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venerdì 8 febbraio 2013

WWE Smackdown TV report Orton vs. Henry

By James Shannon:
They opened with a video promoting the SmackDown Elimination Chamber and the feud between Del Rio and Big Show. They then showed Show's bus pulling up. He had his driver check if the coast was clear before berating him about his driving then entered the arena.
Show came out to the ring, checking over his shoulder. He complained about the double standards in WWE. His complaint was that since he isn't popular, he gets the short end of the stick. He said when he fought like a man, they called him a bully. Last week he tried to act like a business man and stayed in his hotel room, only to be called a coward. But at least he had his title match signed before being attacked, so at Elimination Chamber the title was coming home.
He then blamed Booker T as being solely responsible for the double standards, due to his jealousy of Show. Booker came out and said Show got everything he asked for: a shot at Royal Rumble and he blew it. Booker said he doesn't like bullies and his behaviour would get him nowhere. Show wanted to know who gave Del Rio his hotel info. Booker denied it being him and Show said Booker was trying to stay relevant by taking down the biggest superstar. Booker said he treats everyone equally, which is why Del Rio is suspended tonight. Show again pressed for an answer as to who gave Del Rio his location.
Booker said anyone could have, as Show doesn't exactly blend into a crowd. Booker then told Show that he was wrestling tonight, Kane. Show wasn't happy about it.
Match Number One: Kofi Kingston Vs. Cody Rhodes.
This seems a bit like a battle of losing streaks. Though truth be told, we're the biggest losers after Rhodes Scholars broke up.
It was a fun little opener, back and forth. Cody countered the Trouble in Paradise two, maybe three times before hitting the disaster kick and Cross Rhodes for the clean pinfall.
Winner: Cody Rhodes, Pinfall.
They were putting over how angry Kane was from losing on Raw, after Bryan interfered. They then showed Kane costing Bryan a match on Main Event. Back on SmackDown Bryan approached Kane and said he didn't want to fight. Kane said he accepted his apology and Bryan can get out. Bryan was being overly nice, saying that Kane was acting upset because Bryan was already in the Chamber and Kane wasn't. He offered to be at ringside tonight to put Show off, since he beat Show in 45 seconds. Kane told Bryan to shut his mouth. He said Bryan couldn't speak until he congratulates Kane for chokeslamming Big Show.
Match Number Two: The Great Khali w/ Hornswoglle & Natalya Vs. Titus O'Neil.
Booker and Long were shown watching on a monitor in the back. Khali hit a chop to the head for the pinfall.
Winner: Khali, Pinfall.
Khali starting dancing in the ring before Mark Henry's music played. He walked to the ring and threw around what was left of Titus. He then climbed the steps and entered the ring to go face to face with Khali. Khali made the first move but Henry kneed him to the corner. Khali got Henry with a chop to the head but couldn't get him up for the Tree Slam. Henry came back with a splash and World's Strongest Slam to leave Khali laying.
After an ad break Henry announced the Hall of Pain open. He showed footage of his recent beatings, saying that if any of those men had any questions, they were now answered. He said this could have all been avoided, and it was Booker's fault. He said he wasn't among the former world champions for Chamber, Booker didn't call Henry. Henry had some real fire for the promo, continuing where he left off before his break. Not much of a reaction, but some real fire. He said he wanted an explanation and called Booker out.
Booker came out and said Henry wasn't impressing anyone by attacking people from behind. Henry said it looked liked there was no room in the Chamber for him, so if Booker didn't make some room, he'd make it himself. Booker said if Henry can beat someone already in the Chamber, he will grant him a spot also. He then booked Henry to face Orton.
Show came out from his bus, then took time to berate his driver again about the temperature inside the bus and the cooking of his steak. He walked away muttering to himself and who would appear from behind a bus but Del Rio. The story was Del Rio wasn't breaking his suspension as he wasn't in the arena.
Match Number Three: Kane Vs. The Big Show.
Booker and Long were again shown watching backstage. Big Show worked over Kane's leg to keep him grounded. Kane made his comeback after an ad break and hit his top rope clothesline. But because of his ankle, the impact hurt him as much as Show, who followed it with the WMD for the pinfall.
Winner: Big Show, Pinfall.
Del Rio called out to Show from the titantron after the match. He said he made a new friend, the driver. Del Rio said since Show wasn't happy with the bus, he had made a few changes. Show got outside to find his bus on bricks, wheels gone. Show had a tantrum asking why it always happened to him, when Alberto was dumped with orange paint by Del Rio from the top of the bus. Del Rio then drove away on a road side assistance vehicle.
Match Number Four: Jack Swagger Vs. Justin Gabriel.
Swagger just out powered Gabriel. More Booker and Long backstage. Gabriel got a brief flurry in, but when he went to springboard outside Swagger grabbed his leg and pulled him to the floor. Back in the ring Swagger gave him a running chop block and locked in the Patriot Act (ankle lock) for the tap out.
Winner: Jack Swagger, Submission.
Match Number Five: Tensai Vs. Drew McIntyre w/ 3MB.
Drew was immediately using the distraction on the outside to start on offence. Tensai came back, hit his move and was attacked by 3MB.
Winner: Tensai, DQ.
It was a 3 on 1 beating, so Brodus ran down and cleared the ring with Tensai. They then stared off until the dancers got side by side with Clay and the music started. JBL begged him not to, bringing up the NJPW cup but Tensai danced for the audience.
Match Number Six: Sin Cara Vs. Antonio Cesaro (c), Non-Title Match.
Cesaro remains the best big man to work with small men in the world. The match had one of the greatest sunset flip bombs you will ever see. Just amazing. Sin Cara followed it up with a dive to the outside, but Cesaro hit his elbow as Sin Cara springboarded into the ring. He followed it with the Neutralizer for the pinfall.
Winner: Antonio Cesaro, Pinfall.
Striker asked Orton for his thoughts on Henry's return. Orton said Henry'd been out for nine months, and now thinks he can walk back and take whatever he wants. Orton said he was a roadblock in Henry's way, and if he wasn't careful, he may end up back on the shelf he came from.
Striker then interviewed Miz. Miz has been in a lot of intense situations, but looking into Brock's eyes he saw something lethal. Cesaro walked up and made fun of Miz, calling him a typical American. Miz said he was right that he stuck his nose where it didn't belong, but was going to stick it where it did belong. He attacked Cesaro and pulled guard. Cesaro then got the better of it before they were pulled apart.
Match Number Seven: Mark Henry Vs. Randy Orton.
I don't know if I'd have booked Henry's first match back to be againnt someone he'd have to sell for this much. In the end, Orton hit the draping DDT but couldn't get the RKO. Henry did get the World's Strongest Slam for a clean pinfall, but it was after a back and forth match.
Winner: Mark Henry, Pinfall.
So with this victory, Henry is in the Elimination Chamber.

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