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martedì 9 luglio 2013


Tonight is a night that many in WWE will be talking about long after the lights go down on this episode of Raw. For the first time since the last time there was a Job Performance Evaluation, Vickie Guerrero goes under the gun as Vince McMahon, Triple H, and Stephanie McMahon let Vickie know of her fate as the person who is in charge of Raw to the extent that she does not do anything that a McMahon disagrees with. Speaking of three people who put fear in the hearts of all in the WWE, the Wyatt Family is supposed to debut tonight. When is their job performance evaluation?
We begin with an extended cut of the Wyatt Family video.
We are in Baltimore, Maryland and your announcers are Michael ‘In the building where the guy writing this report attended his first wrestling show’ Cole, Jerry ‘Where getting crabs is not always a bad thing’ Lawler and John ‘We smell spices on Monday Night’ Layfield.
A ladder is in the ring and so are Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero.
Vickie welcomes everyone to Raw. She says that she has been diligently working on the pay per view. The ladder is a symbol of spectacle. Great names have been associated with this ladder. Names like Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, and the one and only Triple H. This ladder means something special to her. It represents how she has climbed year after year in her career. If she falls, she is holding everyone responsible.
Vickie climbs the ladder and sits on top.
There is no book showing how a woman can dominate a company like General Electric, IBM, or WWE. No one held her hand and told her how to run a show or how to run a roster of WWE Superstars. She says that she has done everything on her own. She has brought the greatest matches and the best entertainment.
She might not have seen eye to eye with the WWE Universe. Every decision was made for the fans.
Jerry Lawler gets on a house mic and he lets out an Excuse Me. He says that he received word that in preparation for the job evaluation, they will consider any and all factors. That includes the opinions of the WWE Universe.
Vickie thanks Jerry for that information. Vickie says that she considers the WWE Universe just like her family. They have had good days and bad days. At the end of each day, every family has each other’s back.
Vickie announces that tonight John Cena will stand face to face with Mark Henry. There are matches with the participants in the WWE Title Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Christian will face Kane. Randy Orton will face CM Punk and Daniel Bryan will face Sheamus.
Match Number One: Daniel Bryan versus Sheamus in a We will give you singles matches because Teddy Long has an exclusive deal on multi-man matches Match
They lock up and Sheamus backs Bryan into the corner and he gives a clean break. They lock up again and Sheamus with a side head lock and take down. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle. They lock up and Bryan works on the arm and wrist and he takes Sheamus down to a knee. Bryan with a hammer lock and Sheamus with an elbow.
Bryan with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Bryan with kicks to the leg but Sheamus with forearms. Sheamus with a knee drop and he rubs his knee across the head. Sheamus pulls Bryan to the mat and he applies a wrist lock. Bryan with a knee to the midsection followed by kicks against the ropes.
Sheamus with a rake of the eyes while Bryan tries to work on the arm. Sheamus gets a near fall. Bryan is caught by Sheamus and Sheamus with a back breaker. Bryan sends Sheamus to the floor and he goes for a knee but Sheamus catches him and they collide with the ringside barrier and both men are down as we go to commercial.
We are back and Sheamus with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Bryan with European uppercuts and kicks in the corner. Bryan flips over Sheamus in the corner and Sheamus counters the flying clothesline with a uranage back breaker and he gets a near fall.
Bryan with a kick and Sheamus with a double sledge followed by a shoulder in the corner, a knee lift and a flying back elbow for a near fall. Sheamus sends Bryan into the turnbuckles again and he Irish whips him but Bryan gets his knees up. Sheamus with a Finlay slam and then he signals for the Brogue Kick but Bryan moves and Sheamus crotches himself and goes to the floor.
Bryan with a suicide dive on Sheamus and both men are down. Bryan sends Sheamus back in and he goes up top for a missile drop kick and he connects. Bryan gets a near fall. Bryan with kicks of Yes to the chest but he misses the round kick when Sheamus rolls out of the way and to the apron. Sheamus with forearms across the chest but Sheamus is on the apron this time. Sheamus with a clothesline from the apron.
Sheamus goes up top for the flying shoulder tackle but Bryan crotches Sheamus on top. Bryan punches Sheamus and he goes for a super rana but Sheamus holds on to the ropes and Sheamus with a flying shoulder tackle for a near fall. Sheamus gets Bryan up for White Noise but Bryan tries to fight out of it. Sheamus backs Bryan into the turnbuckles. Bryan with a drop toe hold to Sheamus that sends him into the turnbuckles and Bryan with a kick.
