Visualizzazioni totali

giovedì 6 novembre 2014


Pretty full at the SSE Arena at Wembley, about 8,000 or so in attendance. Byron Saxton was the ring announcer.
1: Sheamus defeated The Miz (with Damien Mizdow). Very fun opener, Sheamus was popular with the kids, and Mizdow with the adults. Mizdow with the usual wacky antics at ringside. Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick on Miz for the win.
Vince McMahon's apology over the WWE Network delay was played, with most of the fans booing the announcement.
2: Los Matadores & El Torito defeated Slater Gator & Hornswoggle (in his alligator outfit). This was the fan vote match, with 58% voting for a match instead of a dance off. Solid tag match, with Slater and O'Neil hitting some good stuff. Torito hit a plancha on Hornswoggle for the win.
3: Mark Henry defeated Xavier Woods. Total squash. Woods isn't his new character from TV yet. World's Strongest Slam got it done in a couple of minutes.
4: AJ Lee defeated Paige & Nikki Bella in a handicap match. Paige got a very good reaction back home. It was meant to be Brie Bella teaming with AJ, but Nikki ruled that she had to be in her corner. Many CM Punk chants. AJ won with a roll-up on Nikki after Brie distracted her.
5: United States Title Match: The Big Show defeated Rusev (c) (with Lana) via DQ when Rusev hit Show with a steel chair. Good big man matchup to that point, with Rusev getting major heat. Rusev applied the Accolade afterwards, then Mark Henry came in, only for Show to recover and hit the Knockout Punch.
6: Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) defeated Damien Mizdow. Good solid match, but Mizdow isn't proving as fun when he wrestles as opposed to imitating The Miz. Swagger won with the Patriot Lock.
7: Big E & Kofi Kingston defeated Erick Rowan & Luke Harper. Fine tag match, though these two teams being off TV kind of hurt it a bit. Kingston pinned Rowan after Trouble in Paradise, then Xavier Woods came out to celebrate with Big E and Kofi.
Saxton announced that WWE will return to London on April 13th and 14th 2015 at the O2 Arena for RAW and SmackDown tapings.
8: John Cena defeated Seth Rollins in a Street Fight. Cena promised to secure WrestleMania for London before Rollins attacked him to start the match. The fans were a lot more positive towards Cena than normal in London, which was down to a lot more children being there. Rollins got great heat in egging the fans on with his mic work and gestures. Many weapons were used, and Cena won with an Avalanche Attitude Adjustment on Rollins through a table.

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