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lunedì 16 febbraio 2009

No Way Out Report

WWE No Way Out PPV match-by-match coverage - Smackdown title changes hands; Edge wins Raw chamber PDF Print E-mail

Dave@wrestlingobserver.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Welcome to our live coverage of the WWE's No Way Out PPV from the Key Arena in Seattle. We're looking for your thoughts on the show, so you can leave a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle along with a best and worst match to dave@wrestlingobserver.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Believe it or not, we're opening with the main event, the Smackdown elimination chamber match with Undertaker, Show, HHH, Edge, Jeff Hardy and Vladimir Kozlov.

Edge vs. Jeff are the first two in. So weird to see Undertaker and HHH working an opener.

Edge lost the title already as Jeff pinned him with an inside cradle in 2:59.

The match came down to HHH vs. Undertaker with both kicking out of the others' finishers, and HHH getting his foot on the ropes after a tombstone, until HHH pinned Undertaker clean with a pedigree in nearly 36:00. One of the best opening matches in WWE PPV history, particularly the last ten minutes when it came down to HHH, Undertaker and Hardy. Before that, Kozlov nearly ruined the match all by his lonesome.

Undertaker pinned Kozlov with a last ride. Jeff pinned Show after a superplex by Undertaker, pedigree by HHH and a swanton off the top of a pod by Hardy.

Undertaker pinned Jeff clean with a tombstone, leaving HHH vs. Undertaker as the final.

They called HHH's belt the most coveted belt in WWE.

Edge wants the match started over again. Not happening right now.

Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton is next

Another long match. Real good here. Finish was Shane going for the punt and Orton got out of the way and hit the RKO for the pin. Shane did a lot of stunts including a coast-to-coast dropkick on Cody Rhodes. Shane pretty much laid out Rhodes & DiBiase. He came off the top rope onto Orton (bleeding bad from a TV monitor shot) who was on the Smackdown announcers table (which explains the only Smackdown match going first) but Orton moved. Orton told DiBiase to take Rhodes to the back. Shane used a series of chair shots to set up the punt spot, which led to the finish.

Jack Swagger vs. Fit Finlay for ECW title is up

Nothing much to the match. Swagger pushed Finlay into the ropes and Hornswoggle took a bump and "injured his ankle." Finlay never actually hit Hornswoggle so they had to cover by saying the intertia of the ropes or something is why Hornswoggle took the bump. Swagger used a doctor bomb for the pin.

Shane is in and out of consciousness and Stephanie left to the dreaded nearby medical facility

Shawn Michaels vs. JBL in a match to determine whether this angle will last forever or not

Whisper (Rebecca Hickenbottom) of the Nitro girls is constantly being shown at ringside. Angle alert, and I don't mean Kurt.

Slow match with JBL dominating until Rebecca punched JBL. Michaels then made the big comeback with the elbow off the top and superkick for the clean pin. Crowd was into the last 2:00, and big post match pop as Michaels kissed his wife and they left together. But for Shawn Michaels on PPV, way below usual standards. This angle is over.

Raw elimination chamber match ends the show, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jeicho, Kofi Kingston, Mike Knox and the other Kane

How many of you have the sound of visuals off in the Jericho interview? DirecTV has it off.

They're teasing doing the Jericho thing for the Scramble again as Edge destroyed Kofi Kingston with a chair shot and jumped into his pod, so he's in the match. That should lead to Cena vs. Edge at the end here.

Edge won the championship pinning Mysterio with a spear in almost 30:00. Excellent match. Smackdown has both belts. Should be a good finish to build curiosity for tomorrow.

Mysterio pinned Kane first with a Thesz press of the top of the pod after a 619 by Mysterio and codebreaker by Jericho

Jericho pinned Knox with a codebreaker

Edge pinned Cena with a spear after a codebreaker by Jericho

Mysterio pinned Jericho after a springboard huracanrana turned into the Walls, turned into a front rolling cradle for the three.

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