice, but he chose Daniel Bryan. Daniel spoke some truth, but he spoke some ignorance. He says that judging him for how he lives his life, he is just like the Rock, CM Punk, and the others. John says that he will not change for Daniel and he will change for no one. He has always been him and he will always be him.
Daniel talks about hard times. John says that he came back 24 hours after breaking his neck.
Daniel wants to glorify wrestling in an auditorium or gymnasium because that is where he would rather be.
John says that he has been here for 12 years and if he is fired, he would never wrestle again because of his respect for the WWE and being a champion.
Daniel Bryan glorifying himself as a wrestler anywhere else, it is like saying you are an All Star in Arena football.
Cena says that the WWE is the NFL of wrestling.
Daniel says that John cannot wrestle. John says that is not original and millions of people have said that before and they are even saying it now.
Cena says that he has held this title 11 times and he has been in some of the greatest matches in WWE history. You don’t get lucky 11 times. He tells Daniel to underestimate him. All of the people who underestimate him, when they leave this company . . .
John stops to hear the boring chants from the crowd and then he says that the people want to see him and Daniel wrestle.
Daniel does not realize the opportunity that is in front of him. If Daniel loses, he will have to wake up and admit that he just wasn’t good enough. Daniel is on a hot streak but he has been mowing people down since January.
Randy Orton’s music plays and he walks to the ring with the briefcase. Will he cash in? Will he announce when he is going to cash in? Is he getting into Cena’s head?
Randy tells John that he never ceases to amaze him. John is always aware of the target on his back, but he is never aware of the target staring him in the face. It does not matter who walks out of SummerSlam with the WWE Title, all that matters is the briefcase which means that he will be the WWE Champion.
It can happen at any time and it means that The Champ is here.
The Shield’s music plays and they make their way to the ring.
They surround the ring on three sides and Daniel Bryan sneaks into the ring on the fourth side and it looks like we have a Teddy Long ‘we have an even number of people so we are going to have a match’ match.
Brad Maddox makes his way onto the stage. Since no one can get along, why not have a six man tag match in the main event. The Shield versus Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, and John Cena.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Three: Brodus Clay and Tensai (with Cameron and Naomi) versus Luke Harper and Erick Rowan (with Bray Wyatt, his lantern, and rocking chair)
Harper punches Tensai but Tensai with a shoulder tackle. Harper with a slap but Tensai with a shoulder tackle. Tensai slaps Harper but Harper with a boot to the head and Tensai goes down. Rowan tags in and he sends Tensai into the corner and he connects with punches and head butts. Rowan runs into a boot and Tensai with a clothesline.
Harper breaks up the cover and Clay interferes and he gives Harper a Sheeeeplex. Rowan with a POUNCE to Clay when he sets for the charge into the corner. Harper with a discus clothesline to Tensai followed by a splash from Rowan for the three count.
Winners: Erick Rowan and Luke Harper
After the match, Wyatt enters the ring and he looks at the world from a different angle and then he grabs Clay and hits Sister Abigail.
Wyatt says that the Devil’s Favorite Demon is no monster. He is an illusion. He is a fairy tale. The demon is a lie. Bray says that he is much different. He is the man of a Thousand Truths. He is Bray Wyatt, the Eater of Worlds. He tells Kane to Follow the Buzzard.
Kane’s pyro goes off.
He says that when you pull the wings off of buzzards for fun, they are impossible to follow. He sees through Bray’s cryptic words. He is here to maim and mutilate everyone who gets in his path. Kane says that he does this things too. He does not do this to spread a message. He does it for his own personal amusement. At SummerSlam, Bray will find out why he is the Devil’s Favorite Demon.
Bray’s family will not be able to save him. No one will be able to save Bray . . . from inside a ring of fire. Kane signals for the pyro in the ring posts.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a Raw Rebound: Brock Lesnar attacking CM Punk two weeks ago. Then we see what Punk did to Curtis Axel last week.
Josh Mathews is with CM Punk and he asks Punk about Curtis Axel. Punk says that he wants to talk about Curtis’ father and former manager. When Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan were on camera together, Perfect had a mind of his own. Curtis has so much blind loyalty to Paul Heyman it is going to get him a beating at the hands of CM Punk. He will take care of Curtis Axel tonight and then he will do what he said he would do. When he says that he is coming for you, he will be coming for you.
Josh asks about SummerSlam.
