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martedì 6 maggio 2014


We are in Albany, New York and your announcers are Michael ‘Knickerbocker’ Cole, John ‘Why did Mini Me look like Ray Liotta’ Layfield, and Jerry ‘Can I get in the Battle Royal’ Lawler. Match Number One: Battle Royal for the United States Title featuring Dean Ambrose, Titus O’Neil, R Truth, Santino Marella, Heath Slater, Big Show, Sin Cara, Jack Swagger, Ryback, Xavier Woods, Zack Ryder, Goldust, Fandango, Curtis Axel, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes, and Damien Sandow The bell rings and people split the ring and pair up. Fandango works over Woods while Ziggler is sent to the apron. Show with a punch and head butt to Swagger. Cody and Goldust work over Ryder. Sheamus has Axel hanging on the ropes while Ziggler does the same to Ryback. Cara goes to the apron and back into the ring. Show chops Woods while Sheamus and Ambrose exchange punches. Woods is eliminated by Show while Titus is sent to the apron by Cody and Goldust. Show chops Fandango and Ryback sends Cara to the apron . Ryder has been eliminated. Titus tries to eliminate Kofi but he stays in the ring. Show stands on Fandango’s chest. Cara kicks and chops Axel while R Truth is eliminated. Sheamus tries to eliminate Goldust while Santino is sent to the apron. Ziggler leaps onto Show’s back. Cody holds on to the ropes to avoid being eliminated by Ambrose. Fandango chops Slater while Sheamus with a knee to Ryback. Sandow punches Henry but Henry punches back. Ziggler punches Show while Cara gets Axel on his shoulders. Slater and Fandango go to the apron. Titus is sent over the top rope by he stays on the apron because Santino cannot kick him to the floor. Ziggler with a Stinger Splash to Slater and Titus is eliminated by Show. Slater and Ziggler hang on the apron while holding the ropes. Cody with a shoulder to Ambrose in the corenr. Slater punches Ziggler but Ziggler stays on the apron. Cara is eliminated by Big Show by press slam onto some of the people already eliminated. Ryback works over Ambrose in the corner while Show stands on Slater’s face. Sheamus has Swagger hanging over the rope. Santino is sent to the apron. Ziggler misses a splash and he falls to the apron but he hangs from the apron. Axel tries to avoid elimination and he holds on to the ropes. Goldust with a chop to Slater. Sandow kicks Goldust. Show with a chop to Fandango. Slater with punches to Sheamus while Sandow holds Sheamus. Sandow is sent to the apron and Sheamus with the forearms to the chest but Slater knocks Sandow off the apron to eliminate him. Sheamus with a clothesline to Slater but Ambrose hits Sheamus from behind as we go to commercial. We are back and the totals have thinned a bit. Show is being worked on in one corner while Mark Henry is worked on the other corner. Show pushes his half off while Henry does the same. Heath Slater was eliminated during the commercial. Big Show and Mark Henry square off in the center of the ring and they exchange punches. Show grabs Henry by the throat for a choke slam. Everyone goes after Show and he is eliminated. Now they go for Mark Henry as they go down the list of the heaviest wrestlers in the match. Henry is eliminated. Fandango is sent to the apron and he hits an enzuigiri on Kofi. Kofi is sent to the apron. Kofi comes back in and he holds on to the ropes but he is eliminated by Ambrose. Swagger grabs Ambrose but Ambrose with a chin lock. Ryback with an elbow to Cody while Goldust punches Axel in the corner. Goldust is eliminated and then Cody is eliminated. Ziggler with a drop kick and he tries to send Santino over the top rope but Santino sends Dolph to the apron. Santino eliminated Dolph with the Cobra. Santino holds up his Cobra to fend off Axel and Ryback, but they got their anti-venom so they send Santino to the apron. Santino hits Ryback, but Axel eliminates Santino. We are down to Sheamus, Swagger, Ryback, Axel, and Ambrose with Axel and Ryback in control of things. Ambrose and Swagger battle while Sheamus kicks Axel and he hits the Finlay slam on Ryback. Sheamus with a double sledge to Axel. Ryback counters a Brogue Kick with a power bomb. Ambrose punches Ryback and they go to the corner. Axel kicks Sheamus in the corner. Ambrose punches Axel but Ryback pulls him off. Ryback punches Ambrose and Axel with a knee to Swagger. Ambrose avoids going over the top rope and he head butts Ryback. He gives Axel a shoulder and he back drops Axel over the top rope to the floor. Ambrose and Ryback exchange punches on the apron. Ryback with a head butt and then Ambrose with a drop kick to Ryback’s knee to eliminate him. Swawgger tries for a gutwrench over the top rope but Ambrose holds on to the ropes and he sends Swagger over the top rope to eliminate him. