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martedì 16 luglio 2013


Welcome to’s coverage of the 2013 Money in the Bank pay per view from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
In addition to the live coverage, make sure to check out Dave Scherer’s blog during the pay per view for his thoughts on the show.
Josh Mathews is your host for the Kickoff Show and he is joined by Big Show, Kofi Kingston, and Vickie Guerrero.
Vickie takes credit for what is happening tonight and Big Show thanks her. Kofi says that all you want to be is a champion and if you grab the briefcase, you are almost guaranteed the title.
We go to ringside for our Kickoff Match and your announcers are John Layfield, Michael Cole, and Jerry Lawler.
We see how Jimmy and Jey earned their title match tonight from Raw.
Match Number One: Tag Team Championship Match Jimmy and Jey Uso versus Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns
Rollins and Jey start things off and Jey with a rollup for a near fall. Jey with a La Magistral for a near fall. Jey with a backslide for another near fall and Rollins retreats into the corner to stop the Usos’ momentum. Reigns tags in and they lock up.
Reigns backs Jey into the corner and he punches Jey on the break. Reigns with forearms across the chest but Jey with punches. Jey with head butts and he tries for a suplex but Roman blocks it. Jey with a kick and he tags in Jimmy.
They hit a double suplex on Reigns and then they hit a double elbow drop and Jimmy gets a near fall. Jimmy with a punch into the corner and then he snap mares Reigns and gets a near fall. Jey tags back in and they hit a double flapjack and get a near fall.
Jey with a punch but Rollins pulls Roman out of the ring when Jey tries for a super kick and we go to commercial.
We are back and Jey tags in and he punches Rollins in the midsection. Jey gets a near fall. Jey misses a clothesline and Rollins with a drop kick and he tags in Reigns. Reigns slams Jey’s head into the mat. Jey with a forearm and Irish whip but he runs into Reigns with an elbow. Jey knocks Rollins off the apron but Reigns clotheslines Jey to the floor.
Rollins tags in and he sends Jey back in. Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins kicks Jey and chokes him in the ropes. Rollins with a knee drop to the head and he gets a near fall. Rollins gets Jimmy on his shoulders and he tags in Reigns and Roman with a punch to Jey. Reigns with more punches and kicks.
Jey with head butts but Reigns with a punch and Rollins tags in and they make a wish with Jey. Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins with a rear chin lock. Rollins with a clothesline that sends Jey to the mat. Reigns tags back in and he connects with a forearm to the head. Jey with an uppercut but Roman with a forearm to regain control.
Reigns with an Irish whip but he misses a splash in the corner. Rollins tags in and Jey with punches. Reigns makes the blind tag and Jey sends Rollins over the top rope. Rollins pulls Jimmy off the apron when Jey tries for the tag. Rollins with a flying clothesline to Jey on the floor while Reigns distracts the referee.
Reigns sends Jey back into the ring and he gets a near fall.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Jimmy makes the tag and he hits a plancha onto Reigns and Rollins. Jimmy sends Rollins into the ringside barrier and then he sends Rollins back into the ring. Jimmy with a cross body but he can only get a two count. Jimmy with a Bubba Bomb and he hits a running butt splash into the corner. Jimmy knocks Reigns off the apron and then he hits an alley oop Samoan drop on Rollins for a near fall.
Jimmy goes up top but he takes too long and Rollins recovers and he hits the ropes and that crotches Jimmy. Rollins punches Jimmy on the turnbuckles and he sets for a superplex but Jey comes in the ring and he gets behind Rollins on the ropes. Reigns comes out and we get a Tower of Doom spot.
Rollins covers Jimmy but he can only get a two count. Jey pulls Reigns off the apron when Rollins tries for the tag. Rollins goes for a suicide dive on Jey but Jey with an uppercut and Jimmy with a kick. Jimmy with a superfly splash but Reigns breaks up the cover.
