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giovedì 24 gennaio 2013

WWE Main Event TV report - Ryback vs. Cesaro

WWE Main Event on Ion Television
Airdate: January 23, 2013
by Chris Aiken | | @lariatrope
WWE Main Event from Sacramento, CA opened with a video package featuring the Royal Rumble match and it highlighted numbers associated with the annual match. The video feature was similar to other packages that aired in previous years hyping the match. Backstage, Matt Striker interviewed Ryback and asked him about the Rumble. They both tried to do some comedy. From his place at the broadcast booth, The Miz plugged his match on Sunday during the Rumble pre-show where he will be challenging United States champion Antonio Cesaro. With the US flag in tow, Cesaro came to the ring cutting a promo and gave Miz a verbal jab before saying America was a beautiful country. However, the American Ryback acts like a caveman, according to Cesaro. Ryback’s entrance interrupted Cesaro’s promo. Ever the workhorse, Cesaro wrestled three times on Main Event in the featured match this month and this was the second week in a row he wrestled on the show.
Match: Ryback defeated US champion Antonio Cesaro by count out in a non-title match
Since Cesaro carried Great Khali in a decent enough match weeks ago on Main Event, he had no problem in this match with Ryback. Like most of his matches, the heel tries to wrestle with Ryback but he constantly overpowers him. Cesaro would try to gain the advantage but Ryback would use power moves to reverse the momentum. Early on, the match featured several Irish whips into the turnbuckles. Cesaro jumped off the second rope but Ryback caught him in a bear hug and drove him into the corner. Moments later, Cesaro again went to the second rope and hit Ryback with a diving uppercut and looked to gain the advantage before a commercial break.
Cesaro had Ryback grounded momentarily but Ryback used a Thesz press. After using that move made famous by one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time, Ryback used a move made famous by one of the least technically sound wrestlers of all time. Channeling the Ultimate Warrior, Ryback pressed Cesaro over his head and just dropped the US champion behind him although he did not beat his chest or shake the ropes. Instead, he clotheslined Cesaro over the ropes to the floor. While leaning on the broadcast booth, Cesaro acted like he would just take the count out but Miz left the booth and threw him back in the ring.
Back in the ring, Ryback used a back body drop and channeled the Warrior again by bouncing off the ropes to deliver a splash. However, he missed the splash and Cesaro used a double foot stomp and a running knee but he caught a knee to the midsection after charging into a corner. Ryback ran wild and led the crowd in a “feed me more” chant. After what Michael Cole called a “meat hook clothesline” that looked like a simple running clothesline, Cesaro rolled out of the ring. He walked, while Miz said he was running, up the entrance ramp and was counted out so Ryback won the match. After the match, Miz vowed to win the US title on Sunday during the Rumble pre-show.
A commercial for the Rumble aired focusing on the CM Punk vs Rock match. A recap video package aired highlighting The Shield attacking Rock from Raw on Monday. Also, a recap aired hyping the Big Show-Alberto Del Rio world title match at the Rumble. Then, Striker interviewed Show backstage and the former world champion said everybody and the arena itself reeked of weakness and he said nobody was going to stop him from regaining the title.
Match: Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow (Team Rhodes Scholars) beat Jimmy and Jay Uso
Just like Cesaro, this was the second week in a row that Main Event featured a match with the Usos. Sandow and Rhodes cut a promo while making their entrance. Rhodes wondered what “uso” meant and, though he did not say so, it is a Samoan term for brother. Rhodes said his team would win the tag team titles at the Rumble (where they face Team Hell No) and restore glory to the tag team division. Sandow concluded the promo by saying they would rid WWE of tag teams with limited potential. Although it was just heel banter, it kind of buried the tag team division.
The Usos are such a good team and they showed a lot of fire in their win last week on this show. This week, they were still good and got the crowd into the match by the end but they used far less flashy double team maneuvers than last week. Still, the Usos had the advantage early on and got a lot of offense while they also mocked the mustache worn by Rhodes. They used a double team hot shot on Rhodes as the teaser spot that sets up a commercial break.
After being on offense most of the match, Jay missed a splash in the corner and Team Rhodes Scholars took control as they got heat on him. Jay reversed an abdominal stretch with a hip toss and tossed Rhodes outside the ring after Rhodes and the moustache charged toward Uso, which allowed him to make the hot tag. After running wild, Jimmy went to the top rope but got crotched and fell into the ring where Sandow covered him for the pin.
For next week on Main Event, a tournament of some sort was announced called the Intercontinental Cup. It features six wrestlers competing for a shot at the title and will run for three consecutive weeks which probably means one match a week then the title match. No participants were announced so stay tuned for details.
Final Thoughts: This was another entertaining episode. The show is so much easier and better to watch than any other WWE show because of its simplicity and nothing feels too contrived or outlandish like other shows. The matches are usually good and although it rarely features angles that matter in the grand scheme of things, there is an upcoming tournament to give the show some sort of direction. WWE no longer shoots angles on this show that lead to following week’s featured match but the tournament beginning next week should give the show some direction. Likewise, the tournament should give the show something to set it apart from other WWE programming and make it more meaningful to viewers. With CM Punk’s lengthy WWE title reign, Team Hell No holding the tag team titles for a while now and Cesaro usually looking strong as US champion, the tournament is another example of trying to strengthen the titles and making them mean more. I am all for that.

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