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to Ambrose. Sheamus picks up Ambrose and he is eliminated. Winner: Sheamus After the match, Rollins and Reigns come into the ring to check on Dean. The music for Triple H plays and he comes to the stage. Last night Evolution and The Shield engaged in an unforgettable war. The Shield got lucky last night. Since Ambrose lost the US Title, their luck is changing. The Shield will be in six man tag action tonight against the Wyatt Family so it appears that their luck has run out. We go to commercial. We are back with an Adam Rose video on the Exotic Express because he will be debuting tonight. Renee Young is with Sheamus. She congratulates him on his victory. Sheamus says since he came back all he has been doing is spin his wheels. Every stopped clock is right twice a day. It is about waiting and timing. Tonight was the perfect chance for the Celtic Warrior to step back into glory. Renee asks Sheamus if he has anything to say to Dean. He says No Hard Feelings . . . Fella. We see photos of the WWE Championship match between Daniel Bryan and Kane. Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella are in their locker room and Stephanie enters. She congratulates Daniel on his victory last night, but all he did was anger the Demon Kane. When Kane is angry, he is known to commit acts of violence. The only way that Daniel’s safety can be guaranteed is if he stays in the locker room until his match. The door closes and Kane’s mask is hanging on the door. We are back and Paul Heyman introduces himself and he reminds us that his client Brock Lesnar conquered the Undertaker’s undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. Paul says that he does not like their attitude and they will not like his. He introduces the man who won the Elimination Match at Extreme Rules, the King of Swing, the Swiss Superman, the King of Extreme . . . Cesaro. Match Number Two: Rob Van Dam versus Cesaro (with Paul Heyman) They lock up and Van Dam with a waist lock and Cesaro with a standing switch. Van Dam with a side head lock and take down. Cesaro with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Cesaro with a side head lock. Cesaro catches Van Dam on a leap frog attempt and he hits a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Cesaro with a knee and he tries to send Van Dam into the turnbuckles. Van Dam blocks it and Van Dam with a kick followed by a side kick from the turnbuckles and Rolling Thunder. Cesaro rolls to the floor so Van Dam can do his thumbs deal. Cesaro talks with Heyman before returning to the apron. Cesaro drops Van Dam on the top rope and then he punches Van Dam in the eye that was affected at Extreme Rules. Van Dam sends Cesaro over the top rope to the floor and then Van Dam with a flip dive onto Cesaro. Van Dam with a moonsault off the apron onto Cesaro. Van Dam with a slingshot leg drop for a near fall. Cesaro hot shots Van Dam onto the turnbuckles and then he slams Van Dam’s head into the apron. Cesaro with an elbow drop for a near fall. Cesaro with a European uppercut but Van Dam flips over Cesaro’s back. Cesaro blocks the step over heel kick but Van Dam avoids the German suplex. Cesaro clotheslines Van Dam over the top rope and we go to commercial. Cesaro with a reverse chin lock but Van Dam with elbows. Van Dam blocks a kick but he misses a spin kick. Van Dam with a sunset flip for a near fall. Cesaro with a double stomp for a near fall. Van Dam with an inside cradle for a near fall. Cesaro with a knee. Van Dam with a body scissors for a near fall. Cesaro with a kick but Cesaro runs into a boot. Van Dam goes for a cross body but Cesaro with a European uppercut for a near fall. Cesaro with another near fall. Cesaro waits for Van Dam to get up. Cesaro with the running European uppercut into the corner but Van