Jey sends Reigns to the floor but Reigns with a Superman punch to Jey on the apron. Jimmy gets Rollins on his shoulders for a super Samoan drop but Rollins escapes and he tries for a sunset flip power bomb. Reigns with a punch and then Rollins with a Buckle Bomb and Reigns with a spear for the three count.
Winners: Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins
After the match, Reigns and Rollins celebrate on the announce table. Dean Ambrose joins them to celebrate.
We go to Josh, Kofi, Show, and Vickie for thoughts on the match. Kofi and Show talk about the effort from the Usos.
They talk about the WWE Title Match and Josh asks Big Show if he is going to be WWE Champion tonight and Show feels that Mark will win the title. He says that Mark has momentum and it will be John Cena’s toughest challenge. Kofi says that he cannot bet against John Cena because when his back is against the wall, he comes through. Vickie says that she has issues with John Cena so she is going to pick Mark Henry.
Big Show says that Philadelphia could be a tough town for John Cena, but not for Rob Van Dam. We have a Rob Van Dam video package.
They talk about the All Stars Ladder Match and how it is still hard to figure out who will win, even with six men due to Kane’s injuries at the hands of The Wyatt Family. Kofi picks Daniel Bryan to win because of the momentum he has. Show picks Rob Van Dam.
Dean Ambrose is in the ring since the World Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match will start things off.
Fandango and Summer Rae make their way to the ring.
Welcome to the Money in the Bank Pay Per View from the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Your announcers are Michael Cole, John Layfield, and Jerry Lawler.
Zeb Colter has something to say. He says that it is fitting to be in the Nation’s birthplace walking down the same streets as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and others. They would be sick of what they saw. People are sneaking across the border and now they are running the cities. Betsy Ross would have to sew a taco or burrito on the flag.
Tonight is a night of redemption because two Real Americans will climb the ladder and claim the briefcase. The contract is a key to taking their country back.
Damien Sandow says that he does not see the people as criminals, just slack jawed mouth breathers. Cody says that we will see the crowning of a future champion and Damien says that this city will not be famous for that fictional ignoramus Rocky. It will be synonymous with Damien Sandow and . . .
He is interrupted by Wade Barrett’s music.
Match Number One: World Title Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Damien Sandow versus Cody Rhodes versus Antonio Cesaro versus Jack Swagger versus Dean Ambrose versus Fandango versus Wade Barrett
The bell rings and Fandango dances and Barrett goes after him but Barrett misses Fandango. Swagger and Ambrose exchange forearms and knees. Cesaro and Swagger are in the ring and they go for a ladder on the floor while Sandow and Rhodes hit Ambrose. Swagger and Cesaro take care of Fandango and Barrett.
Swagger and Cesaro throw their ladder at Rhodes and Sandow. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto to Rhodes on a ladder in the corner. Swagger biels Sandow into the ladder. Swagger and Cesaro pick up ladders and they miss Rhodes. Cody with Beautiful Disaster to Cesaro but Swagger hits Rhodes with the ladder.
Swagger is the first to climb the ladder but Ambrose stops him. Ambrose tries to hit Swagger with the ladder but Swagger moves. Swagger hits the ladder and Ambrose with a forearm and he sends Swagger to the floor.
Barrett stops Ambrose and he puts Ambrose between the ladder’s sides and Barrett with knees and a boot to the head. Barrett kicks Ambrose out of the ring. Barrett knocks Cesaro off the apron with the ladder and then he does the same to Swagger. Fandango with a round kick and then he hits a slingshot leg drop onto the ladder and both men are showing the effects of the move.
Fandango tries to climb the ladder but he is having trouble. Sandow grabs Fandango and Ambrose hits Rhodes on the turnbuckles and knocks him to the floor. Fandango gets away from Sandow but Sandow sends Fandango into the ladder. Sandow with a suplex of Fandango onto the ladder against the turnbuckles.
Barrett breaks a rung off a ladder on the floor and he hits Sandow in the back with it. Barrett is the only one in the ring and he lines up the ladder but Ambrose climbs after Barrett and they fight on the ladder. Swagger pulls Sandow off and Cesaro with a European uppercut. Ambrose fights Swagger off but Swagger tries for a spinebuster but Ambrose counters with a DDT.
