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giovedì 9 ottobre 2014


Tonight’s show starts off with a recap of the Tag Team Challenge Series involving Team 3D, the Hardys, and The Wolves. After each team earned a victory, which team will earn the second victory to be called the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Champions? We will find out in Full Metal Mayhem.
Bobby Roode and Bobby Lashley have met in the ring over Lashley’s title, but Roode has not been able to win the title from Lashley. Roode demanded one more match, but will he get it?
We are in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and your announcers are Taz and Mike Tenay.
Bobby Roode makes his way to the ring and he has something to say. He says that he wanted to make something perfectly clear. He will not give up on his dream of becoming the World Champion again. He stood in this ring last week and he asked Lashley to his face for one more match. He wanted a rematch for the World Championship. Instead of getting an answer from the champion, he heard an answer from MVP.
Roode says that he will stay in the ring until he gets an answer from the World Champion.
MVP and Kenny King make their way to the ring.
MVP says that he was under the impression that they speak English in Canadia but he is too stupid to understand it.
Roode says that MVP is stupid too because he was asking for Lashley.
MVP points out that Roode had a shot at the World Title, fair and square. Just like Jeff Hardy, Austin Aries, and Eric Young. You had your opportunity and lost. The answer was and will be No.
Roode tells MVP that he has a question for him and Kenny. He asks them how their drive to the building in Lashley’s car. Who drove Lashley? Who fed him grapes in the back? Roode says that he knows the feeling of being champion and that is why he wants it back. MVP and King are satisfied being lackeys. They are content being buddies with the champ. Deep down inside, you don’t have what it takes to be champion.
Bobby says that he will do what it takes to be champion.
MVP calls Roode ‘Yoko’ and says that Bobby won’t break them up.
Kenny reminds MVP that Roode said he would do ‘what it takes’ and he whispers something to MVP.
MVP says that he can give Roode a chance to face the champ for the title . . . if Roode can beat him . . . and Kenny King at the same time in one match. Then he will talk to the champ to give him the title shot.
Roode asks if Lashley will accept that.
MVP says that if he says it, it goes. If . . . no, when Roode loses to him and Kenny King, Bobby Roode will never get another shot at the World Title. Will Bobby do ‘whatever it takes?’ He says that Bobby’s bark is bigger than his bite.
Roode accepts the challenge.
We take a look back at Havok’s victory over Gail Kim after Havok injured Gail earlier in the night.
Match Number One: Angelina Love (with Velvet Sky) versus Taryn Terrell versus Madison Rayne in a Number One Contender’s Match
Angelina and Velvet attack Taryn while Madison is on her way to the ring. Madison with a kick to Angelina followed by a forearm and clothesline. Madison with a Northern Lights suplex to Angelina for a near fall. Madison with an Irish whip but she runs into an elbow and clothesline from Angelina. Taryn with a drop toe hold to Angelina and then Taryn with a monkey flip.
Taryn and Madison with a double suplex to Angelina and Taryn gets a near fall but Madison pulls Taryn off and gets a near fall of her own. Madison and Taryn argue but they both connect with elbows to Angelina. Madison with a rollup on Taryn followed by a small package for a near fall. Madison with a rollup for a near fall. Taryn with a backslide on Madison for a near fall.
Angelina poses during the match but Taryn and Madison pinball Angelina with forearms. Velvet trips Madison and pulls her out of the ring while Taryn holds Angelina. Angelina with punches to Taryn and the referee warns Taryn. Angelina stretches Taryn in the ropes while the referee counts. Angelina with a drop kick to Taryn for a near fall.
Angelina misses a shoulder in the corner and she hits the ring post. Taryn with clotheslines followed by a kick and swinging neck breaker for a near fall that is broken up by Madison. Madison with forearms but she runs into a boot from Taryn. Taryn with a clothesline off the turnbuckles followed by a suplex to Madison.
Taryn goes up top and hits a cross body on Madison and Angelina. Taryn goes for a cutter but Madison pushes her away. Angelina misses the Botox Injection. Taryn with the cutter on Angelina and Madison with a rollup on Taryn for the three count.
