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martedì 7 ottobre 2014


This week’s show starts off with a look back at last week’s Raw when Dean Ambrose decided to present some gifts for the fans in Chicago. Then Seth Rollins got his briefcase back and he appeared to be a little green with paint.
We are in Brooklyn, New York and your announcers are John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield, Michael Cole, and Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler.
Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring and he has a serious look on his face and the Money in the Bank briefcase in his hand.
Seth asks if what Ambrose did last week was funny. He says what was funny and the real highlight of last week was when he hit Black Out on Ambrose and then Cena on the briefcase.
That is what happens when you disrespect him. Seth says that he is a patient man, but one thing you do not do is embarrass Seth Rollins. He says that he is the future of the WWE.
Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury make their way to the ring to tell Seth something.
Seth says that they don’t understand what he is doing that he is putting a target on his back. Seth says that he loves it. This is what he lives for. He is standing in the center of the ring with all eyes looking at him. Everyone wants a piece of Seth Rollins.
Dean Ambrose can’t wait to get his hands on him.
John Cena runs to the ring and he goes after Rollins but Rollins leaves the ring and he goes into the crowd.
Seth taps someone in the crowd, not realizing it is Dean Ambrose and Ambrose attacks Rollins but he makes his way to the ringside area and Cena works over Rollins.
Ambrose dives onto Cena and Rollins. Rollins is able to escape while Mercury and Noble stop Cena and Ambrose.
Cena is in the ring while Ambrose sits on the apron.
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon come out and Stephanie says that they are not going to let this go into madness before it starts. They told Seth that if he came out that they were going to attack Seth.
Hunter says that both of them want a piece of Seth Rollins and the Authority stands for opportunity.
Stephanie says that both of you want to get your hands on Seth Rollins, she asks if the people want to see Dean Ambrose and John Cena get their hands on Seth Rollins.
Hunter says that if you want it, you are going to get it. John Cena and Dean Ambrose will face Seth Rollin and his partner Kane . . . and their partner Randy Orton.
We return to last week’s Raw when Big Show pulled down the Russian flag. We see the apology that Big Show made to everyone but Lana and Rusev on Smackdown.
Dolph Ziggler and the Usos are in the back as we go to commercial.
The Usos were in the Goldman Box and Jey and Jimmy mock the Tag Team Champions. Jimmy says they are not getting the mumbo jumbo with the Cosmic Key. Bros before Weirdos.
Match Number One: Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Dolph Ziggler versus Cesaro, Goldust, and Stardust
All six men battle as the bell rings and Stardust is the only one in the ring while Jey is sent shoulder first into the ring steps.
Jey punches Stardust but Stardust with a knee and slam. Stardust with a boot to Jey. Goldust tags in and he punches Jey. Jey with punches to Goldust and a cross body. Cesaro tags in and je kicks Jey and connects with a European uppercut. Cesaro sends Jey into the turnbuckles and he punches Jey in the ribs. Jimmy tags in and he punches Cesaro and connects with a flying clothesline. Jimmy with a chop.
Cesaro with a knee and chop of his own. Jimmy with an Irish whip and Cesaro goes down. Jimmy with a running butt splash into the corner. Cesaro with a knee and Stardust tags in. Cesaro kicks Ziggler and then Stardust sends Jey to the floor. Cesaro sends Ziggler into the ring steps. The Usos are down on the other side of the ringside area.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Stardust with an abdominal stretch on Jey. Jey with a hip toss to get out of the hold. Stardust with a drop down kick to Jey and then he tags in Cesaro who hits a leaping elbow drop for a near fall. Cesaro with a hesitation drop kick to Jey for a near fall. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock. Goldust tags in and keeps Jey from making the tag. Goldust kicks Jey and stands on his head.
Jey with punches and chops. Jey has a kick blocked but he hits a dragon whip and both men are down. Ziggler and Cesaro with two clotheslines and he knocks Stardust off the apron before hitting the splash and neck breaker. Ziggler misses the Fameasser and Ziggler with a sleeper. Cesaro backs Ziggler into the turnbuckles to get out of the hold. Cesaro misses a splash into the corner and Ziggler with a Fameasser. Goldust is sent to the floor. The Usos with stereo planchas onto Goldust and Stardust.