Cesaro climbs the ladder and Ambrose follows. They fight on top and Cesaro with a choke on the top of the ladder and he pushes Cesaro to the mat. Rhodes climbs the ladder and he stops Cesaro but Cesaro kicks him off. Cody with punches to the midsection and head. Cody with a muscle buster onto the ladder.
Barrett with a back heel kick to Rhodes and then Barrett with a single arm DDT. Barrett slams Cody onto a ladder while Sandow is catapulted onto the ladder hanging from the ring by Swagger.
Barrett climbs the ladder and Swagger stops him. Swagger punches Barrett off the ladder but Barrett sets for the Bull Hammer and he knocks Swagger off the ladder. Barrett grabs the case but Fandango punches him and they exchange punches. Fandango with a sunset flip power bomb to Barrett and both men are down.
Summer yells at Fandango to climb the ladder. Fandango struggles to climb the ladder and Ambrose stops him and he punches Fandango and then he hits the Dean Driver with Fandango hanging from the ladder. Ambrose climbs the ladder and Cesaro closes up the ladder and Cesaro tries to slam Ambrose with the ladder. Swagger pulls him off and then Ambrose goes Terry Funk with the ladder and he swings it around. Cesaro and Swagger pick up Ambrose but Ambrose skins the cat onto the ladder.
Swagger and Cesaro send Ambrose to the floor. They hit Barrett with the ladder and then they throw the ladder onto Barrett. Cesaro gets on Swagger’s shoulders but Rhodes with a springboard drop kick that takes care of both of them. Cody sends Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Rhodes with Cross Rhodes to Fandango and then he avoids Wasteland and he gives Cross Rhodes to Barrett.
Cody goes up the ramp and he grabs the big ladder and he brings it back into the ring. Cody pushes the ladder into the center of the ring. Rhodes climbs the ladder but Ambrose recovers and he climbs the other side of the ladder. They exchange punches on top of the ladder. Ambrose with head butts and forearms to the head. Cody grabs Ambrose by his flak jacket. Rhodes pushes Ambrose off the ladder.
Rollins and Reigns attack Rhodes but Cody kicks them off. Rhodes is pulled to the mat and Rollins and Reigns work over Cody. Rollins with a drop kick to Barrett off the apron and then Reigns with a spear to Fandango.
The Usos come to the ring and they go after Reigns and Rollins. Cesaro and Swagger go after The Usos, Reigns and Rollins. Ambrose climbs the ladder and Rhodes pushes Ambrose off the ladder and Ambrose falls onto everyone on the floor.
Cody climbs the ladder but Damien Sandow pushes Cody off the ladder. Sandow grabs the case and he takes it off the hook to win the match.
Winner: Damien Sandow
After the match, Sandow celebrates with the briefcase while Cody looks at him and wonders what happens. Meanwhile, Michael Cole acts like Damien has stabbed his best friend in the back while John Layfield mentions that he would have done the same thing to Ron Simmons.
Justin Roberts is in the ring and he says that Brad Maddox wants a warm Philadelphia welcome. He makes his way to the ring. Brad thanks Jeff and he wants to say that he is honored to be the new General Manager of Raw. Brad thanks Vince for his keen insight, knowledge, and belief in him to get the job done. He does not pretend to think that he can fill the shoes of the legendary Vickie Guerrero because he does not look good in high heels.
Brad says that he made the decision to put Vickie on the Money in the Bank Kickoff Show Panel. Brad wants a spotlight on Vickie. Brad thanks Vickie for accepting the secondary position, days after being released. Brad says that everyone wants to thank her for her contributions to Raw.
Brad wants everyone to chant ‘Thank you Vickie’. Brad says that the fans in Philadelphia are rude and crude at times. Vince said it best when he said that Vickie is ‘entertaining’. Brad has a tribute video for Vickie Guerrero.