Dam kicks out. Cesaro with a dead lift side salto and he holds on for a second one. Cesaro holds on and hits a third one for a near fall. Cesaro with a forearm to Van Dam. Cesaro with an Irish whip but Van Dam floats over and tries for a monkey flip but Cesaro sends Van Dam into the turnbuckles. Van Dam with an elbow and he goes up top but Cesaro knocks Van Dam off the turnbuckles and Van Dam hangs from the turnbuckles. Van Dam with a kick to Cesaro. Cesaro punches Van Dam from the floor but the referee gets to five so he calls for the bell. Winner: Rob Van Dam (by disqualification) After the match, Cesaro continues to punch Van Dam and he kicks him as well. Heyman tells Cesaro to stop or he will get suspended. Michael Cole mentions the referral program for signing up people to the WWE Network. The lights go down and the lantern is lit because Albany . . . they’re here. We go to commercial. Bray Wyatt is in the ring and he is sitting in his rocking chair. He says Abigail always told him he was born to lead. She said one day Bray, you will change the world. He believed her. He always believed her. This world we live in. This horrible world we live in has very wicked ways about it. They would always snub their nose up at him and look down on him. They would refer to him as a piece of trash and a nobody. They don’t even know it, but they have made this day so sweet and what a glorious day it is because last night, Bray Wyatt became somebody. Last night, John Cena’s fear was personified by a singing child. We see the footage. You can’t fool the children John for they are the foundation for what tomorrow will bring. Their ears are so eager to hear and their minds are so eager to learn. Their eyes see right through you John Cena. John Cena tells all of you that Bray is a monster and John is right. Oh how cruel how he can be. He would also have you believe that his honorable message is nothing but lies and all he wishes to do is watch the world burn. John is right again. He wishes to watch this world burn. He wishes to watch it burn like a farmer watches his spoiled crops burn so it can be regrown. He wants to see his world reborn in the image of Wyatt. John Cena thinks that all Bray does is for himself. That is where John Cena is dead wrong. He does this for the children. He does this for the poor man who stands day and night standing and begging on the side of the street. He does this for the teenage girl crying every morning because they didn’t think she was pretty enough to be the prom queen. He does this for each and every one of you. As of today, tomorrow and every day passing forward, John Cena stands alone. Alone he shall fall. You children, you shall stand with him and you never have to be alone again. You stand with him and you will remember him not as a monster, but for what he truly is. . . .A GOD. Bray sings and laughs as we go to commercial. Match Number Three: Ryback (with Curtis Axel) versus Cody Rhodes (with Goldust) They lock up and Ryback pushes Cody into the corner and he misses a punch. Cody with a side head lock and kick followed by a drop down uppercut. Ryback goes over the top rope to the floor when Cody ducks. Ryback returns to the ring and Cody with punches in the corner. Cody floats over and Ryback catches him and Ryback with a hot shot. Ryback chokes Cody in the ropes. Ryback punches Cody and he follows with a back elbow for a near fall. Cody with a shoulder from the apron and he tries for a sunset flip but Ryback picks up Cody and slams his head into the mat. Ryback chokes Cody. Ryback with a suplex and he follows with a second one. Ryback with a delayed vertical suplex. Ryback gets a near fall. Ryback with a chop in the corner but Cody with a punch. They go back and forth. Ryback with a hard Irish whip to Cody. Ryback with a forearm to the back and he chokes Cody in the ropes. Ryback with a slam and a splash for a near fall. Ryback with a reverse chin lock. Ryback sends Cody to the mat and he holds on to the reverse chin lock. Ryback with a spinebuster but he misses the belly flop when Cody moves. Cody with a flying clothesline but Ryback goes for a press slam but Cody gets to his feet and he clips Ryback. Cody with a leg lariat for a near fall. Ryback gets Cody up for a power bomb but Cody lands on his feet and he hits Beautiful