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mercoledì 4 giugno 2014


We are in Cincinnati, Ohio and your announcers are Tom ‘Dr. Johnny Fever’ Phillips and Byron ‘Venus Flytrap’ Saxton.
Wade Barrett makes his way to the ring and he has something to say before his match against Rob Van Dam.
Barrett says at Payback, he successfully defended his Intercontinental Title against Rob Van Dam. He hit Rob so hard that he became delusional. Fast forward to last night. Rob managed to squeak out a victory because his tag team partner, the coward Cesaro left him high and dry and deserted him.
According to the people in charge, that means that Rob earns an Intercontinental Title shot tonight? We all know that Rob has been resting on yesterday’s laurels for a long time. Every time that Rob gets hit in the head, he loses some gray matter. His brain is so rattled that he is forced to repeat his initials to remind himself who he is.
Wade mocks the RVD thumb deal and the crowd parrots him. He says to notice the vacant expression on his face and the smile on his face. He calls Rob a zombie. Wade says that he’s got some bad news. After a final Bullhammer, the only use for Rob is to become a member of the cast of The Walking Dead.
Van Dam tries to attack Wade and Wade fights him off for a moment but Van Dam with a twisting drop kick and Wade goes to the floor.
Cody Rhodes is in the back talking to Goldust and we find out that Goldust will be teaming with Kofi Kingston tonight.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a look at what happened with Stephanie McMahon, Daniel Bryan, Brie Bella, and the WWE World Championship.
Match Number One: Kofi Kingston and Goldust versus Luke Harper and Erick Rowan
Goldust and Rowan start things off and Goldust gasp in Rowan’s face and then Harper takes off the mask. They lock up and Rowan misses a punch. Goldust with a punch. Rowan with a kick and forearm. Rowan with a shoulder tackle and he tries for a power slam but Goldust gets to his feet and he hits a drop kick. Kofi tags in and they hit a double drop kick and Kofi gets a near fall.
Kofi with a hammer lock but Rowan with an elbow. Kofi tries for a monkey flip but Rowan pushes him away. Kofi with a drop kick and then he leaps into the corner and punches Rowan. Kofi rolls to the mat and he connects with a European uppercut. Goldust tags in and he rakes the back. Harper tags in and he punches Goldust and connects with a European uppercut. Harper with a rake of the eyes but Goldust with a boot and bulldog for a near fall.
Kofi tags in and he goes up top and connects with boots to the arm. Kofi with a kick to the leg and then he blocks a kick from Harper. Kofi with more kicks and he gets a near fall. Harper with a drop kick for a near fall. Rowan tags in and he connects with a forearm to the back. Rowan with a slam.
Kofi tries for a sunset flip but Rowan picks Kofi up. Kofi with a pendulum kick in the corner and both men are down. Harper tries to interfere and Kofi moves. Goldust tags in and he hits a clothesline followed by an uppercut and reverse atomic drop.
Goldust with forearms but Rowan with an Irish whip. Goldust with a boot followed by a rana and power slam but Harper distracts Goldust. Goldust takes care of Harper and then he punches Rowan. We go to commercial.
We are back and Harper with a punch and elbow drops to Goldust. Rowan tags in and Harper with one last elbow drop. Rowan with a leg drop and he gets a near fall. Goldust kicks Rowan but Rowan with a clothesline to the back of the head. Rowan with a reverse chin lock and then he goes for the double atomic noogie. Cody watches the action from the Big E monitor.
Goldust with a back elbow as he comes off the turnbuckles and both men are down. Harper tags in and Harper knocks Kofi off the apron. Harper with an Irish whip but Goldust with a kick and Code Gold but he cannot make the cover. Kofi tags in and he hits a springboard chop and he kicks Rowan off the apron. Kofi with chops and a drop kick followed by a leaping clothesline. Kofi sets for the Boom Drop and he hits it.