Match Number Two: Intercontinental Championship Match: Curtis Axel versus Miz
They lock up and Miz with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Axel provides some advice for Axel and Axel with a knee and forearm to the back followed by a punch. Axel with a chop in the corner and he sends Miz into the turnbuckles. Axel yells at Miz but Miz with a flap jack and he kicks Axel in the leg and he does a flip.
Axel rolls to the floor and Miz with a baseball slide and then he hits a running double sledge off the apron. Miz rolls Axel back into the ring and Heyman tries to sneak up on Miz but Miz sees him. The referee is out of position and Miz acts like Heyman hit him and the referee sends Heyman to the back.
Miz has a smirk on his face while Heyman goes to the back. Miz slides in under Axel and gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Axel gets to the ropes when Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale. Axel with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Axel sends Miz into the turnbuckles and he kicks Miz.
Axel chokes Miz with his boot and he hits a drop kick. Axel with knees to the back followed by a neck snap and a drop kick for a near fall. Axel with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Miz blocks the Saito suplex attempt but Axel with forearms. Miz lands on his feet and he avoids a splash by Axel.
Miz punches and kicks Axel. Miz with a running forearm and kick followed by a knee lift and boot to the chest. Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and then he goes up top for the double sledge and he gets a near fall. Miz sets for the Skull Crushing Finale but Axel with a snap mare.
Miz avoids the Perfectplex and Axel avoids the figure four leg lock. Axel sends Miz into the turnbuckles and then Axel with a Perfectplex that was only okay because Miz kicks out at two. Miz blocks a kick and he works on the knee and he puts Axel in the figure four leg lock.
Axel tries to roll over to reverse the hold. Axel is able to reverse the figure four leg lock but Miz rolls it back over. Axel gets to the ropes and the hold is broken. Axel rolls to the floor. Miz follows after Axel and Miz grabs the leg but Axel with a kick to the head and then he kicks the ropes and it bounces into Miz’ head. Axel with a neck breaker driver for the three count.
Winner: Curtis Axel
Match Number Three: Divas Championship Match: AJ Lee (with Big E Langston) versus Kaitlyn (with Layla El)
Kaitlyn with a slap to the abdomen and then she brings AJ back into the ring from the apron. Kaitlyn gets AJ on her shoulders and then hits a gutbuster. AJ tries to get to the floor but Kaitlyn stops her. Kaitlyn sends AJ to the floor and Kaitlyn follows. Kaitlyn wants to send AJ into the ring post but AJ gets to her feet and she sends Kaitlyn into the ring post.
AJ pulls Kaitlyn’s injured arm into the ring post. AJ rolls Kaitlyn back into the ring and she gets a near fall. AJ kicks Kaitlyn in the midsection and then she starts to work on the injured arm. AJ with a hammer lock and then she bridges to add more pressure.
AJ sends Kailtyn into the turnbuckles and she wraps the arm in the ropes. AJ with a hammer lock and she takes Kaitlyn to the mat. AJ turns it into a crossface chicken wing but Kaitlyn gets to her feet and she backs AJ into the turnbuckles but AJ holds on. Kaitlyn with a back breaker and she gets out of the hold.
Kaitlyn with a back elbow and drop kick. Kaitlyn with a flying shoulder tackle and she hits an inverted DDT but AJ kicks out. AJ slaps Kaitlyn but Kaitlyn with a clothesline and she gets a near fall. AJ with a shot to the arm and she kicks Kailtyn in the elbow.
AJ goes up top for a moonsault but Kaitlyn pushes her off the turnbuckles. Langston catches AJ and he puts AJ back into the ring. AJ with an inside cradle for a near fall. Kaitlyn with a spear but she appears to have reinjured her elbow. AJ with a kick to the arm and then AJ with the Black Widow and Kaitlyn tries to fight out of the hold but Kaitlyn has to tap out.
Winner: AJ Lee
We go to the panel and Josh Mathews. Josh asks Vickie about Brad Maddox’s comments. Vickie says that the video represents years of experience in entertainment. Kofi says that he wants to talk about how he stole the briefcase from his best friend. Cody is heartbroken while Damien is Mr. Money in the Bank.