Cesaro with a European uppercut to Ziggler but the Usos break it up. Ziggler with a rollup for a near fall. Stardust makes the tag and he hits an inverted DDT for a near fall. Stardust waits for Ziggler to get up and he runs into an elbow. Jimmy tags in and Stardust runs into a triple super kick. Jey takes care of Goldust and Jimmy with the Superfly splash for the three count.
Winners: Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Dolph Ziggler
We take a look at footage from John Cena’s appearance with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb this morning.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb are joined by Adam Rose and the Exotic Express as they make their way to the ring.
Rose welcomes everyone to Raw. He says it is Party Time . . . All the Time. Hoda says that they are so happy to be here. Hoda says they have fun on their show, but nobody parties like they do on Raw. They have a sip of wine and toast the fans.
Kathie Lee says that they can be crazy tonight. She wants Hoda to do her crazy dance. Kathie Lee starts to dance and Hoda feels upstaged so she hits Kathie Lee with the wine bottle.
Adam wants them to do the dive off the apron into the Exotic Express, but Kathie Lee refuses at first, but she joins Hoda.
We see the Luke Harper video where he freed from the family by Bray Wyatt.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Two: Bo Dallas versus Mark Henry
Bo with punches but Henry with a forearm to send Bo to the mat. He follows with a head butt and then he chokes Bo in the ropes. Henry with a punch followed by a shoulder in the corner. Henry with a forearm across the back. Bo goes to the floor because he has had enough from Mark.
Henry goes to the floor and he slams Bo’s head into the announce table and then he picks up Bo and runs him into the ring post. Henry sends Bo into the ringside barrier and then he rearranges the announce table while the referee continues his count.
Bo escapes the World’s Strongest Slam attempt through the table and he gets into the ring at nine. The referee continues his count and Mark gets counted out.
Winner: Bo Dallas (By Count Out)
After the match, Bo celebrates in the ring but Mark shows his anger and returns to the ring, forcing Bo to leave.
We go to commercial.
We are back and we take a look back at the opening segment of Raw.
Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring because he has something to say before his match tonight.
Dean looks around and he says that he couldn’t sit back there any longer. There is something that is really bothering him. John Cena has been up in his space. Dean says that he doesn’t like that. John is his partner tonight, just like he was supposed to be on Smackdown, but then this happens . . .
We see footage from Smackdown of John Cena leaving ringside to chase Seth Rollins to the back.
Dean says that he told John Cena not to give him a reason not to like him. Dean says that he is trying. He is trying real hard. Before we go to battle tonight, he wants John to come out so they can settle this issue face to face and hash it out. Dean asks John to indulge him with his presence.
John’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.
John thanks the WWE Universe for a raucous Brooklyn welcome. He says that it would have been the same way if you were cheering for Dean Ambrose. John reminds Dean of what he said on Smackdown. He asks if this is the same Dean Ambrose who launched himself on John and Seth earlier. If you all understand Dean Ambrose then we are all clear.
Ambrose says that he would have done the same thing on Friday because he doesn’t give a crap about John and John doesn’t give a crap about him. They don’t care what others think about them. Maybe they can co-exist for one night, but if not, he has no problem dropping Dean where he stands and taking on the Authority by himself.
John tells Dean the last time he dealt with the Authority by himself, he was sent through cinder blocks and he was out for five weeks. He says Dean has something that no other Superstar has. He has the guts to say and do whatever he wants. John says saying and doing whatever you want has consequences. When you are saying it to someone who has zero problem dropping your ass in the ring, you are giving him a reason not to like Dean. John tells Dean not to give him a reason not to like him.
Dean says that he is kind of hungry and he is going to go to Coney Island, get a hot dog, ride the Cyclone and Wonder Wheel so he wishes John luck tonight.
We go to commercial.
We are back and we take a look back at what just happened between Dean Ambrose and John Cena when Ambrose appeared to abandon his tag team partner.
We see footage from the commercial break when Dean Ambrose got on the subway.
John Cena is walking in the back and Hunter stops him and points out The Champ is Here. Kids don’t understand the opportunity he has been given to main event Raw and team with The John Cena. Ambrose leaves his partner hanging for a hot dog. Now it is a three on one match. Hunter says he knows John has the whole Cenation behind him.
John says that Hunter is trying to protect Seth Rollins at all costs. Seth will get to the point where he cannot get away. He will go through Kane and Orton if he has to.
Hunter says that he admires his resolve. Hunter tells John that Seth Rollins will start that match so John knows that he will get a piece of Seth.