Bryan with a round kick for a near fall. Bryan goes up top again and this time for the diving head butt, but Sheamus moves and Sheamus gets a near fall. Sheamus punches Bryan but Bryan with kicks. Sheamus misses a short arm clothesline and Bryan with more kicks. Bryan with a crucifix for a near fall and then he tries for the No Lock but Sheamus counters with a Cloverleaf.
Bryan counters and wins with the small package.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
After the match, Sheamus and Bryan stand face to face in the ring and they look at the briefcase before shaking hands.
Michael Cole says that WWE sent a reporter to look for the Wyatts and we go on that journey. He is told that it is a few miles away and you will know.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a look back at AJ costing Kaitlyn her match against Alicia Fox on Smackdown.
AJ Lee is with Big E Langston and he tells him to make sure that he listens for Kaitlyn. Langston reminds AJ that she beat her once and she will beat her again.
AJ hugs Dolph Ziggler who shows up and they want a moment together without Big E.
Dolph talks about why AJ was not there last week for him. He reminds her about their pact to both be champions.
AJ says that she will do anything to make sure that they both leave Money in the Bank as champions and she wants to make sure that Dolph will do anything for her. She asks Dolph if he wants to go all the way. Dolph says that he wants to go all the way to his third WWE Championship.
We see the Mark Henry video package . . . one more time.
Match Number Two: Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns versus Tensai and Brodus Clay (with Cameron and Naomi)
Clay and Rollins start and Seth with kicks and punches. Clay with chops to Rollins and then he presses Rollins over his head and he drops him to the mat. Tensai tags in and they connect with double chops. Tensai with a delayed butterfly suplex. Tensai gets a near fall. Clay tags back in and he punches Rollins. Brodus with a Sheeeplex and then he sets for the splash in the corner and he connects. Clay misses a cross body and Reigns tags in.
Reigns with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Reigns with a front face lock and Rollins tags in and kicks Clay. Rollins with a forearm across the chest and a boot to the head. Rollins gets a near fall. Reigns tags back in and he punches Clay in the corner. Reigns with a knee to the chest followed by a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Clay with punches to Reigns but Roman with a back elbow and he tags Rollins back in. Rollins kicks Clay and punches him.
Rollins with a kick and he tags Roman back in. Rollins with a forearm and Reigns with a back elbow in the corner. Reigns gets a near fall. Reigns with a reverse chin lock. Reigns with head butts and forearms to Clay to send him back to the mat. Reigns tries to get Clay on his shoulders and he does but Clay counters with a rollup for a near fall.
Reigns with a side head lock and Clay with a belly-to-belly slam and both men are down but Clay rolls to the wrong corner. Rollins and Tensai tag in and Tensai with punches and an uppercut. Tensai misses a splash into the corner but he connects with a shoulder tackle. Tensai takes care of Reigns and then he hits a cannonball but he runs into boots from Rollins.
Rollins with a flatline into the turnbuckles and then he drop kicks Clay off the apron. Rollins goes up top but Tensai side steps him and Tensai hits the Baldo Bomb but Rollins kicks out. Rollins with a kick and enzuigiri but Tensai stays on his feet. Reigns makes the blind tag and Rollins with a plancha onto Clay while Reigns hits the spear for the three count.
Winners: Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins
We go to commercial.
We are back and the search for the Wyatts continues and it appears to have rained during the trip. They arrive at a house and there is a fire in the back and Erick Rowan and his goat mask is chopping something. Luke Harper tells him to follow him.
John Cena makes his way to the ring.
John walks around the ring surveying their reactions and he says that they have a riled up crowd tonight. He says that he would have thought the pay per view was tonight. Earlier today, the World’s Strongest Man told him to get to the ring so he could talk to him. John says that he is here, so where is the World’s Strongest Man.
Mark Henry’s music and he does what he do and he walks to the ring.
Mark says that John has the same look on his face as he did last week and that is the look of fear.
John says that he is not afraid of Mark.
Mark tells John that he should be. For 17 years, he has starved and the only thing that could satisfy his hunger . . . and John yells at Mark for bringing him down here about a Snicker’s Bar.
Mark says that the old Mark Henry would have either laughed or caused John bodily harm. This Mark Henry is going to chill. He says that John thinks he knows who the World’s Strongest Man. He is a new man. He has known John for more than 10 years. He knew who John was before John knew who he was. He says that John is like the people. He is a puppet. That title will validate his career.