Winner: Madison Rayne
After the match, Taryn says that Madison pulled her tights, but Madison ignores her.
Havok’s music plays and she makes her way to the ring while Madison and Taryn stand together in the ring.
Havok gets in the ring while Velvet and Angelina watch from the floor. Havok clotheslines Taryn and Madison leaves the ring. Havok picks up Taryn by the throat and drops her to the mat. Havok with a choke slam as she points at Madison on the ramp.
We go to commercial.
Kenny King and MVP talk about how they have set up Roode. Bobby Lashley enters the room and MVP tells Bobby that they have Bobby Roode taken care of. Kenny tells Lashley to get the thank you ready when they get their job done.
We see a Sanada video package where we see James Storm getting into Sanada’s head to turn on the Great Muta.
Match Number Two: James Storm and Sanada ( with Manik) versus Low Ki and Tigre Uno
Low Ki and Storm start things off and Ki with a kick to the leg. Storm tags in Sanada. Sanada with a single leg take down but Ki with a front face lock. Sanada with a reversal and quarter nelson. Sanada with a forearm to the back followed by a punch. Sanada with an Irishwhip but Ki with a kick out of the corner. Ki with a snap mare and a near fall.
Tigre Uno tags in and he chops Sanada. Uno with a drop kick and he gets a near fall with a La Magistral. Manik with a neck breaker while the referee was not looking. Storm enters the match and he slams Tigre. Storm with a punch followed by kicks and slaps to the head. Sanada tags in and he connects with a double sledge from the turnbuckles. Sanada with a reverse chin lock.
Uno with elbows but Sanada with a rake of the eyes. Sanada misses a splash and Tigre tries for a kick but Sanada ducks him. Sanada does not avoid the second kick. Ki and Storm tag in and Ki with a series of clotheslines followed by a kick. Ki with a back heel kick followed by a kick to the head. Ki with an Irish whip and running forearm into the corner. Ki with elbows from the turnbuckles to the head.
Storm grabs Ki but Ki counters with a sunset flip into a double stomp and Ki gets a near fall. Ki tries for a Ki Crusher but Manik distracts Ki. Storm with a lungblower for a near fall. Storm gets Ki up for Eye of the Storm but Tigre makes the blind tag. Ki with a drop kick and then Ki sends Uno at Storm for a rana but Sanada breaks up the cover.
Ki takes care of Sanada and then Manik. Uno goes up top and Sanada with the red mist to the mask followed by a super kick for the three count.
Winners: Sanada and James Storm
Gunner asks Sam Shaw if he knows what he is doing with Bram. He warns Sam because of the weapons. Sam says that he is trying to make Gunner proud. Sam says that he got his tattoos for Gunner.
Gunner asks Sam if he will try to be himself, but Sam asks Gunner if he thought about being more supportive.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Three: Samuel Shaw versus Bram in a No Disqualification Match
Shaw meets Bram on the floor. Bram misses a kendo stick shot but Shaw does not miss with a few trash can lid shots. Shaw sends Bram into the ring and he drop kicks a trash can into Bram’s head. Shaw wedges a chair in the turnbuckles and Shaw with a kick and uppercut. Bram avoids the chair in the corner and he goes to the floor. Shaw with punches and forearms.
Shaw with a punch but Bram with a knee and he sends Shaw into the guardrails. Bram runs Shaw into the apron and connects with a European uppercut. Bram misses a chop and he hits the ring post. Shaw sends Bram into the ring post. Shaw with a punch and he goes under the ring for a chair. Shaw stalks Bram and hits him in the midsection with the chair and then he connects with a shot to the back.
Bram writhes in pain and Shaw throws a few chairs into the ring. Shaw and Bram return to the ring and Bram hits Shaw in the head with the kendo stick. Bram punches Shaw in the corner. Bram puts Shaw on the turnbuckles and he punches him. Bram with a European uppercut and then he goes for a superplex onto the chairs on the mat but Shaw holds on to the turnbuckles and Shaw with punches. Shaw with a sunset flip power bomb onto the chairs.