Punk says that SummerSlam will be known as the night that the Beast got neutered. It will be the night when Heyman loses everything.
We see what happened on Smackdown when Layla protected AJ and turned on Kaitlyn.
Layla is in the Goldman Box and she says that it was not personal. She just wants attention. All eyes will be on her and she is Flawless.
Match Number Four: Kailtyn (with no one) versus Layla El
Kaitlyn with a take down and punches. Kaitlyn with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Layla tries to get out of the ring and the referee has to stop Kaitlyn. Layla hides behind the referee and she kicks Kaitlyn and gets a near fall.
Layla with a forearm to the back and she mocks the fans by clapping. Layla with a head scissors in the ropes. Layla trips Kaitlyn and then she sends Kaitlyn face first into the mat. Kaitlyn with a back breaker and clothesline.
Kaitlyn with a flying shoulder tackle followed by a gut buster from the shoulders.
AJ Lee’s music plays and Kaitlyn forgets that she is wrestling. Layla tries to escape a spear but Kaitlyn throws her to the mat. Layla with a round kick to the head for the three count.
Winner: Layla El
After the match, Layla and AJ skip around the ring and to the back.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Cody Rhodes will face Damien Sandow at SummerSlam.
Match Number Five: Christian versus Heath Slater (with Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre)
Christian with a waist lock but Slater with punches and then Christian with a drop toe hold. Christian slingshots to the floor and he is stopped by the presence of McIntyre and Mahal. Slater gets a near fall and he punches Christian. Slater with a knee drop and a reverse chin lock. Slater with a knee and punch. Mahal and McIntyre gets shots in on Christian while Slater distracts the referee. Slater goes to the turnbuckles and Christian gets his feet up.
Slater with boots to Christian in the corner but Christian with a flapjack and a missile drop kick for a near fall. Slater with a shoulder to Christian from the apron and he tries to suplex Christian over the top rope to the floor. Christian stops Slater and back body drops him into the ring. Christian with a back heel kick and sunset flip for a near fall.
Slater sends Christian into the turnbuckles and then Slater with some air guitar and he turns around and gets speared by Christian and Christian gets the three count.
Winner: Christian
CM Punk walks in the back and we go to commercial.
Match Number Six: CM Punk versus Curtis Axel (with Paul Heyman) in a Non Title Match
Punk goes after Axel on the ramp and they exchange punches. Punk wants to go after Heyman in the back but Axel stops him. Axel sends Punk into the ringside barrier. Punk with punches to Axel and then he sends Axel into the ring and the match can officially start.
Axel with punches to Punk followed by a chop and he sends Punk into the turnbuckles. Axel with a chop and forearm and he taunts Punk. Axel with a hurdle leap frog but Punk with a drop toe hold and then Punk with a step over toe hold and then he falls back to add pressure to the knee. Punk does it a second time and then a third for luck after trying to swat his gum away but he is not Perfect.
Punk with a kick to the back of the leg and Axel flips Perfectly. Punk clotheslines Axel over the top rope to the floor and he follows with a suicide dive and we go to commercial.
We are back and Axel with an arm bar. Punk with a head butt and back heel kick. Axel with a running elbow and he gets a near fall. Axel tells Punk that he is the best in the world. Axel with a slam and then he goes to the turnbuckles for an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Axel with a reverse chin lock and he rolls through.
Paul Heyman makes his way back to the ring. Punk with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Punk crawls towards Paul and Paul tells Punk to concentrate on his match.
Axel with a short arm clothesline and he gets a near fall. Axel with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Punk with a cross body off the turnbuckles. Punk goes to the floor after Heyman and Axel with an ambush and he clotheslines Punk on the floor. Axel rubs his forearm across Punk’s face. Axel misses an elbow drop from the turnbuckles. Axel misses a splash into the corner and Punk with an elbow and clothesline followed by a swinging neck breaker.
Punk with a running knee into the corner followed by a short arm clothesline. Punk goes to the turnbuckles but Axel crotches Punk. Axel with the swinging snap neck breaker but he did not hit it perfectly and Punk is able to kick out at two. Punk with a round kick to the head and Axel rolls to the apron.
Punk grabs Heyman and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Curtis Axel (by disqualification)
After the match, Brock Lesnar’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring. Lesnar bounces onto the apron and he enters the ring. Axel pulls Punk out of the ring but Punk hits Go To Sleep on the floor. Punk grabs a chair but Lesnar takes it from him.
