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giovedì 13 dicembre 2012

WWE Update on The Rock, Cena, CM Punk, Orton, Del Rio etc.

Currently, The Rock is scheduled to appear on Raw on 1/7, 1/21 and 1/28, as well as the Royal Rumble and the 2/17 Elimination Chamber PPV in New Orleans. Don’t expect him to pop any kind of a big rating on his first appearance because they are going head-to-head with the BCS Championship game, which draws more viewers than even a major Monday Night Football game. At best The Rock being on the 1/7 show may prevent that show from doing another 2.5-level number. Adding to his first quarter schedule is the reality show “Hero” that he will be hosting on TNT begins filming in February.

They also may be doing Punk vs. Ryback on 1/7. It was announced this week that the Punk vs. Ryback title match scheduled for TLC will take place when Punk returns. Right now, Punk is expected back for the post-Christmas big house show run, so the earliest he could face Ryback on TV would be the 12/31 Raw (which will be taped 12/19 in Washington, DC). Nothing was even touched on TV about the match on Raw, and when Punk did his promo, he was already talking about facing Rock. I’d hate to put a world title match on New Year’s Eve (granted, the Curt Hennig vs. Nick Bockwinkel 60 minute draw on ESPN in 1986 on New Year’s Eve was classic and remembered for years, but this is a different era). They could put it on Smackdown, but if on Raw, the likely dates would be 12/31, 1/7 or 1/14. With 1/14, they could use it as the main event for the 20th anniversary Raw, but that would also mean they can’t promote Rock vs. Punk directly on TV until that show at the earliest. With Rock scheduled on 1/7, there is an argument that the Punk-Ryback thing needs to be settled so they can focus on the build for the Rumble main event, which would be in theory, the biggest non-Mania title match of the year.

Orton was injured on 12/9 doing the Tribute to the Troops show in Norfolk during a Sheamus & Orton vs. Ziggler & Show match. Not sure what happened. He wasn’t on Raw the next night and they did the injury angle on Smackdown where The Shield put him through a table. They announced he had a separated shoulder and a possible concussion. Not sure if that’s the actual injury or he had a different injury. He’s had a history of shoulder problems and also had several concussions, enough to where there’s been concern about it going back some time.

For TLC on 12/16 in Brooklyn, they announced that Ambrose & Rollins & Reigns vs. Bryan & Kane & Ryback in a TLC match that will end via pinfall or submission is the main event on the show. The other matches are Cena vs. Ziggler in a ladder match with the MITB contract at stake, Show vs. Sheamus for the world title in a chairs match, Mysterio (back from his short hiatus for the show) & Sin Cara vs. Sandow & Rhodes with the winners becoming top contenders for the tag titles in a tables match, Kingston vs. Barrett for the IC title, Cesaro vs. R-Truth for the U.S. title and a Divas Battle Royal with them all wearing Santa’s Helpers outfits for the pre-show match. Orton vs. Del Rio may have been added to the show in the tables match spot before Orton’s injury took it off.
There is at least some talk of turning Del Rio face. I wonder what that would mean with Rodriguez. They in spots put him in a position to be sympathetic but the babyface second over the long haul is usually a death spot. They badly want a Hispanic babyface. Quite frankly, anyone with any clue as to marketing now and even more going forward would think such a person is necessary. The feeling is Mysterio isn’t going to be around forever and he takes time off and his far from an office favorite. Sin Cara was the guy, but the bloom is way off his rose.

Cena is pretty banged up these days. There is talk that his time as the full-time top star isn’t going to last forever. The feeling is he’ll do main events for as long as his body holds up, and then probably work like the older Japanese guys in the sense not always on top, but saving him for a few big matches and then eventually the part-time role. The time frame of all this depends on his body more than anything else. But it has been noted for some time that there is probably at least one more face of the company that will be chosen by Vince McMahon. 

Nothing new on the Bruno Sammartino in the Hall of Fame front. Only we’re told HHH really wants this and Vince McMahon comes and goes on it.

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