If he takes that title from John, without a shadow of doubt, he will be a first ballot Hall of Famer. He would sell out his own mama for that. He sold out his family.
John tells Mark that he better win on Sunday. John says that he has won the title and he has lost it, but he did it with respect. He sees the eyes of a desperate man who has lied to his family and the fans over leather and gold. Mark better win the title because if he does not, he has lost the respect of everyone and it is 17 years gone.
Mark asks John if he cares what him or the fans think? He doesn’t. Some of the people love John and some hate him. Either way, John cares. Mark says that he doesn’t. There are lines that John won’t cross because of his ‘goodness’.
John wants to know how Mark could not care about this.
Mark tells John if he interrupts him again, Money in the Bank starts tonight.
John says that if you want to cross lines and start Money in the Bank early, he draws a line on the canvas and tells Mark to cross it so he can kick his ass right now.
Mark asks John if he wants him to cross the line for free? It is Money in the Bank. Mark says that he took a 50% pay cut already. John will get Mark on Sunday. Mark says he will give John a sample tonight. Mark teases taking a step and John flinches. Mark appears to go out of the ring but he hits Cena with a shoulder tackle. John tries to get Cena up for an Attitude Adjustment but Cena collapses under Henry’s weight.
Mark picks up John and walks around the ring before hitting a World’s Strongest Slam. Mark holds the title belt over his head while he has his foot on Cena’s chest. Mark puts the title belt on Cena and he says something to John before leaving the ring.
Josh Mathews asks Randy Orton about his match against CM Punk tonight. Randy says that Punk has always called himself the Best in the World. Randy says that he never believed that when he beat him two years ago at Wrestlemania or tonight. He will not believe that when he wins on Sunday. If John Cena retains and finds himself in a vulnerable state, he will not hesitate to cash in the contract and take the title from Cena.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Miz is at the announce table.
Paul Heyman introduces himself and he says that if you did not see Smackdown, he is not here to market himself as a martyr once again for CM Punk. Paul reveals a black eye. He says that he is here to bask in the glory of perfection. Perfection in the form of your Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel.
Curtis says that Chris calls himself the best in the world at what he does and Chris wears a jacket with Christmas lights on it so people can see him. Curtis says that all he needs is the shine of the Intercontinental Championship to show that he is here. He will not let Miz or Chris Jericho stand in the way of perfection.
Match Number Three: Chris Jericho versus Curtis Axel (with Paul Heyman) in a Non Title Match
Jericho with chops to Axel but Axel with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Axel with a hurdle leap frog but he runs into a drop kick. Jericho clotheslines Axel over the top rope to the floor. Jericho with a baseball slide and he goes after Axel on the floor. Jericho sends Axel into the ringside barrier and he chops Axel. Jericho sends Axel back into the ring but Axel with shoulders and he punches Jericho.
Jericho with chops on the apron but Axel with a boot when Jericho returns to the ring and then he has Jericho on the middle rope and he hits a neck breaker and gets a near fall as we go to commercial.
We are back and Axel with a quarter nelson and chin lock. We see footage of Axel hitting a drop kick when Jericho came off the turnbuckles. Axel with a slam and then he goes to the turnbuckles but he misses a fist drop. Jericho with a shoulder tackle or two but Axel tries to send Jericho over the top rope to the floor but Jericho lands on the apron and he goes up top for a chop. Jericho with a bulldog.
Jericho tries for the Walls of Jericho but Axel kicks him away. Jericho gets his boot up when Axel goes into the corner. Jericho with a waist lock and Jericho with a Northern Lights suplex and bridge for a near fall. Jericho with a chop and Axel with a Northern Lariat for a near fall. Axel with chops in the corner followed by an Irish whip but he misses a splash into the corner. Jericho goes up top for a cross body but Jericho can only get a near fall.
Jericho with a bulldog and he goes for the Lionsault and he lands on Axel’s knees. Axel with the snap swinging neck breaker but he can only get a two count. Jericho holds on to the ropes on a drop kick attempt by Axel and Jericho hits the Lionsault and gets a near fall. Jericho goes for the Codebreaker but Axel counters and sends Jericho into the ropes and he hits the Son of Perfectplex but it is not perfect and Jericho kicks out at two.