Show mentions that Miz was smart to get rid of Paul Heyman, but Axel is a third generation wrestler so he knows more than most and that is why he was able to retain the title.
Match Number Four: Chris Jericho versus Ryback
They lock up and Ryback sends Jericho to the mat a few times. Jericho with forearms but Ryback with a forearm to the back. Ryback with an Irish whip but Jericho floats over and he chops Ryback. Ryback pushes Jericho against the ropes and Ryback goes to the floor.
Ryback gets on the apron and he goes back to the floor. Jericho with a baseball slide that knocks Ryback off the apron. Jericho pushes Ryback into the ring and Jericho with a forearm to the back of the head from the turnbuckles. Jericho with forearms and chops. Ryback with a shoulder tackle and he kicks Jericho.
Jericho with kicks to the leg and the referee pulls Jericho away. Jericho goes for a springboard drop kick to Ryback on the apron but Ryback drops Jericho on the top rope. Ryback gets a near fall when he returns to the ring. Ryback with a knee drop and he applies a reverse chin lock.
Jericho with punches but Ryback with a slam and he goes to the turnbuckles but he winces from the pain and then he belly flops onto Jericho from the second turnbuckle and gets a near fall. Jericho with a chop and then he grabs the leg for a rollup. Ryback with a clothesline to Jericho.
Ryback with a running forearm that knocks Jericho off the apron and onto the announce table. Ryback kicks Jericho in the ribs and then he stands on Jericho’s head. Ryback tosses Jericho across the ring by the hair. Ryback with a reverse chin lock.
Jericho with a kick and running forearm followed by a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho but Ryback kicks Jericho into the turnbuckles. Jericho with a shoulder tackle but Ryback sends Jericho over the top rope.
Jericho lands on the apron and he goes up top. Ryback catches Jericho and hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Ryback sets for the lariat and he connects. Ryback says that it is over and he sets for the marching musclebuster but Jericho escapes. Jericho tries for a Codebreaker but Ryback catches him and hits a power bomb.
Ryback picks up Jericho for another power bomb. Ryback with a clothesline in the corner but Jericho with a kick to the knee followed by an enzuigiri. Jericho gets a near fall. Ryback with a shoulder in the ropes but Jericho with a Codebreaker in the ropes and Ryback falls to the floor. Ryback rolls into the ring at nine.
Jericho goes up top for a cross body and he gets a near fall. Jericho punches Ryback. Ryback punches Jericho over his head and then he tries for an F-5 but Jericho counters with a DDT. Jericho with punches and a running forearm but Ryback moves on the Lionsault attempt and when Jericho lands on his feet, Ryback with a rollup for the three count.
Winner: Ryback
In case you missed all of the coverage last week on the site, WWE presents a video package for the WWE Performance Center.
Match Number Five: World Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio versus Dolph Ziggler
The crowd is clearly behind Ziggler and he gets a near fall with a rollup and he struts around and shows off. Del Rio with a kick to the midsection followed by a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a side head lock take down. Del Rio with a shoulder tackle but Ziggler with a drop kick and he gets a near fall.
Ziggler with a splash into the corner and he gets a near fall. Ziggler with a series of elbow drops and then he delays for the tenth and makes it a leaping one. Ziggler clotheslines Del Rio over the top rope to the floor.
Del Rio hits Ziggler with an enzuigiri and then he sends Ziggler into the ringside barrier. Del Rio gets a near fall and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Ziggler gets to his feet and he punches Del Rio. Ziggler with a sunset flip for a near fall and then he hits a drop kick.
Ziggler misses the Stinger Splash and he hits the ring post. Del Rio with kicks to the head. Del Rio chokes Ziggler in the ropes. Del Rio punches Ziggler in the head and the referee chastises Del Rio. Del Rio puts Ziggler in the ropes and he connects with forearms to the kidneys followed by a forearm to the back of the head. Del Rio stomps on the head and he waits for Ziggler to get up and he mocks Ziggler.