Disaster and he follows with a missile drop kick. Cody goes to the apron and turnbuckles in front of Axel but Goldust stops Axel. They hit the ring post and he falls into Ryback’s arms for a muscle buster and the three count. Winner: Ryback After the match, Ryback and Axel celebrate in the ring. Brie and Bryan are in their locker room and Brie is a little anxious. Bryan tells Brie to stay close to him. The lights go out and the light on the table has a Kane mask on it. Daniel and Brie are in the hallway and Stephanie wonders why they are not in the dressing room. She says that if they are scared about Kane, she can have their car brought up and inside the building. She tells Brie and Daniel to stay put. We go to commercial. We are back with the WWE Rewind: Photos of the weeLC match from Extreme Rules. We are back with a Cinco de Mayo celebration with Los Matadores and El Torito. Fernando says to celebrate Torito’s victory last night, they will have a very special Cinco de Mayo celebration with the WWE Universe. Fernando and Diego discuss the way that Fernando pronounces Universe. Torito throws some candy into the crowd. 3MB and Hornswoggle come out and Slater says that this party is not going to happen without Tres MB. Slater says the party is here. Slater says that they came out here to call a truce. Jinder tells Diego to speak English. Drew says this isn’t a request, this is a demand. If they don’t choose to accept their offer of peace, they will have to ruin their party. Fernando, Diego, and Torito discuss what to do. Tortio gives some candy to Hornswoggle and Hornswoggle accepts. Hornswoggle spits out the candy and hits Torito. Torito and Hornswoggle fight and then Fernando and Diego with drop kicks to Mahal and McIntyre. Heath doesn’t realize that Fernando and Diego are behind him. Slater with an Ole but Fernando and Diego throw Slater over the top rope. They corner Hornswoggle and then Torito puts a sombrero over Hornswoggle’s head and he gives him an airplane spin and Torito gores Hornswoggle in the rear end. We go to commercial. We are back with a Bo Dallas video package about BOLIEVING. Lana says that she is proud to be Russian and proud to come from the country with the most powerful President. Vladimir Putin makes fools out of all of you. You are merely pawns in his game of global dominance. He welcomes with open arms the Patriot Edward Snowden. Your secrets are safe. No man in WWE is safe from the Bulgarian Brute, who now resides in Mother Russia. Match Number Four: Kofi Kingston versus Rusev (with Lana) Kofi with kicks to Rusev but Rusev with a body block and Kofi goes down. Rusev kicks Kofi. Rusev with head butts to the chest. Kofi with a chop but Rusev sends Kofi into the turnbuckles and he hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Rusev with elbows to the chest. Rusev charges into boots from Kofi. Kofi avoids a splash in the corner and he kicks Rusev. Kofi with a drop kick but Rusev stays on his feet. Kofi with a splash into the corner and Rusev pushes him away. Kofi with a cross body for a near fall. Kofi with a kick to the chest but Rusev avoids a second kick. Rusev catches Kofi but Kofi lands on his feet on a Fallaway throw. Kofi with a kick but Rusev catches Kofi on a cross body and Rusev hits the fallaway slam. Lana gives Rusev the signal to crush and Rusev with a uranage slam followed by a boot to the back and the Accolade. Kofi taps out. Winner: Rusev Michael Cole shows a photo of the mini announcers from the wweLC match. They also talk about how you can access the WWE Network on Xbox One. Daniel Bryan and Brie continue to walk in the back and they get to their car. Daniel puts Brie in the car and he looks around. Daniel gets in the car and we go to the in car camera. Daniel says that he cannot wait to get out of here. Stephanie shocks Brie and she says that Daniel has a match and he cannot avoid the match or he will be stripped of the WWE Title. They get out of the car and we go to commercial. Match Number Five: Daniel Bryan (with Brie Bella-Bryan) versus Alberto Del Rio in a Non Title Match Del Rio with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Bryan with a drop kick followed by a European uppercut or two. Bryan with kicks in the corner. Del Rio with a kick to the head and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Bryan