Match Number Three Summer Rae versus Brie Bella in a Brie’s arm is tied behind her back Match
Summer chokes Brie in the corner and sends her into the turnbuckles. Summer sends Brie to the mat and she gets a near fall. Summer with a reverse chin lock but Brie with a punch. Summer with a kick to the knee and a kick to the back. Summer kicks Brie in the back while Layla watches and gets on the apron to mock her.
Brie sends Summer into the ropes and she hits Layla’s head. Brie with a running knee to the head for the three count.
Winner: Brie Bella
Kane is in the office and Miz and Damien Sandow have a fruit basket for Kane. Miz says it is the L.A. way to say ‘I’m sorry’.
Kane says they don’t want apples, oranges, or apologies. They see through both of them.
Miz says they gave him A List fruit. Is Kane dense?
Kane says coming into his office is dense. Dense is not apologizing to Sheamus for what he did on Smackdown. Dense is getting put into a match against Sheamus tonight. Kane says that Miz will probably be eating a Brogue Kick later.
Sandow and Miz leave the office, but Sandow returns to get the fruit basket.

Match Number Four: Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) versus Tyson Kidd (with Natalya)
Swagger runs to the corner and they lock up. Kidd with a side head lock and then he floats over. Swagger with a shoulder tackle. Kidd goes to the floor and Swagger follows so Tyson puts Natalya in front of him. Kidd with a running kick to the head and Natalya wants nothing to do with Tyson’s actions. Kidd chokes Swagger and stomps on his head.
Kidd with boots in the corner. Kidd slingshots Swagger into the bottom turnbuckle. Kidd with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Kidd with a reverse chin lock. Swagger with a clothesline and a running knee into the corner followed by a biel across the ring. Swagger with the double jump Swagger Bomb and then he waits for Kidd to get up. Kidd with a rollup and he tries for the Sharpshooter but Swagger counters and tries for the ankle lock but Kidd gets away.
Kidd with an enzuigiri and he goes up top. Swagger pulls Kidd off the turnbuckles and applies the ankle lock. Kidd taps out.
Winner: Jack Swagger
Edge and Christian are in the WWE Studios. Edge says that you can catch him and Christian on their special on the WWE Network. They will talk about the history of Smackdown and everything you would expect from Edge and Christian.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Michael Cole introduces Roman Reigns ‘Live via Satellite’. Michael asks Roman how is he doing. He says that he is doing better and the doctors are happy with his progression. Roman says that he would rather be in Brooklyn, but he knows that it is a matter of time until he is strapping that vest back on and kicking everybody’s ass. With the right attitude, focus, and positive attitude, that will happen sooner rather than later.
We take a look at the issues between Seth Rollins and John Cena since Night of Champions.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Five: El Torito (with Fernando and Diego) versus The Gator (with Heath Slater and Titus O’Neil)
The Gator wants a time out and Slater and Titus give him some advice, but it does not work. Torito gets ready to charge while the Gator runs at Torito but misses. Torito gets on top of the Gator and he puts the cape over the Gator and the Gator is out.
Slater gets in the ring and he yells at Torito. He takes the cape off and the Gator with a Gator Roll on Slater. Slater goes to the floor and he yells at the Gator. Titus gets on the apron and Torito gores Titus off the apron. The Gator misses a splash into the corner and Torito with a moonsault for the three count.
Winner: El Torito
We take a look at Big Show’s apology from Smackdown.
We see Big Show in the back and we will hear Rusev and Lana’s response when we come back from commercial.
We are back and Bo Dallas will face Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Title because he beat Mark Henry three times in a week.
Rusev and Lana make their way to the ring.
Lana says that today is a great day. It is the birthday of the most powerful man in the world. He is virile and muscular. He is the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. She wants everyone to pay respect to the Bulgarian Brute . . . Rusev.
Lana says she is afraid that there will be no match tonight with the Big Show. Big Show was suspended for desecrating the Russian Flag. He should be in jail like all of you. By supporting him, you have committed a hate crime. You despise us because we support the superior country . . . Mother Russia.
Lana tells Rusev to tell the bigots what he will do when he faces the Big Show.
Rusev speaks in Bulgarian and says America is no super power. America is nothing. Big Show is afraid of him. He tells Big Show to come to the ring so he can crush him.
Rusev says that Big Show is a coward . . . just like all of you are cowards.