Del Rio goes for a splash in the ropes but Ziggler moves and Del Rio goes through the ropes to the floor. The referee starts his count. Del Rio drops Ziggler across the top rope. Del Rio goes up top and Ziggler climbs the turnbuckles and hits a super X Factor. Ziggler gets a near fall.
Ziggler and Del Rio exchange punches and they flail away but Ziggler gets the advantage. Del Rio with an Irish whip and Del Rio misses a charge and Del Rio hits the ring post with his shoulder. Ziggler with a neck breaker and he gets a near fall. Ziggler misses a Fameasser and Del Rio catches him and hits a German suplex and gets a near fall.
Ziggler tries for a drop kick but Del Rio moves out of the way. Del Rio runs Ziggler into the turnbuckles for shoulders. Del Rio misses an enzuigiri and Ziggler with a Fameasser for a near fall. Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall.
Del Rio shakes Ziggler’s head and then he tries to figure out what he has to do to win. Del Rio goes to the turnbuckles but Ziggler connects with a drop kick as Del Rio comes off the turnbuckles and Ziggler gets a near fall.
AJ Lee’s music plays and she skips to the ring and around the ring. Ziggler wants to know what AJ is doing at ringside. He says that he’s got this and he tells her to go to the back. Ziggler tries for a neck breaker but Del Rio escapes. Ziggler counters a tilt-a-whirl back breaker with a DDT and he gets a near fall.
Ziggler goes up top but he gets distracted by AJ and Del Rio crotches Ziggler. Del Rio with forearms to the back and he hits an inverted superplex for a near fall. Del Rio signals that it is time for the cross arm breaker. Ziggler avoids it and he misses a clothesline. Del Rio elevates Ziggler into the air and down to the mat. Del Rio with a super kick and Ziggler kicks out.
Del Rio lowers the knee pad but Ziggler blocks a super kick. AJ comes into the ring and hits Del Rio with the Divas Title belt and the referee calls for the bell as Ziggler appears to get ready for the Zig Zag.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio (by disqualification)
After the match, Dolph tries to argue his case with the referee, but he will hear nothing. AJ tries to console Dolph while Del Rio celebrates.
Ziggler yells at AJ and says that he had it. Dolph says that he does not need AJ protecting him. 
We take a look back at the moment that Mark Henry was going to retire . . . that salmon colored blazer.
Match Number Six: WWE Championship Match: John Cena versus Mark Henry
Henry with a knee to the midsection followed by a head butt. Henry chokes Cena in the corner. Henry with more head butts and forearms to Cena. Henry with a splash into the corner and he gets a near fall. Henry sends Cena to the floor and Mark moves the ring steps slightly. Henry picks up Cena for a delayed gourdbuster onto the ring steps.
Henry sends Cena back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Henry with a splash to the back and Cena goes down while Henry has a confident look on his face. Henry gets a near fall. Cena with punches to Henry followed by a drop kick that does not knock Henry off his feet. Henry with a shoulder tackle and Cena is down.
Henry picks up Cena and gives him a giant swing and Cena is sent to the floor. Cena is not moving and Henry picks up Cena to send him into the ringside barrier with another giant swing. They are both back in the ring and Mark says that’s what he do. Henry misses a splash into the corner and Cena picks up Henry but he collapses under Henry’s weight and Henry gets a near fall.
Henry works on the neck but Cena powers out of it and he punches Henry but Henry punches back. Cena gets the advantage and he hits a flying shoulder tackle but Henry stays on his feet. Cena hits a second one and Henry is knocked off his feet. Cena tries for the Blue Thunder Bomb but he hits a belly-to-back suplex instead. Cena signals for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and he connects.
Cena gets Henry on his shoulders but he collapses before hitting the Attitude Adjustment. Henry gets a near fall. Henry gets Cena up for a power slam but Cena counters with a DDT but he did not hit is perfectly so Henry is able to recover. Cena gets Henry on his shoulders again and he hits the Attitude Adjustment but Henry kicks out.