Axel with forearms and then he tries for a neck breaker but Jericho is able to counter and he tries for the Walls of Jericho and he turns Axel over. Axel gets to the ropes. Jericho with a running shoulder tackle that sends Axel off the apron and into the announce table.
Axel sees Miz smiling at the announce table and Axel asks if that is funny. Miz takes off his jacket and tie and they go back and forth but Heyman tells Axel he is going to get counted out. Jericho this the Codebreaker and he gets the three count.
Winner: Chris Jericho
We are back and it is time to look at the participants in the other Money in the Bank match.
Josh Mathews is in the interview area with Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. Josh asks if they are concerned about their friendship being in the ladder match. Damien says that if he does not win the match, he wants his best friend to win it. He says that he expects that Cody feels the same way.
Zeb Colter interrupts with Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro. He says that our money will be worthless if things continue. He says that Cody should know about this.
Wade Barrett interrupts and says that he will win.
Zeb wonders what language he is speaking.
Fandango dances into the interview area and Zeb tells him not to say his name. Wade punches Fandango before he can say who he is and everyone else laughs.
We have a four man stare down? Anyone smell a tag match tonight or do we wait for Friday?
It is time for part three of Welcome to the Wyatts. We enter the house and he goes into a room but Luke tells him not to stray. We hear a recording that says ‘OBEY’.
We see Bray and he says that he has been waiting for him.
We go to commercial.
Match Number Four: Sin Cara versus Alberto Del Rio
The lights go down and they lock up. Del Rio with kicks and punches. Del Rio with a savate kick to Cara and then he tries to hip toss Cara to the floor but Cara bounces off the ropes and hits an arm drag. Cara with another arm drag to Del Rio. Del Rio with shoulders in the corner. Del Rio misses a charge into the corner and Cara with a head scissors. Cara with a kick and a near fall.
Cara goes up top and Del Rio with an enzuigiri but he can only get a two count. Del Rio with knees to the back of the head and then he goes after the mask. Del Rio with a front face lock but Cara with punches. Del Rio with a knee. Cara with a handspring back elbow and Del Rio goes down. Del Rio with the step up enzuigiri and he gets a near fall.
Dolph’s music plays and Del Rio forgets that he is in a match and Cara gets a near fall with a rollup. Dolph apologizes to Del Rio for what he did to Ricardo. He is going to introduce Del Rio the way that he should. Del Rio watches while Cara hits an enzuigiri and a slingshot senton for a near fall. Del Rio with a German suplex while Dolph tells Del Rio he has no chance to retain his title.
Del Rio with a super kick to Cara and then Del Rio goes after Ziggler on the floor. Del Rio and Ziggler exchange punches. Del Rio with a boot to the head. Cara hits a cross body from the turnbuckles onto Del Rio.
Apparently this match is thrown out
Brad Maddox and Vickie Guerrero walk in the back as they go to the ring for their Managing Supervisor GutCheck.
We are back and we take a look at what happened between Mark Henry and John Cena earlier tonight.
Vickie Guerrero is in the ring with Brad Maddox and the Shark Tank/American Idol/America’s Got Talent/GutCheck/MasterChef panel table is in front of her. Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, and Triple H make their way to the ring.
Stephanie says that they are here to evaluate Vickie’s job. Stephanie thanks the WWE Universe for voting because that will be considered in the final result.
Vickie says that she has always loved . . .
Stephanie tells Vickie to sit down.
Vickie says that she has always loved the McMahon family. She has a special love for everyone. She says that she has strived to have the best possible shows. She reminds them of how she has taken over from AJ and we saw the return of Rob Van Dam and the Rock.
Vickie says that some say that she was responsible for the Undertaker to return to Wrestlemania.
Stephanie says that it is incredible that she is taking credit for the Undertaker, but not for bringing back the man who took care of her husband and father.
Stephanie says that you have to take tough decisions as well as take responsibility for her actions. She asks Vickie if it was a good idea to bring back Brock.
Vickie says that it was a good decision for business. She did not know that Brock would attack Hunter or Vince. She apologizes for that.
Vince says that Vickie does not have to apologize. He says that bringing Brock back was a stroke of genius. He says that he believes that Vickie is highly entertaining, just like everyone else feels she is. She has made some bonehead decisions, but who hasn’t. She thought it was to give us quality, wholesome entertainment.
