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martedì 13 agosto 2013

WWE Raw TV report!!

WWE Monday Night Raw

August 12, 2013
Sacramento, CA

Rob McCarron

This week's event opened up with Daniel Bryan coming to the ring. His hair was no longer pulled back. It looks like we're getting Wade Barrett vs Daniel Bryan!

Wade Barrett vs Daniel Bryan
Brad Maddox was the guest referee. As referee, he screwed Bryan over. D-Bry was hitting some kicks to Wade's chest before going for his head kick. Wade ducked the headkick, schoolboyed Daniel, and Brad counted a fast three. Brad was impartial up to the finish of what was a normal match for the most part.

After the match, Brad escaped Bryan's wrath. The announcers were speculating while Brad did this to Bryan.

Later tonight, The Miz hosts Miz TV with Daniel Bryan and John Cena. CM Punk wrestles Paul Heyman tonight, as well.

Damien Sandow vs Cody Rhodes is official for SummerSlam.

Damien Sandow vs Randy Orton
Damien has a new wooden briefcase for his Money In The Bank contract, and he handcuffs the case to the turnbuckle before his matches. Randy Orton pinned Damien with the RKO after Sandow was distracted by Cody Rhodes, at ringside doing commentary, walking towards the handcuffed briefcase.

RVD was backstage preparing for a 20 Man Battle Royal. The winner faces Dean Ambrose for the US Title at SummerSlam.

Backstage, The Shield were wondering how lazy, old guys were still employed. Roman and Seth challenged any two fellows to wrestle them for the tag titles at SummerSlam. Dean then had the line of the night. "If Andre The Giant's ghost isn't in this battle royal tonight, then I ain't losing at SummerSlam."

We saw a replay of a Brock Lesnar promo about CM Punk that I believe originally aired on Smackdown. Short, to the point, and good build for SummerSlam's real main event.

Backstage, CM Punk wondered what Paul Heyman's plan for tonight's match is. Punk knows Paul has a plan, but Punk is ready for that and ready for Brock at SummerSlam.

Great Khali & Natalya vs AJ Lee & Big E
Finish got fucked. Natalya and Khali won. AJ Lee, after Natalya had released her first sharpshooter attempt, tapped out. So the match continued because how could the ref end the match when AJ was tapping to nothing, I guess.. This lead to Natalya putting her back in the sharpshooter, with AJ tapping again. It legit almost got fucked up again, as Natalya lost her grip right before AJ decided to tap. Ugh. All time ugly. AJ hit a shining Wizard during the match, though, so that's something. Great Khali dumped Big E out of the ring afterwards to allow them to stand tall leading into their... well, nothing.

The US Title match will be the SummerSlam pre-show bout. Plus, Shawn Michaels, Natalya, and Booker T will be the pregame panel.

Mr. McMahon is Here
Vince called out Brad Maddox to explain himself for his actions earlier in the night. Brad said that he needed to take control, because Daniel Bryan matches tend to get out of hand. Brad said he was excited, so his count may have been unintentionally fast. Vince said that everyone makes mistakes. Brad asked for a second chance to prove he's on the level. He asked to be the referee for Cena vs Bryan at SummerSlam. Vince thought this was a great idea! As he was about to name Brad the referee, Triple H interrupted. HHH agreed that there needs to be a guest referee who is impartial and unrelenting. He, however, did not think Brad should be that guy. He then pedigreed Brad, and Vince stormed off. Looks like Trips will be the guest referee for the main event of SummerSlam. Starting to look a lot like two years ago.

Kane vs Titus O'Neil
Kane pinned Titus in a quick match. Afterwards, the Wyatt Family came down to the ring in a darkened arena. During their entrance, Kane escaped and made his way to the top of the ramp unbeknownst to Bray. Kane then raised fire from the turnbuckles while Bray laughed.

Backstage, Josh Mathews asked the Bellas about their thoughts on Natalya trying to take control of the Divas division. None of these three broads are the champion, by the way. Natalya vs Brie was announced for SummerSlam. Natalya mentioned that she'll be bringing friends. Cameron and Naomi were on her side, with more to come at SummerSlam, I'm sure.

Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston
Alberto countered a Kofi high flying attack with knees to the chest, followed by the armbar for the win. Basic match. Crowd, which had been hot all night, died as these two men came out but go into it as the match went on. If you haven't been watching Smackdown, you'd probably have no idea that Christian vs Alberto is happening on SummerSlam. Almost nothing has been done on Raw the past few weeks to promote it. At least not well.