Cena is shocked that Henry kicked out. Cena goes to the apron and the turnbuckles for a cross body but Henry catches him and hits the World’s Strongest Slam but Cena kicks out. Henry exposes the top turnbuckle pad. Henry goes to the floor and he gets a few chairs and brings them into the ring. The referee deals with the chairs while Henry removes another turnbuckle pad.
Cena sends Henry into the exposed turnbuckle when the referee was not looking and Cena applies the STF. Henry gets to the ropes. Henry pushes Cena into the referee and then Henry with a low blow for a near fall.
Henry tries for another World’s Strongest Slam but Henry with too much on the wind up and Cena escapes and he applies the STF. Henry tries to get to the ropes and Cena pulls Henry into the center of the ring and Henry taps out.
Winner: John Cena
We go to the Kickoff Panel as we approach the start of the fourth quarter. Josh asks Show why he picked Mark Henry. Show says that Mark was primed for the win. He was more focused. He had an opportunity to close the deal but John Cena deserves credit for trying to go blow to blow with Henry.
Kofi says that he thought Henry had him beat a few times. Kofi wonders how Cena kicked out of the World’s Strongest Slam.
We take a look at the Wyatt Family.
Match Number Seven: All-Star Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Rob Van Dam versus CM Punk versus Daniel Bryan versus Sheamus versus Randy Orton versus Christian
Everyone stands in a circle in the ring as the bell rings and they look at Rob Van Dam. Rob realizes that he has the bulls-eye on his singlet. Rob goes for the thumbs and it is a five-on-one attack. Sheamus with a kick to Christian and everyone goes after Sheamus and kick him to the floor. Christian goes after Punk and Bryan kicks Orton.
Orotn with punches while Punk sends Christian to the floor. Bryan sends Orton to the floor and things get honorable in the ring. Van Dam is knocked off the apron. Bryan and Punk exchange kicks and punches. Punk with a knee and chop.
Punk with an Irish whip and Bryan flips over Punk. Bryan escapes a Go To Sleep while Bryan tries for a Yes Lock. Sheamus hits Punk and Bryan with the ladder and then he hits Christian with it. Orton with a drop kick. Van Dam with a kick off the turnbuckles. Van Dam with a monkey flip to Christian. Van Dam with a step over spinning heel kick to Orton.
Van Dam is able to do his thumbs deal. Van Dam with a baseball slide to Sheamus. Van Dam gets a ladder but Christian goes for the Killswitch but Van Dam blocks it and he presses Christian over his head and drops him on the ladder. Van Dam with a kick to Bryan and he goes for Rolling Thunder and he hits it.
Orton sends Van Dam through the ropes but Van Dam holds on and he kicks Orton in the head and Orton falls on the ladder. Van Dam goes up top and Christian knocks Van Dam off the turnbuckles with a ladder. Christian hits Punk with a ladder. Then he hits Sheamus with the ladder in the shoulder. Christian hits Orton in the back with a ladder that the announcers are having a good series of puns over the size of it.
Christian climbs the ladder but Sheamus stops him. Sheamus sends Christian into the turnbuckles and then he hits a running shoulder. Sheamus climbs the ladder but Christian punches Sheamus and he climbs on top of Sheamus to reach for the ladder. Sheamus goes for Splash Mountain but Christian escapes and he punches Sheamus. Sheamus blocks a ladder shot in the corner and Sheamus punches Christian through the ladder and he sends the ladder into Christian.
Sheamus sets up a ladder in the center of the ring but Van Dam pushes the ladder over and Sheamus falls on the side of the ladder. Sheamus with a kick to Van Dam and then he hits the Finlay Slam onto the ladder. Van Dam falls to the floor and Sheamus kicks Bryan to the announce table. Bryan is sent into the announce table and then the ringside barrier.
