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giovedì 20 dicembre 2012

Full detailed Ric Flair-WWE story

Ric Flair’s secret return to WWE highlighted a three-day period of major angles, turns, returns and debuts.
Flair, 63, was among many past stars who returned for the Slammy Awards Raw show on 12/17 from Philadelphia. Unlike in the past, there was no advertising or promotion regarding bringing so many names back to television. Even though the rating, a 2.88, was the best for Raw since 10/29, and the show had the most viewers, 4.22 million, since 8/27 (before football season started, although part of the increase was going against the lowest rated Monday Night game of the season), not promoting his return would have hurt the potential of the ratings, although in this unique instance it probably was necessary.
It wasn’t just that Flair wasn’t advertised, but they didn’t even advertise the idea that anyone would be brought back or there would be any surprises. All that was pushed is it would be the Slammy Awards show, which last year did not do a good rating.
In the case of Flair, not advertising him may have been the best strategy given the legal battle with TNA. With the lawsuit, if TNA is going to choose to continue it, the onus is now on them given attempts to get an injunction or restraining order against WWE for signing talent, Flair in particular, was dropped by the court when WWE claimed they had no interest in any TNA talent and would not be signing anyone. Because of that, at this point the public posture of WWE is Flair was a one-time special guest and legitimately did not sign a deal, and was brought in as a one-time guest.
As far as where Flair was strongest, his appearance brought the ratings of Male teens from a 3.0 to 3.4, Men 18-49 from 2.2 to 2.7, Girl teens from 1.0 to 1.0 and Women 18-49 from 1.0 to 1.1, and overall viewership from 4,096,000 to 4,701,000.
However, it is clear there are more plans involving him, he considers himself to have returned, and the next day in C.M. Punk’s interview, he talked significantly more about Flair than Ryback, who he is facing in his next big TV match on 1/7 in Tampa for the next live Raw, or The Rock, who he faces at the Royal Rumble on 1/27 in Phoenix.
Flair was the focal point, the most talked about entity on the show, being involved in a 20 plus minute angle that included him going against C.M. Punk, Paul Heyman and The Shield, also returning for cameos included The Boogeyman, The New Age Outlaws (Brian “Road Dogg” James works as a producer and Kip “Billy Gunn” Sopp was just hired to be a trainer in the developmental program), Ron Simmons, Tommy Dreamer, Jim Ross, Gene Okerlund and Ricky Steamboat (in his first TV appearance in a few years since he suffered bleeding from the brain and was in very bad condition a few days after a TV angle where he was beaten down by Nexus).
Flair’s first time back in a WWE ring since leaving the company in 2009 was something that had been scheduled for several weeks, although what his role would be was changed many times. Among the ideas included an angle that would introduce his daughter, who is getting high marks for her athleticism in Florida, but still has had a relatively short time in developmental.
As of press time, there is nothing more “officially” on the books, but it is believed Flair will return and do a short television angle with C.M. Punk. That would not include wrestling in a match because Vince McMahon has been adamant about not violating the terms of the 2008 Flair retirement stipulation. There had been talk of Flair not being involved in anything major physical, given his age and what happened with Jerry Lawler and Ricky Steamboat. Lawler, a few months younger than Flair, suffered a near fatal heart attack a few months back shortly after wrestling a match on Raw. Flair had said that he and Lawler were different, given Lawler’s family history of heart attacks. Exactly what changed wasn’t clear, as when Flair was first contacted about returning, it was made clear to him that he would appear on TV but not do anything physical in the WWE ring again. Then this week he came back, and they obviously had a change of heart and even though he wants to do stuff like this, it was entirely the WWE’s call and not anything he asked for.
Flair wants to be back and the company wants him back, but there are several issues that have to be worked through. The key one is the TNA lawsuit. Flair was the specific name TNA accused WWE of tampering with, since Flair had asked for his TNA release in May. The WWE does not believe TNA has a case, and there has been nothing done from the TNA side regarding the case in a few months. WWE was said to be almost at the point of disregarding the case, and just using Flair is something of a sign in that direction, but not signing him shows there is still at least some concern. But the lawsuit business was serious enough that until about a month ago, when they made the decision to use him as part of this show, most of the higher-ups, including those who are friends with him, were told to not have any contact with him, even to the point he was asked not to go to the training facility in Tampa to talk with the people there and watch the progress of his daughter. Now they’ve done a 180 on that as well.
Flair came to Philadelphia and was ordered to first undergo an EKG to make sure he was okay to do something physical because of what happened with Lawler. They also want him to take more medical testing because there are clearly plans for him to be involved physically in some form going forward with Punk and who knows what will happen after that.
He was also hidden away in a trailer. There was talk backstage that Flair would be on the show, but nobody saw him. Some heard the rumors but nobody was saying it was so, and those we know that had given us names who were there and appearing like Boogeyman and Gunn, did not know about Flair, but his name was reported just before the show started.
A second potential issue is one of the reasons Flair left in 2009. Flair is in negotiations to be the face of at least two different state lotteries. His personal life probably didn’t help things, but the talks were not dead. WWE did not want any of their talent involved in state lotteries in 2009 and nothing has been indicated that has changed. But Flair does not have any deal in place, only talks, so right now that’s not an issue.
Michael Cole just announced there would be a big surprise presenting the award for Superstar of the Year and while he was doing it, Flair’s voice and music played and they went to a break. The announcers had to pretend it didn’t happen. I think the idea was to pretend to have a mistake of the entrance music playing early, but in actuality, they wanted it just before a commercial break so people could get the word out that Flair was returning.
Flair presented the award to John Cena, who then said there was only one person who deserves the award, and gave it to Flair. This brought out Punk, who said it was a joke since he was WWE champion all year, that Cena was voted it, let alone someone who hasn’t even been in the company was then given it by Cena. Perhaps the program, if it does transpire, will be over the Slammy trophy.

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