with punches to Del Rio but Del Rio with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Del Rio chokes Bryan in the ropes. Del Rio kicks Bryan in the ribs. Bryan with kicks in the corner. Del Rio with an Irish whip but Bryan flips out of the corner and he hits a flying clothesline and both men are down. Bryan kicks Del Rio in the chest but he misses the round kick and Del Rio with a lungblower. Del Rio with a baseball slide to send Bryan to the floor. Del Rio picks up Bryan and sends him into the ringside barrier, feet away from Daniel’s wife. Del Rio mocks the yes chants and we go to commercial. We are back and Del Rio with a reverse chin lock. Del Rio with a German suplex for a near fall. Del Rio with a step up enzuigiri to the left arm and then he chokes Bryan in the corner. Del Rio with a cross arm breaker in the ropes and he releases the hold before the referee gets to five. Del Rio goes up top but he jumps into a palm thrust to the chest and Bryan gets a near fall. Bryan with a leg whip into the mat and then he wraps the leg in the ropes. Bryan with a baseball slide into the leg and Del Rio goes to the floor. Bryan tries for an atomic drop to the leg but Del Rio with a punch and then he hot shots Bryan onto the ringside barrier. Del Rio gets back into the ring and Bryan gets back in at nine. Del Rio with a DDT. Del Rio misses the super kick when Bryan moves and Bryan with a round kick to Del Rio and both men are down. Bryan with a punch but Del Rio punches back. They go back and forth and then it goes to kicks and Bryan with the advantage. Bryan with a drop toe hold when Del Rio charges into the corner. Bryan with a series of kicks but Del Rio kicks back. Del Rio with shoulders in the corner. Del Rio with a clothesline in the corner. Del Rio puts Bryan on the turnbuckles and Del Rio sets for a superplex but Bryan holds on to the ropes. Bryan with punches to knock Del Rio off the turnbuckles. Bryan with a diving head butt and he gets a near fall. Bryan sets for a running drop kick in the corner and he connects. Bryan lands on his feet and he hits a second one. Del Rio goes to the floor and Bryan sets for the suicide dive and he connects and it sends Del Rio into the front row. Bryan goes up top but Del Rio with a step up enzuigiri and Del Rio gets a near fall. Del Rio signals for the cross arm breaker. Del Rio sets for the float over but Bryan counters with a take down into the Yes Lock and Del Rio tries to get to the ropes but Del Rio has to tap out. Winner: Daniel Bryan After the match, Kane’s pyro goes off and Daniel and Brie look around before they go up the ramp and to the back. They get in the car and it is not starting. Daniel opens the hood and a wire is unplugged. Brie tells Daniel to hurry but when the hood is put down, Kane appears in the back seat. Brie screams while Kane attacks Daniel and they fight onto the top of the car. Daniel and Brie get into the car and Kane hangs on the top of the car for a moment until he falls off the hood. Kane is down but Daniel stops the car. Brie wants Daniel to leave. Kane sits up and Brie screams while Bryan gets back into the car and it drives away. We go to commercial. We are back with a look at what we just saw with Kane, Daniel Bryan, and Brie Bryan-Bella. Wade Barrett tells everyone that as your new Intercontinental Champion, he’s got some bad news. There’s gonna be some changes around here because the deformed slobs in the audience may have been worthy of a champion like Big E. You will need a lot of plastic surgery to be worthy of your new Intercontinental Title Champion. Match Number Six: Big E versus Wade Barrett for the Intercontinental Title Big E with a waist lock and take down. Big E with another waist lock for a near fall. Big E with a back breaker and he holds on for a second one. Big E goes for a third back breaker and he gets a near fall. Barrett goes to the floor and Big E follows. Barrett has a kick blocked and Big E with a punch. Big E sends Barrett into the apron and then the ring steps. Big E with a shoulder tackle into the ring steps and Barrett is down. They return to the ring and Barrett rolls to the floor again. Big E follows Barrett to the floor again. Barrett is slammed face first into the apron. They fight on the apron and Big E goes for a spear