As I say that, here's a video package on Christian. It featured many past clips of Christian in his tag team days, IC title days, and ECW title run.

Backstage, Renee Young asked Christian about his thoughts on regaining the World title. Alberto came up, laughing at Christian. He spoke spanish, and flaunted the title in front of Christian before leaving.

El Americanos Real vs The Usos
Zeb Colter cut a pre match promo, basically saying he wished a devastating earthquake would hit California and send it off into the sea. The Usos won when one of the brothers pinned Jack Swagger with a schoolboy. Zeb Colter tried to get involved, but his attempt backfired as his tag team failed once again to gain a win on the Usos.

Miz TV
Daniel Bryan and John Cena are guests. Bryan is happy Triple H is the referee, as is John. Both believe a fair fight is now in store. Don't be so sure! Miz asked if there are any underlying issues between John and Bryan, but John said this match is purely about the championship. Miz then tried to get a rise out of Bryan. Bryan said he's not just able to put up a good fight, and he's not an easy victory. Bryan called Cena out for being in the business for the glory, and not the wrestling. So what? Bryan called Cena a parody of wrestling. He was cutting a more heelish promo, while Cena was full on good guy. He said he stands for loyalty, saying Daniel Bryan is just another guy trying to bring John down for being loyal to the fans. John says he wrestles for the people, for the make-a-wish kids who fight their battles with hope, and for the man he has become. It's impossible to hate this guy. Cena listed off names that he's beaten, and Bryan took issue with the list as if they are so much better than him. Cena said Bryan is not in the league of Punk, Rock, Batista, and Triple H. He isn't in that league until he can win the big one. Bryan played it off like Cena didn't respect him. Bryan told a story from when he was in Japan, and how the guys would slap each other to light a fire and bring the best out of them. Bryan finished saying that Cena isn't a wrestler, so he didn't deserve the slap. John slapped Bryan. As they faced off, Triple H came out, followed by Randy Orton. Orton raised his briefcase, reminding the two that he is lurking. With that, I don't see the point unless Orton does indeed cash in on Sunday.

The Bryan build has been so bad for a month after being so great for a year. Cena was great here, while Bryan was fine for what he was given. The ending, with Orton coming out, took all heat off Cena and Bryan, though.

Before grappling, these two men had a dance off. As R-Truth had his turn, Fandango attacked him. The two brawled briefly before Fandango got sent packing, and that was it. Basically a walk out finish without Fandango actually walking out.

Backstage, Paul Heyman was having second thoughts about his battle with Punk.

20 Man Battle Royal
Mark Henry and Rob Van Dam were the final two. The two teamed up to eliminate Ryback, leaving them to battle for the US title shot. RVD was crotched on the top rope by Henry, and when Henry went to charge at him for elimination, RVD ducked, pulled the rope, and sent the monster packing for the win.

RVD vs Dean Ambrose opens the SummerSlam kick off show.

After the match, a solemn looking Henry congratulated RVD on the win. The Shield's music hit, leaving Henry and RVD alone in the ring as the trio surrounded them. Big Show returned. The Shield backed off as Big Show, wearing jeans and a polo shirt, joined Henry and RVD in the ring. Henry & Show may be the challengers for the tag titles at SummerSlam, right?

Paul Heyman vs CM Punk
Before the match, Paul Heyman came out telling the crowd that OF COURSE this was a trap. D'uh, he says. At 11:04, Paul Heyman introduced Brock Lesnar and showed a video package of the Beast. Paul then revealed his trap. He put over Brock as a genius for coming up with this trap. The trap... a 2-on-1 handicap match with Paul & Brock vs Punk. Paul said Punk doesn't have to be a hero tonight. He can wait for SummerSlam, but in the process, disappoint everyone in the crowd. So he can be a smart coward or a stupid hero.

Punk's music hit, and Brock and Paul stood facing the entrance ramp for Punk. Punk however came from the crowd, and attacked Brock from behind with a camera taken from a cameraman at ringside. Punk's attack on Brock left Heyman in the ring alone. Punk set his sights on Paul, but again, Paul escaped when Curtis Axel came out to intervene. Punk finished off Axel with a GTS on the entrance stage, and the show ended with Punk standing tall to the delight of the crowd.

Final thought: There is absolutely no way Daniel Bryan walks out of SummerSlam as the champion unless he turns full blown heel. Which... I  fully expect to happen.


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