Hunter wants to interject and he says that he will be the first to admit that Vickie can occasionally be unintentionally entertaining. She is terrible at her job. Hunter says that Vickie was supposed to promote the new WWE Video Game and she screwed it up. The crowd was booing her out of the building so no one could hear what she was saying. This is bad for business. Vince might think it is entertaining. He says that we need to move away from what Vince thinks it entertaining because the Golden Girls are not on television any more. The WWE Universe wants better than Vickie Guerrero.
Vickie does possess the most annoying voice in the history of broadcast television.
Vince jumps in and says that Vickie has a unique voice. He says that Vickie has qualifications that nobody else does. He congratulates Vickie on her passion and how she has broken through the glass ceiling, unlike some other short sighted individuals in the ring. He thinks that Vickie should be named permanent General Manager.
Hunter says that he wants to give the short sided opinion and he says that at the end of the day, he is the COO and Vince is the Chairman so he will do whatever he wants regardless of what people want. Hunter says that Vince wants a spineless puppet who strokes his ego and kisses his ass, doing whatever Vince wants her to do.
Hunter proposes that since Stephanie called this meeting, we should let her decide Vickie’s fate.
Vince says that he has no problem with Daddy’s Little Girl to make the right decision, the right entertaining decision.
Hunter says that he doesn’t have a problem with his wife, the mother of his children, and the woman who will have to go home with him and put up with him to make the right decision for business.
Vince says that it would be a business for entertainment.
Stephanie says that since it has escalated more than anyone has imagined, she will not let anyone or anything put a wedge between her family. She is leaving it up to the WWE App’s result.
The WWE Universe voted 75% to 25% that she failed.
Stephanie says that the Universe has spoken and she has failed.
Vickie says that you cannot let the people make the decisions for the business. She will not let some popularity contest affect her job. She says that this is not right.
Stephanie has two words for Vickie. She tells Vickie ‘You’re Fired’
Vickie gets on the table and she wants to know who they are. She says that she has given them so many years.
Vince says that the people have broken Vickie Guerrero’s heart and he wants to know if they are proud of what they did. Vince says that Vickie didn’t fail. Everyone in the arena just failed. They have thrown away the most entertaining General Manager Raw could have had. Vince says that he will make the right decision. There will be a new General Manager of Raw and he says that the people deserve this. Brad Maddox is the new General Manager.
While Vickie is escorted from the ring, Brad is in shock at what he just heard.
We are back and Vickie is still crying over losing her job. Vince tells her that he will make it right for her.
Brad tells Vickie that he is so sorry and he tells Vince that it is a decision that he will not regret. Brad says that we will miss Vickie, but he is proud to be the General Manager of Raw.
Vince says that he gave the fans what they deserved.
Brad says that what Mr. McMahon wants, Mr. McMahon gets.
Apparently what Vickie wants is to beat the crap out of Brad Maddox and she attacks him, reflecting the behavior of the woman she replaced as GM. Vince takes his jacket.
Match Number Five: Kane versus Christian
They lock up and Kane backs Christian into the corner and he gives a clean break. Christian with a waist lock but Kane backs Christian into the corner and he misses a punch. Christian with punches but Kane pushes him off the turnbuckles. Kane with a hard Irish whip and then he connects with an uppercut. Kane misses an elbow drop.
Kane grabs Christian by the throat and Kane sends him into the corner and Kane with a clothesline. Kane goes for a power slam but Christian escapes and he drops Kane on the top rope and then drops him on the ropes again. Christian with a back elbow from the turnbuckles for a near fall.
Kane punches Christian and connects with a forearm followed by a kick to the head. Christian with a drop toe hold and then he stands on Kane’s back and chokes him in the ropes. Christian slingshots to the floor and he connects with an uppercut. Kane presses Christian over his head but Christian escapes and then Kane goes over the top rope to the floor.
Christian with a cross body from the turnbuckles to the floor and we go to commercial.
We are back and Christian with a tornado DDT and he gets a near fall. Christian runs into a boot from Kane. Kane goes up top but misses the clothesline. Christian goes for a spear but Kane grabs Christian by the throat and hits the choke slam for the three count.
Winner: Kane
After the match, Bray Wyatt appears on the TitanTron. He does not have followers, he has brothers and sisters in his cause. People are sheep. They need leaders. They worship and crave war. He created war. It is time for the masses to wake up and look at the world we are living in. He sees it in his dreams and in his thoughts. It is not the beginning. It is the end.
Bray lights a lantern and he says ‘We’re here’.
Bray, Erick Rowan, and Luke Harper walk into the arena.