The Rock’s music plays and he makes his way onto the stage and then to the ring.
Rock looks at Lana and Rusev and then he tells Rusev and Lana, right now we need them to do two things. They need to know their role . . . 4:30 AM, the Rock rolls out of bed in Florida and he goes to the gym and he is clanging and banging like a madman . . . just like Rusev, except Rock doesn’t pull his shorts up to his nipples.
He mentions Rusev’s Moscow Moose Knuckle.
Rock got on a jet and he flew to the Big Apple. His jet landed in Queens and then he took a cab to Manhattan. The Rock went to visit Lana’s favorite place, the Meat Packing District. Rock swam to Staten Island and then he got on the 4 train to go to the Bronx so he could get out and show respect to the Captain.
Then the Rock had one last borough to go to. The Rock crossed a certain iconic bridge and then he went down Atlantic Avenue and he drove up to the Barclay’s Center and he walked down the ramp and came into the ring so he could say . . . FINALLY . . . The Rock has come back to Brooklyn.
Lana asks Rock who does he think he is. Coming in here and interrupting the great Rusev. You need to shut up.
Rock tells Lana she needs to stop walking like a Soviet street walker.
Rusev calls Rock an American Piece of Garbage. He tells Rock to leave or he will crush him.
Rock repeats what Rusev said. Does Rusev think that he is going to do that? Of everything to say to the Rock, you say that? Rock says live Lana is beautiful. She is stunning. He says that Lana is smoking. It is too bad you are walking around like someone shoved a Smirnoff bottle up your Putin.
Rusev starts to talk in Bulgarian and The Rock says that IT DOESN’T MATTER what you think.
There is a reason why no one has beaten Rusev. We are going to tell Rusev another fact. That fact is that you run down our country, it is a country we love. We don’t boo you because you support Russia. We boo you because you are both a couple of international A-Holes.
Lana quotes Putin and she says that Rusev is hungry.
Rock goes through some catchphrases and he punches Rusev. Rock sends Rusev over the top rope to the floor with a punch.
Rock wants more from Rusev and then he tells us what the Rock is cooking.
Match Number Six: Alicia Fox and Paige versus AJ Lee and Emma
AJ and Alicia start things off and AJ with a kick and she sends Alicia into Paige and they go to the floor. AJ sends Paige into the announce table but Paige gets to the floor. Emma wants to tag in while Alicia throws a tantrum. Emma marches in place but Alicia with a knee to the midsection and she sends Emma to the apron. Emma with a shoulder and kick to Alicia.
Emma with a rollup for a near fall. Emma runs into an elbow and then Alicia sends Emma into the turnbuckles. Emma with the DilEmma. Emma rolls across the ring and hits the cross body into the corner.
AJ has had enough and she walks away. Emma is shocked and Paige tags in. Emma turns around into a super kick. Paige blows a kiss to AJ and then Paige hits the RamPaige for the three count.
Winners: Paige and Alicia Fox
Bray Wyatt says that he was just a big child. It was a cruel world to do this to one of your own. Only the strong survive. They pointed and laughed. They took his innocence. Just because he was different. You are all guilty. Bray says that he fixed him. Those who tormented him, fear him and grieve him. Rowan says to fear him.
Erick Rowan has been set free.
Bray says that they shall feel the smoke of his burning.
We see a pregnant woman with ‘It’s coming’ on her belly.
We go to commercial.
We are back and they wish Bruno Sammartino a Happy 79th Birthday.
Match Number Seven: Miz (with Damien Sandow) versus Sheamus in a Non Title Match
Sheamus sends Miz into the corner and he misses a punch. Miz reminds Sheamus about his face. Miz with a waist lock but Sheamus with an elbow and Miz yells at Sheamus and slaps him. Miz goes to the floor but Sheamus grabs Miz. Miz punches Sheamus and connects with knees. Sheamus with a back elbow. Miz moves out of the way when Sheamus tries to stomp on Miz. Miz with a kick to Sheamus and he connects with a knee.
Sheamus with a slam and Miz goes to the floor. Miz drops Sheamus on the top rope and then Miz comes off the turnbuckles but is met with a punch to the midsection. Sheamus with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Sheamus with a snap mare. Miz avoids a Brogue Kick and we go to commercial.