but Barrett moves and Big E hits the ring post and falls to the floor. Barrett with a clothesline and then Barrett goes to the apron for the Mick Foley elbow drop. Big E gets back into the ring before the ten count and Barrett kicks Big E as we go to commercial. We are back and Barrett with elbows and then he misses a boot in the corner and gets caught on the turnbuckles. Big E with clotheslines and he avoids one from Barrett and Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex. Big E with an Ultimate Warrior splash but Barrett gets his knees up and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a kick to the head. Big E gets Barrett on his shoulders but Barrett escapes and Barrett with a Blackpool Slam for a near fall. Barrett gets Big E up for Wasteland but Big E gets to his feet. Big E goes for the spear through the ropes and to the floor but Barrett gets his knee up. Barrett sets for the Bullhammer and Big E with a body block and Barrett goes to the apron again. Big E with a spear through the ropes and to the floor. Big E gets a near fall. Barrett kicks Big E but Big E with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Big E with a second overhead belly-to-belly suplex. The straps come down and he gets ready for the Big Ending but Barrett is able to escape and he rakes the eyes. Barrett with the Bullhammer for the three count. Winner: Wade Barrett Michael Cole tells us that tomorrow night on Main Event, John Cena will respond to Bray Wyatt’s comments. Watch it on the Network. We go to commercial. We are back and it is Mother’s Day on Sunday so we get a special Mother’s Day message from Mr. T for all of the mothers. Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger make their way to the ring and Zeb has a sign that says ‘Zeb’s Deportation List’ and on the back is has Cesaro, Emma, Paul Heyman, Paige. Zeb wants the music cut and he wants to clarify something. Today is not Cinco De Mayo for Real Americans. Today is May 5th for Real Americans. People only celebrate Cinco De Mayo to get drunk and vomit on themselves. Zeb says that the influx of illegal immigrants into this country and the WWE makes him sick. Zeb says that we should deport that lying slimebag Cesaro. He can take Paul Heyman with him. How about getting rid of Emma and Santino. He tells Emma to hop a kangaroo and get back to Australia. The thing she does with her arms are poisoning America. Sheamus and Paige should be deported because they haven’t seen sunlight since 1997. Music interrupts and a menagerie of people and Adam Rose makes his way to the ring. Zeb has no idea what is going on after that entrance. Adam looks at Zeb and he offers him his lollipop. Zeb tells Adam that he needs to go. Adam tells Zeb not to be a lemon . . . be a Rosebud. Rose kicks Swagger and then Rose back drops Swagger over the top rope to the floor and then the Rosebuds enter the ring. We go to commercial. We are back and Sheamus will defend the United States Title on Smackdown. Match Number Seven: Luke Harper, Bray Wyatt, and Erick Rowan versus Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns All six men battle before the bell rings and Wyatt and Rollins fight by the announce table and Rollins sends Bray into the ringside barrier while the referee starts the match. Ambrose punches Rowan in the corner but Rowan tries for a slam and Ambrose gets to his feet and he hits Rowan in the leg. Rollins tags in and he punches Rowan but Rowan with a punch of his own. Harper tags in and he punches Rollins in the midsection. Harper with a suplex attempt but Rollins lands on his feet. Ambrose tags in and they hit a double suplex and then Ambrose hits a snap elbow drop and gets a near fall. Reigns tags in and he punches and head butts Harper. Rollins tags back in and he connects with a punch from the turnbuckles. Harper with a double thrust to the throat and he sends Rollins into the corner. Harper with a European uppercut to Rollins. Harper gets a near fall. Wyatt tags in and he punches Rollins. Wyatt with a kick to the ribs. Rollins goes to the floor and Wyatt sends Rollins back in the ring and he gets a near fall. Rowan tags in and he kicks Rollins. Rowan with a head butt and then he connects with a forearm across the chest. Rowan with an Irish whip but Rollins gets his boot up. Rowan catches