Luke and Erick surround Kane in the ring and they attack him. Kane tries to fight back but Rowan with a forearm and Harper grabs Kane and they grab him while Bray watches on the ramp from his rocking chair. Luke and Erick send Kane into the ring steps and they continue the attack. They pick up the steps and hit Kane with it.
Bray makes his way to ringside and he surveys the damage that Harper and Rowan have done.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a somber Michael Cole as we see the debut of the Wyatt Family.
Vickie Guerrero has her box o’ stuff as she leaves the building. She walks at .4 Ortons. She looks up and Ryback is standing there. He takes the box and then he hugs Vickie. He tells Vickie that she deserves better and it will be okay. She gives Vickie back her box and leaves.
Nikki and Brie Bellas join the announce team for the next match.
Match Number Six: AJ Lee (with Big E Langston) and Alicia Fox versus Kaitlyn and Layla El
Kaitlyn wants to go after AJ but she gets out of the ring and Layla tries to hold her back.
Alicia starts things off with Layla and Layla with a kick. Layla with an arm drag into a cover. Layla with kicks and forearms. Alicia tries for a sunset flip but Layla rolls through and hits a drop kick. Layla with a cross body for a near fall. Alicia with a clothesline and AJ wants to tag in and Alicia obliges.
AJ is attacked from behind by Kaitlyn and Alicia and Layla try to regain control. Kailtyn spears AJ on the floor and then she punches AJ while the referee has given up on trying to control things.
I’m Guessing No Contest
After the match, Big E carries AJ to the back.
CM Punk is getting ready for his match and Josh Mathews asks him about the ladder match on Sunday and his match tonight against Randy Orton. Punk says Randy doesn’t lack confidence and he is entitled to his opinion. Randy cannot make things up. Is he the best in the world because he held the title for 434 days or did he hold the title for 434 days because he is the best in the world? Beating Randy Orton tonight makes him the best in the world. Winning for the third time at Money in the Bank makes him the best in the world.
Match Number Seven: CM Punk versus Randy Orton in a Last WWE Title Money in the Bank Ladder Match matchup before the PPV Match
They lock up and go around the ring. Punk with a face wash to Orton as he breaks. They push each other and Punk with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Punk with another near fall.
They lock up again and Orton with a side head lock. Orton with a shoulder tackle. Punk with a kick but Orton with a drop kick for a near fall. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Punk. Orton sets for the leaping knee drop but Punk moves out of the way and Punk waves ‘nay nay’. Punk with punches and he hits a suplex and gets a near fall.
Orton with a forearm and European uppercut. Orton tries for the IEDDT but Punk gets into the ring and he sends Orton to the apron. Punk with a drop kick and Orton falls to the floor. Punk with a suicide dive and both men are down as we go to commercial.
We are back and Orton with a reverse chin lock. We see Orton with a belly-to-back suplex onto the ringside barrier during the commercial break. Punk with elbows but Orton with head butts and an T-Bone suplex for a near fall. Orton returns to the reverse chin lock.
Punk with knees and forearms followed by a leg lariat. Orton with two clotheslines and then he avoids a clothesline from Punk and Punk knows that the power slam is coming and Punk holds on to the ropes and gets a near fall with a La Magistral. Punk with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall.
Punk with a knee into the corner and he hits the short arm clothesline. Punk goes up top for the elbow drop and he connects. Punk signals that it is time for someone to go to sleep and he gets Orton on his shoulders but Orton escapes and he sends Punk to the apron and hits the IEDDT.
Orton looks around for the spot to twist on the mat and he does it. Orton pounds the mat but Punk counters and tries for a back slide but Orton counters with a power slam for a near fall. Orton with boots to the shoulder and then he picks up Punk and sends him into the turnbuckles. Orton with head butts.
Orton with punches and kicks in the corner. Orton punches Punk in the corner but Punk drops Orton on the turnbuckles. Punk with a knee in the corner. Punk gets Orton on his shoulders but Orton with elbows and he tries for the RKO but Punk with a kick to the head.
Punk gets Orton up and he hits the Go To Sleep and Punk gets the three count.
Winner: CM Punk
After the match, Daniel Bryan attacks CM Punk and kicks him. Bryan sends Punk shoulder first into the ring post. Bryan gets a ladder from under the ring and brings it into the ring. Bryan hits Orton with the ladder. Bryan sets up the ladder in the center of the ring and he climbs it and unhooks the briefcase to win the match . . . if it was tonight.
We go to credits. 

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