Shaw goes for the choke but Bram with elbows and then he sends Shaw into the chair wedged into the turnbuckles. Bram gets the wrench for the turnbuckles and he hits Shaw in the head with it and gets the three count.
Winner: Bram
After the match, Brittany makes her way to the ring and she checks on Shaw.
Bobby Roode is in the back and he is asked about what can happen if he loses. Bobby says that he wants the title. He says that he has not slept since September 17th when he lost to Lashley. The title means the world to him. MVP opened the door for him and tonight, he will kick the damn door in.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Bully Ray says that he doesn’t know if the Wolves are crazy because to make this match Full Metal Mayhem, you have to be crazy to put a match in their wheelhouse for this series.
Eddie Edwards says that there is a wrestler who said ‘To be the Man, you have to beat the Man.’ Eddie says that they have to beat the team to be the team.
Davey says that there is a method to their madness. When they climb the ladders and get their title matches, they will not only have beaten Team 3D and The Hardys, but they will have beaten them in the match they made famous.
Match Number Four: MVP and Kenny King versus Bobby Roode in a Whatever It Takes to get a Title Match against Bobby Lashley Match
King and MVP surround Roode and MVP gives Roode and opportunity to get out of the ring. Roode goes after King but MVP hits Roode from behind. King and MVP with kicks and elbow drops. MVP with a kick to the ribs and King punches Roode. MVP and King with a double back elbow to Roode. MVP gets a near fall with a cocky cover. King with a spin kick and he gets a near fall.
MVP with a punch but Roode with a double clothesline. Roode with knees to the midsection as he sends MVP off the ropes. Roode with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. King with kicks to Roode. King throws Roode to the floor. MVP goes to the floor and he grinds his boot into Roode’s back. MVP Irish whips Roode into the ring steps. MVP taunts Roode and he connects with a forearm to the back. MVP with a forearm to Roode while the referee finally starts his count.
MVP holds Roode for King and Roode ducks so King punches MVP. Roode with punches to King and a clothesline. MVP with a clothesline to Roode against the turnbuckles. MVP with an Irish whip and then Roode sends King over the top rope to the floor. MVP with a Yakuza kick followed by a Fisherman’s suplex for a near fall.
MVP waits for Roode to get up and he misses the Drive By and Roode rolls up MVP to eliminate him.
King punches and kicks Roode followed by a choke. Roode punches King and King punches back. Roode with the advantage but King with a kick. Roode with a kick and MVP grabs Roode’s leg. King with a T-Bone suplex for a near fall. Roode with chops but King with a punch. King with an Irish whip but Roode with clotheslines followed by a reverse atomic drop and knee lift. Roode with a clothesline and he goes to the turnbuckles for a blockbuster and he gets a near fall.
King with a jawbreaker and King goes over the top rope to the floor and he drops Roode’s head on the top rope. Roode stops a springboard move and he grabs King and hits the Roode Bomb but Lashley attacks Roode and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Bobby Roode (by disqualification)
After the match, Lashley waits for Roode to get up and he hits a spear.
Ethan Carter III says that business is more important than friendship, but he will give Rockstar Spud one more chance to show his loyalty. If he does not, his future will not look too bright.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Ethan Carter III is in the ring. He says that he has been in Impact Wrestling for one calendar year and he has yet to be defeated. He is undefeated. He has never been submitted and he has never been pinned. He has had victory after victory after victory after victory after victory after victory after victory.
They say that history is written by the winners and this novel is authored by Ethan Carter III. As a winner, all of those who failed him have been vanquished from TNA one by one. He will give one person a chance to make amends. Ethan would like Rockstar Spud to come out here and then he demands that Spud come out.
Rockstar Spud makes his way to the ring.
Carter tells Spud that he has failed him, but he will give Spud an opportunity to redeem himself.
Spud says that he has said that he is sorry and he says that he is Carter’s best friend.