Rollins of the turnbuckles but Rollins gets to his feet and he hits an enzuigiri. Ambrose tags in and he punches Rowan. Ambrose with a cross body and then he punches Rowan. Rowan with a knee and Ambrose with a knee to the chest and then he hits a drop kick against the ropes. Ambrose knocks Harper to the floor and he hits a plancha. Rowan with a forearm and Ambrose bounces off the ropes for a lariat and then he applies the figure four leg lock. Reigns, Rollins, Wyatt, and Harper get in the ring while Ambrose releases the figure four. We go to commercial. We are back and Harper with a reverse chin lock on Ambrose. Ambrose with a jawbreaker followed by punches. Ambrose has a kick blocked and Harper sends Ambrose to the mat. Harper chokes Ambrose and then Wyatt kicks Ambrose in the head. Wyatt gets a near fall. Wyatt with forearms to Ambrose and Harper comes in and punches Ambrose. Rowan tags in and they tie Ambrose in the ropes and Rowan with an elbow to the head. Rowan with an Irish whip to the sternum. Rowan with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Harper tags in bur Rowan charges and Ambrose ducks down. Harper goes over the top rope to the floor. Rollins tags in and he hits a flip dive onto Harper and Rowan. Rollins punches Wyatt on the floor and then he hits a wraparound clothesline on Harper. Rollins with a splash into the corner followed by a flatline into the turnbuckles. Rollins goes to the turnbuckles for a moonsault but Harper moves and Rollins lands on his feet. Rollins with a shooting star press. Rollins kicks Wyatt from the apron. That distraction allows Harper to push Rollins off the ropes when Seth tries for a springboard move. Harper with a suicide dive that knocks Rollins over the announce table. Harper rolls Rollins back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Harper picks up Rollins and he connects with an uppercut and he kicks Rollins. Wyatt tags in and he kicks Rollins in the ribs. Wyatt sends Rollins into the turnbuckles and then Wyatt with a splash into the corner and he sends Rollins to the mat. Wyatt gets a near fall. Harper tags in and he punches Rollins in the midsection. Harper knocks Reigns off the apron. Rollins lands on his feet when he is pulled out of the corner but Harper with a kick and he gets a near fall. Ambrose and Rowan fight to the floor and then Wyatt sends Ambrose onto the announce table. Wyatt punches Ambrose and pushes him over the table. Harper puts Rollins on the turnbuckles. Harper sets for a superplex but Rollins grabs Harper by the beard and Rollins with a head butt and punches. Rollins hits the knee to the temple and both men are down. Reigns tags in and so does Wyatt. Reigns with a flying clothesline to Wyatt and then he hits a flying clothesline on Rowan. Reigns with a splash in the corner followed by a punch. Reigns clotheslines Rowan over the top rope to the floor and then he hits the broad jump drop kick to Wyatt. Reigns with a punch to Harper. Reigns sets for the Superman punch but Rowan stops him. Ambrose and Rollins with suicide dives onto Harper and Rowan. Wyatt goes for a splash in the corner but Reigns with a Superman Punch. The Shield surround Wyatt and they grab Wyatt for the Cerberus Bomb, but Evolution’s music plays and they ignore the Wyatts. Orton, Batista, and Hunter make their wa to the ring and Rollins and Ambrose take care of Harper and Rowan. Rollins and Ambrose with suicide dives onto Harper, Rowan, Batista, and Orton. Hunter goes after Reigns, but Reigns with a Superman Punch. Wyatt with a cross body to Reigns followed by Sister Abigail and Wyatt gets the three count. Winners: Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and Erick Rowan After the match, Evolution attacks The Shield. Batista works over Ambrose on the floor while Orton attacks Rollins and Hunter fights with Reigns. Batista sends Ambrose into the ring steps. Orotn hits a super IEDDT on Rollins. Batista picks up Ambrose and hits a gingerly placed spinebuster on the ring steps. Hunter tries for a Pedigree on Reigns but Reigns with a back body drop. Orton with an RKO and then Hunter is able to hit the Pedigree on Reigns. Batista with the thumbs down and then Hunter and Orton pick up Reigns for an assisted power bomb. We go to credits.

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