Sheamus sets a ladder across the apron and announce table for Splash Mountain onto the ladder but Bryan stops him and Bryan pushes Sheamus towards the ladder but Sheamus avoids it. Bryan with a running knee off the apron. Punk sets up the ladder in the center of the ring and then he kicks Orton in the head. Orton grabs the leg but Punk with punches to Orton. Orton pulls Punk off the ladder and Orton climbs it. Christian punches Punk and then he pulls Orton off the ladder.
Christian climbs the ladder and so does Punk. Bryan gets a ladder and he sets it up next to the one already in the ring. Bryan punches Christian while Orton climbs. Sheamus climbs and then everyone gets on the ladders and the briefcase swings above them and everyone falls to the mat. Orton falls to the floor and he appears to have injured his leg.
Sheamus is the first to get up and he puts the ladder in the corner. Sheamus with a running double sledge to Punk and Van Dam followed by a spinning side slam to Bryan and a uranage back breaker to Van Dam. Sheamus runs Christian into the ladder in the corner and then he hits White Noise.
Sheamus sends the ladder into Van Dam and then he hits a Brogue Kick. Sheamus climbs the ladder but Bryan stops him and he punches Sheamus. Sheamus punches back and they go back and forth. Sheamus with the forearms across the chest. Punk grabs Sheamus’ leg and Sheamus had the briefcase in his hands but he could not get it off the hook and Sheamus falls to the mat.
Punk with forearms and chops but Sheamus with punches. Sheamus tries to run the ladder into Punk but Punk moves. Punk with a knee in the corner and then he climbs the turnbuckles and connects with a knee drop to the back using the ladder.
Orton hits Punk from behind but Punk punches back. Orton with punches and head butts. Orton with a T-Bone suplex onto the ladder against the turnbuckles. Orton sets for the IEDDT and he connects. Punk rolls to the floor and Orton is the only one in the ring. Christian with a spear to Orton in the ring and then one to Bryan on the apron. Christian climbs the ladder but Van Dam knocks him off.
Van Dam with a corkscrew leg drop. Christian with forearms to the back. Christian punches Van Dam while the fans in Philadelphia want tables. Christian sets up a ladder in the center of the ring. Van Dam punches Christian but Christian stops Van dam. Van Dam lands on the ladder in the corner while Christian falls to the mat. Van Dam with a Five Star Frog Splash onto Christian. Van Dam pulls the chair into the center of the ring. Sheamus climbs the ladder and he punches Van Dam. Van Dam punches back and Sheamus falls off the ladder. Sheamus pushes the ladder over and Van Dam hits the ropes and then falls to the mat.
Sheamus punches Van Dam but Bryan kicks Sheamus and Van Dam. Bryan with round kicks to Van Dam and Sheamus. Bryan gets a ladder and he hits Orton with it in the corner. Bryan with a running drop kick onto a ladder held by Orton and then he hits a suicide dive onto Punk. Bryan with a double missile drop kick to Christian and Van Dam. Bryan hits Orton and Van Dam with the ladder and then he knocks Sheamus off the turnbuckles with the ladder and Sheamus falls through the ladder Sheamus set up earlier.
Bryan climbs the ladder but Curits Axel hits Bryan with a chair. Punk gets Axel on his shoulders and he gives him a Go To Sleep.
Punk looks at the ladder in the ring and Paul Heyman comes out and he wants to know what Curtis Axel is doing to the guy that he wants to win the match. Paul continues to yell at the unconscious Axel.
Punk gets into the ring and he climbs the ladder very gingerly. Paul comes into the ring and he slams the ladder into Punk’s leg and Punk falls to the mat. Paul sends the ladder into Punk’s head and he goes to the back.
Van Dam rolls into the ring and he climbs the ladder but Orton pulls Van Dam off the ladder and he hits an RKO while Van Dam falls through the air. Orton climbs the ladder and he takes the briefcase off the hook.
Winner: Randy Orton
Thank you for following’s coverage of Money in the Bank. Remember to check out the site for additional coverage for Money in the Bank including audio on the show in the Elite Section and Dave Scherer’s blog of the show.

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