We are back and Miz with a reverse chin lock and Sandow provides encouragement on the floor. Sheamus with a punch and Miz with a neck breaker and he sends Sheamus into the turnbuckles for the Awesome Clothesline. Miz with forearms and kicks. Miz chokes Sheamus and he gets a near fall. Miz chokes Sheamus in the ropes.
Sandow with a punch while the referee was not looking and Miz with a splash to the back for a near fall. Miz with an arm bar into a reverse chin lock. Sheamus backs Miz into the turnbuckles to get out of the hold.
Miz with a kick to Sheamus but Sheamus with two running double sledges and a running shoulder into the corner and a knee lift. Sheamus with a running knee into the corner followed by a power slam. Sheamus sets for the Brogue Kick but Sandow pulls Miz out of the ring. Sandow protects Miz and Sheamus goes after Sandow.
Miz attacks Sheamus and sends him into the ringside barrier. Miz moves and Sheamus Brogue Kicks Sandow off the apron. Miz with a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Miz
After the match, Sheamus grabs a chair because he is a sore loser and it forces Sandow and Miz to the back.
We are back and Jerry Lawler is in the ring and he mentions the cancer survivors in the crowd.
Jerry brings out Joan Lunden, who is currently fighting breast cancer. Joan says that it is great to be here and she thanks the WWE Universe and Susan G. Komen to speak about fighting breast cancer. She says that it is a challenging journey. It is not something that you should be ashamed of. The more we open up and are honest with our friends and family, the better it is to fight this disease. She says that early detection is the key. Because of your financial, moral, and emotional support, you make her and so many more braver in their battle against breast cancer.
One day people like her will be able to join the cancer survivors who are at ringside. Joan mentions the people who are at ringside by name.
She says that they are the true warrior club.
Joan says that some day we can see this disease as a thing of the past.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Edge and Christian are back in the WWE Studios. Christian and Edge says that you don’t have to listen to the bag of yogurt Michael Cole to watch the show.
Match Number Eight: John Cena versus Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Kane
Rollins starts off the match and he takes off his shirt and he tags in Kane before locking up. Cena punches Kane and then he knocks Rollins off the apron with a punch. Kane with a punch and kicks. Kane with an uppercut. Orton tags in and he hits a running clothesline in the corner followed by a kick. Orton punches Cena. Cena punches back and he gives Kane an elbow on the apron. Orton with a power slam for a near fall.
Kane tags back in and he Irish whips Cena and connects with a clothesline. Rollins tags in and he punches Cena and kicks him in the corner. Rollins chokes Cena and the referee warns him. Rollins with a running forearm into the corner. Rollins taunts Cena and Cena with punches and an Irish whip but Rollins with an elbow and blockbuster for a near fall.
Rollins with a head butt and he knees Cena against the ropes and he chokes Cena. Orton punches Cena and the referee warns Orton on the apron. Cena pushes Rollins and connects with a clothesline. Cena knocks Orton and Kane off the apron. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb and Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets Rollins up but Rollins gets to his feet and Kane with a boot and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: John Cena (by disqualification)
After the match, Kane gives Cena a choke slam. Orton pounds the mat for the RKO and Dean Ambrose’s music plays and he has a hot dog cart. Business is about to pick up. Ambrose takes a hot dog and he starts to eat one.
Orton and Kane go after Ambrose and Dean has holstered ketchup and mustard and he sprays it in their faces. Ambrose runs them over with the hot dog cart and then Ambrose goes after Rollins.
Kane and Orton return to the ring for a three on one attack, but Cena recovers. Rollins is knocked out of the ring. Cena gives Orton an Attitude Adjustment. Cena with a clothesline to Kane and then Ambrose with a suicide dive onto Rollins.
Dean spills the contents of the cart onto Rollins and then he goes for the tongs to the ding ding. Kane hits Ambrose but Cena with an Attitude Adjustment to Kane. Rollins gets to the back.
Triple H’s music plays and he makes his way to the stage with his wife, and one of the principal owners of WWE, Stephanie McMahon.
Hunter says that this was an impressive mess. Who would have thought that they would be on the same page. They will get a chance to fight Seth Rollins, but they will have to fight each other first.
At Hell in a Cella, John Cena will go one on one with Dean Ambrose. The winner will face Seth Rollins and he will face Seth Rollins inside Hell in a Cell.
Stephanie says that it is official, either John Cena or Dean Ambrose will go straight to hell.
Ambrose kicks Cena and hits the double underhook DDT.

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