Punk and Lesnar battle on the floor and Punk escapes an F-5. Punk with round kicks to the head followed by forearms. Punk goes onto the announce table and he connects with a flying clothesline. Lesnar with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
Lesnar sends Punk back into the ring and Heyman is in there as well. Lesnar gets Punk up but Punk escapes and he kicks Lesnar in the leg and he hits Lesnar in the back with the chair.
Heyman begs for mercy and Lesnar grabs the chair and he hits the F-5 on Punk. Heyman tells Lesnar to ‘hurt him’ and Brock hits Punk in the back with the steel chair.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a look back at what we just saw with CM Punk and Brock Lesnar.
Renee Young is in the interview area with Brock Lesnar, Curtis Axel, and Paul Heyman. She asks Paul about what just happened and Brock asks if that was the best of the best of the best of the best of the best that this world has to offer? Brock says that he is the Beast and the Best in the World. He tells Paul to say something stupid.
Paul tells Renee to deliver a message to CM Punk. He wants Renee to tell Punk that he may not make it to SummerSlam because next week on Raw, he will walk out to the ring and based on the beating that Punk took from BROCK LESNAR, he is not going out there as an advocate, he is looking for a one-on-one fight. If Punk accepts, it will be CM Punk versus Paul Heyman.
Match Number Seven: Fandango (with Summer ‘not quite Eva Marie’ Rae) versus Kofi Kingston
Fandango fan-dances before locking up. Kofi wants to boom it up and Kofi with kicks to the leg. Kofi with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Fandango with an enzuigiri followed by an Irish whip to the sternum for a near fall. Fandango with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Fandango with a wrist lock take over and he gets a near fall after a knee drop to the leg.
Fandango with a heel kick and he gets a near fall. Fandango goes to the turnbuckles but misses a knee drop. Kofi with a pendulum kick followed by a springboard clothesline and chops. Kofi with a drop kick and flying clothesline. Kofi with the Boom Drop and then he gets ready for Trouble in Paradise and Fandango rolls to the apron and the referee stops him.
Fandango with an enzuigiri and he tries to use the ropes for extra leverage but he can only get a two count. Fandango goes up top and he leaps over Kofi. Kofi with a double jump cross body for a near fall. Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise the first time, but the second time connects and he gets a near fall.
Winner: Kofi Kingston
Triple H is on the phone and he is with his wife. Stephanie is crying because her father, Vince McMahon bit her head off about the make over segment. She is trying to take care of business. Hunter tells his wife, Stephanie that Vince has lost it. The once great creative genius is gone. Vince runs around here doing whatever he wants. He has had enough.
Because Daniel Bryan embarrassed him, he has a hissy fit. Is Vince going to throw away SummerSlam. Hunter says that he will not watch this ship go down because of Vince. He doesn’t know what Vince is going to do at SummerSlam, but he will stop him.
We go to commercial.
We are back and we take a look back at what Alberto Del Rio did to Ricardo Rodriguez after helping Del Rio lose his match.
Jack Swagger, Zeb Colter, and Antonio Cesaro are in the ring. Zeb says that they walked around the town today and they could not find the beat of the heart in America. The cheese that everyone eats clogs their arteries and their brains. He tells everyone to pack their bags and leave because the heartland belongs to Real Americans.
Match Number Eight: Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger ( with Zeb Colter) versus Jimmy and Jey Uso
Jimmy and Jack start things off and Swagger with forearms to the head. Jimmy with chops and then he connects with an uppercut and diving head butt for a near fall. Swagger with an elbow to Jimmy and Cesaro tags in and Jack sends Jimmy into the air for a European uppercut.
Cesaro with a dead lift side salto. Swagger tags back in and he punches Jimmy. Cesaro with kicks while the referee was out of position. Swagger with a punch to Jimmy. Jimmy with a head butt and punches to Jack and he tries to make the tag but Swagger catches Jimmy and hits a belly-to-belly slam. Cesaro tags in and Swagger with a Swagger Bomb followed by a leap frog double stomp by Cesaro for a near fall.
Swagger tags in and Cesaro with an atomic drop and Swagger with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Swagger traps the arms and he sends Jimmy into the turnbuckles. Jimmy with punches and then Jimmy with a dragon whip and both men are down.