Ethan tells Spud to prove it if he is his best friend.
Spud says that he will prove it. Ethan’s favorite color is green because it reminds him of money. He knows that he demands his hotel room be set at 71 degrees. He says that it hurts Ethan when people says ‘You can’t wrestle’. Spud says that he disagrees and that he is very good.
Ethan says that Spud is a good employee but as a job evaluator, it is Spud’s fault that Dixie went through a table. When we needed Spud the most, he fainted. Spud failed him and as a failure, he can no longer tolerate his presence. Spud is a loser, just like the other 99 Percenters. Spud is a loser.
Spud tells Carter that he is not a loser. He says that he is Rockstar Spud.
Ethan tells Spud that he is a loser.
Spud says that he is not a loser . . . he is Rockstar Spud.
Ethan says that he is a Carter and Spud is a failure. Carter pushes Spud to the mat and then he slaps Spud while calling him a loser.
Spud slaps back and he takes off his purple jacket. Spud tells Carter to ‘Come on’
Carter tells Spud that he has a heart. That is why this is so much sweeter. Spud . . . you’re fired.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Taz and Tenay run through the card for Bound for Glory.
We see footage from the Roode versus MVP and King match. We are told that Kenny King was disqualified.
MVP says that while the referee cheated because he did kick out, everything worked out fine. King says that it worked pretty well. MVP wants to know where they are going tonight.
Kurt Angle enters the room and he says that MVP does not call matches any more.
King wants to know if Angle is going to give him another title match.
Angle says that Bobby Roode will get a Number One Contender’s Match next week and he warns MVP not to get near that match.
Match Number Five: Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy versus Bully Ray and Devon versus Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards in a Full Metal Mayhem Match for the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Titles
All six men stand in the ring and Matt goes after Edwards while Richards goes after Devon. Ray and Jeff square off and they go to the floor. Eddie and Matt stay in the ring and Edwards with a head butt. Ray works over Davey and sends him into the ring post. Devon gets a table from under the ring and so does Bully. Jeff is down against the ring steps. Matt drops Edwards on the apron.
Bully slams Jeff’s head into the ring steps while Matt brings a ladder into the ring. Ray gets a chair while Matt climbs the ladder. Ray stops Matt and hits a uranage. Ray climbs the ladder but Davey stops him. Davey with a back heel kick and DDT. Davey climbs the ladder but Jeff stops Davey with a punch. Jeff with a sit out jawbreaker and Jeff climbs the ladder but Devon pulls Jeff off the ladder. Devon takes care of Matt and Jeff and he climbs the ladder. Matt stops Devon and Matt with a clothesline. Matt kicks Eddie and Matt slams Eddie’s head into the chair.
Matt sets up a few chairs in the center of the ring and Matt with a clothesline. Davey throws a chair at Matt and then Eddie with a kick that leads into a German suplex by Davey onto the chairs. Matt and Bully fight on the floor.
Davey brings Jeff into the ring and Eddie with a head butt. Ray with a kick to Davey and Eddie and Ray with a modified 3D. Ray and Eddie with chops and then Matt with a clothesline to both men. Matt punches Eddie in the corner and he climbs the turnbuckles but Bully with a forearm to the back and he gets Matt on his shoulders. Eddie stops Devon on the corner on an attempted Doomsday Device. Matt stops Eddie on the turnbuckles and he hits a superplex from an Electric Chair position and everyone is down.
Devon and Davey go to the floor and Devon slams Davey’s head on the ring steps. Ray works over Matt while Devon gets a guardrail from under the ring and he puts it on the steps and apron. Devon goes to the apron and he sets for a suplex of Davey onto the guardrail but Davey blocks it. Davey with forearms and a head butt. Devon falls onto the guardrail. Davey goes up top for a double stomp but Ray with a chop to the back. Davey counters a power bomb into an attempted sunset flip but Davey moves when Bully tries to drop down. Bully with a clothesline and then he power bombs Davey onto the guardrail and it bends.
We go to commercial.

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