Kofi prepares for Trouble in Paradise but Rowan interferes and Kofi with a clothesline. Kofi goes for a springboard move but he is met with a boot from Harper. Harper can only get a near fall. Harper sends Goldust to the floor. Harper picks up Kofi and tries for a German suplex but Kofi lands on his feet. Kofi with a double jump head scissors followed by a flip dive onto Harper.
Kofi rolls Harper back into the ring and he goes up top. Kofi with a cross body for a near fall but Rowan breaks it up. Rowan goes over the top rope to the floor but Harper knocks Goldust off the apron. Kofi with a rollup for a near fall and then he goes for Trouble in Paradise but Harper with a discus lariat for the three count.
Winners: Luke Harper and Erick Rowan
Renee Young is with Rob Van Dam and she brings up what Rob did earlier. She asks Rob if he has any comments. Rob says that everyone knows how cool RVD is. Barrett has confused coolness for weakness. Rob says you don’t measure wins and losses one at a time. You measure them over the length of your career. That is why he is confident in the ring every time. If anyone thinks there is not enough fire burning behind his laid back self. He has some bad news, he is the Whole Damn Show. The title is coming home with RVD.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a Raw Rebound of the closing segment of the show.
Match Number Two: Wade Barrett versus Rob Van Dam for the Intercontinental Title
They lock up and Van Dam with a side head lock. Barrett with forearms to the ribs but Van Dam holds on to the ropes to avoid a Bullhammer. Barrett with a kick and side head lock. Van Dam with a top wrist lock into a side head lock. Van Dam with a shoulder tackle followed by a drop kick for a near fall.
Van Dam with a drop kick into the corner followed by a shoulder and kicks. Van Dam climbs the turnbuckles for punches. Van Dam with a spinning heel kick into the corner and he gets a near fall. Barrett goes to the floor to regroup.
Van Dam with a baseball slide to Barrett and then Van Dam goes to the apron. Van Dam with a cannonball off the apron and both men are down. Van Dam kicks Barrett on the floor and they return to the ring. Van Dam gets a near fall. Van Dam with forearms and shoulders in the corner. Van Dam chokes Barrett in the corner and he kicks Barrett. Barrett with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Van Dam goes up top but Barrett recovers and he pushes Van Dam off the turnbuckles and into the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.
We are back and Barrett with a side head lock but Van Dam with elbows. Van Dam floats over on an Irish whip but Barrett catches him and he kicks Van Dam in the midsection. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett chokes Van Dam in the corner. Barrett has Van Dam in the ropes and Barrett with a series of knees and then he kicks Van Dam and Van Dam is caught in the ropes momentarily before he falls to the floor.
Barrett sends Van Dam into the ring steps and then he sends Van Dam back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Barrett punches Van Dam and Barrett goes to the turnbuckles. Barrett sets for an elbow drop and he connects and gets a near fall. Barrett sends Van Dam into the turnbuckles from the apron and then Barrett with forearms to Van Dam on the top turnbuckle followed by a knee lift for a near fall.
Barrett punches Van Dam in the corner. Barrett with an Irish whip but Van Dam with an elbow. Van Dam goes off the turnbuckles but Barrett with a clothesline for a near fall. Barrett returns to the reverse chin lock. Van Dam with elbows to get out of the hold. Barrett with an Irish whip but he misses a knee in the corner and Barrett falls to the mat.
Both men struggle to get to their feet. Van Dam with clotheslines to Barrett followed by a super kick and then Van Dam with Rolling Thunder for a near fall. Van Dam flips over Barrett’s back but Barrett with the Blackpool Slam for a near fall. Barrett with kicks but Van Dam with punches.
Barrett with an Irish whip but he misses a splash into the corner and Van Dam with a kick that sends Barrett to the mat. Van Dam goes up top and Barrett recovers and crotches Van Dam. Barrett prepares the BullHammer but Cesaro attacks Barrett and hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer.
Winner: Wade Barrett (by disqualification)
After the match, Cesaro kicks Van Dam and hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer on Van Dam.
Paul tells Cesaro that was well done and we go to credits.
We go to credits.

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