Jey and Antonio tags in and Jey takes care of Jack and then he connects with a kick and uppercut to Cesaro. Jey with a flying shoulder and then he hits the running butt splash into the corner. Jey with a near fall and Swagger breaks it up. Jimmy sends Swagger over the top rope to the floor and Jimmy with a plancha onto Swagger.
Cesaro with a kick but he is met with a super kick when Cesaro comes off the turnbuckles. Jey gets a near fall. Swagger sends Jimmy into the ring post. Swagger punches Jey and then Cesaro with the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.
Winners: Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger
We go to commercial.
Match Number Nine: Dolph Ziggler versus Big E Langston (with AJ Lee)
Ziggler avoids Langston but Langston grabs Ziggler. Ziggler holds on to the ropes and he has a flourish. Ziggler with a drop kick for a near fall. Langston presses Ziggler over his head but Ziggler escapes and he goes to the apron and drops Langston on the top rope. Langston with a clothesline and Ziggler falls to the floor.
Langston rolls Ziggler back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Langston with an abdominal stretch and he applies a stomach claw to add more pressure. Ziggler escapes with a jawbreaker and both men are down.
Langston misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post with his shoulder. Ziggler with a Stinger Splash and neck breaker for a near fall. Ziggler misses the Fameasser and Langston gets Ziggler on his shoulders and he hits a back breaker. Langston goes for the splash but he misses. Ziggler with a Fameasser but Langston kicks out.
Kaitlyn makes her way to the ring and AJ goes after Kaitlyn and the fight on the floor. AJ goes into the ring and Kaitlyn grabs her and the match continues. Langston with a clothesline to Ziggler and the straps are down and Kaitlyn leaves the ring. Langston picks up Ziggler and goes for the Big Ending and he hits it and gets the three count.
Winner: Big E Langston
We are back and this week on Smackdown, AJ Lee and Big E Langston will be on MizTV.
Josh Mathews is in the crowd with two members from the show Summer Camp.
Match Number Ten: Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, and John Cena versus Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns in a We Miss Teddy, but we will let someone else make a six man tag match because six people are in the ring Match
Orton and Rollins start things off and Rollins with kicks and punches. Orton with punches but Rollins punches back. Rollins with kicks in the corner and the referee stops Rollins. Orton sends Rollins into the turnbuckles and he punches Rollins. Orton with a clothesline into the corner.
Orton with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Bryan tags in and he goes up top and hits a missile drop kick. Ambrose tags in and Bryan goes after Reigns on the apron. Bryan with punches and he flips over Ambrose in the corner and Bryan with a flying clothesline. Bryan with a suicide dive onto Ambrose and he sends Dean back into the ring. Bryan takes care of Rollins on the floor but Ambrose kicks Bryan off the apron.
Ambrose sends Bryan into the apron and he chops Bryan and follows with a head butt. Ambrose with forearms to the chest and then he tags in Reigns. They make a wish with Bryan and Reigns gets a near fall. Reigns with forearms to the chest and he gets a near fall. Reigns gets another near fall. Rollins tags in and he gets a near fall.
Rollins mocks Cena and he returns to Bryan and applies a reverse chin lock. Reigns tags in and they hit an assisted gutbuster for a near fall. Reigns tells Bryan to stay down. Bryan with kicks to the leg and then he goes after Rollins and Ambrose on the apron. Bryan escapes a belly-to-back suplex attempt and he connects with a round kick to the head.
Rollins tags in and Bryan tries to crawl across the ring but Rollins keeps Bryan from making the tag. Cena tags in but the referee did not see it so it did not count. Cena is told to go back to the apron. Ambrose attacks Cena before he goes to the apron. Orton goes after Ambrose. Rollins sends Bryan into Orton and then Bryan applies the Yes Lock.
Reigns and Ambrose go after Bryan and the referee calls fro the bell.
Winners: John Cena, Randy Orton, and Daniel Bryan
After the match, Orton with an RKO to Bryan. The Shield go after Orton and Cena and they take care of the Shield.
Orton with an RKO to Cena and he looks around. Orton goes to the briefcase and he is going to cash it in . . . or is he? The Shield make their way back to the ring and Orton retreats to the floor.
Cena gets back to his feet and Reigns spears Cena and then Ambrose kicks Bryan.
Orton walks away while Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns attack Bryan. They get Bryan up for the Cerberus Bomb.
The Shield stands over Bryan while Orton looks at his briefcase. We go to credits. 

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